
Hannah Bethany™

Ask @hannahbethany97

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so what, you just leave that unclean and gross?

no of course not! mine doesn't gross me out, but just the idea of them eww

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What is your favorite type of sushi?

unagi mmm yum... it's teriyaki marinated eel for those who don't eat lots of sushi ;)

do you like listen to music to past the time when running?

o only have shocking headphones, so I've actually never done a run to music :/ I want to though!!

Do you have any regrets?

no, none. I don't believe in regrets. if you've made a mistake theb you Lear from it, move on, and better yourself for the next time. If you regret something you're only punishing yourself, because even if you've done something stupid that you question why you did it, there's an opportunity to learn and improve.

might be a silly question but do you run all the time?

define all the time? usually at least five times a week and anywhere from 4k (if I'm running with Dad) to 15+k... on average about 6-10 k is a good run for me though haha

im fine...... just bored..... i ask about some of the things you mentioned however it sounds private so im just gonna say that sucks..... :/

well thank you (:
once school goes back you'll be bored no more!

Who is the best musician and/or singer in your school or that you've heard is really good?

Lockie Murdoch is amazing on guitar! thought that since year 8 and he is so musically gifted!
Liked by: Lockie Murdoch

im okay and lets make it indepth

in depth well... my parents don't trust me and refuse to let me have a life in terms of making some decisions and feel the need to monitor every aspect if my life and don't realise they're the reason for me being stressed and struggling haha . how about you? share with me in-depth?


Language: English