
Hannah Bethany™

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can i join you in the shower??? or maybe the bath would be more romantic. nothing more than cuddles that is.

that works for me

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I think it's time for me to go

no. don't go please like seriously I hope you're joking. honey if I cant convince you to stay you need to realise how many people will be affected. you're friends will never forgive themselves for not knowing what was wrong and helping you. your mum and dad will never ever forgive themselves for letting you suffer alone. you're brother and sister if you have any will blame themselves for not listening when you told them no. the bullies will become depressed knowing that they killed someone. all those people that stood by and did nothing while you suffered will never get over it. I'll never forgive myself if you decide to make this decision. you're school will be haunted by the fact that you're gone. so many people care if you're gone it will be like a hole in their lives.

you don't know how it feels to get bullied everyday I get bullied because of my skin color I got told to go back to my own country, today I have had enough it's best for everyone I just go out in peace. I think you for trying to help me may God bless your soul tell everyone at mshs I love theme ;(.

I've been bullied. I've been at a very low point before, a very low point. but I don't know what it's like because every situation is different. can you talk to me on facebook or kik or something because I want you to know I care and I want you to know they're all wrong. you have so much to live for. be proud of your heritage, it's a part of you and their insecurities are not their fault. their pathetic derogatory comments aren't true. I'm not going to tell anyone you love because you are. you're going to live to do that. it does get better. I know you don't think that but it does. the sun shines again eventually. please lovely please dont do this!

just tell everyone at MSHS I love theme and I'll see theme soon

No! No dont do this please you're a gorgeous, capable intelligent talented person you have so much potential. please don't do this. I know you're crying and I know you dont know what to do but dry your tears. I know you dont think you can carry on, but you can. sweetheart, you have your life ahead of you. you have the world at your fingertips, dont throw that away. just because you're sad and you feel like you cant escape all the bad things around you and the thoughts I promise you they go away. you feel like you can't go on but I promise you that you can. I promise you that one day soon you will smile. please stay please please stay

I can't do this anymore I'm going to sleep and I hope I never wake up that's the best thing for everyone I think so GOODBYE

no sweetheart that isn't the right decision. you're an amazing individual and youve make it so far already lovely. you're capable of staying strong you can do it I believe in you. I'd miss you if you were gone

Are u flexible on your back show

yeah I'll upload one later on with the other flexible question haha

Can I just say you are so fucking gorgeous and sweet you would be the best girlfriend

wow I wish I knew who you were!

what im saying is maybe you should just sit down with, them discuss the issues and if they arnt willing to do the same as you then they may just not be the right guy for you, however with Jhymon for all you know he could be the right guy, maybe he just has a slightly different understanding of yous

what's the point? can I talk to you about this privately...? thank you for the advice but certain things I dont want published in a public domain.

maybe the reaqson youve been so disappionted so far is because the people youve found dont deserve you and that you still need to search for the one whos going to be putting themselves out there for you, going to be there for you and anything else that you wish for him do, instead of you doing itall

what person exactly do you have in mind? because I dont know about that. like the people have tried but I always seem to be the one putting in majority of the efforts. and I'm 16, I shouldnt be worrying about guys, I should be just doing whatever but I have enough respect for certain guys that I wouldnt just go out to hook up.

im not going to say, what im getting out is that dont ever think your not as good as some of the other girls, cause you are, if not better than them and you deserve any guy you want, its just wether or not they deserve you back. You have an amazing personality, and your body is so much better then..


you care to beleive. so dont ever think the best you can do is be single cause you deserve so much more than that. think of it as your dream as being a doctor except youve already got all the qualifications, its the doctors job which has to rise to be as good as you.

thats really lovely advice but it's not really true. thank you though. but if I was good enough then my efforts to make other people happy would work like I busted my ass to do everything to make specific people happy, not just guys. but in the end I was the only one trying so it all turned to shit. so I dont know. I want someone to put as much effort in for me as I do for them.

I'm giving blood on Wednesday at 1o'clock I'm so excited and pumped :)))))

hey I see what you did there ;) I'm proud of you lovely!!

However i think thast if you ever want to be in a relationship again i can think of multiple guys of the top of my head who youd be great with, personality and interests are the same and from what ive seen and read thats the stuff you look for in a guy other than soccer skills and a tall figure...

yeah who do you have in mind? Alex no and Connor is my best friend. But who do you have in mind?

well actually i beleive your both great people but together, you seem to be upset that hes angry with you all the time and that seems to hurt you alot. However if you like being single then at least your happy

Well I feel like I just make him annoyed and frustrated but I dont know. if he told me what's going on it'd be easier hey but oh well.

Dont take this the wrong way, but i honestly think you can do better than Jhymon! He's always so moody and i've seen the way he just snaps and gets angry at you and wont talk to you all because you apparently said something when you didnt. Dont get me wrong, hes a great guy but when he frustrated no

thanks but he could do so much better than me. he's a lovely guy but I don't know to be honest. he doesn't like me, but that's ok I'm happy being single :)


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