
Hannah Bethany™

Ask @hannahbethany97

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have you got a thing for anyone, cause i doubt someone like could stay single for too long at all???

yeah I do... but I'll probably be single for a long time coz I dont think he feels the same way. but it's ok, I prefer cats

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What do you recommend a guy to do if he really wants to go out with his ex again cause he believes things can be better than the last and that it was a mistake for him to end things?

I think he should talk to her! be honest and if it doesnt work than at least they know they tried hey. but honesty always works out best.

write down all of your friends and who you think they would be great with or who they may have been great with at some stage?

Connor and Olivia tbh
Ahryn and Jai
Michael and Courtney
Sheldon and Teresa
Sam and Ethan or Connor b
me and myself
um not sure so many but I'm too tired to think!

why did you delete the rest????

coz they were questions that didn't need to be answered :) but that was yesterday. have you sent one I haven't answered?

have you seen any giuys completely nude or even just a flash... not assuming anything, just like if you saw them accidently or something

haha yes... once this guy and his pants got caught on something and another time someone got dacked but that's it haha.

What about any guys....

not as far as I'm aware? well I dont think so? ha. unless you have information I'm unaware of?

Have any of your friends ever seen you completely topless before??

yeah. a girl tho and it was from behind so not really haha.

Who has the worst hairstyle?

um noone! Personal style even if i dont agree with it is still good hey.

Who would be cute together?

hmm Jai and Ahryn
Sam and Ethan or Sam and Connor B ;)
Teresa and Jacob
Ben and Juanita?

What electives are you doing next semester?

um I'm not sure I forgot! I know I'm doing bio, chem and physics, I think hpe and home ec but not sure

do you normally sleep with a bra on or off?

See, that sort of information stays between myself and my bed.


Language: English