
Hannah Bethany™

Ask @hannahbethany97

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Who is your dearest friend? Who has been your friend longest? Who is smartest friend? Who is most athletic friend? Who is your funniest friend? Who is your most energetic friend?

dearest: Umm probably my 'adopted' auntie Dianna
Longest: Christa
Smartest: hmm Anthony
Most athletic: either Dane or Connor
Funniest: Sammi hahaha!
Most energetic: Caity

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Who is your idol in: Family? Sport? History? Society you live in? Politics?

Family: My Auntie Debbie. She's made something for herself without the help of any of her family, she's successful, independent, charismatic, generous, caring and has always been the one to support me when I need it. One day I want to be like her in terms of how she conducts herself.
Sport: Not an athlete per say, but one particular girl at mmc is an amazing sportswoman, so talented and I know she's struggled through a variety of things and still works hard. And also another girl who is the definition of perfect and I will be forever jealous even though she isn't an athlete she's perf (doesn't go to mmc)
History: Definately Ghandi
Society: Again Sejana, the perfect one. Or Cara Delevigne.
Politics: Quintin Bryce, the first female governor general of Australia

How open are you?

Pretty open. If people ask, generally I will tell them but I'm more held back anonymously, but inboxes or in person I'll tell you anything you want to know.

Would you/have you ever dated a friend??

yeah of course I would! it would be better because clearly you'd both like each other first and there would already be understanding and good memories so a relationship would be better coz you already trust them and they know you well.

take it how u want. but ur just making excuses for urself, haha.

Righto then sweetie, think what you please :)

ur always like 'ugh, only a c, mostly a d, I miss my es'. like seriously. get the fuck over urself. ur so attention seeking, and yes u do have larger boobs then most of the girls in ur grade

Really? Answering a question is attention seekeng? When it's on my 'ask' profile? yeah totes haha. If you don't like it unfollow me lovely simple as that. You wouldn't be sending this unless you felt either jealous or threatened :)
Liked by: Sam Vivanti

im a dude an even i could understand how much anger you would have felt about someone judging you in that way

Thank you! You, my friend are a respectable gentlemen

Hannah u still have larger boobs then half the girls in ur grade. get over urself.

hahahaha no I don't but thanks I think... this sounds a little sarcastic though...

Don't worry Hannah, even if they said that too everyone, you still have the right to stand up for yourself against other peoples judgements!!

Hahaha agreed! what a dick I mean seriously girls care about their boobs!

Hey, You know me and we are close, but not as close as I'd like to be (No homo haha) We talk at school and shit, but you seem distant sometimes and I just wanted to say, stay strong. There are heaps of people who look up to you and are inspired by you and all that soppy stuff. You are beautiful <3

Thank you gorgeous :) Who are you? This is a really lovely message and I really appreciate this so thank you x
Liked by: Liv

Hannah, Hannah. That person sent that out to like all the girls, don't take it personally

Yeah I didn't see that until i answered it haha! Facepalm moment

You don't even have boobs

Thank you for being the second one today to point this out. Next time that I'm feeling this shit I'll remember this so ta. If you knew all the shit I go through in order to get my body and living with the fact that I did lose my boobs. So fuck you. I don't care. I can't control where and how significant the deposits of fat in my body go. I dare you to send me this again.
Liked by: Alana O'Connor

how far have you been?

I've only been overseas once, to Vanuatu :) If you mean sexually, the people who need to know, do know how far I've been know and those that do not (such as you) make up ridiculous and rather amusing rumors about me haha. If you want to know inbox me I don't care who you are
Liked by: Alex Castelli

Don't listen to them. There just passed cause you went out with Alex and they were left forever along!!!!

Why thank you darling! But it's ok, they didn't miss much hehe


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