
Hannah Bethany™

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yeah soccer is the best good choice

it so is! hopefully I get to go watch a game tomorrow... hopefully!

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what sport to you like more rugby or soccer?

soccer... definately soccer. idk what it is but soccer players are always attractive and have the sweetest personalities and give the best cuddles

Well I have to say your pretty hot to be in grade 10

um thanks? :) haha I'm 16 tho coz I started school in Canberra and theyre a year older there haha. who are you?

oi I don't need your sass, and year 11 is a leadership camp...yay

well I gave you sass damn come at me bro!

How was camp?

freaking amazing and fantastic and wonderful and so fun and I hope we can do it all again next year!

Whom with and where was your first kiss?

with a guy on a balcony... but second kiss was so much better with a guy in his arms

If I was to say with a girl "I just wanna be mates again" and she replys "mm" WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN?!

that means you screwed up majorly at some point in time

You are very pretty and you are the nicest, kindest person i have ever meet. :)

aw thank you (: x can you talk to me off anon?

DUHHH. I meant base wise.

well when I used to play baseball I got home once and I was proud coz I ran all the way there without falling over!

What about like Jai Emerson and Tom those kinda guys "hot" haha

um I dont view any of then that way.. Jai is like a brother, Emerson is funny and Tom is a freaking comedian! haha best fun!

What were the guys like in your camp group?

at times they crossed the line and took jokes too far but all the rest of the time they were lovely, freaking hilarious and motivating! haha

why wear g-strings to camp? Yes they are comfy, but camp was survival and its a bit attention seeking.

are you fucking kidding me? I wear them running too. if I find them comfortable I can wear them wherever and whenever I want. it was plain, not pretty, plain and comfortable and happens to be the same one I ran cross country in. so bite me.


Language: English