
Hannah Bethany™

Ask @hannahbethany97

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what do you think about people who don;t support gay marriage?

Well it depends on whether they don't support gay marriage, or whether they don't support being gay in general.
If they don't support gay marriage because of religious reasons, fine. It's still deplorable, but so be it.
If, however, they don't support being gay - those who are attracted to the same gender - then i think they're arrogant, narrow-minded and have a very limited viewpoint. It really shows they obviously have no regard for anyone other than themselves.

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If you could invent a holiday what would it be?

somewhere, tropical - a mixture of days where the sun is out, shining to it's fullest potential over pristine beaches, and the other days where the sky is clouded over and releasing cool droplets of rain over the earth. Somewhere where there are rainforests, where you can lie in a hammock underneath a shelter and watch the rain roll in, seeing the droplets splash into leaves and hear the sounds of waterfalls. A place that isn't ruined by others, somewhere that noone else is.
Omg the image of perfection

What's your favorite styles of movies? (Sci-Fi, Animation, Comedy, Romance, Thriller and Horror)

Rom com
or action comedy

Who would be your top 5 would date guys if they asked you out? (use initials if you want)

Caitlin Druery
Sam Leatham
Sarah Baldwin
Teresa Burke
Cara Delevigne
Mirander Kerr
Liked by: Caitlin Druery

One interesting thing most people don't know about you?

I have boundless energy, I love to run, I like baths, I love to draw and create, I love working

Have you ever seen cum?

1. n. Semen
2. v. To orgasm
3. a whitish fluid excreted from the penis as a result of an orgasm
Usage Note: the word is spelled with a 'u' to differentiate it from 'come,' which has a... cleaner definition.
What is an ejaculation
Liked by: Caitlin Druery

People you miss talking to?

many people!
the girls, people I was close to in year 8 and 9...
if you're someone in particular wanting me to mention your name or something inbox me at some stage
Liked by: Sam Vivanti

top 10 guys at mmc

Phill Smith
Jerry Smith
Lance Smith
Jay-d Smith
Ray Smith
Connor, Sheldon, Alex, Sam, heaps more
actually no, not heaps... select few
Liked by: Sam Vivanti

How did you celebrate New Year's Eve?

dying my hair... mum didn't realise it was permanent when she said yes hahahaha!


Language: English