
Hannah Bethany™

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What was the last present you received?

an exercise bike and driving lessons! best birthday presents ever!

Thoughts on Alex Russell

lovely guy, heaps funny, sweet, we have heaps in common, easy to talk to, so sportinglying talented, cute

Why do people smoke?

because they are either stressed and cannot find a more constructive way of dealing with their issues, give in easily to peer pressure or want to intentionally damage their bodies

just got this message from facebook your dirty black african shit why are you here go back to were you came from so I guess I'm going to take easy way out by that I'm going kill myself now know one will miss me anyway GOODBY

I will miss you. Who sent this to you? Send me the link ( I won't publish it ) and I'll sort this out. It's not ok that you have to feel this way. Sweetheart your life is precious and you deserve to be happy. Please smile and get through the pain. Australia loves you, we love you, i love you


Oh Barney <3

Hannah hannah how much i love you, thinking of you while taking a poo. I think mr KU wants you too! How sweet you are, i wanna do you in a car. Godbless you hannah, ta-ta! (My poem for you baby)

you, you are messed up... Ew Ew Ew Ew Ew i don't want Mr Ku ewewewewwewewewewewwww!!!!!!

By 'thing' i meant getting closer. Oh why oh why wont you sleep with me...?

Oh? um probably because:
1. I don't know who you are
2. I'm not easy
3. Sammi is the only one allowed in the vicinity of my downstairs region.

No im not tall. I cant belive you want jared in you :'( I was starting to think we had a thing...

ffs. I guessed, i never said I want anyone in me!! what's you definition of thing?! I was unaware of this haha

Im not jarred..... Does this mean you wanna have sex with jarred and not me?

No this is saying that's the only person I know was in both classes. hmm I only remember hpe people!!!! Are you tall?

you are such a beautiful person, inside and out. you are such a lovely and kind person, so perfect in every single way. i love you >3

I love you too x ♥ Thank you for this message. If I knew who you were I'd say the same for you sweets.

name 10 people who you think i might be. If im in there ill stay yes, and you can narrow it down from there. (I go to your school, your grade)

I'll probably get it so wrong though! Can I ask first, where you in any of my classes last semester? If so which one/s? Then I'll do the list haha

Who am i? If i tell you, would my dream come true?

Depends who you are, but probably not sweets. Please tell me who you are?!

You want to know what happens in my dreams? Well, were in my bed cuddling with you head in my sholder. You then kiss my neck making your way to my lips. Your hands slid down my ripped body as you grab my penis while holding eye contact and bitting your lip. You know what happens then. We then cuddl

Wow... cute haha, very detailed and just wow is all I can say.
Who are you?!

Nah. She looks depressed most of the time

Maybe it's coz people like you think she's a bitch as you said before...
She's one of the funniest people i know!


Language: English