
Hannah Bethany™

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Ok theres more than one person here that likes you, this makes it confusing

I think I have it understood... I think... but I don't think they all 'like' me haha

if anyone's screwing you around tell them to piss off no one deserves to be treated that way especially not you your really nice :)

haha not quite thay simple, feelings don't work that way. But like seriously going from one day being really sweet and 'cuddly' to the next being ignored like boy grow up learnt how to communicate and not be a dick haha. but thank you anon

umm i'm the same person as last night

exactly why I'm asking for more information... did we talk today?

You're actually really attractive and j can't wait to see you at school tomorrow :))))

you're really sweet and I can't wait to find out who you are :)

male species is a bit mean don't you think. we aren't all that bad......

someone prove that to me, I'm sick of being screwed around by boys. because if they treat people that way they're clearly not men.
but no not all guys are like that :)

do you have a 10 year plan. if so what is it??

- get new job at a chemist or doctors practice (in reception or something) and get my cert 3 in flabotomy (taking blood, like red cross people).
-Get my learners and subsequently P's
-Run a half marathon next July.
-Work my butt off for the next two and a half years at school and get a good enough op for either medicine and my biology degree
-then study medicine, and eventually become a doctor.
-save from part time work to pay for uni and maybe a house deposit.
Somewhere during this 10 year's it would also be amazing to finally get to the part of puberty where you get hot and find an amazing guy... but we'll see what happens x

no its not what you do, its just the 2 year level difference

well that's fair. do we talk? have we ever talked? there'd only be a year difference age wise, I'm 16. can you tell me more about you?

well i sorta like you, its on and off

oh? what makes it on and off? is it something I'm doing? your decisions? are we in the same grade at mmc? :)

that is the sexiest picture of you in your bikini you just put up. that is you right. cause i love that your all pink and furry

hahaha I think it's pree attractive


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