
Hannah Bethany™

Ask @hannahbethany97

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Maybe I should start to get to know you better then :) I hope we do become friends, you're really cool in PC :)

I would like that! all 4 of you are cool and so whoever this is hopefully I'll talk to you tomorrow :)

Would you like to get to know these people better? If so who of the four below?

I guess all of them! I don't know them particularly well :)

Thoughts on Lucie t-w, angus L, Sam v, Georgie Mathews? Each individually please :3

Lucie is such a good role model, lovely personality, always bubbly and in a good mood but don't know her particularly well :)
Angus is really really good at running, very enthusiastic and seems pretty dedicated don't know him particularly well either but sports camp was fun :)
Sam is really cool, him and Georgie are incredibly funny during pc, seems really lovely and all up cool
Georgie is out there! Great memories from cheer and pc... autocad ;) never dropped her haha

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nah we don't talk on fb, but my name was in a question, just inbox me

Does is start with C, J, M, T or L???

I like you, heres some clues, my name was brought up in a question, and year 12 at mmc

hmm... Do we speak and stuff? Over facebook or anything???

Just as we go to classes but I don't really see you during lunch :/ and yeahh maybe :/

Well I'd strongly encourage you to come off anon.. I won't publish it if you don't want lovely

Well I am in year 12 at MMC, we don't really talk but we have had sometimes :) I see you basically everyday haha

oh? when do we see each other?? if we don't talk then maybe you should change that lovely :)

Ahh I want to tell you big how? Is there something that I can do? See we aren't that close friends :/ and I'm not in your grade, so I highly doubt there would be any point in telling you cause it will just embarrass me :/

well what grade are you in lovely? I'm not awkward and I'm not going to flaunt your identity. please can you tell me or give me some clues? do we talk often? x

Thought on Angus Lambe, Lachy Raineri, and Ben Bliss?

Angus is in my pc and really cool, great runner, but don't know the others I'm sorry!

thoughts on that sam kid (aids)

I'm going to write a short one because one does not simply condense Sam into a smattering of words.. but I shall attempt to.
Sam, you're the type of friend everyone dreams of having. I can share anything with you. you're understanding, intelligent, insightful, hilarious and you lift my mood when I'm down. I love you so much and all the jokes we have and generally how great you a're to be around. Our dnms, lack of concentration in history, mutual love of tumblr and how amazing you are all combine but still do not define how great a friend you are x

You wouldn't believe me if I told you who I was. So I'll just keep it a secret :P But seriously, don't change for anyone or anything! Your beautiful, amazing, and are so pretty! Absolutely amazing body and I'm glad Im a guy to see all this :))

oh my goodness you have no
idea how much I'm smiling. this is really lovely and sweet but please could you tell me?? please? xx I promise I'll believe you

And you got such an amazing body!! Your probably my dream girl haha :)

Oh my goodness who is this? You're really lovely this made my night. Pretty please can you inbox me or snapchat me or something??? xx


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