
Hannah Bethany™

Ask @hannahbethany97

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congratulations on getting the job. but what is the Goove Train?

Thank you! It's a restaurant, near grill'd and Gilhouley's bar haha

cutest thing cam ever did to you??

He organised this treasure hunt and each note led to another note that had something written on it that i didnt know about him... And then he left me flowers by surprise at my front door when i came back from holiday.. He wins the cute and romantic and perfect awards hands down xx

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What are you up to tonight? Wanna catch up?

I'd love to, but I have a job interview! yay!!!
when did you want to catch up?? x and who are you??!

As a athletic person and a top rider for my sport getting hurt happens a lot, well it happened just had surgery on my acl and had it rebuilt.. If u were in my position what would u do to stay positive and keep pushing forward ? ~Colton

Colton of course you should! every injury you get, despite being told otherwise, you always seem to push forward. you always still succeed and you're always the same talented athlete that surpasses even the highest expectations. Go for it!

what do you mean bad memories?

Well it was 'my song' and then when I went through a tough stage and was involved with someone it became 'our song'... I still love the song and they're not bad memories necessarily, I just don't particularly want to be reminded of them haha, and moves like jagger brings back those memories

what is your favorite song by Maroon 5?

Well it was moves like jagger, but that has some bad memories attached to it..
So probably Sunday Morning, Harder to Breathe or This Love... actually couldn't decide. What's yours?

miley cyrus? really? why? but Maroon 5 is awesome

Some of her stuff before was pretty good, and tbh I am jealous of her body (not the way she portrays herself though)...

what kind of music do you like?

all sorts! artist like one republic, avicii, train, maroon 5, miley cyrus, rihanna, lovee lady gaga, some 90's, 80's rock, dance/ techno... anything upbeat and fun to move to

What's the best why for a guy to ask out girl on date, because I'm a guy and I really like this girl but I don't know who to ask her help me please?

well depends on many factors but here's some ideas
1. surprise her, when youre about to hug her have a note in your pocket or behind your back so once she hugs you she feels it and write 'will you be my girlfriend' or something on it..
2. take her somewhere romantic or meet her somewhere romantic and put your arm around her as your overlooking a lovely scene and ask her then
3. flowers and a note
4.a treasure hunt of notes is pre cute and then youre the main prize, once she finds you then ask her
5. (again more notes!) if it's at school hide a note in her pencil case or in her locker and hide around the corner, once she finds it and reads it come out and present yourself for the answer - yes or no
6. pickup lines such as 'do you feel this teeshirt? it's made of boyfriend material' or 'you know who would be cute together? you and me' or 'what's your relationship status? single? not anymore'
7. chocolate will win over almost every girl on the planet, unless she has allergies
8. of your musical, right her or sing her or play her a song - guys will give you shit but I guarantee that will always always always work
9. tell her she's beautiful and she'll say yes
10. write her a poem
11. organise something like an activity she's interested in and take her to that the ask her. you'll earn brownie points because she'll realise you genuinely care about her
12. tell her truthfully how you feel about her
Remember, the corny-er the better. As long as you're not lying, girls find corny, cute and romantic ideas so attractive and a massive turn on.

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what can a guy/girl do to win you over?

Well Cameron kisses my neck, cuddles me, buys me flowers and doesn't expect me to be perfect... that won me over
Liked by: Maddy Hogan


Language: English