
Hannah Bethany™

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What type of condom do you prefer cause im going to come prepared when i see you these holidays!!!!!

hahaha oh yeah? You're coming to see me? Where are you coming from coz I'm going to Adelaide. I don't know what type of condoms I like haha... I don't want to have sex with you so um nah.

I'm well thanks yeah it's cold here in nsw where I lived I'm in my onesie.. Any plans for the weekend?

Ah onesie's are amazing! Best invention in world history!
I'm working so I'm so happy! What are your plans?

Put a heater on you spaz!

Onsie + blanket + heater + socks + blankie = Still cold.
I want someone to cuddle haha! I can't cuddle mummy coz she's busy! :(

https://www.facebook.com/s.p.rudge send him hate! He deseveres to be dead. Everyone hates, him & you should to. He self harms himself & thinks about killing himself everyday. Send him hate, & I will be most great full. Oh, & he is ugly and fat. Just send him hate pleaze!

What kind of fuckwhit are you?! I swear to god if i knew who you are I would rip you apart. No-one deserves hate. they don't deserve that at all. He probably thinks about killing himself and self harming because of you. You're pathetic.
He isn't ugly or fat; but your personality most certainly is. Go fuck yourself.

YEAH LEAVE HER ALONE YOU PERVERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you! <3

well whos the person in which youd like to say "i like you" too you????

I shan't be disclosing this publically :) so if you have the balls to ask me off anonymous then I may tell you. Maybe.

"i love you" so you dont want any of that????

Probably not... Because there's about 3 randoms who do that already and it's a lil awkward. They're nice though.

no im asking if i gave you my kik, would you message me????

I don't know... If you're not creepy or won't message me telling me you love me then sure, probably!

well the last ones useless cause everyone i know enjoys sleeping, i bet you do as well. as far as i know your in love with your self!!

Are you kidding me? Wow... You know nothing then. Opposite actually, I despise that person. But yes everyone enjoys sleeping that's the idea... So it doesn't narrow down who it could or could not be.


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