
Hannah Bethany™

Ask @hannahbethany97

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you should never wish you were someone else. you are perfect the way you are. so beautiful and kind and smart and funny and amazingly perfect in every way <3

whoever this is you're the perfect one :)

do you ever wish you and alex were still together?

sometimes, I miss having physical affection but I've moved on and he has too :) we're still great mates though

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would you ever consider trying weed at all?

not really I don't feel the need to I respect it's a choice other people make but I dont really want to haha

do you ever wish you could be someone else?

every single day! I'd love to be tall with long legs that'd be amazing!

have you ever been drunk or been high?

drunk, once. but I drink all the time (my auntie is a wine taster so I drink quality wine like if o have a sip I can tell you how much alcohol is in it haha) never been high or smoked anything :)

what would help you go back to alex if it was anytime soon?

I wouldn't anytime soon for a multitude of reasons and he knows this :) he's an amazing friend that I would never give up for anything but I'd trust him with my life but not my heart and that sounds corny but yeah

Get over yourself

what did I do? how do I need to get over myself? as far as I know I can act and do whatever I want within reason so unless it's affecting you, leave :) but first please tell me what I've done so I can rectify the situation and be sure to try my hardest to impress you!

No you could do a whole lot better than me that's why I'm never going to tell you who I am I just want you to know you're special

that's not fair! but thank you, clearly you're special you made me smile heaps with this lovely!

hannah stop selling yourself short. you are amazing no matter what people say. and if people say that like you then just take it, instead of saying you could do better. because they cannot. your the image of perfectness

thank you but you're the perfect one!

Actually no I don't want to hook up with you I want a relationship with you

aw you're nice (: I think you can do a whole lot better though

Trust me I'm not the same anon but I want to hook up with you

that's a shock you can do way better!

Ill tell u when u are dont like someone :)

I still think this is someone joking around and how are you going to know if I dont like anyone haha

Nah cause u "really like someone" haha

that's rude! come on please tell me who you are at least? because tbh I think you're joking noone wants to hook up with me haha


Language: English