
4.78 K people

50 posts


Have you ever went to work or worked out while being tired but still did a good job or are you someone who needs their sleep in order to be productive?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
Sure Merve, I get call outs every week at all times of the night and I HAVE to do a good, both for the company and for my excessive compulsive job satisfaction 😇

How do you feel? I send you a big hug

Tonight is a good night! I’m out with my brother for dinner and an open mic, the sun is shining and my heart is warm. Also, the blueberries in my drink look like a duck. Thank you so much for the hug - sending squeezes back 🧡
How do you feel I send you a big hug

What's something you've done/achieved this year that you're proud of? ✨️

hellojonesymo’s Profile PhotoJo
I got rid of my laziness, I explored so many new dishes, I got rid of people that weren't good for me, I navigated calmly through a bruised friendship, I worked on myself, I did a play and I rocked it with very shaky hands, and I got emotionally more mature.

What risks are worth taking in your opinion? 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
To put yourself out there in order to meet new people! Spent my first day at a convention yesterday! I'll be volunteering for the rest of the week, sleeping on an air mattress. Most people would go there for one day but I'll spend much more time than the average person, despite me never going there before Haha But I hope this will be a good opportunity to get to know more people with similar, nerdy interests as myself 🤓
What risks are worth taking in your opinion

Do you prefer to ask questions or answer them? 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
When it comes to AskFM I have an easier time answering questions than I do thinking up interesting questions to ask, which is kind of ironic given that the opposite is true in my offline life. I am always questioning things. I might not ask those questions out loud but I'm always looking at the world around me and pondering the "hows" and "whys".
I'm a naturally curious person.
... Lord knows what happens to that "natural curiosity" when it comes to AskFM though, because whenever I go to send out a question, my brain just screeches to a halt and starts making dial-up internet sounds. 🤣
Every once in a while inspiration will strike and I'll feel compelled to ask the good folks of Ask for their thoughts and opinions on a topic. But otherwise, I normally just stick to answering stuff.
(I would like to change that though! I really wanna start asking more questions...)

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what advice will you give to younger people?

asweirdasme’s Profile PhotoUSMAN
Advice to people of any age:
The words "Shia" or "Sunni" are not mentioned in the Quran. They have no existence in it. The Quran, in Surah Al-Imran, Ayah 103, says:
"Hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided."
Allah, in Surah Al-An'am, Ayah 159, says:
"O Prophet! Those who divided their religion and became sects, you have no part in them in the least. Their affair is with Allah, who will tell them what they used to do."
Thus, creating sects within Islam is prohibited. Anyone who creates sects is moving away from the Quran and Sunnah. The Quran instructs:
"Obey Allah and obey the Messenger."
To be a Muslim, one must simply obey Allah and follow the authentic teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Moreover, do not feel superior to any other Muslim or any human based on caste or sect, as the Prophet (peace be upon him) stated in his final sermon:
"All humankind is from Adam, and no Arab has any superiority over a non-Arab, nor does a non-Arab have any superiority over an Arab; a white has no superiority over a black, nor does a black have any superiority over a white; none have superiority over another except by piety and good action."
The Prophet (peace be upon him) taught us humility. If you feel superior to another Muslim or human, you deviate from the righteous path and become a follower of Satan, who was the first to say, "I am better than him" (Quran, Surah Al-A'raf, Ayah 12).
Furthermore, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said about arrogance:
"He who has in his heart the weight of a mustard seed of arrogance will not enter Paradise." (Sahih Muslim)
Therefore, as Muslims, we need to focus on our faith and deeds and stop declaring others as 'disbelievers' based on their sect while considering ourselves as 'believers.' Unknowingly, we are wasting our good deeds and causing division, which is prohibited in our religion. May Allah guide us all on the straight path. Ameen.

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I'm a male. I'm a muslim. It's a serious question. I heard many doctors and read books of doctors on mastu__. They say it's good. Dr Affan and many other doctors. Is I'm sinful if i do this according to Islam. I'm confused and scared. It's common in my friends

So, what the CREATION about its self, is what you trust more than What the CREATOR said about his OWN creation?
What confuses you?
can a creation be as intelligent as its own creator?
Can a creation be as wiser as its own creator?
Do u by any chance think that dr affan has equal knowledge to the creator or messenger?
Do u think dr affan and his dr army can save you from hell fire?
Or he can be used as your lawyer on day of judgment?
A sin is a sin. And each sin has a punishment. Even if the whole world tells you its not a sin. Still it can change nothing.
If you have common sense you would choose creator over creation.
Ask for his mercy for what you did earlier restrict and repent from sins.

Anything happening good?

Faiqjunaid’s Profile Photoفائق جنید
Somewhere in this world, this happened:
“so there’s this mother right, and she’s sitting with her 5 year old son and they’re watching a youtube video on the different sounds insects make; and when they get to the sound of crickets her son looks surprised and says “i thought that was the sound stars make!” now it’s the mothers turn to look confused as she asks “the stars?” the little boy then explains to her that every evening when the stars came out he’d hear the sound (of crickets) which led him to believe that was the sound of stars. how beautiful is that? that at some point in all our lives the world is still so strange, so vast, so enchanting that we can believe the crickets coming out at night are the stars talking to us.”

Do you think it's okay to ask questions about weight loss/diet? I mean in general, not a specific person. Or could that be triggering?

I find it ok to do so on an app like this or if someone is working on losing weight and/or changing their diet. It could be triggering if you talk about it randomly with someone that prefers not to talk about these topics and they’ve told you this before. As long as you don’t call people out for their weight and/or their eating habits, I believe you’re good.

When was the last time that you visited the northern areas of Pakistan? Which part of it did you love the most?

fried_brainiac420’s Profile PhotoSarr Dard
I Visited Hunza last September, It was one of the most mesmerising experiences of my life. The big mountains, the snow, the views along with good company of friends, it was just Beautiful🖤
Liked by: Samra Micro. Saira.

> (sage) hey rachel what have you done to lex - Well? What have you done to me, Rachel? 🤣 Were you being mean? Did you force me to wear jeans and a red belt? At Olive Garden? Should I call my mother and the police? Am I going through a lot? I'm so angited, I am crying right now... 🤣🤣🤣 💗

talionislexx’s Profile PhotoLex Talionis
I didn’t do any of those things to u, Lexy. You’re a good friend to me. What do u like about me? 🤣🤣🤣💗

I love that so much! Sending a return embrace! Thank you for such a sweet message! May I ask what made you recreate yourself and your page from your old one?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
I'll answer here because it's kinda long.
you're so welcome. ❤️ I'm glad you loved it! I only said what I truly felt. ^^
being an infp, I have these two sides.
one of them is cute, wholesome, and transparent while the other is dark, passionate, and rebellious. showing the first one to the world was a good experience, at first, but then it attracted all kinds of weird people who thought I was someone to be underestimated and played with. so I had to show my claws and fight back. and, to be honest, I liked it. ^^
and I had the chance to be myself, both sides, so freely and have been readily accepted. and it was.. amazing. it made me realize the importance of being true to myself and embracing it. so this account is me embracing both sides, the dark one being more prominent, and it's me saying I love you to myself.
I'm also busy these days, so I don't write here as often as I did before.. but maybe this will change soon. ^^

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When you go to a restaurant, do you avoid getting the foods you’d typically make at home and usually go for something different?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
It would be challenging for a restaurant to make the food I make at home the closest my food resembles is a cross between Italian food and Mexican food 😊 I've been to both types of restaurants really good too Grazies Italian which I get the lime chicken with rice noodles in Stevens point and Betty's tacos Mexican food I get hard shell tacos in la Crosse once in awhile 😊

Good perfumes for females?

yasmeensyd’s Profile PhotoZahra Shah
As a male who wants my potential woman to smell good, the perfume fragrance I am attracted towards the most in my experience are
Burberry ( Especially this one! There’s something about this )
Miss Dior
Yardley London
But that’s not it. The perfume is just the tip of the iceberg. To create that enchanting persona (as I’m sure being an informed women you’d know) the kind of shower gel and conditioner you use goes a long way. So you need to go with a blend of something that works on you. Good luck!

Did you ever get sad as a kid watching your dad leave for work?

ItsTiffyTime’s Profile PhotoGeorgie
I remember being happy sometimes because when he’d be home, he’d try to get me to study/do homework whereas my mom wasn’t trying to do that most of the time. I now realize that my dad was doing that for a good reason and am happy with him staying home often nowadays.

Do you have a best friend? 😸 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
A best friend? Hmm idk I have friends.. I have good friends, close friends, used to be friends that are now acquaintances, I have someone I consider a best friend.. but I know he just sees me more as a good friend and "the one that wouldn't choose him" because he did try.. but he was my ex's friend first before we became best friends. I wasn't going to be that girl, because I'm not that kinda girl. I'd like to think my best friend is/will be the person I spend the rest of my days with.. wherever he is lol maybe someday idk

Someone I know posted on Fb that they're in the hospital for surgery and will update everyone afterward. I messaged them, but they didn't reply, yet they told our mutual friends. Do you think they might not consider me as close, and that's why they refused to give me more info?

Perhaps but it really doesn’t matter since they might’ve forgotten to reply back and it’s probably nothing personal. I also have a tendency to worry and care too much about people replying back to my messages and it’s really exhausting for no good reason. Also, they’re in the hospital for surgery which is a good enough reason to ignore text messages because they’ve got bigger problems to deal with.

What's more powerful, Intelligence or Wisdom?

usmanaay1’s Profile PhotoUsman
Both intelligence and wisdom are powerful in their own ways. Intelligence allows us to gather knowledge and solve problems, while wisdom helps us apply that knowledge to make good decisions and live a fulfilling life. — However, wisdom often comes with age and experience, so I would say that wisdom is more powerful in the long run. 🌻

All those drugs must be going to her head cuz nobody has talked about her in a long time

She says no one would care about me as if that's some big sad moment for me lmfao I've never cared about being popular on this app and I never cared if people on here like me, unlike her I didn't shake my ass and post half naked with my tits hanging out and promote my lame snap where she probably.scams people for money because I needed so desperately to he liked. She literally lives off a bunch of anons on this app liking her meanwhile half of them are probably 16. But, whatever makes her feel good about herself.
All those drugs must be going to her head cuz nobody has talked about her in a

A man with manners and respect is the real definition of "handsome "

You can give as many as these pretty, sophesticated book definations to men, women fell for.
But trust me, in reallity You'll always choose

a broken one over fixed one,
a bad one over good one,
a poor one over rich one,
a demanding one over not demanding one,
a short tempered one over humble one,
a messy one over the sorted one,
a hard to handle over smoothly manageable,
a dirty one over a clean one.
Women like to pick broken things, they pick the wild one, then they do their magic, creativity to fix or tame them. and proudly wear it like and amulet or keep it like a trophy.
This habit has brokens so many feminine hearts and also bones, at times it takes their lives.
the procedure and expreiment isnt easy but surely worth it. if its goes sucessful.

Does pain change a person for the better or for the wors?

DanielleAndreevna’s Profile Photoᴰᵒᶜᵗᵉᵘʳ ᵈᵉ ᴾᵉˢᵗᵉ ᴅᴀɴɪ ᴇʟʟᴇ
"We mature by damage and experiences not by age"
- Anonymous
I think pain is inevitable and most of us feel it and experience it in our lives or are still experiencing it ....
But just like excess of everything is bad similarly excess of painful experiences for too long if survived can totally change you ...
For those with will to continue they'll evolve for good but sometimes people are too damaged and need a lot of time to heal out of it hence they get broken 🙃
What do you think?
Does pain change a person for the better or for the wors

Whenever a new business opens in your area, like a store, salon, or restaurant, are you usually among the ppl who attend the grand opening? I'm always excited about new things! This Middle Eastern restaurant had its opening last evening. Food was great. The full-bearded waiters✨served✨ too ngl 🤭

I never attend grand openings. But it’s good that you attended the grand opening of a Middle Eastern restaurant. I would’ve most likely attended that one since I do love Middle Eastern food.

Posted pics without bra?When?Were you wearing nppple covers at those times?

You realize nipples don't always stick out right? Luke do you know how anatomy works? Nipples extend when they're cold or aroused, if its hot outside, they won't be sticking out, so no, I don't wear nipple covers, they just aren't standing at attention every second of the day. Good lord, teaching a damn anatomy class to a child 🙄

Please, pap outfit atm ❤️

Well well well, if it isn't the hypocrite yapping like usual. I was going to keep quiet about this because I really could care less about you and I'm willing to be the villian if it makes u feel better in your head about your lies, but this needs to be said. First off, @syd13kidxo, I thought you moved on? I thought you were living life? I thought you healed? I thought you weren't on here much and didn't keep up with the drama? I thought you were too busy working and lying about losing weight and screwing 50 dudes in the same friend group to care about this lil app? For someone who's 27 this is embarrassing. Imagine being caught red handed lying.
You just had to go on the exposing page and run your mouth eh? What's wrong your booty call of the week wasn't around and you got bored?
I guess it's a good thing the exposing page messed up and accidently answered that. I'm assuming it was meant to stay private🙊 talk about exposing alright 🤣Secondly, this is the last time I'm.addressing this, I see you're still playing this "I pulled away" card, is that what makes you feel like a good person? Lying through your teeth? Lmfao. First off. You did not pull away, you were yapping your big ass gob off in that GC about kaseh up until the day I fucking left that chat, AND I was told afterwards that even after I LEFT YOU were still talking shit about kasey and then started talking shit about me in that chat. So pleaseeeeeee stop this bullshit 🤣 you have been a fake friend, youve lied, you've run exposing pages about kasey in the past, and it's a fucking shame that these Pathetic anons will always believe your crap, because God forbid they ever knew the truth, they'd fucking die. You are a trash friend. Trash human. Trash person which is why you still at the grown age of 27 can't make a relationship work. Because no one wants to be with you, they just want to bang you. If CHANGED.

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Please pap outfit atm

Have you read the Russian classics? Who do you prefer? What works of this writer do you like? What got you hooked on?

DanielleAndreevna’s Profile Photoᴰᵒᶜᵗᵉᵘʳ ᵈᵉ ᴾᵉˢᵗᵉ ᴅᴀɴɪ ᴇʟʟᴇ
Nope ... Not the Russian classics ...but I did read some good literature books at my school which were part of the curriculum and that got my interest in it as I read them like a story and lesson filled sonnets or poems ... But soon my genres and purpose of reading changed with time ! But I still enjoy learning about people and their stories ✌🏻
How about you?
Have you read the Russian classics Who do you prefer What works of this writer

What do you do to try and keep a healthy diet? Like, to not cave into your cravings etc. 🍌🍏🥗

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Eating healthy is hard for me all the way around, as I already have so many restrictions. 😅 But, what I’ve been trying to do lately, is not cave into late night snacking too much. And just trying to squeeze in healthy/semi healthy foods whenever I can. I also try to not allow myself to get too hungry, cause that doesn’t help with cravings, or with deciding what to eat. That’s when it gets hard to say “I’m gonna make healthy choices” and turns into “What’s the quickest thing I can find to satisfy this feeling?”
What I do most of the time to help with cravings is sugar free chewing gum. It takes that feeling away for me, and tricks my brain into feeling satisfied (temporarily). But it does seem to curb my cravings more often than not. If that doesn’t work though, I try drinking a tall glass of water. Might sound weird, but sometimes your body can mistake thirst/dehydration for being hungry, so I’ll drink the whole glass of water, then wait 10-20 minutes. It doesn’t always work, but sometimes, I find my cravings (especially for something salty like chips) either disappears completely, or is not nearly as intense anymore. 🤔
And finally, I always try to find alternatives for my cravings. Like, if I’m craving sugar, things like fruit, sweet potatoes, oats, smoothies, yogurt, etc are good alternatives. And depending on where I’m at health wise, usually dictates which of those is safest for me to eat. 😄 When it comes to savory stuff, that’s a bit harder, as I can’t eat nuts, seeds, hummus, or even plain popcorn as is recommended (which is where the gum or drinking water can help for me personally). But I do find, that salads/fresh produce in general really helps too! And if I have some protein/cheese in a salad for example, that helps with the salt cravings as well! Or if I’m not able to do that, than even just protein alone, like rotisserie chicken, eggs, etc. Those are both satisfying and filling. I at least know I’m still getting some good nutrients, and I can feel content with my choices. 😋

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What do you do to try and keep a healthy diet Like to not cave into your

Do you believe that you deserve all of this?

My, my. So many good questions on Ask today! Good work, wise girl. 🏅
Aaaaand no, I don't think I deserve any of this restlessness and uncertainty. I'm still trying to figure out why Allah has chosen this specific journey and bumpy timeline for me.
Let's see when He reveals the reason behind it. Until then, I'm hanging by a thread, hoping it will get better soon, maybe? 🥲🥲
Liked by: Fasih Iqbal Micro. Amna

when you realise that actually nobody knows the real you

Isn't it a good thing? Expecting or wanting people to know the 'real' version of you is just like you intentionally poking yourself in the eye with your finger. 👀

What’s the best part about being on this app for you (chatting with people, answering questions alone, a good distraction, being a cure to your boredom, etc.)?

Answering questions. I genuinely enjoy doing it & it gives me a way to socialize without having to have a huge long conversation which is just emotionally draining to me.
Liked by: Merve mrsbattle Jo

Do introverts have fomo sometimes?

As an introvert, I do. I’ve been told that I’m not a shy person since I could strike up a conversation with just about anyone one on one and I’ve even went as far as to sing for choir back when my social anxiety wasn’t that bad. Over the years, my anxiety got worse and I couldn’t get myself to talk to anyone but whenever I’d see people around me having a nice conversation, I’d get jealous because I wasn’t having fun like them. As long as I don’t overhear other people having a nice conversation in front of me and keep myself busy somehow, I don’t worry too much about what I’m missing out on. I also have a competitive side to me that comes out when I’m good at something but can’t always express myself the way I want to. That doesn’t mean the desire to be seen and acknowledged by others doesn’t exist tho.

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Good morning🦋 عاوز اقولك ان كل الخير اللي بتعمله في قلوب الناس هيتردلك في سلامك النفسي🤍

M9070’s Profile PhotoMahmoud Magdy Hamed
صباح الخيرات🌸
الرسالة جايه في وقتها جدا، أتمنى بجد اي خير بعمله يقعدلي في حاجه حلوة تانية، شكرا ليك..
يومك جميل إن شاء الله
Good morning
عاوز اقولك ان كل الخير اللي بتعمله في قلوب الناس هيتردلك في سلامك

Do you think people prefer mean, rude or sarcastic individuals over nice? I notice that people who are mean tend to have more people who look up to them bc they’re “cooler” while the nice & quiet ones are ok to talk to but tend to be more easily forgotten & ignored which makes me wonder why 🤔

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
I mean… some do. I know I don’t prefer that though, and the people I’m friends with don’t either. I’m not friends with people to appear “cool,” nor would I ever intentionally be mean to be considered cool by a handful of people. Those aren’t true friends, in my opinion. To me, they are in it for how popular they’ll be, and how they’re percieved, instead of wanting authentic friendship. 😐 I don’t mind sarcasm, as I’m sarcastic myself at times. But, I feel sarcasm can also be a bit condescending/passive aggressive depending on what you’re saying, how you say it, and your relationship to the person you say it to. There’s a place for sarcasm, and doing it to be more subtly rude isn’t okay.
Personally, I wanna be friends with people who genuinely want to know me and hang out with me, and who are fun, kind, thoughtful, both to me and others, etc. I think feeling safe with people is really important, and I don’t feel safe with people who have tendencies to be rude for “cool points.” If they’re willing to be rude to others for a reason like that, more than likely, they’ll be willing to be rude to you too. 😅
I think the reason people tend to remember mean or “cool” individuals is because they purposely stir up drama and get people talking. 😒 And to me, it always feels like they want an audience. They want people to talk about them, to look at them, think about them, etc, it heightens the experience, AND because they are deemed as “cool”, it draws others in and makes them aspire to be just like them. Even if it’s rather unfortunate that it is that way.
Whereas quieter people get ignored/forgotten, likely because they have tendencies to stay out of things, and don’t give people reason to talk much. Though, I will say, even though they are seemingly ignored, you never know who was secretly touched by their kindness, or are attracted to their nature. People remember kindness and how good it makes them feel much more than you may think. You don’t have be mean in order to be remembered… Just saying. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Can you be assertive? Yes absolutely, in fact, I think assertiveness is a good thing. But mean or unnecessarily rude? No thank you.

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Do you think people prefer mean rude or sarcastic individuals over nice I

Do you hate to disagree with others?

Oh no, I actually enjoy a good discussion with intelligent and strong minded individuals like myself. If you can discuss and debate with someone, and do so in a light-hearted way by respecting that they have their own personal views. I also don't hate
Liked by: ↭vex↭ Eric L Merve

În ultima vreme am luat mobilă mai veche, dar în stare foarte bună, pe gratis sau pe bani puțini și am recondiționat-o, i-am aplicat vopsea și am schimbat balamale și chestii pt că am constatat că mobila asta modernă arată bine, dar este slabă dpdv a calității materialului.

Foarte bine, dacă reușești să evoluezi în treaba asta poți face bani frumoși și dacă ai imaginație poți adăuga ceva aparte și să le personalizezi.
Keep up the good work. Respect!

Language: English