
Hannah Bethany™

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biggest lie people say?

stepmum: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to go through your entire room, I'm just really observant.
yeah as if

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name a friend that doesn't take shit from anybody, reasons why?

Sam Leatham. she's learned that pitting up with bullshit will get you no where. one of the most beautiful girls and always strong for everyone else. she puts 100% effort into every one of her endeavors and is always rewarded with results that's reflect the effort she puts in.
Liked by: Georgie Matthews


**Anatomy (reproductive anatomy)
the polite way of saying penis, using correct and extended vocabulary so as not to sound dirty or vulgar

Who do you know or think would have a big penis? Initials if you want

My interest and care factor to this statement is zero. None of my business, nor do I have any interest in the size of various males' reproductive anatomy.

Heyy, is it wrong if i ask someone to the movies and they say yes but then cancel and i ask someone else ?

Don't think so, unless you're leading them on - which is a dick thing to do. If you have romantic intentions with person 1 and they cancel and you invite a friend - all G! But if you're trying to get with both of them, no -_-

if you could give one guy as an example of your perfect man who would it be ?

Cameron... He's always there to make me laugh, smile, try and support me in every way, if I have a question I can always ask him and he doesn't push me to talk about things I find uncomfortable. He's always considerate and cuddly and I'm so lucky because he spoils me rotten
Liked by: Dane Adams

thoughts on suicidal people/people who cut?

They've gone through not only a hard time in life but have been strong for so long that they feel unable to deal with the pressures of life, society and the burden of living. It's not a choice, but a last resort to try and fix what is wrong... and in some cases, ultimately that means feeling the need to no longer be alive or to put themselves through self induced pain through cutting.
It's not right that anyone should have to feel that way, and there is always support, through friends family and councilors - all people who love you. My inbox is always open and I'll always try to help xx

Roses are red and also thorny, when i talk to you i get kinda... corny you dirty motherfucker...

hahahahahaa! First smile tonight = caused by this!

Who were your past bestfriends?

There were a few people I was really close to grade 8 and 9 and from cheer, but especially Ashley, Alex, Skye, Brooke, and a few others x
Liked by: Alex Russell


Language: English