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50 posts


Kleine Frage zu JoA. Thema: Playlist. Soll man da nur Songs rein packen, die bis 2020 veröffentlicht waren oder gehen auch neuere? Und sollen es nur Songs im K-Pop Genre sein?

hello ♡
tatsächlich ist es mir ziemlich egal. bei hayan’s playlist habe ich auch nicht wirklich auf den zeitpunkt geachtet, deswegen könnt ihr gerne neuere songs aufführen.
auch könnte ihr gerne songs aus anderen genres angeben - es sollte halt am ende zu eurem oc passen bzw. den musikgeschmack eures ocs wiederspiegeln.

Які моменти з дитинства ти пам'ятаєш?

karina_sidoruuk’s Profile Photo☍°˙˙ Та SаMа : °˙˙Ɏⱥꞡīđҟⱥ☍
Привіт. Пам'ятаю смак персика. Як я думаю у жувальній гумці це був смак який найбільше запамятовувався. Принаймні для мене.
Сьогодні з їжею стояла гаряча кава і запахи змішались і я раптом згадав один з запахів дитинства. Кава об'єднувала багато запахів їжі, як виявляється. Приємно щось зрозуміти через десятиліття..
Згадуються атракціони, але нічого особливого згадати неможу. Просто тішуся, що батьки мали змогу, у не надто прості часи, робити нам свято.
Чую спів цвіркунів за вікном. Пам'ятаю селище для туристів чи, що воно там у Криму. Ніч де в повітрі крім спеки, чулось море. Хоч до нього треба було йти кілометр, чи щось таке. І цвіркуни... Якось таємничніше співали.. І небо з зорями глибоке.. Фантастичніше. Хоч у вересні, чи кінці серпня на Київщині не гірше. Але південь є південь.
Hello. I remember the taste of peach. Chewing gum with the taste of peosika was also remembered.
Today there was hot coffee with the food and the smells mixed and I suddenly remembered one of the smells from my childhood. Coffee combined many food smells, as it turns out. It's nice to understand something after a decade..
Attractions are mentioned, but I can't remember anything special. I'm just glad that my parents had the opportunity, in not too simple times, to make a holiday for us.
Crickets singing outside the window. I remember a village for tourists in the Crimea. A night where, in addition to the heat, you could hear the sea in the air. Although you had to walk a kilometer or something to get to it. And crickets... Somehow they sang more mysteriously.. And the sky with stars is deep.. More fantastic. Although it is not worse in September or the end of August in the Kyiv region. But south is south.

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Hello there, zapraszam do siebie wszystkie grzec(s)zne dusze.

ABS0LVTION’s Profile Phototerzo. ִ ࣪
⠀ ⠀⠀
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀﹒♡ ﹒⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Hello there zapraszam do siebie wszystkie grzecszne dusze

Hello. And you know that this account @Jack22288 is a fake and a cosplay of me. You see that there is not a single real photo

jack22226436’s Profile Photo@Jack22288
Stop accusing Jack because he looks ugly, stop chasing him, Jack wants to live in peace, I believe him because I like Jack and his profile is fake because it has few questions and answers. Stop being a bad person with Jack 😡😡😡

How easily scared are you? 😨

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
It depends. The other day, the Hello Kitty helium balloon started deflating more. I woke up in the middle of the night and saw the balloon moving around. Up and down, left and right. It had also gone much lower. I thought it was some sort of sinister activity, but it was actually the helium deflating, causing the balloon to float lower and lower, spin and move.

Todos los hombres españoles son iguales pelo corto musculines y con tatuajes ninguno diferente

Todos los hombres de Españazistán son unos arrastrados de las mujeres españolas y también inmigrantes porque no hacen ascos a nada, son unos simps y unos inceles de esas mujeres que se venden en los onlyfans con bragas de hello kitty que piden en el shein y a la gitana del mercadillo a 3x2 con una ramita de romero miarma si se siente generosa, porque todas son unas frescas como mi madre que le abrió las patas a mi padre, que era su hermano y de ahí nací yo deforme perdido, con la cabeza como un balón de rugby.
Todos los hombres españoles son iguales pelo corto musculines y con tatuajes

《 zwillingsflamme deadline》

Hello there~
Wie ich festgestellt habe, ist die Deadline schon nächste Woche Montag...und doch nicht mehr 2 Wochen hin. Mein Fehler ^^'
Ich wollte fragen, wie es bei euch ausschaut? Kann ich mit einigen Steckbriefen zu Montag rechnen, oder brauchen ein paar eine Verlängerung? Wie gesagt, wäre eine Verlängerung kein Problem, schreibt mich ruhig an! Das letzte was ich möchte, ist eine Situation wie bei ZF 1.0 :'D also wäre es super, wenn man mir über FF.de kurz schreibt oder hierüber als kurzen Kommentar! Wenn ich also merke, dass die meisten bis Montag nicht fertig werden, verlängere ich die Deadline doch noch definitiv! ZF ist mir super wichtig und ich habe wirklich so große Motivation zu schreiben, da wäre es echt schade, wenn alles wieder ins Nichts läuft. Vor allem weil eure Ideen allesamt so so klasse sind!!
Die At Choice Seite muss ich noch aktualisieren, aber viel hat sich nicht geändert (2 Abmeldungen sind dazu gekommen).
Die Fragerunde steht auch noch aus...ich werde heute Abend mal, die ersten 5 Fragen verschicken. Tut mir echt leid, dass sich das so hingezogen hat ._.
Love, solasta <3

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zwillingsflamme deadline

hello, czy można? • ᴗ •

rara____avis’s Profile Photo⠀♕ ⠀⊰ ⠀Akin Paşa ⠀⊱ ⠀
Nikt nie uprzedził cię z rezerwacją, ani szybszym dołączeniem, więc jak najbardziej można! Witam Cię oficjalnie w progach naszego grona i przypominam, że na wykreowanie wypowiedzi pierwotnej masz 4 dni. Czasu tego nie można przedłużyć, więc życzę weny i udanej zabawy! ♡
♕ Nûr-Banû
hello czy można  ᴗ


Hello hello, liebe Jump-Start-Menschen!
Da mich jetzt schon einige Leute gefragt haben, und mir das auch ganz gut in den Kram passt, wird es definitiv eine Verländerung des Einsendeschlusses geben. Und weil ich zu faul zum Rechnen bin, aber ungefähr zwei Wochen dazupacken wollte, sagen wir ganz einfach:
Also ab heute noch einen Monat! :D
Ich wollte euch auch gerne den zweiten Prolog gleich mitgeben, aber ich werde heute wohl nicht mehr fertig. Er steht aber fast vollkommen. Er sollte also in ein-zwei Tagen um die Kurve gebogen kommen.
Bis dann!

What’s your primary use of this app? [Examples: venting, socializing, journaling, entertainment, etc.]

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Hello. I keep something similar to a diary, but in the form of arbitrary answers. With a character from the game, created by me in my own image. Although the topics of the answers are different and often do not relate to my personal life, but this is at first glance. Besides, these are all my conclusions, this is my worldview. So I guess I can call it a diary. or my men's magazine. Hah.
Привіт. Веду щось схоже на щоденник, але у вигляді довільних відповідей. З персонажем з гри, створеним мною за власним образом. Хоча теми відповідей різні і часто не стосуються мого особистого життя, але це на перший погляд. Крім того, це все мої висновки, це мій світогляд. Тому я думаю, що я можу назвати це щоденником. або мій чоловічий журнал. Хах.

Szia képzeld a Kálvin téren felszálltam a hàrmas metróra és ült mellettem egy ember akinek ráláttam a telefonjára és a te askodat olvasta. Nem vicc

azt mondjuk nem tudom, hogy ez körkérdés volt-e. (azt látom, hogy nem shoutout.) de amikor celeb voltam két eonnal ezelőtt, még én is láttam olyan embert tömegközlekedési eszközökön, aki az én askomat olvasta éppen. majdnem szóltam neki, hogy amúgy itt állok melletted, helló.

When interacting with others, do you tend to rely more on gut feeling, or prior knowledge about the other person?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
🌞Hello. Usually by intuition or habit. But when it comes to serious topics, that's where knowledge comes into play. ;)✨🐗 .........................................
When interacting with others do you tend to rely more on gut feeling or prior

Describe the feeling when your name is called.

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
My friend and i were at a public place and someone said "hello" and my friend looked back and i was like "tghe kuon dekh rha tghe thori bola usney." He was like he said "idhr aoo"
Describe the feeling when your name is called
Liked by: Amna Zaid Wali

Have you ever thought about changing your name? What would you change it to if you had to?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Hello, Marie Serendipity 👋 😌
Sometime in my childhood, I really wanted to change my name. I think I wanted the name Artyom 😅 I think if I had to change my name, I would choose the name Artyom 😅 At the moment, my name is completely satisfactory to me (namely the name Alexey) and I definitely do not want to change it 😅 In any case, for this period of his life. Moreover, my name sounds good with my patronymic, namely, Alexei Sergeevich 😌 But, if I really had to change my name, I would still choose the name Artyom 😌
Have you ever thought about changing your name What would you change it to if

Hello Ms Merve how are you? How was your 4th?

thatsrealsupport’s Profile Photoyeety yeet
It was alright, I heard fireworks but couldn’t see them unfortunately and no, it’s not because I wasn’t wearing my glasses lol. It was dark and cloudy but the neighbors were trying to release fireworks as well so that was nice to watch. How are you?

Hello. My ask was closed by the administration for political reasons. But I created a new account. I will be glad to see you there) With sincere respect, Kitti(KittLo)

KittiLloid’s Profile PhotoKittLo
And they've closed mine by making it immpossible login ~ on the website version.
I see no point in using the app. as it is simply 'dumb' ~ eg, I can't translate .
(I'm using app. for this!)
so , here's an exposé of . . . . 'something' ......
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJiPvXueu_gigotamatch’s Video 174275858554 nJiPvXueu_gigotamatch’s Video 174275858554 nJiPvXueu_g

So. The moon is best seen from the ground. Because during the day it is more than one hundred degrees of heat, and at night it is more than one hundred degrees of frost. One day is two weeks, just like a night. Ideal conditions for colonization.))

Jack22288’s Profile PhotoRusyk)
Hello Jack, how are you? Congratulations 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 for your knowledge, you are so smart. Thank you for giving me this valuable lesson. The Moon seen from the ground is even better. Have a great day Jack

Hello July✨ I hope July is kind to you 💓

waleedelsayed20’s Profile PhotoWaleed Elsayed
Thank you, my July has started very nicely! 😁:
1. The salary for June came 💸💸💸
2. My son was successful in test for his work 👍
3. I took half day of holiday to spend lunch and 4 hours of talking with my best friend 🥰
4. Then we were shopping together😅..... and what is very pleasant on July, last 2 weeks of July are vacations! 🤩 Have a nice July too! 💕👍😁
Hello July
I hope July is kind to you

Do you think true love is worth it if it results in heartbreak?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Hello, Marie Serendipity 😇
I think it's worth it 😌 In our life, in addition to love, there is also experience 😌 Experience is very good for living and improving ourselves 😌 It is thanks to this experience that we build personality into ourselves and become wiser 😌 Every broken heart helps us become better and bypass the "rake" that we have already stepped on 😌 So, an unsuccessful love experience is a good and necessary experience 😌
Do you think true love is worth it if it results in heartbreak

⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⎰⠀ ⋆⠀ Hello ᶳᵗʳᵃᶰᵍᵉʳ. You look like an angel!

⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ( ⠀*⠀ )
⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀オ ˖˙⠀⠀⠀ tonight i don't⠀⠀w̶a̶n̶n̶a̶⠀⠀ ⠀⠀
⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀┌────────────────────⠀⠀⠀♥⠀ ⠀!
⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀she's⠀⠀ a⠀⠀⠀ provocateur⠀⠀ dancefloor
⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀connoisseur shit week so Friday for sure
⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀tell ⠀the ⠀girls ⠀we're ⠀taking ⠀a detour
⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀・⠀・⠀・⠀⠀⠀⠀cigarette, candy necklace on
⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀my hips butterfly that's on my wrist put
⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀your⠀⠀ hands⠀⠀ on ⠀⠀me ⠀⠀like⠀⠀this
⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀───────────────────────────┘
Hello ᶳᵗʳᵃᶰᵍᵉʳ You look like an angel

If you woke up in a place that was not your home, where do you imagine finding yourself?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Hello, Marie Serendipity 👋
The following picture immediately appeared in my head: A small house high in the snow-capped mountains 😌 Some winter resort, probably with ski sports 😅 I don't know, maybe I really missed it 😅
Have a nice evening and have a wonderful mood, Marie Serendipity 😌🤗
If you woke up in a place that was not your home where do you imagine finding

Hey, hi, hello, przychodzę do Was z pewnymi poszukiwaniami dawnych towarzyszów niedoli. Może ktoś się skusi? Poszukiwani ex-przyjaciel, genetyk, z którym mamy pewne porachunki do wyrównania, i taki ognisty jegomośc zwany Pyro. Więcej info tutaj ->https://ask.fm/N1GHTFVRY/answers/175655804044 ♥♥♥

N1GHTFVRY’s Profile Photo☾⠀⠀⠀⠀ ——⠀⠀⠀⠀ TINEA
Powodzenia, obyś prędko odnalazła swoje zguby!
Wszystkich zainteresowanych zapraszam do naszej Furii, nie pożałujecie!

➫ ⠀Le Diable Blanc.
Hey hi hello przychodzę do Was z pewnymi poszukiwaniami dawnych towarzyszów

Hello Friend.✨Thank you for the insults and the fire, it was not necessary to touch the fire with your fingers, but I am pleased. ;) I love birds. But I also like cats, dogs, lizards, I don't know.. Crocodiles.. (just kidding))) Or maybe not. 😂 😉

Jack22288’s Profile PhotoRusyk)
Hello my friend Jack, do you like crocodiles? Mercy, I'm glad it's a joke 😂😂😂, you're very funny Jack

ياجماعه اللي عندو خبرة اقدر اغير اليوزر في الآسك ؟؟

الطريقة بسيطة لكن تحتاج انتظار اسبوع تقريبًا ، بعطيك ايميلهم ترسلين لهم نص بمعناه "طلب تغيير يوزر" لكن ضروري يكون تراسلينهم من نفس الايميل المربوط بصفحتك ، بعدها باسبوع او عشر ايام كحد اقصى تجيك رسالة فيها رابط مثل استعادة كلمة المرور ، تدخلينها وتحطين الايميل والباسورد وتحت حاطين لك خانة اليوزر الجديد علمًا بأنك لو غيرت اليوزر ماراح تقدر تغيره مرة ثانية ، ويتغير ببساطة.
ايميل : Support@ask.fm
عنوان الرسالة : Request to change username
النص : Hello, i would like to change my username name, I have been an avid user of this app for a long time and when I put my username I didn’t think about it and now I would like to change it.
Kindest regards

And hello to you, friend. But not bad. Hot days are true. Summer... My neighbor's cat used to come to me.😂 How are you?

Jack22288’s Profile PhotoRusyk)
Hi my friend Jack, how are you? I am well thank God. It's cold here, I don't like the heat, Jack. Kibon you like animals, I like dogs. All the best to you and don't care what people say bad about you. Always be yourself and never change for anyone and have self-love

Hello Jee! Kya Haal hain? 🤡

marslanwajid’s Profile PhotoNO ONE LIKES YOU!
دنیا کرے سوال تو ہم کیا جواب دیں
تم کو نہ ہو خیال تو ہم کیا جواب دیں
دنیا کرے سوال
پوچھے کوئی کہ دل کو کہاں چھوڑ آئے ہیں
کس کس سے اپنا رشتۂ جاں توڑ آئے ہیں
مشکل ہو عرضِ حال تو ہم کیا جواب دیں
تم کو نہ ہو خیال تو ہم کیا جواب دیں
دنیا کرے سوال
پوچھے کوئی کہ دردِ وفا کون دے گیا
راتوں کو جاگنے کی سزا کون دے گیا
کہنے سے ہو ملال تو ہم کیا جواب دیں
تم کون ہو خیال تو ہم کیا جواب دیں
دنیا کرے سوال تو ہم کیا جواب دیں
~ساحر لدھیانوی~

What do you miss about your school-going days?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
– How, because it was a very small one consisting of only 150 students, I knew everybody. And when I say everybody, I mean it. I was literally friends with this grade 1 student, she wrote an essay on me for the topic "best friend."
– How I'd play head and tails with everyone during free periods. We were SO loud.
– At the back of our class, we had this empty place without any seats. Whenever we had a free unit, we all sat on the floor. Collective floor time??? Hello??? We were literal goals.
– My classmates. I will never vibe with humans like I vibe with them. I love them so much it hurts.
– Luca. That kitten. I adopted him for a month before he went away :(
– I was a prefect. During break time, I was assigned the duty of supervising the "ground" where students of grade 4 till grade 7 were allowed. Sab badmaash thay. I miss handling them.
– We had two consecutive units of Economics on Mondays in grade 9, and my teacher would ask me to sit in front right after entering the class because I always fell asleep.
– The gossip. We'd talk about everything.
– PT. Please, the best unit ever. I miss Tuesdays.
– MY ART TEACHER. I used to bully him and he'd let me. Love that old dude.
– Van times. We had a group, we'd wait for everyone to leave so we could play Kings.
– Singing all the time.
– One time, a class fellow lost his brother. We all cried with him.
– How I'd see my Chemistry teacher enter school and he'd laugh at my grimace every single day. I always used to tell him to take a goddamn break.

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Do you prefer sunshine or moonlight?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Hello, Marie Serendipity 👋
I prefer moonlight more 😌
Firstly: My body does not tolerate heat well, and heat, as we know, comes from sunlight 😄
Secondly: In principle, I like the evening and night time of the day, as it is for me, mainly, a time of rest and tranquility 😇
Thirdly: It's summer now, and nighttime summer walks under the moonlight have a gorgeous atmosphere, especially if a loved one is nearby. It brings romance to an ordinary walk 🥰
Do you prefer sunshine or moonlight

If you were to write a letter to anyone anonymously right now, what type of letter would it be? (Examples: romantic, apology, venting, gossiping, joking, questioning, etc).

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Hello, Marie Curiosity 👋
It probably depends on who I'm writing this letter to. To friends - as a joke, to girlfriends - romantically, to colleagues - with good luck (I'm on vacation now, and it's not sweet for them right now), to some people from the past I would write a question (in fact, I want to ask some how they are doing, but unfortunately (and maybe fortunately), we haven't talked for a long time)), and I have no one to pour out my soul, and there's no need. Let's just say I have the courage to deal with moral issues on my own 😌😌😌
If you were to write a letter to anyone anonymously right now what type of

joan of arc - ankündigung

nessa0142571’s Profile Photowindflower
hello ♡
mein letzter post zu joan of arc ist mittlerweile mehr als ein jahr her. ich war natürlich in dem jahr nicht untätig, sondern habe vor allem die monate danach viel an joan of arc gemacht. ich habe die storyline überarbeitet und so gut wie fertig geplant, eine neue webseite erstellt und mit dem ein oder anderen ersteller geschrieben, um ein paar sache abzuklären und auch den ein oder anderen zusatzsteckbrief noch zu bekommen.
umso mehr tut es mir nun leid zu verkünden, dass aus joan of arc so wie es aktuell ist, nichts wird. es liegt nicht an den charakteren im einzelnen, sondern einfach an der menge der charaktere. neun ocs sind einfach unfassbar viel für eine autorin alleine - vor allem auch wenn einige von ihnen eher komplexe storylines haben sollten. außerdem ist der upload von joan of arc mittlerweile mehr als drei jahre her und ich muss einfach ehrlich sagen, dass ich mich natürlich in dieser zeit verändert habe. ich lege jetzt mehr wert auf andere dinge als damals und habe auch einfach ein viel besseres verständnis davon, was es genau heißt eine mmff zu haben - immerhin war joan of arc meine erste mitmachfanfiction und ich habe es schlichtweg einfach unterschätzt.
aus diesem grund habe ich die letzten monate viel überlegt. lösche ich die story komplett? und lege meinen fokus auf steckbriefe und deja vu? damit, die story einfach ruhen zu lassen, war ich jedoch gar nicht zufrieden. ich bin ehrlich, ich mag einfach die idee hinter joan of arc viel zu sehr. ich brauche allerdings einen neuanfang, um meine vorstellungen umsetzen zu können.
deswegen habe ich die letzten monate schon angefangen joan of arc für einen reupload vorzubereiten - einfach damit ich nicht wieder etwas sage und am ende daraus doch nichts wird, sondern mir diesmal wirklich hundertprozentig sicher bin.
grundsätzlich wird sich nicht so viel ändern. die story wird weiterhin mit dem debüt 2020 starten, aber diesmal habe ich mehr oder weniger schon einen festen plan. somit wird die story im ideal fall über die kompletten sieben jahre eine kpop-gruppe gehen - einfach damit ich ein klaren anfang und ein klares ende habe. heißt natürlich nicht, dass ich jedes einzelne jahr ins genaueste beleuchte, sondern viel mit zeitsprüngen arbeiten werde. außerdem möchte ich gerne einen hauptpunkt auf das liebesleben der einzelnen mitgliedern legen - ich habe einfach gemerkt, was für ein großer fan ich doch für lovestories bin und würde diese sehr gerne enger mit dem idolverse-plot verknüpfen.
ansonsten haben sich auch noch weitere kleinigkeiten verändert, die ihr dann sehen werdet, wenn ich die story wieder hochlade. ich werde zeitnah die alte story löschen, einfach um dem neuen joan of arc wirklich einen richtigen neuanfang zu geben. ich freue mich schon sehr auf den neustart und bin sehr gespannt.

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Quando passa por ruas e lugares que tem conhecidos, você olha geral pra reconhecer e dar oi, ou segue seu caminho e só cumprimenta se te cumprimentarem?

dz9ronin’s Profile PhotoL
""""dz9ronin’s Profile Photo
"When you pass through streets and places where you know people, do you look around to recognize them and say hello, or do you continue on your way and only say hello if someone greets you?" """
~ once , with much fervour ; especially on the first return . . .
~ Now, no longer at all . All are gone , not even memories, not even ghosts linger
Quando passa por ruas e lugares que tem conhecidos você olha geral pra

The age of 25 to 30s isn't easy. You lose friends, you make mistakes, you fall, you fail, you realise things, you hit reality, you lose yourself but in the end you find yourself and you become stronger.

It isn't a walk in the park after your 30s either. Say 'hello' to diabetes and hypertension, the only two buddies you'll take to your grave.

What are your thoughts on sarcasm? Does it make you more friends or enemies?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Hello, Marie Curiosity 👋😇
I'm comfortable with sarcasm and I don't remember reacting to it in any drastic way. In some cases, sarcasm even helps. For example, to defuse the situation 😌 I myself periodically use this figure of speech, but if it comes to serious issues, and a person constantly responds with sarcasm, then in this case I can already react not very friendly in simple words: it all depends on the situation in which sarcasm is used 😌😌😌
Good mood to you, Marie Curiosity 😌😊
What are your thoughts on sarcasm Does it make you more friends or enemies

"THE QUESTION": Have you ever eaten a 'McPlant' ? If so, how did you find it ? (as in, how did it make you feel! ?) ~ personally, I can't believe what I've sank to, visiting such a place, and consuming such nonsense! "INFO": "this is the first time I've sent a silly question using 'the app' "

igotamatch’s Profile Photoigotamatch
Hello. Didn't try. But judging by the photo, I can guess what it tastes like. Like a bun, like products from the garden, what else do you need?
Привіт. Не пробувала. Але судячи з фото я здогадуюсь, який він на смак. Як булочка, як продукти з городу, що ще треба?

"THE QUESTION": Have you ever eaten a 'McPlant' ? If so, how did you find it ? (as in, how did it make you feel! ?) ~ personally, I can't believe what I've sank to, visiting such a place, and consuming such nonsense! "INFO": "this is the first time I've sent a silly question using 'the app' "

igotamatch’s Profile Photoigotamatch
Hello) How is your health? I hope everything is fine. I haven’t tried Mac Plant and don’t even want to) A vegetarian burger for me is a food perversion) As for the “stupid” question, I’ll argue, it’s an interesting question. And even “stupid” questions sometimes happen for the first time once)
Have you ever eaten a McPlant  
If so how did you find it  as in

Language: English