
Hannah Bethany™

Ask @hannahbethany97

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Who would you most enjoy to have sex with at mmc? (You said honesty hour. So dont lie!)

Currently, the thought of sex doesn't really appeal to me. Sorry guys.

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Thoughts on people in your grade?

Alot of them are stupid, alot of them are immature but also alot of them are lovely, interesting and incredibly talented at either sport, academics, art or just being wonderful people.
Liked by: Samuel

thoughts on jessie dickson......?

Gorgeous girl, has the most amazing hair like oh my goodness! Lovely personality, very outgoing and determined, funny but haven't really spoken a great deal since primary x

Who do you respect the most?

my mums sister, auntie Debbie.
She's always there for me, for my mum, for my brothers and even my dad (despite the fact my parents are divorced). She refuses to put up with shit, she's made a life for herself and is so successful. She'll help anyone who needs it, and she will always help me out. She spoils us rotten but she'll tell us when we're out of line and just generally she is probably the most steady role model in my life so yeah. I have so much respect for the life she's made for herself and just the general vibe she has. x

The only way I will ever get someone in my life is if I start acting like someone different. The reason's why im saying this is because people dont like my personality, and im starting to think the same thing. :(

There is no use me telling you just to like yourself, because it's almost impossible. People look at the good in others but we focus on the flaws of our own - that's just who we are. But I will tell you this:
You are loved. You are liked. Your personality is that one thing that defines you (not looks, social status or anything else). And the sooner that you learn to realise how amazing and intriguing your personality is already, the better lovely. But I like you

i like you ? i dont know? just visiting your ask makes me want to like you ? hahaha thanks for liking but unfortuanately i couldnt give you a like based on you but you seem cool ? haha have a good night :)

Vaaiga Tuigamala
Liked by: Samuel

wait is that anon serious is he really gay? hannah probs knows who this is aha

hahaha. I actually don't know if the anon was serious... he didn't seem gay when he sat in my face :/ (inside joke) hahaha

who are the hottest year 12 boys at mount maria? even if you're not friends with them.

Um I've been scanning facebook trying to find names! Callum Ryan, Jordan Watson, Mikey, Toby Ayling, Locky Murdoch

No a use it would weird you out and I enjoy our friendship

I don't ever get weirded out try me. Plus I'm not awkward about stuff but if you don't wanna share that's ok :)

I love how you actually smile in photos it's so much more attractive than duck face

why thank you :) I have like odd shaped lips though so my duck face looks like an actual duck... Dad and I have the same lips so we 'duck face' together in photos and my stepmum tells us it's our cats bum lips ha

why'd you delete the picture?

coz I wanted to. you know when you relook at a photo and then go ew? well yeah you got a problem with that?


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