
Hannah Bethany™

Ask @hannahbethany97

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What is one thing that many people don't know about you?

Something i hope they will never ever find out about. ever.

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Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?

Connor. Most of the time it's always him haha

They broke up yesterday at first break/: This is le sammi. And no I did not type the first one haha. This is just to let you know.

aw :( i tried talking to him but he just yeah :(

what do you think about anthony and olivia breaking up

Wait, WHAT?! When the fark did this happen!?!?!?! I don't have thoughts on it, i hope they're alright!

If you had three wishes, what would they be?

1. cuddles 2. to have long legs! 3. to have a small nose or to make this one person smile!

How much money have you spent today and on what?

um too much... on shorts, tights, anklets, um more shorts, soy milk and yogurt!

is that your onesie or your pj's pj's?

well I just jumped out of the shower so about to be my onesie!

i saw you and Jhymon kissing on the way back from camp!! smoooootttthhhhhhhhh


thoughts on taylor paige?

I dont personally know her but shes actually gained alot of my respect from how shes handled stuff thats been said over ask.fm

Which do you think is more important: following the dreams your parents want for you or following your own dreams?

following ny own :) x but listening to the input of others

Do you think people deserve a second chance?

haha I give everyone second chances but once they screw that up I'm done haha


Language: English