
339 people

50 posts


What green flags would you like to have in your partner?

Green flags, Red flags what meaningless words!
We all seek for green flags, but have we ever ask ourselves if we are green flags ?
We're too busy finding someone we think we deserve that we often forget to be one. We forget to be the right person.
We forget to be that someone who's empathetic,someone who never invalidates and gaslight. Someone who has dreams and support hustles instead of feeling unprioritized. Someone who converse with dignity, yet with fun and can handle criticisms. Someone who makes assurance. Someone who recognizes the problem instead of ignoring it. Someone who's actions reflects the words and vice versa. Someone true, nicer, and caring.
Sometimes, we tend to overdo things, we want this and that ,set intergalactic standards and because of that,we forget this idea, if you want green flags, be a green flag first.
Maybe we all deserve green flags, but we should also act as green flags.

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Valakinek van tapasztalata a Deichmann cipőbolttal kapcsolatban? Kinézte egy a NIKE COURT VISION LO NN cipőt. Utána olvastam. Sokan azt mondják eredeti ugyan de fél évig bírják. Nem szeretnék 33-35 ezer forintot kidobni az ablakon. Valaki tapasztalat?

Dikkmen. Régebben vásároltam ott inkább. Számomra nem igazán volt kínálat. De amiket vettem cipők, azok kényelmetlenek voltak és nem szellőztek.
Sokáig nem hordtam őket. Arról nincs tapasztalatom. De igazából ha nem ott veszed, az is hamar szétmegy. Nem csinálják őket tartósra.
Én már csak neten szoktam rendelni eredeti webáruházból. Például converse. De azok is 1-2 évet bírnak. Elkopik, kifakul, töredezik, pedig 3-4 cipőt is használok váltogatva.
Múltkor nem is tudom honnan rendeltem egy Nike-t meg egy converse-t. Azt írták eredeti, de nagyon gagyik voltak.

На кое се нахвърляте на марковото или евтиното ?

monikadimitrova19’s Profile PhotoDrama Queen
Марките са голяма заблуда, единствената причина да се оглеждам за определен бранд, когато пазарувам, е, че съм имала добри попадения преди и залагам на сигурното.
Иначе не знам защо "евтино" се счита за синоним на некачествено. Имала съм обувки за 30-40 лв., които са издържали по-дълго от Converse за 100+.*

Das waren alle Usernamen, die ich gefunden habe 🙈 wenn ich jemanden vergessen habe, tut es mir sehr leid! Habt ihr Lust, ein Moodboard von euren Götterfunken-OCs zu teilen? Und optional noch ein paar random facts? ☺️

vanillekaffee’s Profile Photovanillekaffee
na klaaar :D
🍓nate’s absolute lieblingsbands sind depeche mode und joy division/new order. sein momentaner lieblingssong ist ‘but not tonight’ von depeche mode.
🍓wie schon angedeutet ist nate großer star wars und insbesondere han solo fan. ansonsten mag er auch die schauspielerin molly ringwald sehr gerne.
🍓nate hat zwei ältere geschwister. eine schwester, die sechs jahre älter ist, und einen bruder, der acht jahre älter ist als er.
🍓nates koreanischer name ist jihoon, aber außer seinen eltern und (selten) seinen geschwistern benutzt diesen niemand. die meisten im camp wissen nicht einmal, dass er einen anderen namen hat.
🍓nate besitzt genau ein paar schuhe: rote converse all stars.
Das waren alle Usernamen die ich gefunden habe  wenn ich jemanden vergessen habe

Do you almost always have the last word in conversations or does that not really not matter to you?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
Nope… I do not care about having the last word. I also don’t have any desire to be in a “word battle” like that. A conversation, to me, is not about having the last word, it’s about listening to, and respecting each other.
It honestly frustrates me to converse with people who always feel it’s necessary to get the last word, because I get the impression that they never truly listen to anything you say… They just want to be right and have control, and that’s all a conversation ever is to them. 😅🤷🏼‍♀️
Do you almost always have the last word in conversations or does that not really

Ele fala que gosta de mim e quer namora cmg, mas vc consegue entender o porque dele privar as lista de seguindo nas redes sociais ?? tô com pulga atrás da orelha , converso com ele ?

Privacidade e segurança que, ele escolheu para as redes sociais dele.
Acessando um dos seguidores dele, qualquer um pode ter acesso a informações pessoais, da mãe, de toda a família, do trabalho, do chefe...
Fof0queiros(a) e cobras, tem em todo lugar, até dentro de casa.
Converse com ele, respeite o limite ( restrições dos seguidores) que vai dar tudo certo! Boa sorte! 💜

How do you get better at communicating?

I think by going out of your way to converse with people/get to know others... And by having those tough one-on-one conversations with people! Maybe even doing some public speech, of some sort? 🤔🗣️😜 Taking a course in college, helps! But I'm sure there's other way to do that, too...
There's this card game called, "The And", and it is a really great icebreaker if you want to work on talking about taboo topics and work on better expressing how you feel/think/see things, verbally!
They have different packs of questions... You can get one for you and your S.O., your family, friends, ect!
They have a channel, too, where people talk with each other with the card game! This is one of my favorite couples on there! 🤩☺️
https://youtu.be/y8nGU_EOqVY?si=AnWXGF1oO-_XpVyUCoolio247’s Video 175184082065 y8nGU_EOqVYCoolio247’s Video 175184082065 y8nGU_EOqVY

Que penses-tu de ask ?

Ask, c'est un peu le moment où t'es dans un bar, et que tu t'mets à observer tout ce mélange de populace. Tu y trouves :
Les introvertis : ceux qui ne parlent pas énormément et qui se demandent ce qu'ils foutent encore là.
Les extravertis : ceux que tu ne peux pas arrêter, même en leur jettant un tesson de bouteille.
Les "tontons beaufs" : aka tire-sur mon doigt, krkrkr.
Les " ce soir en ville y'a d'la ch.." : leur but ultime ? pêcho que ce soit mort ou vif.
Les cyniques/ sarcastiques : Nos Chandler Bing à nous.
Les poètes, mélomanes, artistes en tout genre : Keur keur.
Les donneurs de leçons (- aka le mec bourré au volant qui dit que fumer c'est mal): "On ne peut pas avoir un enfant et montrer ses fesses de maman, voyons."
Les gens chill : Là pour la détente.
Les gentils : Toujours là pour tendre leur plume..
Sans oublier les dramas amoureux, amicaux, les engueulades, les réconciliations, les règlements de comptes..
En vrai, j'aime Ask pour toute cette diversité.
J'converse/ai conversé avec de chouettes personnes, plus ou moins de passage. Avec, plus ou moins de sujets intéressants.
J'y ai eu moi aussi mes déboires amicaux ! -en bonne dramaqueer- que j'suis. A mon plus grand regret pour certain(e)s.
J'y ai aussi passé des coups de gueule. Des fous rires. Et, des soirées de discussions.
Bref, pour conclure en beauté : "Kalash Kalash, Ask domine et tu t'inclines."

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❪ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴍᴏᴏᴅ ❫ :

Lui adorava l'inverno perché con esso subentrava la stagione delle pioggie, che roventi iniziavano ad essere padrone dei cieli. Davanti ai suoi occhi vedeva passare poche persone, avvolte nei loro cappotti o impermeabili e protette dagli ombrelli colorati camminando frettolose, rasenti ai muri impazienti di trovare un caldo riparo. Tommaso rimane immobile, impiedi su un marciapiede coi piedi dentro ad una profonda pozzanghera che si era formata da lì a poco data l'irriverenza con cui ha iniziato a piovere. Le converse erano fradice e macchiate, l'acqua era riuscita a penetrare sinuosa nelle scarpe fino ad entrare in contatto con la pelle intorpidendo il corpo di piacevoli e gelidi brividi. Gli pareva di udire la voce della pioggia che gli parlava insistente con il suo scroscio rumoroso: aveva un potere magico, faceva incantare lo sguardo e non faceva pensare a nulla. Si scosse un pò, Tommaso, per liberarsi dalle goccie che avevano preso il possesso del suo cappotto, ormai intinto di umidità e freddezza come i suoi capelli scuri, grondanti d'acqua. Un anziano signore lo guardava confuso da dietro la vetrina del suo negozio, lui al riparo mentre Tommaso rimaneva impassibile sotto il cielo uggioso di quel sabato mattina, con il viso rivolto verso l'alto così che potesse farsi bagnare e sentire anche l'acqua scendere sulle guance arrossate per il freddo. Non aveva con sé neanche un ombrello, quell'uomo lo crederà un pazzo, lui era sceso con l'intento di passeggiare per godersi l'atmosfera grigia come il piombo e le strade desolate, con la pioviggine come sottofondo. Avrebbe potuto prendersi un malanno, ma la Dea Bendata non avrebbe rischiato di far ammallare il suo pupillo e così, Tommaso, poteva permettersi di restare all'aperto tutto il tempo che avrebbe voluto.

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ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴍᴏᴏᴅ

Do you think most friendships are built on common interests and hobbies? I don’t think a bookworm and a gym addict could become friends idk

It certainly helps, and it’s a lot easier to converse with someone and form a bond when you have things in common. I don’t think you necessarily have to though. Sometimes you can bond with someone if you share similar beliefs and values, too. Work can also be helpful in forming a friendship, or having a similar sense of humour, etc.

'' Se algo está te deixando triste não tente disfarçar, converse com alguém. Porque alguns sentimentos são tão ruins que acabam te explodindo por dentro e você se explode por fora.'' — Livrarias. // Quando se sente assim você conversa com alguém? De sua resposta.

sim, tento sempre conversar com alguém de confiança. ter alguém lá para nos ouvir e apoiar é dos melhores amortecedores de tristeza que há.

have you ever tried having a conversation using google translate

leongerald277’s Profile Photoleongerald277
Forgive my cynicism . . . . .
but is there any other way to converse on here ? . . . . !
I mean , I can count on one hand the number of Brits on here that one could have a conversation with ; by conversation, I'd include my style of stilted, nervous uttering .......
have you ever tried having a conversation using google translate

Birthdays are not exciting anymore🥺

All I need is an English speaking friend or acquaintance from a Muslim country other than Pakistan. At least someone to converse in English, preferably an Arab.
I knew 2 Arabs before who could converse in English. But people are getting married and leaving relations behind. 4 people I know who were great in spirituality have recently got married.

Kinek hiányzik 2010-2014? Jó volt a nyüzsgés, a sok egyéniség🖤🖤🖤

Néha beugranak ilyen random tények a 2010 - 2014-es időszakból, pl hogy szerintem tiltva volt, hogy az emberek normális képeket csináljanak magukról.
Valamiért mindenki felülről fotózta magát, nagyra nyitotta a szemeit, úgy csücsörített, hogy a szája feletti rész bajusznak látszott, és úgy gondolták, hogy ezek jó képek, szóval pár naponta ki kell rakni egy ilyen igénytelen szart fácséra.
Meg szerintem a mostani évekhez nem annyira köthetőek jellegzetes frizurák vagy ruhák, de 2010-2014-ben szinte mindenki vasalta a haját és a szemébe fésülte (az ofőm egyszer pont ezért vett egy fiú osztálytársamnak egy rózsaszín hajcsatot xd), kötött sapkát hordott, segg közepéig letolt csőgatyákat hordott, meg persze ott volt az elengedhetetlen Converse cipő is, és aki mindig így öltözködött, iszonyú stílusos emberként tekintett magára, aki kitűnik a tömegből, pedig kb mindenki így öltözött, vagy pedig így szeretett volna öltözni, ha vettek volna neki az anyjáék Converse tornacsukát.
Valahogy nem az egyéniségek jutnak eszembe ezekről az évekről xd

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Já viveu algo muito intenso e irracional com uma pessoa e ficou sem entender nada?

dz9ronin’s Profile PhotoL
**dz9ronin’s Profile Photo**
"" "Have you ever experienced something very intense and irrational with someone and you didn't understand anything?" ""
I did, relatively recently discover & realise the MEANING of LIFE . . . .
This intense irrationality, uncomprehended, is the transverse.
Or is it the converse ?
This aurothollogy may help . . . .
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTvLI3fhqgEigotamatch’s Video 171946545018 QTvLI3fhqgEigotamatch’s Video 171946545018 QTvLI3fhqgE

When you like someone what's most important to you when looks, loyalty, sense of humour and sex are taken out of the way?

I want someone who will call me out on my shit and converse about it like an adult. I don't like arguments or raised voices - but do tell me if I'm wrong or if I'm out of line. It might suck at the time but I feel that's how we grow as people and it helps strengthen relationships when this level of honesty goes both ways in my opinion :)

Creo que esas zapatillas jordan se ven HERMOSAS EN UN CHICO, pero en chicas no, no pienso que me veria bien con unas xd, no hay un tipo de calzado asi para mujer? me cansa usar vans o converse nike air o asics siempre como zapatillas uwu

SofiaRsmeraldaRubiZafiro’s Profile Photo« ✿ Diosa de la pereza ✿ »
Ciertamente son zapas que parecen más para hombre, pero con el outfit adecuado pueden tener un toque femenino y verse elegantes. A mí me gusta cómo se viste esta chica y ella es mucho de usar todo tipo de Jordans, y siempre los hace ver bien.
Creo que esas zapatillas jordan se ven HERMOSAS EN UN CHICO pero en chicas no no

Hi! I’m a guy and I want to ask you something. I’m a college student and on campus, there’s a Starbucks with student employees. There is this one barista that I find attractive, but I don’t know how to get to her, given that she’s always busy as a barista. Any tips on how I should talk to her?

Hmm, well I’m weird with this kind of stuff so my advice may not be very conventional. If I was really interested in someone in this situation but had no other way to converse I might perhaps write a short note and slip it to them while I’m paying. Depending on the person this may be considered cute or creepy I suppose so proceed with caution. Personally I think taking a risk is better than never knowing but that’s up to you. Good luck.
Hi Im a guy and I want to ask you something Im a college student and on campus
Liked by: Sly Ana أحـMΣD

#mode vous êtes plus adidas ou converse ?

je crois enfin comprendre que ce sont les gens que j'ai fréquenté qui étaient neuneus
c'est sans doute le fait de côtoyer des polichinelles sans colonne qui m'a fait avoir une opinion si radicale sur "les gens"
j'ai jamais physiquement rencontré qui que soit d'admirable, qui attisait en moi quoi que ce soit d'élévateur, qui méritait mon respect ou mon enthousiasme
pourtant il doit bien exister quelque part des personnes qui relèvent le lvl intellectuel-physique, des gens qui sont pas englués à la toile de médiocrité psychique qui couvre ce monde, des gens qui mobilisent leurs potentiels pour de bon, qui se laissent pas grignoter la cervelle par des égrégores destructeurs
Liked by: ChewKer Nefon

how to make someone leave u

You don’t make someone leave you. There’s no easy escape for this. Sooner or later you’ll realise what you did was wrong. So instead of using your horrible behaviour and hurting tactics as a means to remove someone from your life, you should be able to communicate with the person. This way, they might be hurt for sometime, but at least they wouldn’t be stuck with “what ifs”, or “what did I do wrong?” for the rest of their life.
Put yourself in that person’s shoes. How would you want someone to part ways with you? By continuously hurting you so you don’t have a choice but to leave the person? Or would you want them to at least converse with you and share their side and reason/s? So you aren’t left with so many questions about why they did what they did.
Be mindful and kind. Treat people how you wish to be treated.

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Liked by: A.A Astrophile Zargham

Que conselho você daria para uma mulher que já sofreu de mais

Vou te falar uma parada que eu tô seguindo ao pé da letra: Tente se poupar ao máximo de algumas situações, tenta se resguardar um pouquinho, pense sempre duas ou três vezes mais antes de fazer alguma coisa ou de tomar qualquer decisão que seja, que ao seu vê te trará alguma consequência futura, converse mais com pessoas que te fazem bem, procure coisas que te façam sorrir, a alegria é o melhor remédio pra qualquer tipo de sofrimento.

What kinds of shoes do you tend to wear throughout the year? How does that change depending on season / weather? 👟🥾

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I wear converse year round. I go for the lower ones when it’s hot but my black platform ones have my heart and I will wear them all year haha. I used to live in vans in summer but mine are wrecked now. Love a good chunky boot in the colder months and you can often find me in the field with my wellies on between now and the end of March 🥾☔️

What kinds of shoes do you tend to wear throughout the year? How does that change depending on season / weather? 👟🥾

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
To be fair... I am a converse / vans throughout the year kinda gal! That being said... with how much rain we have been having the last couple of years (like literally... the amount of flooding we have been getting is genuinely concerning!) I have invested in some heavy duty boots! So they will be perfect for heavy rain, and potential snow!
What kinds of shoes do you tend to wear throughout the year How does that change
Liked by: Tobbe Matilda. Lou Trin.

Fumi perché lo fanno tutti, bevi quello che bevono tutti, ti vesti come si vestono i tuoi amici... Segui le idee degli altri o le tue idee?

Ma guarda, a volte ci si trova in una tendenza anche perché viviamo tutti lo stesso periodo storico. Io credo che, sperata una certa età, nessuno fumi per compiacere gli altri, ma è vero che ora fuma molta più gente di prima, sicuramente perché c'è stato un aumento del consumismo, aumento dello stress in generale o altro.
Ad ogni modo, anche per quanto riguarda la moda in generale, non ci vedo nulla di male nel vestirsi con ciò che ora risulta di tendenza. Ad esempio ieri una mia amica ha comprato un tipo di borsa che ora si porta molto proprio per essere alla moda, ma sinceramente non ci vedo nulla di male.
Credo che alla base debba però esserci come minimo sempre il piacere nel fare qualcosa, altrimenti si vive per compiacere gli altri, ma se ogni tanto si decide di mettere un pantalone più alla moda, di vedere una serie di cui si parla tanto, io non ci vedo nulla di male personalmente.
Per quanto riguarda me, onestamente fumo, si, bevo anche ma perché ho piacere nel farlo quando accade(sono consapevole del fatto che siano cose non salutari, non sto chiedendo consigli quindi risparmiateli), mentre per l'abbigliamento non più di tanto, cioè oddio ci sono dei capi che non smettono di essere mai alla moda(compro solo Vans e converse che sono modelli vecchie ma evergreen) e li amo.
Le idee degli altri possono influenzare la mia, lascio che lo facciano se le trovo stimolanti, altrimenti non ho problemi a pensarla o a vedere qualcosa diversamente, ma è stato un processo lunghetto perché effettivamente ho passato svariati anni a compiacere diverse persone perché è anche cio' che ho, purtroppo, appreso in famiglia

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Tienes algúna inspiración para el tipo de ropa que usas?

DeandNontol’s Profile PhotoAndi Nontol
I don't know, man... Tal vez sea por el estilo. I mean, soy de las que prefiere por un conjunto un tanto rebelde, que sea bastante cómodo y desenfadado. Con esto puedo decir que es como un estilo grunge. Si me ves por ahí, suelo poner la mayoría de las veces camisas de cuadros, uno que otro pantalón vaqueros rotos, camisetas de mis grupos favoritos y solistas preferidos y las botas Dr. Martens (que debo decir que desde que toé con ellas las vengo amando con mi corazón) o unas zapatillas de marcas como Vans y/o Converse son los imprescindibles para sumarme al estilo grunge.

คุณพิมช่วยแนะนำรองเท้าผ้าใบที่ใส่บ่อย ๆ หน่อยได้ม้ายคะ

ใส่บ่อยสุดของเราช่วงนี้คือคู่นี้ค่ะน่าจะรุ่น chuck mule 70 ของ converse มีสองสีขาวดำ เรากำลังคิดว่าจะไปเอาขาวอีกคู่ ใส่ง่ายค่ะ สบายด้วยไม่หนัก แต่ก็ไม่ได้เบาหวิวนะ รองเท้าผ้าใบทั่วไปง่ะ + เข้าเสื้อผ้าง่ายมาก ข้อเสียคือตรีนเหม็นมากจร้า เพราะรองเท้าแบบนี้ใส่ถุงเท้าละไม่สวย พยายามอย่าถอดละกัน 5555555555 อีกคู่ที่เราว่าควรมีติดบ้านคือ ไนกี้แอฟอส นี่ก็เข้าได้หมดเหมือนกัน + ใส่ละสูงขึ้นมานิดนึงค่ะ 5555555 แต่เราใส่ไม่ค่อยบ่อยช่วงนี้เพราะไม่อยากให้มันเน่า มันใส่สบายอะ เรารักไนกี้แอฟอส
คณพมชวยแนะนำรองเทาผาใบทใสบอย ๆ หนอยไดมายคะ

ما الذي تصر مرآتك على إخبارك به كلما وقفت أمامها؟

…But what if man had eyes to see the true Beauty—the divine Beauty, I mean, pure & clear & unalloyed, not clogged with the pollutions of mortality & all the…vanities of human life—thither looking & holding converse with the true Beauty simple & divine?
Plato, Symposium🤍.
ما الذي تصر مرآتك على إخبارك به كلما وقفت أمامها

¿ es normal que mi novio les haya puesto nombre asus testicul0s y james y john y se pase el dia hablandoles ?

¿Tú ves normal que haya gente que le ponga nombres a sus granos y converse con ellos o incluso les riña a veces? Yo no, vale: pues lo mismo con lo que has dicho.
Tampoco me parece algo de contar por redes sociales, pero bueno nada: que cada quien hace lo que quiere vaya. Ya está.

Miałaś kiedyś tak, że miałaś hype na jakiś trend?

Pytania, Quizy, Loterie | All
Hype nie, ale niektóre trendy bardzo lubiłam, szczególnie jako nastolatka. Podobały mi się na przykład jeansy rurki, przerzuciłam się na nie całkowicie jak byłam w gimnazjum, trampki w stylu Converse, koszule w kratę i długie naszyjniki.

Co nosiło się jak byłaś w szkole a teraz już się nie nosi?

1) Tuniki. Na przełomie lat 00. i 10. były w trendach, teraz można je spotkać w sklepach z modą dla pań 50+ lub z modą plus size.
2) Spodnie 3/4. Bardzo popularne w tym samym okresie czasu co tuniki, wciąż da się je kupić, ale nie widuję ich na nikim innym jak na dojrzałych paniach.
3) Baleriny jako obuwie codzienne. Baleriny nadal można spotkać, ale w modzie biurowej (smart casual). Noszonych na co dzień już się nie widuje.
4) Kolorowe jeansy rurki. Jeansy rurki we wszystkich kolorach tęczy były bardzo popularne u młodzieży dekadę temu, teraz się ich nie spotyka ani w sklepach, ani na ulicach.
5) Trampki Converse lub Vans. Jeszcze się je widuje, ale obecnie prym wiodą adidasy. Dziesięć lat temu każda nastolatka miała kilka par trampek w różnych kolorach.
6) Bolerka. Bolerka to był must have na każdym weselu i innej dużej imprezie okolicznościowej. Teraz bolerka odeszły w niepamięć i zostały zastąpione przez marynarki.
7) Buty emu. Kolejny duży trend sprzed dekady, który odszedł do lamusa. Wprawdzie niemrawo próbuje powrócić, ale nie wróżę mu powodzenia.

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Co nosiło się jak byłaś w szkole a teraz już się nie nosi

Порадуй меня стихами

O Solitude!
O Solitude! if I must with thee dwell,
Let it not be among the jumbled heap
Of murky buildings; climb with me the steep,--
Nature's observatory--whence the dell;

Its flowery slopes, its river's crystal swell,
May seem a span; let me thy vigils keep
'Mongst boughs pavillion'd, where the deer's swift leap
Startles the wild bee from the fox-glove bell.
But though I'll gladly trace these scenes with thee,
Yet the sweet converse of an innocent mind,
Whose words are images of thoughts refin'd,

Is my soul's pleasure; and it sure must be
Almost the highest bliss of human-kind,
When to thy haunts two kindred spirits flee.
Порадуй меня стихами

Im planning to buy a converse, can you help me to choose the color? Pleaseee © Mustard © Red Bean Paste © Maroon

Maganda yung nasa gitna, mas maraming pwedeng bagayan na damit.
Yung yellow kasi magcclash yan sa ibang colors eh tapos masyadong ma-pop yung color. Well, okay rin naman if you want a statement shoes hahaha
Yung color maroon maganda din. Bagay yan sa navy blue, army green and dark colors na mga damit. Kaso it's too dark to pair with bright colors
Yung nasa gitna medyo malapit ng konti sa skintone, so medyo nakakatangkad. Mas maganda sana kung skintone mo. Hindi masyadong pop yung color and di rin ganon ka-dark, neutral lang kumbaga — kaya hindi masamang ibagay sa ibat-ibang kulay ng damit :)
Im planning to buy a converse can you help me to choose the color Pleaseee

Is there a way to prove yourself in being a prox for slender shit? ( Asking for a friend)

Real prox’s don’t typically go around going “I’m a proxy for Slenderman!” To people. They are very discreet, untrusting people. Though very rarely, some can be found on social media’s if they do choose to converse with others. Though, they wouldn’t dare give out any real information.

Language: English