
Hannah Bethany™

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I am slowly giving up on my relationship because i feel like it's not working what so ever, but i love him more than anything :(

Tell me why you feel that way and i'll help you try to fix it

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thoughts on tash in yr 9

Adorable, lovely, seems like a fairly genuine girl but I know that she frustrates alot of the year 10's and 11's coz of how many photos she uploads of her body on insty but she has a great body so why not

If you could perfectly speak any 3 languages what would it be?

Italian because that's just the most beautiful language!
And I would love to either have an Irish or Scottish accent they're just perf wow haha

I have no idea which people your talking about :/ last name or initials please

this is grade 12 right? k
Sam V
Toby A
Michael D
ummmm I still don't really know any more especially with dark hair like off the top of my head :/

Still? Give me a list of names and I'll tell you if Im in them!!

umm I don't know many grade 12's off the top of my head!!!!

I thought her name was Sammi? I'm so confused

Samantha. But Most people call her Sam, some call her Sammi... it differentiates her :)

hahahahahhaha Hannah i just read your description thingo with the whole bye-sexual thing hahahahahaha best thing i have seen all day :')

hahaha why thank you! :P accurate hey!

Closest friend?

Don't really have one. It changes constantly because I repel and then are close with people periodically :)

i'm abit curious myself, was wondering what your reaction was lol

ah well curious yeah but I don't know honestly haha! probs won't find out anytime soon either :)

ever been curious to tittyfucks?

hahahahaha! oh my god the amount of times someone had to explain what this was to me! wow. Um idk. You?

have you ever get groped unintentionally by anyone?

both intentionally and unintentionally yep. more often than not they're aware of what they're doing though!

do you have any fetishes?

fetishes nah haha turn ons?
I love cuddles being gently tickled especially along my back and hips, being grabbed on my hips, held, neck kisses lip biting straddle idk haha

I feel like I'm crazy like adorably crazy or cute crazy but if u had to define my crazy how would u say it

we'll I'd say make-no-sense crazy... Haha who are you lovely


Language: English