
Hannah Bethany™

Ask @hannahbethany97

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No i don't have any interests such as that, that's someone else we know.

ok then sweetie I am confused as a poodle.

who do you think i am then??

Well, do you have an interest in activities such as trampolines and hide and seek in the rain?

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what if all i want is to find out if you might possibly like me back?

That would be difficult seeing as i don't know who you are... But i think i do, I'm just not entirely sure.

If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?

A car and an unlimited supply of sleepy bear tea!

What would you do if i told you that i liked you but i didn't have the guts to tell you, in fear that you would reject me or have friend zoned me?

I don't know what i would say, if we're friends, we're friends for a reason but i honestly don't know. To be honest you could do so much better anyway lovely. x

Five people that you have gotten to know more this year?

Connor, Jhymon, Bri, Holly, Sam Lorimer and Conner Brazel!
Liked by: Samuel

can a gay guy and a straight guy be friends without it being awkward?

yeah of course! sexuality shouldn't define friendships!
Liked by: Korbyn

What makes a good man?

There's not real definition of that. But a real man is not someone that is stuck up or expects people to meet his standards. A real man will love the person he is with with all his heart, be them a man or a women. He wouldn't cheat, or even think about other people because he would respect and love his partner with all his heart. A real man is someone you can come and see when you've had a bad day and just collapse in their arms, content in the fact that they would sit there and cuddle you for hours. A real man isn't afraid to cry, and a real woman would wipe away their tears. A real man will muck around with you, let you win at pillow fights, hug you for no reason and before he leaves look into your eyes and tell you how much you mean to him and then kiss you on the forehead. A real man will help you when you need it and offer to help even when you don't. A real man knows that you love him regardless of his body, whether he has abs or muscles doesn't matter because he's enough of a man not to need those things to impress you. He'd bring tea and cuddle you early in the morning and put up with the constant gossiping or go shopping with you for hours on end just because he knows it makes you happy. A real man doesn't care about other people's opinion, only yours. x

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If you could be invisible for one hour, where would you go and what you would you do?

I would go and find out what people thought of me


Language: English