
97 people

50 posts


Is spring kicking into high gear where you live? How's that making you feel? 🌻🌿

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
It feels better than winter but I prefer summer over any other season because I get a break from school work and enjoy swimming outdoors. It doesn’t feel like spring as much as it feels like fall where I live and it doesn’t really make me feel any kind of way except happy to get these classes over with.

Did you ever go to school without your glasses/contacts?

I didn’t need glasses until a few years into college and I only ever wear them at home now because I’m taking all online classes at the moment. I don’t wear them outside unless I agree to drive the car due to feeling insecure with my glasses on in public so I went to my in person classes without wearing my glasses last semester. I probably should’ve worn them but I still managed to do decently in class without them (until I decided to sit in the back of the classroom in my creative writing class and could hardly make out what was written on the screen lol). If you need glasses or choose to wear contact lenses instead and are also in school for quite some time while preferring to sit in the back of the classroom, I’d highly recommend you don’t do what I did and wear your contact lenses or glasses.

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Do you self-sabotage?

I do, especially when I’ve been doing so good in a certain area or class and then let my OCD get the best of me as my intrusive thoughts take over and I can’t seem to think about anything school related when that tends to happen. I’ve failed statistics freshman year of college because I forgot to take my final exam due to being sleep deprived that day (so I took a nap) and thinking about the possibility of being contaminated as I was walking by and into the grocery store when I had a final to take that day. The whole day, I thought about whether or not a part of me was contaminated while trying to move on from the thought (which hardly ever works) so I let the time pass by without a care in the world when it came to my classes. I later realized that I missed it but I was naive and didn’t really know what college was like so I thought I could make up for the exam I missed and somehow still have a chance at passing the class when I didn’t. I took the class again during summer break but couldn’t remember what I learned in statistics from the start of last semester and I had to complete a lot of labs in such a short amount of time so I dropped out of that class and didn’t take it again. I then couldn’t continue with the field of health sciences as a result of being irresponsible and self sabotaging.

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I’ve taken a gap year before and spent it being home 24/7 but maybe it’s because I’m sick of never interacting with any of my friends irl, going from 2 to taking 4 classes and my depression has really taken its toll on me. What's an au pair if you don't mind me asking? 🤔😅 (private message)

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
What is an au pair do?
Au Pair Definition - Who is an Au Pair?
The Au Pair program is an international cultural exchange that gives the possibility to young people to spend some time abroad, learn more about a different culture, improve their skills in a foreign language in exchange for help with duties related to childcare.

Have your parents helped you with your homework while growing up or did they encourage you to keep thinking until you found the answer for yourself and were you a quick learner as a kid?

Mostly mom kept an eye on me but left me to my own devices. While I did math and science easily I wasn’t a star at other classes 😂😂😂😂

Happy April everyone 💜💜💜 What is one thing you are looking forward to this month?

Shannon678900’s Profile PhotoShannon
Hmm lots of nice things are happening this month 😊😊🥰. But I recently managed to sign up to Aerial hoop classes. Which is something I've been dying to do for a couple years now! Will be starting next week and I'm so excited!
Happy April everyone 

What is one thing you are looking forward to this month

> (ape) it was mandator for me to get it, because i work in the public field. and this is the forth year i'm going through a wick flu/cold/idk wtf just won't go away - Many people are complaining of the same. It fvcks up immunity. My university mandated too. F that. I switched to online classes.

talionislexx’s Profile PhotoLex Talionis
I was considering it for concert entry. 🤣 Glad I chose against it. After the first concert back they didn’t even ask to see test results anymore. I got tests a few times for concert entry. 👎

Do you feel like you are not good enough

All the time and I’m regularly reminded that I’m not good enough by choosing to remain the way I currently am by my family members. They think I need to start putting more effort into my classes, losing weight, and when it comes to socializing.

When you were in school (and happened to take online classes), did you ever avoid doing your assignments in fear that you might misunderstand the instructions and do the assignments wrong as a result?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
When the Covid scare led to online classes, I was already a teacher. I had several students that seemingly refused to do the work digitally, but they were the same ones that never too class seriously in person so it never felt different 🤷‍♂️

Was there ever a time when trusting your intuition lead you wrong? If so what happened?

Yes, I thought that someone liked me because he’d sometimes try making eye contact with me when he’d see me around, his friends were nice to me and I had feelings for him too so I always made up excuses for his lack of interest and tried to convince myself that the feeling was mutual. My intuition about him having feelings for me was most likely wrong, since he never really spoke to me except in rare occasions once or twice a year just to say hi. He also never added me back on Snapchat, briefly followed me on Instagram and there were instances when he’d say things that were rude without considering my feelings first. He would walk a girl to her classes but wouldn’t do the same for me and I always felt like I had to compete for his attention while he’d flirt with other girls in front of me. A few years ago, two of his friends blocked me on social media and although I can’t guarantee that it had to do with him, that does indicate that they probably haven’t been hearing good things about me and they obviously don’t welcome me into their circle. I’m trying to move on but it’s hard to do that when a part of me believed that he would actually be interested in me as I kept making up excuses for his obvious lack of interest in me for years.

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How do you hope you will change as a person in the future? 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ʎɐɯɯo⊥ snoıɔɐuǝ⊥™ ▩ ♚ ☻
I hope that I’ll be more productive in the future and wouldn’t be as uninterested as I currently am in my classes right now in order to graduate soon and end up overcoming my tendency to procrastinate all the time so I would be able to hold a job in the future.

When was the last time you felt nervous and for what? How did it go? 😬🤞

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I agreed on going to this social gathering where Turkish people would be dancing and there was also only one type of food being served there. I thought I was going to get backhanded compliments for sure and/or bullied when I got there but I was welcomed and didn’t feel as awkward as I thought I would feel. When I got home, I was nervous again as I had an assignment that was due the day after tomorrow and I still haven’t started it yet nor did I have a clue as to what the assignment was about so I reluctantly asked my dad to help me, knowing he was going to be upset with how oblivious and detached I was when it came to my classes. I was able to do the assignment but ended up misunderstanding the instructions and got nervous about what to do all over again and it was fine in the end but it did suck to have to make up for the irresponsible mistake I made.

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Who taught you how to drive? I’m currently teaching my daughter . That’s right . My daughter’s driving while I’m posting on here.

eyehavebadgas9’s Profile PhotoGO KNIGHTS GO!
I took driving classes but the guy didn’t even let me actually drive so I learned nothing but then my aunt taught me and that’s how I passed my behind the wheel test back in 2019!

Shout-out: who else is tired of winter? I can’t wait until the weather gets warmer.

J_A1996’s Profile PhotoJordan
I definitely need summer to come here soon because these four classes that can be hard to keep up with is exhausting and idk what I would do without receiving help from anyone as I’m not the most independent person there is out there. Hopefully I’ll get to go to Turkey again this summer but if my grandparents decide to come here instead, I wouldn’t be able to go. As exhausting as it was, I miss being active and walking from place to place in Turkey as well as speaking Turkish more often so I don’t completely end up forgetting my native language.

Would you do it all over again? If so whats your starting point?

I’d definitely do some things all over again, especially things that I know I’ll regret in the future like I’m currently regretting now. I’d like to start back to when I was in 8th grade and prepare myself for the changes that are yet to happen rather than being in complete shock when my friends and I go our separate ways the year after. I would appreciate the time that I’d spend at the library with my friend rather than being too mentally preoccupied with thoughts of the guy who disappointed me as well as my old friend group and would much rather live in the moment and make the most out of the time I had with my friend freshman year of high school. I would consider taking my classes more seriously and would look forward to making friends at school instead of being in school feeling all alone and not having any priorities or a care for the future whatsoever. Maybe then I’d be more accustomed to studying by the time I started going to college and maybe by now I would’ve graduated already.

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Im in college and already take 3 class. Total 16 unit. But i want to take karate class. Should i add karate class? Or 4 class per quarter are too much? Ps. It’s 3 months

I’m in college and am taking 4 classes right now but I would definitely make time for Karate if that was something I really wanted to do. You’re taking three so one less class that you don’t have to worry about compared to me. There’s always time for extracurricular activities unless you’re taking like 6 classes and spend the vast majority of your day studying/keeping up with your school work but even then, I think a person could make time for sports. I’d say do it and drop it if your schedule becomes really hard to follow after doing Karate.

What’s something that you’ve recently become interested in/developed a passion for? Can be anything! (For example, I’ve become very interested in learning mythology lately, even bought some books about it). 🤔🤩

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
Recently is a far stretch but I have taken up Chinese Classes about two years ago and my Interest in culture and language has not died down yet. I do have this silly little childhood dream of being able to speak the Top 5 most spoken World Languages fluently, before I turn 30. My next birthday is next Month btw, so then I will have 4 years to get chinese and Hindi down. Doing alright in chinese actually, just my handwriting is a nightmare according to my teacher, but that is the case in every language so whatever.
And when I ace one day (Maybe, Hindi is hard is what I heard)...as there are around 7000 languages right now, i have a variety to pick from what I want to learn next.
ÄMy maternal Grandmother used to be able to communicate in 10 languages 100% fluently. Then she got severe Dementia and now does not remember her own Name, so thats sad.
Maybe my little dream is a way in trying to honor her memory and the Person to whom I have looked up so much when I was little.
And now I am sad. Great.

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How did you learn the English language..did you take classes What another languages are on bucket list next ?

missygls’s Profile Photoᴳᴸメ
Well fortunately I got my education in an English medium school so all parts of my education had English as a mandatory language.... But the other languages I know are either out of cultural and travel experience or learned due to professional requirements.... The next one on my list after I master Persian is Arabic .... How about you?
How did you learn the English languagedid you take classes What another

How much time do you spend on your phone?

J_A1996’s Profile PhotoJordan
If it were up to me, I’d be on my phone 24/7 and I pretty much am but the only thing that’s holding me back from doing so at the moment are my classes. I’ve been lying to my dad about how I’m studying whenever he asks and it’s eating me up on the inside, knowing that I’m on my phone and didn’t even read chapter 1 of my biology textbook when I’ve got a test coming up soon. I wouldn’t say I’m addicted tho, since I can definitely go without my phone when I’ve got other distractions that I’m very invested in (like going swimming, playing volleyball, talking to a friend, etc.) but other times, being on my phone is the only thing that I really find comfort in. I’m currently addicted to hearing real life scary stories that people have been through and decided to share online while I’m on my phone when I should be addicted to my biology textbook instead lol. Unfortunately, I spend around 10 hours on my phone these days.

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Bye hag. Go have some kids, instead of being around kids in school. A married woman in her late 20s has kids, not classes.

There are people older than I am in my lecture class but please continue on telling the world you're still in highschool with your mentality. Lolol.
For the record though, not everyone wants children or even, who's to say I'm not currently pregnant??Just because someone's life doesn't go in the order YOU want it to go in or exactly how YOU want/think it to go doesn't mean it's the wrong order/way. When you grow up & become an adult you'll realize that.
Now, go be a butthurt child elsewhere & stay off my page.

What happened to you that changed everything in your life in an instant?

signmeup63’s Profile Photosignmeup63
I started high school, completely lost touch with who I thought were my close friends after I finished 8th grade, I was off my antidepressants all of a sudden and my depression got worse and when I went back on them again, it just wasn’t the same and the pressure to do well in my classes as a freshman in college had the opposite effect on me and I ended up doing academically very poorly the first two years of attending high school while also having no friends or no one who really understood me at the time.
Liked by: Gilbert Thomas Smile

How’s your day / night going?

teeenvampire’s Profile PhotoMatthew
I did almost nothing productive today and spent the day procrastinating about an assignment I had to do, ended up falling asleep in the afternoon and then managed to turn in my assignment a few minutes ago. But that’s just one of the things I had to do out of the three other classes I’m also taking.

Did you do any sports or activities as a child?

eyehavebadgas9’s Profile PhotoGO KNIGHTS GO!
I did various martial arts, rounders (kind of like the English version of baseball), tennis, and a few different kinds of dance classes before realising I wasn't much of a dancer 😂 Also did a few different musical instrument lessons, but again not for long as I didn't have much talent.

Are you a quick learner? What new skills do you want to possess?

dante_aligh’s Profile PhotoDonovan
I’m a quick learner when it comes to the things I’m interested in (such as human anatomy or chemistry) but I don’t learn as quickly when I’m disinterested from the start. I would like to easily memorize the information I’m not particularly interested in but have to learn about and memorize in order to pass the classes that I’m currently taking (such as biology and history related classes).

Do you find it annoying or flattering when someone likes to mirror / shadow you?

Usually annoying and I’ve had someone in one of my classes in high school who would always give me an attitude and when I took a look in the mirror, I realized she was mirroring me but unlike her, I didn’t mean anything bad with my looks that sometimes suggests that I have an attitude problem when I really don’t. She would laugh at the things I’d say when we would work in groups and made it clear that she didn’t want to sit in the same table as me when the teacher assigned us to sit together. But, if I’m smiling at someone and I see them smiling back at me, that feels flattering for sure.

Why wouldn't your dad be able to support you financially in your college?

He said that this is the last time he’ll help me out financially while I’m going to college because he doesn’t want to waste anymore money than he has to for my classes just to see me fail or drop them later than the last day to drop classes and have his money go to waste. But, if I pass all of my classes with a decent grade, he will continue to help financially to the best of his abilities.

What do you like about where you work or study? 😸 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ʎɐɯɯo⊥ snoıɔɐuǝ⊥™ ▩ ♚ ☻
At the moment, nothing. My “work space” is in my room and currently, my desk is cluttered and I only have my bed and the floor to work on or I could work on the kitchen table if I wanted to but I don’t feel comfortable studying in the living room (Ik, it’s sad lol). I do like being home tho, which is why I’m taking all online classes this semester. I’m lowkey regretting all online these days because I don’t know how to submit the vast majority of my assignments since the setup on blackboard is a little more confusing than it was last semester.

Why it’s too hard for new students to find a friend in high school?

For me, I wasn’t a new student at the high school I went to yet I still struggled with making friends in high school. I think the reason why I didn’t have friends was because I had social anxiety and would get stressed/anxious every time I stepped foot into the school, so maybe some of the students who are struggling to make friends in high school also have social anxiety like me. They also may be going through a rough time emotionally while they’re trying to adjust to being a high school student. They might be feeling pressured into getting good grades and have a hard time making friends because they’re so focused on their classes that they think they don’t have time for friends or perhaps they feel like they can’t relate to their peers so they keep to themselves instead. They also could be missing their old friends from the previous school(s) they went to and are having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that their life isn’t the same as it was before. If I would’ve been more open minded, opened up to others more in high school, and accepted the changes that came with being a high school student, maybe I would’ve had a better experience as a high school student and made friends that I still happen to talk to to this day.

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How do you feel about missed opportunities?

Sometimes I feel resentful and envy my peers who are about to graduate soon because I wasted three of my college years and am still struggling with the classes that I currently take. But, I realize that I can’t go back and change my mindset that held me back academically in the past but I can try making up for it now. I also feel angry over the missed opportunities that have to do with others not letting me know about certain events that are being held in the Turkish community that I used to be closer to in the past. I think that informing me about the events that are happening in the Turkish community is the least my Turkish friends can do for me these days, especially since they know I want to be included in social events/gatherings as I have brought up my complaints about being left out multiple times.

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What’s the maximum amount of classes you took if and when you went to college? Were you able to pass those classes easily?

5 two-hour classes a day - 6 days a week... I have a Masters in Survival and High Moutain Search & Rescue
Liked by: Smile shahpotato

Idk How I Feel RN hbu?

shyfrytatorTOT’s Profile PhotoJD Lynvis
Same, I’ve sent questions to someone and they haven’t gotten back to me despite being online and on here still and that lowkey hurts but maybe I’m just being over sensitive. I have a feeling that I’ll either be emotionally drained or the complete opposite where I’m feeling numb and unhappy for the next couple of months now that classes will be starting again tomorrow 😂

If and when you went to college or a university, how many classes did you usually take each semester?

Oof it was different each year so it’s hard to give an average.
Oh wait, I still have all my courses in files so I can check it out.
First year: 12 courses per semester. Including one internship.
Second year: 7-8 per semester. Including two internships.
Third year: 1 semester was a minor, the other one had three classes including an internship.
Fourth year: two courses with different exams within them: thesis and internship.

What would you change about yourself if you could?

MGE24858’s Profile PhotoChief Wiggum
Being impatient with people (especially with kids), worrying/stressing over the small things that people usually don’t think twice about, being irresponsible and nonchalant when it comes to my classes, being as introverted as I am, and caring about what others thing of me much more than I really should.

Do your parents still give you orders

From time to time again. They still tell me what I should or shouldn’t post online, how to make friends, to study for my classes on days that I complain about going to college (because it’s not for free so I shouldn’t take it for granted by not studying and failing my classes), they tell me to organize my room, lose some weight, work somewhere part time if I want to eat out everyday, and to keep myself busy.
Liked by: Smile Gilbert Thomas

Vcs acham que classes sociais interferem em relacionamentos?

A diferença de classes sociais pode ocasionar muitas destas brigas, além do preconceito e desentendimento entre o casal e, até mesmo, entre familiares e amigos. A sociedade ainda faz discriminação dos casais que, por algum motivo, fogem dos padrões.

Language: English