
Hannah Bethany™

Ask @hannahbethany97

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Haha don't act like a slowpoke now! i think i got my last spanking around the age of 14! was yours also around that age?

Nah after my parents separated neither of them spanked us anymore! That was at about 12 for me I think! Either that or I was just a good kid ;)

If you could have one wish what would you wish for?

It's a tie between wishing I had long legs, wishing I was skinny, wishing I could make a difference where it's needed.
But the two last wishes I can achieve if I work for them

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Haha me too! xD it's cool to talk to you! i think i got my last spanking for talking back around the age of 14 HAHA! when was the last time you got a spanking by your parents?

Spanning hmm I don't remember ... I think when I started laughing when they did it that they stopped! I got hit last year but that was unrelated haha

Have you ever gotten a BARE bottom spanking for misbehaving? (stings like hell!)

Hahahaha um probably when I was like 3? I used to get the wooden spoon

you ever think about previous relationships

Yes, I do... They're memories, some of which good others bad. I don't miss them though, but I do think about it. Which isn't a bad thing

yes it is a great quality to possess. its why people trust you more than most

I don't think that many people trust me, but thank you :)

How is it that you can always be relied upon for an honest opinion, if only more people were as honest and open as you are!!

Thank you... :) I think that's a good thing?

Why don't you just get back into the kitchen woman

Because I'm studying right now... Or procrastinating
I'll cook tonight you sexiest misogynist

I don't appreciate being objectified. Just because I'm a man doesn't mean I'm an object in your little game of life

Which is amusing because I'm not objectifying you, I'm pointing out that females are more mature... Which is evident by the fact that you didn't comprehend what I was getting at

Is there scientific proof of this Hannah? Is there proof that girls develop faster than boys?

There's consistent psychology research that shows that generally girls mature at a faster rate than boys do. That doesn't mean girls aren't immature, its just their perception on situations that are incredibly different to guys.

How are age differences viewed in relationships at high school? What is your opinion of the matter?

Well personally, during high school the largest age gap possible is between a year 8 and 12 student, and developmentally, I see that as a little inappropriate. During the senior years (10 and over), I don't think there's any issues with dating someone older than you - male or female. For girls especially, they mature earlier and dating an older guy puts you both at the same developmental stage. Oh wow I sound like my mother

you accidentally pressed a 1 there, i know what you meant though

Why are you so volatile and unlovely towards him?


Gorgeous, talented at everything athletics, especially gymnastics, you're so enthusiastic and happy and bubbly and lovely!

Are you only with Cal for his brother?

haha what? Yeah man you got me, despite the fact I'm more than two years older than him, the fact he has a girlfriend, the fact that he's my boyfriend's brother... yep

What's your favourite thing about Callum, if you can only name one?

I don't think there's really a single thing.. but there are some standout things about him!
He's so so sweet, always has something lovely to say.
When he laughs, he has this massive smile that just spreads across his face.. it's infectious.
He's so enthusiastic and competitive.
He has massive hands - they're nice to hold.
He's incredibly attractive...
There's a million more, but only he needs to know :)

Hannah, don't let them drag you down. Pieces of shit telling you they're gonna kill themselves, and yet come back to keep it going? Do it or don't do it - Just don't let someone else think they could have saved you and make their life miserable too.

Thank you, but I don't entirely agree. I'd prefer people to message me properly so I can actually help rather than anon on here, but if someone's in a fragile mental state I don't think its my place to judge their actions when they feel like thaf ... but thank you x


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