
10 people

50 posts


Управляли самолетом в симуляторе полетов?

Welcome to my world
Только боевым. Это и дилогия Tom Clansy's H.A.W.X. (в оригинале, пишется как "hawk" - ястреб. Но видать легендарная компания "Ubisoft" урезала бюджет, и в итоге що маємо, те маємо (что имеем, то и получили)). Ну и в GTAшке само собой. Или вы думали, что я только спортивные симуляторы (как пример серия NBA 2K и WWE 2K) люблю. Дудки. Иногда и во что-то серьезное хочется игрануть).
And that's the bottom line, cause Stone Cold said so
Thank you and Goodbye. I hope we meet again
Date: 02/04/24
Time: 21:43
Управляли самолетом в симуляторе полетов

Welches Piercing (wenn überhaupt) findest Du bei einer Frau/bei einem Mann attraktiv?

Nadii_ne’s Profile Photoɴᴀᴅɪɴᴇ ♡
Juvenile Red Tailed Hawk . . . .
with PIERCING blue eye
Not so blue when adult
(aka red-tailed buzzard in UK)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9s1ClI6k8Q0igotamatch’s Video 171807054202 9s1ClI6k8Q0igotamatch’s Video 171807054202 9s1ClI6k8Q0
Welches Piercing wenn überhaupt findest Du bei einer Fraubei einem Mann

¿Serie que recomendéis? 📺

itsloth5’s Profile PhotoLo
@itsloth5 🍹 Hey Lo, ya te visito, pásate 👍
Ettoo... Esta serie de anime que estoy viendo 😎
"七つの大罪" -- "Nanatsu no Taizai" -- "Seven Deadly Sins"
"Siete pecados capitales"
Acción, aventura, comedia, romance, fantasía.
Manga 41+4+2 vols (2012, 2014, 2015), Anime 1x24 2x24 3x24 4x24 (2014,2018,2019,2020), OVA 1x2 2x4 (2015,2016). Películas 2 (2018,2021).
Personajes: Meliodas, Hawk, Elizabeth, Diane, Ban, King, Gowther, Merlin, Escanor.
Siete pecados capitales - Anime Temp1
https://youtu.be/TzWMY2O7N04salquial’s Video 171289230905 TzWMY2O7N04salquial’s Video 171289230905 TzWMY2O7N04
Siete pecados capitales - Anime Temp2
https://youtu.be/5uAHfM3lEdksalquial’s Video 171289230905 5uAHfM3lEdksalquial’s Video 171289230905 5uAHfM3lEdk
Siete pecados capitales - Anime Temp3
https://youtu.be/7hWzc8RW6hYsalquial’s Video 171289230905 7hWzc8RW6hYsalquial’s Video 171289230905 7hWzc8RW6hY
Siete pecados capitales - Anime Temp4
https://youtu.be/5SJTbEHVHlIsalquial’s Video 171289230905 5SJTbEHVHlIsalquial’s Video 171289230905 5SJTbEHVHlI
Serie que recomendéis

🍒Salvador, Holi. Hace 7 años no leía tu perfil jajajajajaja omg cada vez sabes más de cine, recuerdo eso de ti. A verts, vengo a pedirte que me hagas una crítica objetiva de la naranja mecánica. ¿Te gustó? ¿Le cambiarías algo? 🍒♥️🙊 Te sigue:

Alex_Thrasher’s Profile PhotoZaphiro ❤
@Alex_Thrasher 🌹 holi Zaphiro, estuviste ausente varios años, te extrañé, ya vuelvo a seguirte, ten buen día y cuídate 🥂
Ettoo... La vimos en privado, hace poco tiempo, yo con mi peña de gente de varios sexos, géneros y orientaciones. Estuvimos varias semanas hablando sobre la película xD, es sorprendente. Debes estar preparado para que no te afecte negativamente.
"Clockwork Orange" -- "Naranja Mecánica"
Inglaterra, USA (1971) Estreno 19-12-1971
Duración: 136 min
Producción: Polaris, Hawk Films, Warner
Distribución: Warner
Music: Wendy Carlos[a]
Guión: Stanley Kubrick
Dirección: Stanley Kubrick

Malcolm McDowell, Patrick Magee, Michael Bates, Adrienne Corri, Warren Clarke, John Clive, Aubrey Morris, Carl Duering, Paul Farrell, Clive Francis.

Novela "Clockwork Orange" (1962),
del escritor Anthony Burgess (1917/1993)

Oscars (4 nominaciones), Golden Globe (3 nominaciones), BAFTA (7 nominaciones), Satellite, Hugo, Evening Standard, National Film, Critics, Sindicatos de cine.
Lanzada también en DVD
Taquilla Mundial: 114 millon dolar

Pandilla Drugos: Alex (líder), Dim, Pete, Georgie.
Madre y padre de Alex.
Sr y Sra Weathers. Sr y Sra Alexander.
Guardaespaldas de los Alexander.
Funcionarios de la prisión.

Ambientada en Inglaterra en 1995, 25 años hacia el futuro de la película. La Pandilla Drugos está formada por Alex , Dim, Pete y Georgie, jóvenes agresivos que tienen dos pasiones: violencia gratuita y música de Beethoven. Recorren la ciudad asistiendo a fiestas, apaleando, violando y aterrorizando a sus víctimas. Cuando llegan hasta el asesinato, Alex es detenido y en prisión se somete voluntariamente a una innovadora experiencia de reeducación que pretende anular su conducta antisocial.
La peli fue calificada "X", censurada y prohibida en muchos países, por su violencia.
Es una peli excelente en su género, un icono de Stanley Kubric, una sátira futurista de la sociedad y la psicología social.

Trailer english
https://youtu.be/A1eC4pG8rC0salquial’s Video 171189572409 A1eC4pG8rC0salquial’s Video 171189572409 A1eC4pG8rC0

https://youtu.be/pt96A5GcjEUsalquial’s Video 171189572409 pt96A5GcjEUsalquial’s Video 171189572409 pt96A5GcjEU

https://youtu.be/ONwI14SsGkEsalquial’s Video 171189572409 ONwI14SsGkEsalquial’s Video 171189572409 ONwI14SsGkE

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Salvador Holi
Hace 7 años no leía tu perfil jajajajajaja omg cada vez sabes más

Sabes que pasó con Hawk? 😟 dejé de entrar unos días a ask y veo que ya no está su cuenta

No, no tengo idea del porqué se ha ido, si piensa volver o no, sus motivos para desactivar su cuenta ni nada. Se fue sin previo aviso y no nos dejó ninguna otra rrss para que podamos contactar con él.

If you could rename yourself something that isn't the name you currently have, what would you call yourself?

LouisaRHale’s Profile PhotoLou
I like my name, but if I was gonna change it, I'd probably go for something over the top, 80s action hero, and animalistic...like Hawk, Fox, Wolf or Griffin.

Welches ist dein lieblings-Game aus deiner Kindheit? 🎮♥️

Chrisseeels’s Profile PhotoKirbs✨️
Animal Crossing: Wild World, Crash Bandicoot 1 und 2, Harvest Moon auf der PS1 und Tony Hawk 3 glaube ich.
Und tatsächlich Silent Hill 1 und Resident Evil 1 und 2. Durfte immer bei meinen großen Geschwistern zuschauen. Das hat einerseits meine Liebe zu den Spielen entwickelt, andererseits möglicherweise ein kleines Trauma. :D

How to get rid of smoking

Osama0213’s Profile PhotoUsama Maqbool
First of all you gotta make up your mind that you don't wanna do that shit anymore.. And then start using velo. Use it when you crave for a cigarette. Its affective. I used to smoke. 8 years. Chain smoker tha full charsi. But its been months and i haven't smoked. I feel the freedom and the air now. I feel like a damn Hawk.

speaking of chicken, tony hawk is opening up a chicken restaurant in encinitas. that story reminded me of you for the wrong reasons bc of that f'd up situation you talked about but still. is encinitas ruined for you or could a good chicken restaurant redeem it?

I actually used to live there almost 2 years ago for about three years. I miss Encinitas. I have made some beautiful memories that made me forget about the shitty ones. I will probably go to his restaurant, ill be going back there a few times a year.
Fun fact: ive been to Tony Hawks house. He used (when i was in high school) to throw this badass Halloween party/haunted house there for all the kids. Hes a really nice guy. He just sits in the front of his house & just say hi to everyone.

Du wirst 2000, 1000 oder 500 Jahre (such's dir aus) in die Vergangenheit geschleudert. Großvaterparadoxon außen vor: Welches Wissen könntest du mitbringen, wie viel Wissenschaft in die Zeit bringen? Historisch, medizinisch, naturwissenschaftlich,... Wie würdest du vorgehen, um anerkannt zu werden?

Gismolo’s Profile PhotoPsijic
Nachdem ich letztens - durch Zufall oder göttliche Fügung? - "Es ist schwer, ein Gott zu sein" geschaut habe: Ich werde auf einen anderen Planeten geschleudert, auf dem sich zufälligerweise auch Menschen entwickelt haben, die aber noch in mittelalterlichen Zuständen leben. Um fürstlich im Dreck und Elend zu leben, gebe ich mich als Halbgott aus, darf aber als wissenschaftlicher Beobachter nicht ins Geschehen eingreifen und versinke in moralischen Dilemmata, (Selbst-)Hass und unbegründeter Gewalt.
- Ende -
P.S.: Dein Großvaterparadoxon so elegant umschifft wie die Ebon Hawk Planeten LG

Da Mina dich anscheinend vergessen hat (sad! 💔) und wir deine Evie und ihren Daemon Moses ein bisschen kennenlernen durften, was wäre eigentlich dein ganz persönlicher Daemon? https://www.epicreads.com/blog/daemon-quiz-his-dark-materials/ 😏🖤

BonnieEldritch’s Profile PhotoBonnie Eldritch
Aww danke B! Du weißt ja I am a whore (for quiz). 😍
Lustigerweise musste ich bei Hawk erst mal an den bösewicht Dude von Big Time Rush denken, der immer so Hawk Posen gemacht hat hahahah 🤣 Eine Kindheit mit Nick verändert einen halt. :D
Aber ich finde und hoffe, die Beschreibung vom red hawk passt ganz gut hihi
Da Mina dich anscheinend vergessen hat sad  und wir deine Evie und ihren Daemon

Nachdem wir alle schon eure OCs und ihre Daemonen ein bisschen kennenlernen durften, was wäre eigentlich euer ganz persönlicher Daemon? https://www.epicreads.com/blog/daemon-quiz-his-dark-materials/

GreenHillMoonlight’s Profile PhotoMina
It would be a red hawk!
Having a hawk daemon reflects your above-average intuition—when you have a gut feeling, you need to listen. The hawk is also historically known as both a messenger and a warning, and this doubles for how you would get by in this world: as a loyal, phenomenal friend, and the absolute last person anyone should cross.
Na damit kann ich gut leben. 😊😎🦅

Трек под твое настроение. Можно и с картинкой👀

Именно она... крутится в голове...
И подходит под мой настрой...
Будто вычитывает состояние... 😹😅
"Дружу я с тем монстром" - Женя Hawk и Ai Mori...
Если не ошибаюсь...
Держи картинку... 👀
Удачного дня...🙃🌼
Трек под твое настроение Можно и с картинкой

Obviously! Love changes the person Lover doesn't, if you think change is good for them then make sure you love them the best way possible to deserve the power to change them or yourself, Loving a flightless bird is better then chasing a hawk cuz you know, you can take-care of that bird

AskTheDevil69’s Profile PhotoMir Haibatan ~
Haha but its a fact, too much attachment or love is not good also.
+4 answers in: “Current Thoughts 💭”

Compairing both languages is funny. Stinkfly is called Insectoid, Ripjaws ic called Aquatic, Brainstorm is called Arthropod, Juryrigg is called LITTLE DEVIL!!!! Kickin Hawk is called Rooster-like, Toepick is called Astonishment-like (what?) and Nighty Knight is called Sleep Fairy. That's terrible.

They don’t understand how Ben names his aliens
+3 answers in: “Can Giant or Supreme Giant destroy the moon at the base of the punch? Or can they destroy stars with their cosmic rays?”

️ ️ ️▐▀ ️️️️️️️️ ️️️️ ️️️️ ️️️X. G. ️️️️️️️️ ️️️️ ️️️️ ️️▀▌ ️ ️ https://ask.fm/murdxrous/answers/163437906334

murdxrous’s Profile Photo▐ ️️️️ ️️️X A V I E R ️️️️ ▌
️ ️️
️ ️ ️ ️️ ️ ️ ️️ ️ ️ ️️ ️ ️ ️️ ️ ️ ️️ ️ ️ ️️ ️ ️ ️️ ️ ️️ ️ ️️ ️ ️ ️️ ️ ️✝ ️️ ️ ️ ️️ ️ ️X͟A͟V͟I͟E͟R͟ ͟G͟A͟U͟N͟T͟ ️️ ️ ️ ️️ ️ ️✝
️ ️ ️
️ ️ ️ ️️ ️ ️ ️DID SHE HAVE A CHOICE? HAD SHE FALLEN TOO DEEP? kairi was too ENRAPTURED in what was happening before her, how his gaze seemed to BRUISE her skin with the INTENSITY of it─────── he watched her much like a HAWK would its PREY, and she. . . REVELLED in it, running her OWN hands down the COLD skin of her CHEST, her STOMACH, THIGHS.
️️ ️
️ ️ ️ ️️ ️ ️TOPAZ FOLLOWED AFTER THE OBSIDIAN, HUNGRY. it's a battle she doesn't want to WIN, and yet one she's already LOST. fingers SPRAWLED between strands of his hair, kairi HELD him CLOSE to her as his TONGUE danced along the curves of her CHEST; lulling her head BACK in SURRENDER, a fleeting breath barely fluttering past her lips, she knew she was DONE.
️️ ️
️ ️ ️ ️️ ️ ️KAIRI CASTLE HAD SUCCUMBED TO A DANGEROUS MAN. and the worst part was, she didn't give a SHIT. or perhaps the worser part yet was that the thought of someone RUSHING in no longer held an EFFECT on her. all there was now, was a BURNING desire to be TOUCHED, KISSED─────── TASTED by HIM. stubbornly, she doesn't want to ADMIT it.
️️ ️
️ ️ ️ ️️ ️ ️. . .DOESN'T WANT TO GIVE HIM THE SATISFACTION. and yet, as he CHALLENGES her to finally CONTROL him, her teeth move to BITE at her bottom lip, before the ANGELIC DEMON was set FREE. ' ───────YES, XAVIER. ' she made sure to WATCH him as she uttered it, reaching her hands FURTHER down his torso, dragging her fingers against SMOOTH ridges.
️️ ️
️ ️ ️ ️️ ️ ️UNTIL THEY CURL AROUND NAKED, HARD FLESH. her hips JOLT at the same RHYTHM as her hands MOVE, feeling hot, FORBIDDEN skin IN her hands─────── she SUCKS lightly on the tongue that TASTED her, before using her other hand to LIFT his chin HIGHER. however TARNISHED this made her, she'd keep her LIPS innocent. . . from DANGEROUS KISSES.
️️ ️
️ ️ ️ ️️ ️ ️INSTEAD, KAIRI PRESSED HARD, OPEN-MOUTHED KISSES against his neck as she trails down, movements QUICKENING and sensations growing HIGHER. the pants that left her lips are followed by a series of little SOUNDS, as she CLIMBS on top of him in one swift motion, BALANCING herself ON him with hands steadying her at his SHOULDERS─────── and she SANK.
️️ ️
️ ️ ️ ️️ ️ ️SHE SANK HARD AND FAST ONTO HIS LAP, CLAWING at his skin as her breath TRAPPED itself in her throat for a while. she STILLS for a single, FLEETING moment, before the sound of her LODGED breath sounded in the form of a loud, UNTAMED moan. why did the obsidian FUEL her? why did she CRAVE it when she should have─────── it was too LATE now.
️ ️ ️
️ ️ ️ ️️ ️▸ besides, she didn't WANT to LEAVE. she wanted HIM.
️ ️ ️ ️️ ️ ️ ️️ ️ ️ ️️ ️ ️ ️️ ️' ───────FUCK. ' YES. ' i'm going to HELL for this. ' ◂
️ ️ ️

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+9 answers in: “️ ️ ️▐▀ ️️️️️️️️ ️️️️ ️️️️ ️️️X. G. ️️️️️️️️ ️️️️ ️️️️ ️️▀▌ ️ ️ https://ask.fm/murdxrous/answers/161574062750”

Você joga algum jogo? recomende um?

Eu jogo mais no pc
Que são
Todos do Harry Potter
Prince of Persia 1,2,3
The Sims 2,3
Urban FreeStyle Soccer
Tony Hawk 3
PAC-MAN Championship Edition DX+
New Super Mario Forever
Toy Story 3
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
Resident Evil 4
Up Altas Aventuras
Rayman 2
PITFALL The Lost Expedition

Van valami retro játék (akár gépen, Xboxon vagy rendes játék) , amivel régen nagyon szerettetek játszani? Ha igen, mi volt az? 😊

Zsofia96’s Profile PhotoChaos is my name
Pc - Need For Speed Most Wanted, Fable The Lost Chapter, GTA: 3 VC SA, MTX mototracks, Elostomania, Jazz Jack Rabbits, Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 3,
Gombos teló - Crash of the titans, Legend Of Spyro The New Beginning, Prince Of Persia The Through Thrones (ha rosszul írtam sorry) Tower Blocks, Guitar Hero 3, valamilyen Hugo, nokiákon a labdás játék, Dragon Mania, The Sims 3
Érintős teló - My Tom, Pou, Minion Rush, Speed X, Free Running Dash, Vector, Dragon Mania, The Sims Freeplay, Random Heros... Stb
Az igazán nagy kedvenc a Tetris egyébként... 😅

Think about the food, dessert or drink you like to eat/drink the most and use songs for each letter of its name. For example, pizza. For each letter you need to write a song (either the title or the band's/artist's name needs to start with that letter). Thank you! :3

Cameliee’s Profile PhotoCamelié.
And with this you can see the diversity in my taste or music. 😂
C▪️Crosses - José González
H▪️Hamma - Culcha Candela
I▪️Istanbul - They Might Be Giants
N▪️Never Growin’ Up - DAT ADAM, Westghosts
E▪️Ephedra - My Sleeping Karma
S▪️Source - Fever The Ghost
E▪️Everybody - Backstreet Boys
N▪️Naive - The Kooks
O▪️One More Bottle - Hollywood Undead
O▪️One More Time - Dady Punk
D▪️Dicks dicken - Trailerpark
L▪️Low Life - Dame
E▪️Englishman in New York - Sting
S▪️Satellite Heart - Anya Marina
W▪️The Wolf - SIAMES, Patricia Pacheco
I▪️In the End - Linkin Park
T▪️Tokyo Drift - Teriyaki Boyz
H▪️HandClap - Fritz and The Tantrum
S▪️Spirit of the Hawk - Banaroo
P▪️Polemonium - Fewjar, Frodo
R▪️Ricochet - Starset
N▪️Numbers - Daughter
G▪️Go Rilla - FIL BO RIVA
R▪️Remedy - KYTES
O▪️Ooh Ahh - Grits, TobyMac
L▪️Lennon 2 - DAT ADAM
L▪️A Little Piece of Heaven - Avenged Sevenfold
S▪️Springwut - Bakkushan
Feel free to send me words and with each letter I’ll give a song. 🤗

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¿Te resulta incómodo que a alguien cercano a ti (herman@, prim@, novi@) le gusta lo mismo que a ti? (Ya sea música, ropa, etc)👗👕👛🥿

Por ejemplo a mi hermano y a mi nos gusta el Skate Boarding
Y un fin de semana vi una competencia de Skate de hecho me toco ver a Tony Hawk y cuando viene mi hermano ve lo que estaba viendo me dije para que lo puse ahora me arruino mi pasatiempo

❛ ️ ️what do you want? ️ ️❜

️ ️█ ▌ ️✗ .⠀ᴊᴇʀᴏᴍᴇ ᴠᴀʟᴇꜱᴋᴀ⠀&⠀ʟᴜᴄᴀꜱ ᴡᴀʀᴅ,⠀ @sequelplanned. ️ ️❞

⠀⠀⠀⠀people come and go all the time in arkham, making a parade out of it almost every day;⠀lunatics, society outcasts who⠀ᴅᴀʀᴇ ᴛᴏ⠀defy norms and are therefore automatically deemed⠀ɪ ɴ ꜱ ᴀ ɴ ᴇ,⠀left to rot in filthy holes out of sight and out of people's minds⠀⠀. . .hopefully.⠀⠀━━━━━━⠀⠀those were jerome's kind of people;⠀brimming with⠀ᴘᴏᴛᴇɴᴛɪᴀʟ.⠀enough to change things once and for all, give the city the boost it clearly needs.⠀SET THE PEOPLE FREE !⠀⠀━━━━━━⠀⠀LIKE HE WAS.⠀however, a new inmate had just been admitted and he was. . .⠀⠀something else, jerome could tell. quieter than the awfully loud rest, the picture of⠀ᴘᴇʀꜰᴇᴄᴛ ᴄᴀʟᴍ,⠀unchanging composure within unnerving walls. and yet, at the same time, everything about him screamed⠀ʙ ᴀ ᴅ.⠀⠀━━━━━━⠀⠀DANGER.⠀he carried himself around the place almost as if this wasn't his first rodeo⠀⠀(⠀nor would it be his last one⠀).⠀⠀oh, my, what a breath of fresh air !⠀he would rather have that wacko strange fry his brain than put up with the agonizing⠀ʙᴏʀᴇᴅᴏᴍ⠀any longer. .
a private face-to-face meeting was much desired, and so was happening at last.⠀ ️️ ️️❛ ️ ️ ️️c'mon. . ️️ ️ ️❜⠀ ️️ ️️gradually, usual smile grows larger at his opposite's aloof attitude,⠀a̶s̶ ̶i̶f⠀totally expecting such a response.⠀ ️️ ️️❛ ️ ️ ️️why so defensive ? ️️ ️ ️❜ ️️⠀ ️️while piercing dark orbs remain intently fixed on the latter, studying him with rigid⠀ᴄᴏɴᴄᴇɴᴛʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴ,⠀much like a hawk would its prey.
❛ ️ ️ ️️you're the new guy, i'm just bein'⠀POLITE.⠀⠀━━━━━━⠀⠀can't say the same 'bout the others, though. . . ️ ️ ️️❜ ️️⠀ ️️cue his previous smile at its fullest now, threatening to tear the skin. was that a threat ?⠀maybe. . .⠀⠀it was hostile territory in there, after all;⠀bad things kept happening⠀ᴀʟʟ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇ⠀to people like them⠀⠀(⠀and uh-oh. . .⠀⠀LONERS⠀especially, without a group to watch their backs. hello ?⠀prison survival 101⠀)⠀⠀and guards didn't give a flying fuck about it.⠀⠀━━━━━━⠀⠀or maybe,⠀ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅʟʏ ᴀᴅᴠɪᴄᴇ.⠀no need to be⠀SO SERIOUS. . .⠀⠀anyhow, suddenly, facial expression shifts into one of sheer seriousness, disturbing solemnity taking⠀ᴄ ᴏ ɴ ᴛ ʀ ᴏ ʟ⠀within milliseconds. enough formalities, time for serious talk.⠀ ️️ ️️❛ ️ ️ ️️so, what're you in for ? ️ ️️ ️❜

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What is the best movie you have ever seen?

There are many season and movies stsrting from season
Prison break, narcos,narcos mexico, breaking bad, stranger things, money heist,shooter
The banker,midway,22 miles, lone survivor, 13 hour secret soilder,nact of valor, shooter, world war z, pandemic,contagion, transformer full series especially 1st one,God father 1 2 3,black hawk down, american soilder, the wolf of wall Street, the mist,patriot day, american made, battle ship,the expendable, iron man,three kings, limitless, wanted and others

Min, gua iri deh temen-temen gua pada punya DJI drones. Pengen gitu gua beli Reaper drone atau Global Hawk drone biar ga kalah. Di Amazon seller yg recommended apa ya min?

Gak ada lah sayang.
Kecuali kalau kamu emang ngerti ilmu teknik dalam artian, emang sangat ngerti, yang jelas aku gak sepintar itu sampai bisa bikin drone secanggih itu sendirian.
Nah, kalau kamu sangat pintar masalah itu, coba mulai dari yang gampang-gampang saja. Cari toko hobi yang terkait drone, kamu beli bahan-bahannya saja, terus kamu rakit.
Yang sederhana, sayap dan struktur dari extruded foam atau balsa, pakai motor brushless dan sirkuit buat ngontrol motornya dan input, terus servomotor buat aileron, elevator dan rudder, sama kontroller (yang kamu pegang) macam bikinan Turnigy (katanya ini paling murah btw).
Nanti kamu step up lagi, pakai komponen yang lebih mahal. Misal, struktur daripada kamu pakai balsa ama extruded foam, kamu pakai fiberglass, ato serat karbon, sambil pakai spar dari alumunium atau sekalian pakai sandwich structured composite dari fiberglass sama aramid dalam bentuk honeycomb.
Lama-lama geser, lagi ke bikin mesin jet, entah dalam bentuk turbofan atau turboprop, kalau kepepet ya pakai motor bensin.

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Liked by: Den Ray J. Jethro Shi
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ⠀ ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ⠀ ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴ
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▸⠀victory playlist .
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༄ grimes ———⠀we appreciate power
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༄ metric ———————⠀ help, i'm alive
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༄ chvrches ——————————⠀⠀zvvl
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༄ ki:theory ————————⠀kitty hawk

Nai alla me to poy gyrises xwthikes amesws se Hawk kai Sapranov k fainetai oti trwgesai. Einai k oi dyo alloy koritsara.na kses

Άχου .. πλάκα έχεις. Κι έλεγα ότι βαριέμαι. Καλά που έκανα ασκ τελικά. Μάθε και αυτό,δεν έχω χωθεί μόνο σε αυτούς,αν το πάμε έτσι,μιλάω με όλον τον αντρικό -και μη- πληθυσμό εκεί μέσα.. Δεν τους χορταίνω,όσα χρόνια κι αν περάσουν .. για γέλια!😛
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Esy twra paizei na eisai fan tou snik giati den eksigite.. ma den kolaei akouses ta tragoudia pou evgalan apo to disko .. epidei evgake 2 eretika tragoudia einai poulimenos ti malakies akous 2 to vrady re

Και οχι δεν ειμαι φαν του Snik,ειμαι φαν του Toquel και του Illeoo που και οι 2 ειναι φιλαρακια του Hawk και ο πρωτος ειναι επισης πουλημενος..
Και αφου ακους μαλακιες γιατι απλα δεν φευγεις;Δεν σε αναγκαζω να τα διαβαζεις!
+5 answers in: “Θέλω να μου χορέψεις το caliente 🔥”

This is so spot on. It's actually crazy! Like. I can see why people come out with what they do but when you have people being watched by the Hawk we call the media. Whether they're good or bad. People will believe anything. When we have photoshop and CGI and gullible folk. They'll believe anything!

Kaylaheartbeat’s Profile PhotoKayla
Yes, it’s amazing how quickly the masses can be turned. Psychology is sometimes scarier than reptilians I think.
+12 answers in: “Ask for ask”

I don't currently, since we move a lot :c I did have pets earlier though. A few fishes and then my father took care of two dogs when he was staying away from us c: Their picture is my bg. I've also taken in a few birds here and there. I once brought home with me a baby hawk because it was alone ehe

Aw, I’m sorry to hear that! Ahh just seen your background, the dogs look lovely!! Woah that’s so cool, a baby hawk?! What was that like? :o
Liked by: ♕ ʆɑuʀɛɳ
+3 answers in: “What was the last thing that made you laugh?”

سامحوني ماحب الافلام الي نازله حديث Interstellar - The Dark Knight - American Hustle - Ocean’s 11 / Ocean’s 12 / Ocean’s 13 - The Hunger Games - Inception - Black Hawk Down - Saving Private Ryan - Inglorious Bastards - Captain America: The Winter Soldier - Taken - Shooter - The Town نكمل بعدين🖤

The Dark Knight💕💕💕💕
+18 answers in: “_🥀💛”

Szia Shaku! 😊 Ha Hawk Moth helyében lennél, te képes lennél arra, hogy kijavíts egyetlen egy dolgot még ha ehhez szörnyű dolgokat is kellene csinálnod, hogy elnyerd azt?

Szerintem Hawk Moth nem is igazán gonosz. Persze, lehet, hogy ha alapvetően a 18+-os emberkéket határozták volna meg célközönségként, vér is folyna, és páran minden részben kinyiffannának. Most annyi a történet, hogy MöTh kihasznál egy rossz lelkiállapotban lévő illetőt, hogy csalja neki lépre az amuletek hordozóit, amivel újra együtt lehet a halott szerelmével. Ha megszerezné a talizmánokat, onnantól szerintem pont nem érdekelné, hogy az emberek továbbra is manipuláció alatt maradjanak. Őt egyedül Emilie érdekli.

Szerintem a sztori ezáltal stimmel. Ha kicsit árnyaltabban - egy felnőtt ember szemével- nézzük a problémát, akkor láthatjuk, hogy Hawk Moth egy szerencsétlen, aki láthatóan nem tudja feldolgozni a gyászt, képtelen arra, hogy továbblépjen a múltján. Így persze szülőként sem tud helytállni a közös gyermekük mellett. (Már mondtam talán, de szerintem a Neon Genesis Evangelion egyik szereplője, Ikari Gendo ihlette ezt a karaktert is, meg sok mást is az 1995 utáni rajzfilmes években.)

Az életben az is úgy van, mint a sorozatban, hogy a rossz lelkiállapotban lévő embereket a legkönnyebb bepalizni. Gondoljunk csak a szektákra: nem a kiegyensúlyozott(nak látszó) embereknél próbálkoznak, hanem azoknál, akik magányosak, gyászolnak, elesettnek érzik magukat. Ezen a ponton persze el kell ismernem, hogy ez egyáltalán nem egy etikus lépés sem egy hús-vér embertől, sem pedig kitalált karaktertől.

Nos, ettől függetlenül, ha sokáig abban a lelki állapotban lennék, amiben ő van, lehet, hogy megtenném ugyanezt a helyében. (Kb. 10-11 éve gyászolhatja Emilie-t, hogy számolom.) Na meg az egyik részben volt, hogy azért nem egyesítik a talizmánokat még a jó cél elérése érdekében sem, mert megbomlik az egyensúly vagy valami ilyesmi. Szerintem ez amellett, hogy rajzfilmes klisé, még hülyeség is. Egyszerűen csak úgy megszokta az ember a jó és a rossz körforgását, hogy mást el sem tudna képzelni.

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— Awww, ¿ya te encargaste de los malos sin mí? — Le dedicó un gesto llorón bromista, y luego una expresión ilusionada. Era la chica de sus sueños, estaba perdidamente enamorado. — Ah, sí. Tuve un atareado camino, ¡pero nada que pueda detener a este minino~! — Se señaló a si mismo (?).

MiraculousLadybugRP’s Profile PhotoAdrien Agreste 【Chat Noir】
Solto una leve risilla para si suspirar y sentarce en el borde aquel techo.
— Nunca te has preguntado ¿Que sera de nosotros cuando derotemos a Hawk Moth y entregemos los miraculos.? o ¿Quienes seran los proximos Chat Noir y LadyBug? —
Coloco su mano sobre su mejilla para ponerle atencion aquel atardecer.

Μάλιστα, εεε τι να κάνω ρε φίλε και πάλι γνώμη μου είπα.... Απλά νευριάζω με κάτι τέτοια άτομα όπου και να μπεις ότι και να κάνεις παντού παίζει αυτος ο παπάρας 😡 να μην νευριάζω μετά με ότι βλέπω.... Καλά ξεκάθαρα 12ος , toquel , hawk , iratus klp λίγη και καλοί

Ακριβώς 🙏
Όχι σεβαστή η γνώμη σου, δεν αντιλέγω σε καμία περίπτωση.
Αλλά αυτή τη μάστιγα των τελευταίων χρόνων, που την ξεκίνησε πρώτα να θυμηθούμε αυτός ο καθυστερημένος ο snik, έχει αρχίσει και καίει κυτταρα.
Βέβαια φταίνε αυτοί το ίδιο με αυτούς που τους ακούνε, αν δεν είχαν κοινό δεν θα έβγαζαν τέτοια εκτρώματα...
+3 answers in: “Το σχολείο το αγαπάω τους καθηγητές γαμαω και τους έχω όλους γραμμένους στα παπαρια μου τα 3... Το κυλικείο ειναι σάπιο η κόκα κόλα δεν είναι κρύα.. 11 στην φυσική στην γεωμετρία 3 ΕΣΎ ΑΚΟΥΣ ΧΑΤΖΗΦΡΑΓΚΕΤΑ;;”

Czy wiek 27'iu lat jest zbyt późny żeby jeździć na rolkach lub deskorolce? Co o tym sądzisz? Czy nie zależnie od wieku warto spełniać marzenia z dzieciństwa? Czy lepiej odpuścić? #GalAnonimObserwator pozdrawia :)

No chyba żartujesz ? jesteś sprawny i zdrowy fizycznie? To wskakuj na deskę lub w rolki i baw się dobrze!
Nigdy nie jest zbyt późno na realizowanowanie planów i marzeń.
Tony Hawk ma 50 lat i nadal ładnie śmiga, wiek nie ma żadnego znaczenia

Have you ever asked what someone else envisioned you doing, career-wise? Did it ever match with your own plans? *curious upside down smiley face*...

I never really asked anyone what they saw me doing career wise. I wanted to be a professional skateboarder growing up like tony hawk but I been in a band for 10 years now and I don't think I see myself doing anything unrelated to music now even though I still have like hobbies and sort of still skate (not much tho but getting back into the grind)

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