
Hannah Bethany™

Ask @hannahbethany97

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Why are you and Jack close now ?

because he isn't a dick and doesn't treat me differently since alex and i broke up. Plus he includes me in shit and hes funny and all round nice

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whos your fav artist?

singer: no idea, lots, depends what genre!
actual art: probably Sheldon's mum, Sharon. She's amazingly talented!

can i add you on facebook?

Um who are you haha? Add me on snapchat! hannah.bethany or instagram! hannahbethany97

What's the longest you've waited in line and what were you waiting for?

Uniform shop only to be told they had no blazers... Only mmc

if you could hang with any one of your mates of the opposit sex who would it be?

Someone I want to get to know as a better friend

Lol. The person who said It was me!!!!!! wasn't actually me :/ Why are they claiming this ?

Say thank you to Connor! But please come off anonymous and talk to me! I need another friend :3

hey the last message was actually from me, 'Connor' but the first two were from some one else so don't be harsh on them

Thanks mate hahahaha

It was me!!!!!!!!!!!! There i told you now will you get off my case please its awkward.

Clearly you dont like me that much or you'd really tell me how you feel...

I really like you, but don't wanna make a move cause you won't like me. Awks.

Inbox me or text me and speak to me? You never know. I have a thing for someone though I think... But talk to me :)


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