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If you could brew a potion that would aid you in any sort of way, what kind would it be? 🥣🍶

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I actually have a recipe for a rather potent energy potion, that also holds the added benefit of giving the drinker a "warm and fuzzy feeling". The recipe is as follows:
1 heaping teaspoon of instant coffee
1 glug of freshly boiled water
1 generous splash of whatever milk you prefer
1 slightly smaller splash of cinnamon flavoured syrup*
*Optional, you can use vanilla or brown sugar if you don't like cinnamon. But I personally recommend cinnamon for the 'warm and fuzzy effect'.
Stir clockwise and stir well, drink whilst warm, but don't rush it. Savor the taste then, once done, go forth and deal with whatever task you've been putting off!
Side effects: may cause tummy troubles if drunk in excess.
🤣 ☕

Imagine you are with your favorite person and it's raining ✨

PreciousB0y’s Profile PhotoRaza
I wish I was who you drunk texted at midnight
Wish I was the reason you stay up 'til 3
And you can't fall asleep
Waiting for me to reply
I wish I was more than just someone you walk by
Wish I wasn't scared to be honest and open
Instead of just hoping
You'd feel what I'm feeling inside
Imagine you are with your favorite person and its raining

If all the countries were people, who would be: 1.The one always drunk 2.The shy one 3.The one with anger issues 4.The flirtatious one 5.The orthodox one 6.The arrogant one 7.The one who loves gossiping 8.The fashionable one 9. The one who's always broke 10. The solitude lover 11. Adventurous one

MMaryamKhan’s Profile PhotoMaryam Khan
1. The one always drunk: Russia
2. The shy one: Japan
3. The one with anger issues: North Korea
4. The flirtatious one: France
5. The orthodox one: Saudi Arabia
6. The arrogant one: USA
7. The one who loves gossiping: UK
8. The fashionable one: Italy
9. The one who's always broke: Greece
10. The solitude lover: Iceland
11. The adventurous one: Australia
12. The Resilient One: Pakistan

What's your opinion on all these anti tourism protests?

Shannon678900’s Profile PhotoShannon
Unfortunately, I'm not informed enough about the situation to have a strong opinion on it... But from what little I have heard, the issue seems to stem from the way certain tourists tend to behave when visiting their country-- ie. getting belligerently drunk and behaving in a manner that is inconsiderate and disrespectful.
In which case, I absolutely empathize with the locals. I don't blame them for being sick and tired of having tourists come to their home and treat it like a playground, showing little to no respect for their culture or the people who live there. I reckon I'd be fed up, too.

What kind a friend are you??

I'm loyal and good friend I would do anything for my friends but depends on the something thou..I'm good at listening probably shit parter in crime in drinking buddy as I'm lightweight 🤣 but do look after my friends if I'm sober and they drunk

How was your weekend? 😌

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Friday bbq at my boyfriends place and them watching germany vs spain. Then my bf slept at my place.
Saturday i did go to a Mallorca event with my best friend and was very drunk and embarrassing, then i slept at my boyfriends and sunday noon we drove to his mom to sit her 3 dogs

Describe a time you have celebrated someone else's birthday. What did you do to celebrate it?

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
I went to his home. He was my brother. Although he did not know I would be coming to surprise him. Like a normal birthday, we ate cakes and sweets. Later on that night we watched movies till late at night and drank a lot with him brother. When we woke up we got caught by his mother that we were drunk.

Write any thing that could make heart lighter

laibabukhari330’s Profile PhotoLaiba Bukhari
It's my original rap called *LOYALTY*
(Verse 1)
Loyalty, a trait that's hard to find,
But you played me like a game, messed with my mind,
You promised love, but all I got was pain,
You played your cards, and I was just a pawn in your game,
You broke me down, shattered my trust,
Got me feeling drunk on emotions, a continuous fuss.
Betrayed by love, deceived by your lies,
You left me broken, with tears in my eyes,
But I'll rise up, stronger than before,
I'll find my worth, leave you in the past, for sure.
(Verse 2)
I was blinded by your sweet talk and charm,
But behind closed doors, you caused me harm,
Drunk on power, you enjoyed the thrill,
Betraying my heart, your intentions ill,
But I won't let your betrayal define my fate,
I'll rise above and find someone who can relate.
Betrayed by love, deceived by your lies,
You left me broken, with tears in my eyes,
But I'll rise up, stronger than before,
I'll find my worth, leave you in the past, for sure.
Now I'm moving on, letting go of the pain,
No longer a victim of your toxic reign,
I'll choose self-love and loyalty, my new creed,
No longer blinded by the wounds you made bleed.
(Verse 3)
From this betrayal, I'll emerge with strength,
Fueled by the lessons learned, at any length,
No longer chasing love in all the wrong places,
I'll find true loyalty, genuine embraces,
Betrayal won't define me, it won't hold me back,
I'll rebuild my heart, love is what I'll attract.
Betrayed by love, deceived by your lies,
You left me broken, with tears in my eyes,
But I'll rise up, stronger than before,
I'll find my worth, leave you in the past, for sure.
No longer defined by the hurt and the tears,
I'll find loyalty that lasts throughout the years,
You may have betrayed me, left scars deep within,
But I won't let your actions dictate how I begin,
I'll reclaim my power, put my love back in me,
And find someone who deserves my loyalty

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One drunk man has more sense of humor than 4 higly educated women

i get the joke why because highly educated women wont be pleasing others with "sense of humor" instead they be minding their own. but yeah drunk man would be funnier

They are national teams not local teams so you weren't talking about Champions League.Its Euro Cup and its on the TV

Are you drunk I follow UEFA European Championship ( EURO CUP ) you’re the one that got all confused. Ik it’s on fucking tv how else u think I’m fucking watching it

How are you? What are your weekend plans?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Oh hi! So, I have two separate versions of this question in my inbox (amongst many others that accumulated during my short absence) and I want to answer them both so, I'm going to use this one to talk about what I did last weekend... I hope you don't mind!
But to answer your question, I'm doing good! Last weekend I went on a short trip with my fiance to one of our favourite cities, Manchester, for his thirtieth birthday. Manchester has a lot of personal significance to us. It was one of the first places we travelled to together as a couple, way back in 2018. It was also where we got engaged, some years after.
We spent our time exploring, mostly. We had a couple of places in mind where we definitely wanted to go-- namely Pixel Bar, which is a gaming bar, and our favourite Teppanyaki restaurant in Chinatown. But other than that, we mosty played it by ear! We spent a lot of time just looking around, seeing what we could find.
We also got a bit too drunk on cocktails and woke up with a pretty gnarly hangover on day three, but it was easily remedied with the help of a very, VERY strong coffee. 🤣 🥲
All in all, we had a pretty great time. It was nice to revisit some of the same spots and relive the memories we made years ago, while also making some new memories. 💕
(Pictured: Some street art we spotted in the Northern Quarter. Ducks!!)

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How are you What are your weekend plans

What's something that was completely out-of-character that you did?

iWillSpamYouAsk’s Profile PhotoSpam Ask
The time I got drunk (only time I’ve truly been drunk) in a hotel room with my cousins. I laughed until I cried, literally everything was funny. I was loud, endlessly talking, rambled on about wanting to fill the craters on the moon with mac and cheese, that I couldn’t have a conversation because I was busy exploring Mars, and much more. Really fixated on space apparently. 😂
I also became a bit lost on how to function, like my cousins were telling me that I should wash my face, brush my teeth, etc, and I would just stare at them either not knowing what to do, or be borderline annoyed that I had to do those things. 😂😅
But yeah, getting drunk is completely out of character for me, I don’t drink often as it is, and I definitely don’t drink enough to get drunk like that.
Whats something that was completely outofcharacter that you did

How do you like to celebrate your birthdays?

Since my birthday is in the summer, I like to spend it outdoors! Either by going to a theme park, to a festival or just spending time at the beach! I always like to spend my day with family and friends.
I also like to go clubbing for my birthday, but I notice it’s always a bit chaotic, it’s easy to lose your friends in these nights, because of their drunk actions and decisions 😂😅

Have you ever been the reason why your friend is in a relationship (by suggesting them to talk to a family friend that you know, introducing them to a family member, etc.)?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
No, but I'm the reason two of my friends are married... We were at a party, they were super shy, I was super drunk... so walking past them I pushed his face closer to hers... they accidently kissed.... and the rest is history 😇

Hamartia: Wenn Ryhs & Vi dazu gezwungen wären den anderen Mitgliedern ein Komplimente zu machen, was würden sie sagen? (Ryhs muss auch Vi eines geben und Vi eines Rhys)

So endlich mal diese Frage beantworten uff ;') Ich muss sagen, dass die Antworten auch etwas ein mashup mit der anderen Frage (Meinungen von Vi & Rhys zu den einzelnen Crewmitgliedern) sind, aber diese kann ich (aus meiner Sicht) nicht für alle beantworten, ohne, dass ich bei manchen OCs Dinge spoilern würde...also müsst ihr euch leider nur hiermit zufrieden geben :')
-Bastet: „Denke, ich könnte es mit ihr 10 Minuten in einen Raum aushalten ohne Mordgedanken zu haben.“
-Fly: „Der Giftzwerg ist nicht so lästig, wie erwartet...trotzdem immer noch lästig.“
-Der Prophet: „Immerhin tatscht er mich bei Untersuchungen nicht ohne Vorwarnung an...“
-Liri: „Wünschte sie würde ihre Klamotten anbehalten…uhm…ihr Essen ist gut, nicht so gut wie das von Mutter, aber kann mich nicht beschweren.“
-Zelos: *unverständliches Gemurmel, vermutlich Beleidigungen* „…will ihm nicht so sehr ins Gesicht schlagen wie Rhys. Hat einen guten rechten Haken.“
-Jay: „Macht ihre Arbeit gut und lässt mich in Ruhe.“
-Sune: „Der Welpe ist okay. Wenigstens eine einzige Person, die auf mich hört.“
-Asuka: „Uhm…ist wohl besser für uns beide, dass ich die meisten seiner Anspielungen nicht verstehe…wäre sonst...unschön.“
-Rhys: „Der Idiot ist ganz erträglich, also…wenn er schläft.“
-Bastet: „Wenn sie glücklich ist, leuchten ihre Augen und sie redet viel zu schnell. Ist verdammt süß.“
-Fly: „Sie ist wie die kleine Schwester, die ich nie wollte. Wird nie langweilig mit der Kleinen.“
-Der Prophet: „Er dürfte mich aufschneiden und meine Organe neu anordnen, wenn er mir dafür sein Gesicht zeigt. Aber in der Hinsicht sind wir wohl beide stur…ein Jammer. :(“
-Liri: „Sie darf mir jederzeit mit ihren Oberschenkeln das Genick brechen. Definitiv in meinen Top 3 Arten den Löffel abzugeben.“
-Zelos: *insert a drunk poetic paragraph about how Zelos is one of the most beautiful men Rhys has ever seen* *Geräusper* „…noch nie jemanden getroffen, mit dem man besser feiern kann. Er liebt Whiskey. Ich liebe Whiskey. Würde jederzeit einen Double Barrel Old Fashioned* mit ihm mixen, wenn du verstehst.“ [*Double Barrel Old Fashioned wird aus zwei Whiskey-Sorten gemixt. Little bit sweet. Little bit bitter. ;)]
-Jay: „Shorty ist ein würdiger Gegner für Sticheleien. Manchmal weiß ich nicht, ob sie mich küssen oder erwürgen will. Ziemlich sicher, dass sie nicht mal an meinem Hals ran kommt ;)“ [Jay ist nur 1,54m]
-Sune: „Interessanter Zeitgenosse. Plappert viel, wenn man ihm was zu trinken gibt, richtig drollig.“
-Asuka: „Ist ein bisschen herrisch, was die Rangordnung betrifft. Nicht, dass ich mich beschweren will, manchmal mag ich es, herumkommandiert zu werden. Hübsch anzuschauen.“
-Vi: „Er gibt die besten Umarmungen. Wenn du jemals eine bekommst, wirst du es verstehen :)“

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Marry up or marry for love? Why? My answer may not be the norm so I’m curious what others think

stormydazex6’s Profile Photodestiny
It seems to me that when you know a person for 10 years. When he comes to me, when I feel bad, he is the one who opens to me the World beyond consciousness. The one who allows me what is forbidden. This is the kind of person I will love. For many, love is too simple a feeling. For me specifically, this is the ability to merge in a forbidden world. With whom you are not afraid to be drunk and cheerful. Who I like to laugh with. Of course, the forbidden is welcome.

🐕hamartia🥃 Wenn dein OC dazu gezwungen wäre einen Nachmittag mit Rhys oder Vi zu verbringen, wen würde er wählen? Wieso? Der OC hat die Wahl der Freizeitbeschäftigung, was machen sie? (Der OC darf aber nichts wählen, was mit seiner Position zu tun hat, um es etwas gemeiner zu gestalten)

hamartia16123’s Profile Photohamartia
Ich könnte es mir einfach machen und behaupten Jay würde Vi wählen, weil sie sich dann einen ruhigen Nachmittag lang auf dem Schiff aus dem Weg gehen könnten bzw. Jay ihr Ding macht und Vi dabei ignoriert. Allerdings ist Jays Job das Schiff, also lege ich einfach mal fest, dass sie den Nachmittag abseits des Schiffes verbringen muss und dann würde sie sich definitiv für Rhys entscheiden. Den findet sie zumindest in gewissen Dosen unterhaltsam und er ist nett anzuschauen.
Jay geht gerne in Kunstmuseen und ich gehe mal davon aus, dass Rhys das nicht so gerne tut, also wird das Ganze wohl kein sonderlich friedlicher Nachmittag. Würde sie zumindest einmal wortlos in den nächsten Fluss springen, um Rhys Gefasel zu entkommen? Probably. Aber ich bin mir sehr sicher, dass sie früher oder später in einer Bar landen und da sind sie immerhin beide happy and drunk and will probably make out at one point, which seems like a bad idea :‘D

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Have you ever been refused access to a bar or a club, and if so for what reason?

lostineden’s Profile PhotoLost in Eden •°•☆
I actually never have been! There was this one time though where I think I got reaaally close 😂 We had been partying all night and went down to the club as a final stop. I was... pretty drunk Haha When I stepped up to the guards, they did a T-pose to make me do the same so they could search me. For one split second though my brain went "Hug!" LOL And I started to lean in! I caught myself and straightened up. Even though the guards did jokingly comment on it, they STILL let me pass??? Haha
Have you ever been refused access to a bar or a club and if so for what reason

What was your experience like when you went to a night club for the first time?

Friends got me drunk enough to get on the dance floor... more drinks came around... more dancing with whomever would dance.... woke up three days later... everything else was a blur

Have you ever been refused access to a bar or a club, and if so for what reason?

lostineden’s Profile PhotoLost in Eden •°•☆
Back when I was around twenty-two, I was refused re-entry to a club because the door staff thought I was far too drunk... Which, to be fair, I was. I remember being more than a little bit miffed at the time, especially since the friends I was with were allowed back in and I had to get a lift home.
In hindsight though, I am rather glad I wasn't allowed back in! I was in no fit state to be at the club, or in public at all, for that matter. I was intoxicated to the point where I had no awareness of my surroundings and easily could've gotten hurt.
Y'know, every now and then I think back on some of the dumbass stuff I did in my early twenties and I wish I could shake some sense into myself... This is one example. For god's sake, younger Jo, why were you like this? 😅

Did she say that? I've always seen her being honest about her dr*g addiction.

She said it last night when everyone was telling her she was drunk. Nobody even mentioned dr*gs so why is she mentioning it? I don’t care if she’s on dr*gs but she needs to chill the f out.

How long can someone appreciate beauty if they can't connect with it on an emotional and intellectual level?

deeda_dahi’s Profile PhotoXalaam
It can't be said I'm an early bird
It's 10 o'clock before I say a word
Baby, I can never tell
How do you sleep so well?
You keep tellin' me to live right
To go to bed before the daylight
But then you wake up for the sunrise
You know you don't gotta pretend
Baby, now and then
Don't you just wanna wake up, dark as a lake
Smellin' like a bonfire, lost in a haze?
If you're drunk on life, babe, I think it's great
But while in this world
I think I'll take my whiskey neat
My coffee black and my bed at 3
You're too sweet for me
I aim low I aim true, and the ground's where I go
I work late where I'm free from the phone
And the job gets done
But you worry some, I know
But who wants to live forever, babe?
You treat your mouth as if it's Heaven's gate
The rest of you like you're the TSA
I wish I could go along
Babe, don't get me wrong
You know you're
bright as the morning, as soft as the rain
Pretty as a vine, as sweet as a grape
If you can sit in a barrel, maybe I'll wait
Until that day
I'd rather take my whiskey neat
My coffee black and my bed at 3
You're too sweet for me

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Песни дня : Составляем вот такой плейлист: 1. Песня в женском исполнении 2. Песня любой музыкальной группы 3. 23 песня в твоём плейлисте 4. Грустная песня 5. Зажигательная песня Спасибо за ответ💕

Песня 🎵
Наташа Варвина -Напишу мечту
🎵Drunk Groove
Ицып Цыпер feat Игорь Рыба
🎵Максим -Знаешь ли ты .
🎵Бейонсе-Дима Корсо.

‡ Y꒤ꋊꋬ ‡ ɪs ᴄᴜʀɪᴏᴜs » sʜᴀʀᴇ ᴀ sᴏɴɢ/ᴘᴏᴇᴍ/ᴘɪᴄᴛᴜʀᴇ ғʀᴏᴍ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴀsᴛ. «

x99xfacesx’s Profile Photo[ Y꒤ꋊꋬ ]
↘Sharing a Song...
Papa Roach - Be Free
Woke up and I feel like shit
I don't remember last night, I'm getting sick of this
I hit the bottle when I got off stage
and got piss drunk stupid and went I in a rage
I think I mighta got into a fight
Because my knuckles were bloody and I don't feel alright
I hit the bottom and I don't even care
Some say I'm going to hell but I'm already there
Sick and tired of being sick and tired
I want to be free from this ball and chain and
Be free from this life of pain and
be free from this ball and chain
I want to be free from you
Yꋊꋬ  ɪs ᴄᴜʀɪᴏᴜs  sʜᴀʀᴇ ᴀ sᴏɴɢᴘᴏᴇᴍᴘɪᴄᴛᴜʀᴇ ғʀᴏᴍ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴀsᴛ

your only like this cause u lost an ex to a drunk driver and u think somethink like that can happen again so u run round the world playing crazy music and partying with your 2 "friends " and lose yourself in work so u never have to face pain again

Thank you so much, doctor! I appreciate the psychiatric evaluation. Now I understand why you were so highly recommended. You must be the envy of your profession.
your only like this cause u lost an ex to a drunk driver and u think somethink

Do you think people are most likely exaggerating when they say they get drunk after having a drink or two of a hard seltzer (like white claw) and have you yourself ever tried to see how many hard seltzers it takes for the alcohol to kick in?

Never had that but probably not. I get buzzed after a sip or two of whiskey. People have different tolerances.

Do you think people are most likely exaggerating when they say they get drunk after having a drink or two of a hard seltzer (like white claw) and have you yourself ever tried to see how many hard seltzers it takes for the alcohol to kick in?

The alcohol I make is around 70% to 80% alcohol by volume before I cut it down, it wouldn’t a lot of those to get you tipsy 😉

This is Viki . . . John says he needs a break

igotamatch’s Profile Photoigotamatch
So. . . (I'm using John's style)
John sitting here with his chin on his hands , a little drunk or more
Drinking his double mint tea
Doesn't want anybody to feel ignored or underappreciated
But really need to have a break
Viva Vova
God bless Russia xxx and that includes uki-land xxx

If you could create the perfect date night, what would it be likel?”{description like place to eat , picnic , dinner night , night drives , what to eat , go to restaurants or cook together at home}

Morgan_Muffel’s Profile PhotoMorgan_Muffel
I had the perfect date. That was a surprise for my boyfriend. I cooked a spaghetti bolognese and I made a desert - oranges with chocolate fondue. We ate all that things in dark room with some candles and drunk a wine. Finally we had some private moments only for us 😁. He was soooo happy. That was amazing.

Hi Apple, what’s up with you? Any fun trips? Shift at the 7-11?

Neo_gs’s Profile PhotoRelease The Kraken
Did one shift, yes! Sad to say, the homeless man who lived behind the shop is no longer residing, nor is he welcome there any longer. The drugs did their thing and he started picking fights with the staff and ended up vandalizing an employee's car.
As for the rest, not much going on other than family emergencies really 😅 Got a cousin who recently got engaged, another who's in the middle of a divorce, grandma has apparently been getting drunk on the DL and fell and broke her hip, my dude seems a little withdrawn but doesn't seem to want to talk yet, etc. A lot going on around me lol!

(Nur falls du dazu schon etwas offenbaren möchtest oder kannst) Gibt es interessante Dynamiken unter den Charakteren? Wer würde mit wem gut oder eben weniger gut auskommen? Gerne auch mit Esra und Vale<3

Wir hätten ...
Camille×Vale×Tsuyu×Yuel = S*xbuddys alias Vale is a asshole but hot
Lumi×Sev= Mom & Dad alias Ying & Yang
Shao×Camille = best Pals
Sev×Vale = "Dad" & "Son"
Vale×Sev×Ren = Swordlovers, lets fight till death, rivals
Sev×Shao×Camille = aka Esra needs 'food' trio
Sev×Shao = lets smoke weired stuff and don't sleep
Shao×Nenesra = friends
Lumi×Tsuyu = helping duo
Camille×Rann = let do some experiments
Yuel×Camille×Shao = lets play cards and let fight and get drunk
Rann×Vale = "please hug me!"..."no,f*** you"..."can you buy me-"..."no"..."but you're my brother"..."I'm not"
Vale×Lumi = "be my protector, Captn"..."ok, be my b****" ..."o///////o
Lumi×Rann = the good ones
Yuel×Nenesra = someone (Esra) will be death
Yuel×Lumi = "nice ass" ...">////<"
Ren×All = "really, shes Vales Vice?"
Ren×Lumi = broken people understand eachother
Shao×Rann = the tired duo
...ähm, ich denke, das reicht erstmal xD

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Поделись последними песнями, которые ты добавил(-а) в свой плейлист 🎶

Madness – Never Knew Your Name
Amanda Palmer – My Favorite Things
Slowdive – Sugar for the Pill
Nana Mouskouri – Over And Over
Nouvelle Vague, Camille – Too Drunk To Fuсk
77 Bombay Street – Clown
Gabriel Templar – They’re Not Happy About Me
Yusei – Romance in Tokyo
Suzi Wu – Error 404
The Fratellis – Jeannie Nitro
NENA – Nur geträumt
Michelle Gurevich – End of an Era
Carla Bruni – Le plus beau du quartier

Czemu jak dochodzi do zdrady w związku, ludzie najczęściej mówią, że to przez to że byli pijani? Czy to ich tłumaczy?

kruczek3115’s Profile Photoღ Mała Dama ღ
PL: To nie jest wytłumaczenie, nawet będąc pijanym trzeba mieć jakieś hamulce.
Jak się nie umie pić, to niech się nie pije.
Zdrada to świadomy wybór, więc niech mi tu nikt nie πr***i, że "on nie chciał".
Zwłaszcza, że podobno "słowa pijanych to myśli trzeźwych", więc tym bardziej...
ENG: This is not an explanation, even when drunk you have to have some brakes.
If you don't know how to drink, don't drink.
Cheating is a conscious choice, so don't let anyone tell me that "he didn't want to."
Especially since they say "the words of drunks are the thoughts of sober people", so even more so...

A famous thing or place in your city ?

Athar_Lati’s Profile PhotoAthar Lati
Maybe our castle and UFO bridge. My city is mostly visited by two main groups of people 👉
1. By retirees from Austria who travel here on cruise river ships because of our cute historical center and good meal for lower prices 😁
2. Young men from England who use to have here farewells before the wedding and get drunk to the death in Irish pub 😂
A famous thing or place in your city

Do you believe true feelings come out when people are drunk?

MaryJane214’s Profile PhotoMary Jane
Although it makes people more likely to express their emotions, it's not a guarantee that true feelings will always come out when somebody is under the influence 👎
If they're completely sloshed, they're much more likely to come out with d*mb sh*t which they'd never in a million years think when sober, nevermind say when drunk 😹
Do you believe true feelings come out when people are drunk

Language: English