
Hannah Bethany™

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If you could own any pet in the world what would you choose and what would you name him/her?

A unicorn and call it wishes

anthony lives in a room with a curtain he has no computer in there so how would he do shit woithout being pissed off by saphia

wtf? i dont understand! If this is anthony he'd use the fan hahahaha

Okay now you're just getting colder ...

fuck please just tell me! Connor? Max? Sam? Are we close? Jack?

are you mad at alex? or even sad?

Well he's at a party today getting high and hooking up withs chicks so its his loss that he gave up a girl who was willing to stick by him through all the shit he had going on and he pushed me away everytime he didnt cope and i still stayed so you know :) I'm not sad, I actually havent cried or anything!

If u were just mates with a guy how far would u go

kisses! nah depends on the guy depends on the relationship depends on the circumstances! if you know me then inbox me specifics on facebook and i'll tell you!

If you could go out with any guy. If he's single or tanken who would it be

If you inbox me over facebook i'll tell you

Ok then aha. What the farthest u would go with a guy

depends... maybe 3rd if we were dating and only if i 'loved' him haha

omg she just called me gorgeous, now im going to cry and pretend im as popular as you

I'm not popular though haha who is this darling?


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