
Hannah Bethany™

Ask @hannahbethany97

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What annoys you the most?

Don't get me started! When people are immature! Like grow up! Don't be a kid because you're actually not. Be responsible and accountable for your own behavior!
Oh, and also when I run out of shampoo. That ticks me off.
Liked by: Brooke

What do you most value in your friends?

Non-bitchy / judgemental behaviours, not jumping to conclusions, understanding, being kind, being upfront!

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Who do you trust most in your life?

Not anyone really, bitches come and bitches go, I haven't had anyone I felt I could fully depend on and talk openly about everything with for a long while.

You and Callum are pretty cute together...just sayin! (I know there's no relationship) Would make pretty babies! ;)

oh. my. gawd... hahahhahahahhahahhaha

want to have bets on where we think we will be tomorrow night? I'm thinking you inside right, me outside left.

I second that bet! :P I also bet I'll only fall over once
Liked by: Michael Livermore

does that help?

not a great deal... but I'm heading to sleep so I shall ponder my confusion as I rejuvenate!

that might or might not be correct

I'm going with the former. So you're Male and you either have brown hair and blue eyes, or you're blonde.

how can you know if we're friends, if you don't know who i am?

I could probably take a fair guess though...

trust me, anyone who is my friend knows that I'm not that great!

I'm your friend, I think you're great!

everyone deserves to have a friend who is as caring, kind, generous and perfect as you xx

you're an amazing friend x

you deserve such an amazing life, with a perfect boyfriend, friends, family and job, I honestly hope that you find that one day xx

I love you so much right now. This is perfect, thank you :) x


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