
Hannah Bethany™

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What are your bad habbits?

this stupid stupid stupid unnecessary thing that I do every single day and need to stop

What are your favorite subjects to talk about?

cheer, food, boys, running, nutrition, weightloss, and personal favourite cuddles

So are planning to ask the "guy" out or are you just going to be his friend and leave it at that?

I dont know how he feels about me so

What are you currently addicted to?

my bed, running, sexy can I by ray j, ke$ha, my heels, dancing, ask.fm and cuddles

Which is the most beautiful place you've ever seen?

my bed <3 actually no mele mele falls Vanuatu

If you could have any question answered, what would it be?

i would want to know where i'll end up in life

What chocolate is your favorite? 

um none actually.. 100% natural cacao if i had to have some haha

And from your.previous questions it seems that you already have someone. so unless you go for narrative guys at the same time as having a boyfriend then maybe id have a chance but your not that kinda girl and your an amazing friend who i would prefer to keep and lose you over some small idea.

Yeah and i'm really grateful that we're mates, you seem like a tops dude. I don't have a boyfriend as such but yeah I don't know exactly who you are but i am clearly so lucky to have a friend like you

Ok. then what type of guy do you look for? Cause i really doubt i have a chance when there are so many other guys out there who have more confidence with girls, know what to say when their together and have looks which i obviously will never have. :(

Don't be like that. Confidence isn't it, it's about being comfortable and happy enough witt yourself to be able to talk to a girl. And if i'm mates with you i'm sure you have looks haha

i guess we're close but im just not the flirty or confident kinda guy that girls want so yeah

'Girls' is a very broad and generalized term. Not all girls want that, they want individuals

What was the last thing that made you laugh?

Oh my little brother! On how i should ask a guy out wow holy shit it was hilarious :')


Language: English