
Hannah Bethany™

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not even funny....

you're just too exited to realise the full extent of that statement's hilarity!

do you think spiderman is real?

yes. and I think he wants your babies too... dont tell him I told you, it's our littke secret

Can you recommend anything to read?

a book? no Zamba by Ralph Helfer is the best book I have ever read

wow i dont really understand why people have to be so mean and rude on this ask.fm thing like seriously do people have nothing better to do then be dick heads..... just ignore the bullshit hannah

that I dont understand either, but hey it doesnt upset me so I'm not fussed :) Thank you lovely x

year 9's you want to get to know better? any school

umm hmmm pheobe, leo, all the nebo crew um Jessie, idk any other year nines really so I guess all of them!

You annoy the shit out of me...

thanks mate :) what do I do specifically to 'annoy the shit' out of you? please let me know so I can change whatever I am doing that irritates you because I must live my life to impress you and meet your expectations. so please advise me as to what I have done wrong! :)


a guy who is not only the sweetest, most caring guy but also is hilarious and gives the best cuddles

how many people have you hooked up with

define hooked up? put it this way I've only ever kissed 2 guys.

ummmmm not 100% what that means so im just gonna go back to my statement I am mature!!!

work on your vocabulary then mate!

i didnt ask that question but i am mature!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

haha I'm not saying that you aren't but psychologically it's a proven fact girls mature faster than their male counterparts.

thought on a 14 year old going out with a 17 year old

in mental maturity thats probably like equal age coz guys dont mature as fast as girls, and as long as he doesnt take advantage of her or treat her badly then it's fine in my opinion!

would you jump in front of a bus for a stranger?

yeah but I'd probably warn them beforehand so it wouldnt come to that

would you ever go scuber diving?

in an instant! especially earound the great barrier reef or a shipwreck!


Language: English