
Hannah Bethany™

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How long do you have to wait before you say " I Love You" to your girlfriend (I'm a guy btw)

I don't think there's a time - it's a feeling and there's no time frame for that

what is your tumblr... if you have one that is?

I do but it's a private one, secret stuff (:no-one knows about it other than me (:

Oh haha fair enough! We all have those nights. You just gotta learn our limits from them!

you give sound advice! :)

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Wait so hang on, you had your drink spiked at the post right?

no, I didn't realise how much I had. it wasn't anyone's fault other than my own

My brother got alcohol poisoning and my best mate has got it too, not a big deal.

To me it is, given my decisions were stupid, but thank you for the reassurance x
Liked by: Caitlin Druery

if you dont mind me asking, what have you done to "screw up" or should i say what mistake you made, dont anwser if you dont want just curious

inbox me and I'll tell you, I was stupid

nah should be good haha thanks though and i disagree with people that are getting upset with decisions that you've made it really shouldn't matter to them its your life not theres.

People judge, I don't mind anymore tbh, but thank you

thank you for using the word 'thus' helped me in an assignment :)

hahahahaha you're welcome, need any more vocab?

to those talking trash about Hannah's personal life, just remember that it's HER life and not yours so, it's not necessary for every freakin thought that crosses your mind to be expressed!!! If Hannah's happy, that's fantastic, but it does not mean you have to go and be douche at every opportunity!!

you are wonderful, thank you

your standard of exceptional is pretty low then

It amuses me the different perceptions people have of my decisions... Exceptional makes me happy - I'm pretty happy right now (:

why do you date faggots?

I don't, I only date exceptional guys.
Besides, the general consensus is that 'faggots' are gay, and given I'm a female, that would make them heterosexual - not gay! Thus, rendering your point invalid...

Hannah. I know the rumours make you feel so shitty. But it was just one mistake, literally everyone is just getting upset for no reason. Everyone's just criticising you for something they have gone through as well. It's stupid. You are so much better than them.

This actually means alot, thank you
but I still screwed up beyond measure and that's not ok. no matter what I say or do I can't change that, so I'll try and redeem myself... fingers crossed I can
Liked by: Samuel

what's the story behind that picture with shaun and mikey???

um I got tackled and attacked with whipped cream pretty much thats about it!

Not really, nobody really cares about it tbh. Lots of people do it and that's that.

oh peers don't care, they just think I was stupid. That's true too. But I've ruined a trust between myself and a few people who's opinions and perceptions of me mean a lot

Hannah, babe. You made one mistake. It's not the end if the world.

No, it's not the end of the world, but it's something that's going to take a long time to forgive

o well im sure everyone will forget about whatever you did eventually

I don't care if people don't forget, I care that I screwed up and hurt people that mean a lot to me...

why would your reputation be tarnished?

because I'm stupid and I've screwed up in numerous ways, in which I can't undo


Language: English