
102 people

50 posts


Why are you still awake? 🌚

o6ogold’s Profile PhotoAdil
I haven't been sleeping at night for almost a month now. Sometimes, when something breaks inside a person, then everything that was once healed also gets broken.
It's like plates stacked in a line. When one moves, all the others move too, and everything breaks all over.
I'm not blaming anyone. The blame game ain't my thing. For the first few days, I was kinda mad at myself, at God, at fate, at the situation but then it all felt like okay but just because you have accepted something doesn't mean you're over it.
It just means that you're trying. That you're trying to be okay, that you're trying to heal everything in you, that you're struggling, that your heart isn't as stoned as you once made it seem so.

Che fate questo weekend?

Sabato mattina mi sono svegliata presto, con l'amore addosso, accanto al mio fidanzato. Ci siamo tirati su, siamo andati a comprare la colazione e l'abbiamo consumata ai piedi della montagna. Poi siamo partiti.
Amo affidarmi a lui, anche quando capita di sbagliare strada, e lo lascio sempre camminare davanti perché mi fa sentire più sicura. Mi piace osservarlo. Suda, ride e fischietta canzoni d'amore. E mi guarda con quegli occhi che vincono su ogni panorama.
Siamo rimasti in alto più tempo del previsto,
abbiamo percorso 15 km di baci.
Che fate questo weekend

Привет🙌😸. Назови свой любимый сериал, и расскажи про свои приятные впечатления о нём. Чем он так тебя зацепил? 🥹.

alexmaks2018’s Profile PhotoDemon
. . .『🌼』Ооо, сложно сказать, так как у меня далеко не один любимый сериал и каждый из них чем-то меня зацепил. Поэтому, я просто перечислю свои любимые сериалы: 🥰
🥠 «Бедные смеются, богатые плачут»
🥠 «Siempre fui yo»
🥠 «Ривердейл»
🥠 «Волчонок»
🥠 «Kally's Mashup»
🥠 «Тайный круг»
🥠 «Золушка и 4 рыцаря»
🥠 «Violetta»
🥠 «Пёс»
🥠 «Скорая помощь»
🥠 «Soy Luna»
🥠 «След»
🥠 «Закрытая школа»
🥠 «Склифосовский»
🥠 «Возвращение Мухтара 2»
🥠 «Мухтар. Новый след»
🥠 «Ранетки»
🥠 «Fate: The Winx Saga»
🥠 «Вкус счастья»
🥠 «Сваты»
🥠 «Анжелика»
🥠 «Древние»
🥠 «Наследия»
🥠 «Дневники вампира»
🥠 «Милые обманщицы»
🥠 «Сёстры по наследству»
🥠 «Милые обманщицы: Первородный грех»
🥠 «Девочка-вампир»
🥠 «Сплетница»
🥠 «Милые обманщицы: Первородный грех. Летняя школа»
🥠 «Нюхач»
🥠 «Султан моего сердца»
🥠 «Запах клубники»
🥠 «Элита»
🥠 «Ход королевы»
🥠 «Лихач»
🥠 «Пять минут тишины»
🥠 «Милые обманщицы: Перфекционистки»
🥠 «Друзья»
🥠 «Волшебники из Вейверли Плейс»
🥠 «Американская история ужасов»
🥠 «Леденящие душу приключения Сабрины»
🥠 «Однажды в сказке»
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🥠 «Аватар: Легенда об Аанге»
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🥠 «Универ»
🥠 «Секс в большом городе»
🥠 «Доктор Кто»
🥠 «Тёмный мир: Равновесие»
🥠 «Убийства по пятницам»
🥠 «Эмили в Париже»
🥠 «Воронины»
🥠 «H2O: Просто добавь воды»
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🥠 «Ангел или Демон»
🥠 «Папины дочки»
🥠 «Аватар: Легенда о Корре»
🥠 «СашаТаня»
🥠 «Возвращение Мухтара»
🥠 «Морские дьяволы. Смерч»
🎶 Марк Тишман – «В памяти»

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Привет Назови свой  любимый сериал и расскажи про свои приятные впечатления о

What are you reading these days

sleeperzsd’s Profile Photoswkduwksh
The Mountains Echoed by Khalid Husseini
( A quick review: The writer is a bit of an idiot as he misrepresents his own country in many ways, but on the bright side he doesn't misrepresent human beings, his characters are as human as we all are, they have hearts, brains, plans, trauma, love, fate and faith, everything is just woven so perfectly you'll start reading page after page in a daze.)

Which philosophy changed your perspective of life?

nousernameavailable31645’s Profile Photo♠phlegmatic♣
"amor fati" — Embracing fate with all its chaos made life a thrilling ride. Plus I am more of a live in the present kind of person. The idea of living in the present moment. It taught me to appreciate what I have in the here and now and to stop dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. I learned to be grateful for each day - to be able to start my day with a grateful heart and to savour the small joys that life brings. 🌻

Share something from your notes app !

It took me a long time to realise this When it’s fate, there are no coincidence Your fate is determined by the choices you make, but there are times when your fate chooses you. Things that are bound to happen are taking place even at this moment I was stuck with a sad premonition that this will be short lived but I decided to love my fate that choose me

شاركني نص يُلامسك دائمًا كلما قرأته

Hanoofaa14’s Profile Photoهنوف
Shall we meet again, strangers? Walk by my side.
Neither do you smile at me nor do I get confused like two strangers brought together by fate by chance. Then each of them went their separate ways. My heart can hardly believe it. Damn it. How can I convince this little fool called my heart that we are truly... truly strangers?

Do you believe in fate, or do you think we have control over our own destinies?

Lucifersays_hi’s Profile Photoزینب
We can not control which family we are born in that is fate, but we can choose the people we surround ourselves with, i.e., our friends, we control that.
We can not change fate, but our choices make us who we are.

Che fate? Io mi annoio.

Io mi status di vita è lavorare la mattina, dormire se possibile un po’ il pomeriggio. E dormire la notte. Buona giornata per domani anon anche a te.
Liked by: Ange light

Do you believe in fate, or do you think we have control over our own destinies?

Lucifersays_hi’s Profile Photoزینب
Fate or pre-destiny. I believe in that.
Can we stop our breath for long period of time?
The answer is no. At threshold body will automatically start breathing unless one is being suffocated by an other object.
Can we stay thirsty for long periods of time?
The answer is no. We can will to try stop drinking water but our bodies will stop functioning so we will compelled to have it.
It is in our hands to choose and that is our free will.

Do you believe in fate, or do you think we have control over our own destinies?

Lucifersays_hi’s Profile Photoزینب
50% - 50%
I'm saying this from experience because if we just believe in 'going with the flow', we will never learn to fight the current and go against it. 🌊
I'd say give your 100% if you believe in changing your destiny. If it happens, it's a win-win situation. If it doesn't, then it wasn't in your fate, maybe. At least you won't have the regret that you never tried anything to 'change your destiny'. 😌

Qui il più delle volte vogliono essere le donne a incastrare gli uomini, e noi sappiamo come lo fanno, salvo poi pentirsi per aver usato una cosi bassa strategia da spogliarelliste, quindi cosa voglio dire: è tutto sbagliato all'origine il pensiero femminile, l'origine trovatela voi!

Quelli che si fanno incastrare siete voi che date colpa agl’altri, prima di farvi un esame di coscienza. Fate ridere.

Who was the best Roman Emperor?

Marcus Aurelius. A fellow stoic, author, poet, and considered one of the five good emperors of Rome. By all means a relatively humble man for his station
"Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart." -Marcus Aurelius

*Cont2* *Vio just looked on with glassy eyes at the last dying grasps of the melting hand that looked far too much like @forgottenfifth sinking beneath the lava*

Stoicviolet’s Profile PhotoVio
A long silence followed, combined with what was sure to be conflicting emotions within the hylians young heart . After all, even as a pale imitation, these encounters were haunting .
However the world was cruel and fate would not let the hero rest juuuuuust yet, a mustached figure rising up behind silently before kicking him into the lava, though it dissipated into another void before he could melt in it's embrace .
Liked by: Red Blue Green Vio Shadow

Perché voi uomini non chiamate la tipa se non vi cerca? Come fate a dire ti amo se non dimostrate ❤️

Penso dipende se una persona prima crede se esista l’amicizia vera dal vero. Meglio comunque dal vero parlarsi non su un qualsiasi social mi sa.
Liked by: Ange light ciao90

Ahhhh ecco perché non vuoi fare la patente, è perché tuo papà non ce l' ha. Beh non è una buona giustificazione. Ti prego falla. Non è che devi prendere tante lezioni, la cosa importante è che ti iscrivi e poi puoi guidare in auto con tua mamma, basta questo e vai tranquilla

Che brutto quando arrivate con convinzione a una conclusione da soli, e con tutto il modo scorbutico utilizzate pezzettoni della vita degli altri per collegarli insieme e farne un'accusa. Non è così che funziona. A due domande diverse ho risposto in modo diverso, non ti puoi permettere di dire ciò che io non ho detto. Già tu ti stai permettendo di mettere in atto un'azione per me non fattibile, stai programmando qualcosa che per me non è fattibile.
Innanzitutto, pensi che mia madre possa utilizzare una macchina insieme a me, quindi non metti in dubbio l'idea che io non viva più con loro. Secondo caso, parli di poche lezioni, ma non prendi in considerazione le spese che dovrei sostenere e che probabilmente già sostengo. Naturalmente, come ormai tutti fate, mi classifichi come un paziente sano in grado di poter guidare. Brutto, eh? Vi invidio voi che non pensate tanto.

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vi supplico, quando fate le domande usate la punteggiatura che non si capisce un cazxo di quello che dite 💞

Seeeeeeeeeeee, aspetta la grazia dal cielo, è più facile che trovi un gratta e vinci da un milione di euro, che vedere gente che usa le virgole 😂

La vostra comitiva vuole organizzare una settimana di vacanza all'estero ma voi non avete i soldi. Si offrono (i vostri amici) loro di pagarvi la vacanza dividendosi tra loro le spese del vostro viaggio e pernottamento. Che fate? Accettate oppure ringraziate del gesto ma rimanete a casa?

Mi piace la solitudine, ci convivo da anni con essa, mi va più che bene così. Una buona serata a te.

Buon pomeriggio che fate?

Sai mia cugina avrebbe portato il suo cane da un istruttore per farlo imparare a dormire da solo sai? Sai che domani la mia amica che non ha mai imparato a nuotare e ha detto che è l unica che non è capace mentre gli altri sanno nuotare. Poi sai che comunque pare che sai c'è il fatto che sai poi la mid nipotina sai ha fatto circa due anni di età e sai che comunque parla bene.

Лучший сериал который смотрели

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀– Здравствуй! 🌞💘
Такой сериал не один:
✨ «Siempre fui yo»
✨ «Эмили в Париже»
✨ «Милые обманщицы»
✨ «Волчонок»
✨ «Violetta»
✨ «Soy Luna»
✨ «Дневники вампира»
✨ «Fate: The Winx Saga»
✨ «Волшебники из Вейверли Плейс»
✨ «Тайный круг»
✨ «Мухтар. Новый след»
✨ «Ривердейл»
✨ «Древние»
✨ «Wednesday»
✨ «Наследия»
✨ «Милые обманщицы: Перфекционистки»
✨ «Золушка и 4 рыцаря»
✨ «H2O просто добавь воды»
✨ «Кровь»
✨ «Милые обманщицы: Первородный грех»
✨ «BIA»
✨ «Запах клубники»
✨ «Милые обманщицы: Летняя школа»
✨ «Теория большого взрыва»
✨ «Академия вампиров»
✨ «Сплетница»
✨ «Лив и Медди»
✨ «Друзья»
✨ «Эйфория»
✨ «Секс в большом городе»
✨ «Аватар: Легенда об Аанге»
✨ «Девочка-вампир»
✨ «Элита»
✨ «След»
✨ «Закрытая школа»
✨ «Лихач»
✨ «Пёс»
✨ «Леденящие душу приключения Сабрины»
🎧 Кирилл Туриченко – «Алёнушка»

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Лучший сериал который смотрели

I belong to a wealthy household, my hubby is filthy rich guy, meri har khawhish puri karta hai, lekin aksar dusri larkiyon ke sath mukhtalif hotels mein mujh per cheat krta hai🥹 actually maine apne hubby ka paisa dekh ker hi unse shaadi ki, halanke mera ek ghareeb bf tha but I left him.

Men are prone to infidelity. Compromise together along with your fate. You need this man in authority, to encounter life's hardships.

Normalizziamo baciare a stampo i propri amici, sia maschi che femmine

Più andiamo avanti, più il mondo diventa una m€rda. Skopate con chiunque, vi fate vedere nüdy da chiunque... Mah. Che schifo di mondo che state creando.
Liked by: Chiara Devika Capperi

Qu'est-ce qu'un cœur brisé ? Est-ce la fin ou un tout nouveau départ ?

What can stop the ache of a heart?
Be there a heaven where it doth depart?
Many a dame would cry them to sleep,
And men speak not of what cuts so deep,
We cannot heal the soul from pain,
Though the chasm inside be filled with rain,
Be still then yet, when waters rise,
Cry out nought, nor show deepest sighs.
The torment do set men apart,
From men that love and feel full heart,
What riches lie in wait,
Be it doom or joyous fate.
We cannot stop the flood from rising,
Best not try or you’ll start despising,
The tide we can’t control,
That force which shreds a man from whole.
So sit you down and do not speak,
Embrace the pain that makes you weak.
For lovers do live and lovers do preach,
Even when hope is beyond all reach.
Questce quun cœur brisé  Estce la fin ou un tout nouveau départ

you can paste it as an answer to this question <3

Kafka wrote to his lover once saying; "You are the knife I turn inside myself; that is love. That, my dear, is love." I wanted to write to you yesterday but couldn't find the words. I love you, not superficially, because you'd have to take me on a date for that xD and i like men unfortunately but because we're kindred spirits i believe. I like how free you are, there's no limitations to your ideas, no judgement in your beautiful deep brown eyes. I love you because my struggles are reflected in your free-spiritedness. Because you project my desire to be independent, to be at liberty with myself much more gracefully than I ever could. I pray that you heal from the pain that you've been holding on to, and from the pain that is holding on to you. And I pray that time and fate deals to you the gentlest of their cards and that may your end be on petals and in full bloom. I'll borrow Kafka's words again to end this short letter, so i leave you with these words;
"In a way, you are poetry material; You are full of cloudy subtleties I am willing to spend a lifetime figuring out. Words burst in your essence and you carry their dust in the pores of your ethereal individuality."
PS: Agar koi bandi apki tareef krdy to it's a win-win. Bandon ka kya hy jee? Inhy to sb hi chalta hy XD

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oxi soffri di protagonismo senile

Ma la volete smettere con queste cavolate?
Ask è un app.. un cavolo di passatempo, non una giuria per screditare ed esprimere una condanna su una persona. Non fate i ragazzini andando a giocare coi sentimenti delle persone, sia con lui che con Francesco.
Ripeto, ask è un passatempo.. quindi far scoppiare una pseudo guerra tra di loro, non ha senso, soprattutto se già la tensione è alle stelle. Ognuno ha le sue ragioni e le sue motivazioni, ma non per questo si deve far schierare Ask in due fazioni, nemmeno i bambini fanno questo dai, i problemi se non vanno risolti le terze parti in questo casino non c'entrano nulla se non i diretti interessati, quindi fatevi un po' di fatti vostri e campate altrove!

Do you believe some things are sealed in fate or do you believe you can change your destiny?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
I don't believe in the fact, that our fate is sealed.
I believe that every actions that we make, create an alternate path.
That we have the possibility to make choices, and those choices are the results of our destiny.
I don't believe that someone is born to be doomed or someone else's soul is privileged.
I believe that we are born equally, with a pure heart and soul.
Our destiny is an infinite combination of actions and choices.
Do you believe some things are sealed in fate or do you believe you can change

Дресс – код — черный, музыка, как волны Меня помнят все, а я не помню многих! Костюм строгий, мы под луной полной! Тает — тает дым и только никотин в легких

1589, face the call of force divine
Fight under torment and fire
Terminate his fate on October 28
Sentence a werewolf, a beast
Deep in the night, where they hunted in hatred
Circle the wolf in the wild
And in pale lunar light, in the shape of the savage
Guided by anger, they're blind
1589, Peter Stump was killed in twilight
1589, call and fight, sacrifice
1589, in the name of the high and mighty
1589, torturе awaits tonight
1589, said the murderer was lupinе
Women and children devoured
Slayed on full-moon night, left but traces of the bites
One hand that phantom unleased
Creep through the light, in his fever and madness
Hunter and victim alike
1589, Peter Stump was killed in twilight
1589, call and fight, sacrifice
1589, in the name of the high and mighty
1589, torture awaits tonight
1589, with all spectators, stand in line
Head off, break up this beast
Feast on his cries, as the torture is calling
Hear as the streets tear the night
Burning flames of a pyre, and the crowd they are roaring
Stare as beheaded he lies
1589, in the night of a thousand fires
1589, born a wild, died a lie
1589, by the hand of a calling pyre
1589, etched beyond your time
Всё же лучше так...

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What if there is someone on this app who might be the missing piece of puzzle? Are you someone who is open to the idea of meeting people online? (STAIF)

iamsanamj_’s Profile PhotoSanam
I have met many friends from Ask. But don’t get me wrong, I wasn't looking for the missing piece in my puzzle (life), I was genuinely trying to meet the friends who accepted me without seeing or knowing me more than what they knew behind the screen.
As for the missing piece in my puzzle, I honestly don't feel like finding someone online or offline. I'm focused on my studies and my work, I have a family to take care of, and I have some expectations from myself that I need to fulfil for myself. There's no place or time for anything else in my life, and if something does happen unplanned and suddenly, it would be my parent's idea, not mine.
And when it's your parent's idea, it usually goes well, if Allah wills.
So what's there to find when fate shall crawl to you by itself ?

Language: English