
Hannah Bethany™

Ask @hannahbethany97

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What's your snapchat????????????????????????????????

it is: ifyou'resendingnudes.youcanfuckoff :)

Hug a person u havent hugged before or hardly ever hug, thats a great friend at mmc

idk I dont really hug that many people aha so I guess everyone

If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?

a car, a house, some Nikes and then donate some and then go overseas

Where would you like to spend your holiday?

either tropical island with someone to cuddle or with family or friends

If you could enlarge any part of your body, what would it be?

my boobies! I miss being an E cup :( wahh or if I could make my legs longer- I'd be happy with either of those

What's the first thing you notice in a person of the opposite gender?

not body, not hair not clothes or anything like that. definately smile and hands haha idk why.

This is probs just my opinion but you and Connor are like perfect for each other

well I dont know, but thank you for your input :)

Would you ever fall for a friend if you felt a special connection between you and them? Even if you had never considered it before?

yeah of course! to be honest the last guy I dated we were best friends and even after he asked me out I didnt like him in that way but then it just kindof changed. of course I'd consider daring a friend but right now at this point in time I value all my friendships far to much to want to jeopardize them in any way. but idk

If you were to change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

my legs make them longer or my nose make it smaller.


Language: English