
Hannah Bethany™

Ask @hannahbethany97

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Who is the most beautiful woman?

I don't think there is a definition of one most beautiful woman... but to me the most beautiful woman I know is probably my mums sister, auntie Debbie.
She's always there for me, for my mum, for my brothers and even my dad (despite the fact my parents are divorced). She refuses to put up with shit, she's made a life for herself and is so successful. She'll help anyone who needs it, and she will always help me out. She spoils us rotten but she'll tell us when we're out of line and just generally she is probably the most steady role model in my life so yeah.

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thoughts on jhymon?

honestly? I think he's an amazing guy. he's sweet, he's considerate and respectful, he's so athletically talented both in soccer and pretty much any other sport he tries. He's always understanding and hes really intelligent. he is really attractive but in my opinion his personality outweighs that so yeah.

What would you do if one of those three who you find attractive were to ask you out?? (this isn't the person who was on last night)

well two out of three I would probs say yes but I would like to get to know them better first because I wouldn't date someone solely because of looks, coz otherwise a relationship gets boring and it's not great.

So u have a six pack

um not really just a flat tummy you can feel the like lines of definition tho I guess and after I run I have a 4 pack? it's weird haha

Put a flexibility video up

I'll do my back one when I get home Monday night or Tuesday! I'm sorry I cant upload any on ma phone! :(

Hottest grade 9s

boys- don't really know any but Alex and Will, Zac
pretty girls- Taylor, Kelsie, Maddie um heaps more!

Who are the 5 most friendly girls at Mt Maria?

I dont know maybe ones I'm not close too really - Elise, Gaby, Amelia, Elli and maybe Charlee?
Liked by: Charlee Jo

Who are the 5 most friendly guys out of Mt Maria?

Connor, Shaun, Jhymon, Joseph, Callum, Connor B, Ethan, Alex there's so many!

Who are the 5 most attractive guys out of the whole of mt maria?

um.... well... through a complication of events I dont want to say in case I offend someone sorry.

Who have you become most close too since the start of this school year?

Connor or maybe Jhymon? idk


Language: English