
Hannah Bethany™

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This is exactly why I know I have no chance look at all these guys hannah like I said ill just give up

well if you dont talk to me about how you feel then what can I do about it? I like someone but I want to get closer to more people

No I go to MMC I can't tell you who I am because you will be shocked

please can you it frustrates me because I dont know and I need more mates atm and idk pleasee?

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Will Australia win the world cup?

I hope so! but no thats entirely unrealistic.. in soccer anyway. but rugby they have potential!

I honestly have the biggest crush on you. You are the most beautiful girl I have laid my eyes on. I'd tell you who I am but I'm to nervous

you are really sweet, thank you :) please tell me who you are? you go to Mitchie?

10 girls and 10 boys I meant*

oh ummm
Jhymon, Jacob, Matt, Max, Connor, Jai, Zac I dont really know and every single girl in our grade is freaking gorgeous! but Olivia T, Grace Amelia, Hollie Georgie um holly Teresa, and Sam L

10 most attractive year 10's

5 girls 5 boys? umm Jhymon, Josh, Matt, Max, Connor and Hollie, Olivia T, Grace, Amelia and Keearna

I have a crush on you heheh :)

naw you're cute who are you? betcha it's one of my friends trying to make me feel good haha

Dont think they would apprecite it if i named them lol

please? or inbox me? please? or tumblr message it to me? or something? please! x

Why do you hate charlee so much she fucking amazing

I've never hated on charlee? are you kidding me? I actually look up to her

Well inbox meh on fb haha

I have to finish my maths assignment... probably should have started it earlier than the day before it's due.

Haha take a guess

no I dont want to put names on here but I think we both know I know who it is.

And I meant every word hannah

I'm not entirely sure but I think I know who you are and I'm so lucky to have a friend like you, I really am. and I think you are amazing and talented and capable of so much. xx

You are on of the most beautiful gurls I know we arent very close but I have grown close to yiu I care about you more then just about anything and id never lrt anything bad happen to you any guy who becomes yiur boyfriend better realise he is the luckiest guy in the world

lovely that actually made my night, and thank you <3 xx

So whos the hottest out of your group, when their all there, they seem to be just gone this week where are they?

they're are at work experience and each of them are unique. the girls are all beautiful and fucking gorgeous individuals and each of those boys are handsome responsible young men.

Heyy just asking would ever go on date with me? From enock

um i don't know you but that's cute :)

ok, so how was your day?

great mostly then it got shit then better then shit again. and now I'm doing my maths assignment. how was yours?

well from where we are you guys lookd like awesome friends and some of us are jealous of that> keep it up youve got a life long bu there> maybe even more from what youve said>

we'll wait and see :3


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