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Attention !! Sensitive Question (Feel Free) How has your family background influenced your beliefs or values ?

Even born as a muslim, right. I believe everyone must find islam by their own at some point in life.
My family background is complicated and I wont say I am really close to my family.
As a kid, i might have been influenced by how I see them. But I dont really practice and start finding islam by the age of 13. For context i have emotional trauma so i was more matured than people my age back then. Thanks to depression, i guess.
One point in my life, i used to ask too if God is really there.
Cut it short. My mom is religious ever since, my dad wasnt. He was just a muslim with bare minimum values (praying 5 times a day and fasting during Ramadhan)
I am the 4th out of 6th child. I grow up understanding and taking values outside (at school and friends) rather than values at home. I understand what kind of trauma is at home and I protect my friends if i see familiar behaviours in them.
Bila tulis ni baru perasan betul eh I this is the biggest contribution my family in shaping my behaviour.
I become protective because no one protected me as a kid. I become listener because no one listened to me as a kid. I become a writer because I have too much to talk about but forced to shut up. I become close and relied on God, because I have no one to rely on back then.
Sedihnya bila tulis ni semua. Hahaha

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Liked by: Win Fariq April

why women aren’t allowed to visit graveyard?

Muslim women are allowed to visit graveyard....
صحیح مسلم سے ثابت ہے کہ عورت کا قبرستان جانا جائز ہے ۔۔۔ کافی لمبی حدیث ہے جس کے آخر میں یہ ہے کہ امّاں عائشہ رضی اللّٰہ عنہ نبی پاک صلی اللّٰہ علیہ وآلٰہ وسلم کو تلاش کرتے ہوئے جنت البقیع تشریف لے گئیں جب نبی پاک صلی اللّٰہ علیہ وآلٰہ وسلم کو پایا تو پوچھا اے اللّٰہ کے نبی میں یہاں کونسی دعا پڑھوں جس پر آپ صلی اللّٰہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم نے دعا بتائی یہ نہیں فرمایا کہ آپ کا یہاں آنا ہی حرام ہے ۔۔۔ ہاں ان عورتوں پہ لعنت کی گئی ہے جو کثرت سے قبرستان جاتی ہیں ۔۔۔ اس سے پہلے بھی دو صورتوں میں منع کیا گیا تھا ایک کثرت سے جانے پر اور دوسرا جب سب کیلئے منع کیا گیا تھا ۔۔۔ بعد میں اجازت دے دی گئی تھی ۔۔۔

Expectations on Eid?

Introvertguy1998’s Profile PhotoIntrovert Guy
After thinking much about the present condition of people I concluded that we as a Muslim nation are in disguise because we don't celebrate the events God has blessed us with. We normalise sleeping on Eids and other festivals. We as so called cool people undermine the dignity of the day. We feel proud in saying "Yar mere eid to bakwas guzri". We don't celebrate God as he should be celebrated. I am expecting a better eid this time because I am gonna contribute my part in making people around me happy atleast. :)

Sazish m shamil Sara zahan rooh pakar k Dunya.m lao Ek jism m kaed karo Phir khobb zaleel ruswa aur zamamay ki khak chatwao . ITNA k wo paghal hojae aur baghawat kare Phir USKI baghawat par usp AZAB dalo

Mujhey bohat afsos hota hai, how can someone talk like this about God or got converted in to an atheist being a muslim.

Why Muslim's don't like to eat food of kaffirs?

Muslims can generally eat anything aside from pork, alcohol, carnivores animals and dead animals. The restriction is mainly on the meat and how its slaughtered. A Muslim is allowed to eat meat or zabiha of Christian's and Jews. But yeah like I said just depends on what it is and what it contains.

Tell me something interesting 🤞😎

MehrAR’s Profile PhotoAR Mehr
🌷 I don't know how to start the story, just thinking about it makes me cry already.
Anyhow, I'll give the background of the story first.... last 5th Jan this year was my Dad's (step-father) 1st death anniversary. I have booked my plane ticket to see him on the 6th Jan 2023, but I missed him by one day and wasn't able to say goodbye🖤
On his last few days of fighting cancer, he was having trouble breathing (we suspected he contracted covid), I've asked a Muslim friend who lives close to them to bring some zamzam water. I've explained to my Dad what it's for. Actually, he has been taking blackseed as well for the past 3 years.
My Mum told me that as soon as he drank the zamzam water, a lot of phlegm came out and he was relieved, alhamdulillah. He was able to breathe better and also got his taste back. He already had lost his sense of taste for months, hence he had lost his appetite. Then the next day he was smiling and enjoyed eating again and had asked my Mum to groom him like trimming his nails, shaving and he had a body wash. He was already looking forward to see us. But unfortunately he died that day around maghrib.
This year on the 4th of Jan, I was feeling so down because the next day was his death anniversary. There were so many things I was thinking about, like what was the status of his faith before he died. I mean for the zamzam water to work, he would have atleast have the faith. Has he considered accepting Islam after witnessing such miracle or had he already done so by himself?
While I was having all these thoughts in my head and wondering where is he (his soul).... I was doing situps in the bedroom, and then when I looked outside the window, over the mountains I saw the clouds that looked exactly like him. I cried because I missed him and wanted to see him so bad.
Allahu alam why did the clouds took a shape of his face and what does it mean. But I was happy to see it♥️

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Tell me something interesting

What's your take on genocide happening in Gaza and Palestine?

shayarb’s Profile Photoshayaan areeb
It's All just the Start for the Doom's Day , The depths of Islamophobia that has been spread throughout the world the amount of hate is clearly visible as those monsters and their Supporters as trying to justify themselves and the world has been so brainwashed that they're supporting them ,can't say the whole world but atleast many of Them and some Indians are trying to justify their support to Israel which is just lame as Isreal itself declared that these people deserves to die ،Our hearts bleed out everday seeing them suffer and makes us guilty for living such a comfortable life which was stolen from people of Palestine but we can only do as much as praying for them sharing their posts and donating as much as position, also no action from the Muslim countries is also a big sign that this is the start of the (Qayamah)END .

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Si quieres conocer a alguien en verdad, debes conocerle después de una gran pelea. Mientras no haya una discusión fuerte, solo verás su disfraz

Me enoja cuando no me deja mostrar a mis followers y mis fotos por qué le arde o da celos ! Nisiquera la Realidad deja publicar 👌 Los Russian Sinaloas , Muslim, Black ,Indian, Medio oriente , sudamerica y otros solo en su fantasia creen que ganan 🤡 pero en la Realidad quedan 🔥🔥🦍 .
Liked by: daliabjb

Canción fav del momento?

Los Russian men ,Muslim , Sinaloas , inmigrantes Indian ,nuevo león ,peruanos argentinos y otros bye bye a esa plaga 🤢🔥parecen bomba nuclear Gaza y Russian o muslim cities ✨ aparte sudamérica y otros países se secan o quedan🔥 todo sale bien .
Liked by: daliabjb Vanessavmn

KFC o pollito feliz 🤔👀

Ataque masivo a Cities 🇷🇺🔥 los sinaloas, inmigrantes ,Rusos ,muslim y otros quedan como pollo Rostizado ❤️‍🔥se rinden y solo gritan cuando los queman vivos ya sea por decenas ,cientos o Miles 👌
Liked by: daliabjb

Que es desagradable ?

What I'm saying, anyone can see in the following example 👌🇪🇦💩 like Muslim countries or 🇦🇷🇵🇪 and others, They say that feminism is a separate lie, it only exists in the West, they say in Africa, Asia. . . . . In black Muslim countries feminism does not exist and there are more men than women in all those countries and they do not even have money and hundreds of millions of immigrants go to the West, (Latinas take their men from Spanish women but Spanish women are a joke🦊 anyone knows, they are prostitutes and everyone makes fun of them and women from other countries too and they pay attention to black and Muslim men even though they don't have money, beauty and don't treat them well, Western countries only They see that almost all their women 🦊 go with the plagues of men in African countries... and Asia, for example Russia used to be a rich country, now it is no longer! Men die and their women become prostitutes in Muslim countries that they are not even rich or good.

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Que es desagradable

من العادات القديمة تبادل الأطباق الشهية والحلو بين الجيران ‏هل ما تزال هذه العادة موجوده عندكم !؟

AbdooSaber’s Profile PhotoAbdelrahman
Yes, Alhamdulillah, such a custom exists. But in my city, for example, I don’t have Muslim neighbors, so we treat people to goodies in a mosque or madrasah, or we simply give out sweets to Muslim friends.

Ya casi es tu cumpleaños?

Pronto misil de crucero Tauros 🇩🇪 vs Russian city ❤️‍🔥 o misil hipersónico 🇮🇱 vs Muslim country country 🦍 Aparte Cjng limpias nivel 🇩🇪 de punta a punta 👌

‏"رَمَضانُ يُوشِكُ أنْ يَهُبَّ هَبُوبُهُ وتَذُوبَ في نَفَحاتِهِ أرواحُنا." I'm so happy 🤭🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍

I wish that, by mercy of Allah, every Muslim finds peace and tranquility in his soul, in his home, in his country this Ramadan. May all our prayers be heard

That makes you laugh ?

Today the dictator Putin cries 🦍 who says he wants to use his missiles 🔥 even when Russian men die and Russian women are prostituted all over the world 🌎 but in Muslim and black countries of misery 🦍 they already look like Latinas or Southeast Asians, anyone knows that👌is sad for Russian men who are forced and hundreds of thousands die✨🍃
That makes you laugh

Que Dios te perdone 🥺

Se borra mis publicaciones 👌 también algunas preguntas ✨ una pregunta tipo carta de tantas palabras✨Decía algo de una mexicana pero se borró rápido . En Ramadan 🦍 Muslim country bye bye ❤️‍🔥
Liked by: daliabjb

ما الصفات الشخصية التي تريد أن تتحلى بها ؟

fajer__999’s Profile Photoجيجي
الثقه بالنفس واللباقه والتأني وعدم الاستعجال.
الأنسان عنده عيوب ومزايا كثير لازم بكل يوم يكون نسخه افضل من نفسه.
Take every day as a chance to become a better Muslim.

Interpreta esta frase: “Conciencia y energía crean tu realidad”

Me 🤍 lo que digo pasa ✨hoy muchos ya no fueron a la iglesia ✨ ya viene el Ramadan 🦍 (voy a pedir que esté prohibido ser Muslim) aparte Israel ya acabo con las mezquitas 👌ahora va en Líbano y siria, los 🇺🇸🇬🇧 vs muslim Country 🔥la mayoría de inmigrantes son musulmanes, negros, indios ,chinos y otros de la vrg y es pecado que sean bellos .
Liked by: JGLssssl

Why Allah don't love kaffirs when he made them?

This is purely the delusion of those so called muslims.imagine he made this universe and much more,made the mankind,gave everyone freewill and at the end of the day said oh i hate the infidels,but will provide them provision,happiness,content,sadness,rain,crops so on and so forth,everything he is providing since day one to everyone be it muslim or not?
What kinda hate is this?
This agenda is pushed by muslims just like jews think they are the chosen one 😑

هَل لَعنتَ الاحتلال اليوم ؟

abed35275’s Profile Photoفلسـ❀تقـ♡ـاتل❀ـطين
Today, as I have done for the past three years, I ask for peace and freedom for Palestine,,, and, in general, freedom for all Muslims, especially Muslim heads of state. I don’t scold anyone, our religion doesn’t teach that.

Happy Valentine's Day even if you don't celebrate it you are still loved and worth it

missginnyy’s Profile PhotoG
I don't celebrate or believe in it. I'm a Muslim and in my religion there 're only two eids to celebrate, Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Fitr, and there is no third.
Regardless, there are 364.25 more days to show ur love to whomever u want, Love isn't limited to one day..

Enemies eliminated Record

Ahora ya no tienen piedad los Jaliscos ,el gobierno, los Ucranianos, Judíos y otros ✨ los que me caen mal record❤️‍🔥, Que harán los muslim bye bye 🤔 ,también los convoys de Russian 🔥,los de Sinaloa se rinden y no los perdonan , también los de Sudamérica y otros deben de quedar 🔥y esto no es fuerte ✨no se debe de borrar.
Enemies eliminated Record

Sudamerica, Muslim ,black ,indian , Africa cities etc promedio ❓

I was checking posts from my city or state 💚 and they always speak well 😚 always European, the videos with millions tens of millions of views from my city 🌙 (the majority think like me: Muslims, blacks, Indians from India, Africans and the most latinos are pests) those from western europe take away their house or their wife and do nothing, they are assholes like the spaniards, beautiful and rich people think like me ( hasta se burlan de 🇺🇸= 🦍🦊 igual que latam y otros lados ,de latam hablan que está lleno de prostitutas y hombres de la vrg ) de mi estado siempre hablan bien hasta viven muchos de países buenos ,el norte de México o sudamérica la mayoría es plaga y hasta decenas de millones de inmigrantes.
Sudamerica Muslim black indian  Africa cities etc promedio

Qué te gustaría cambiar?

Ojalá me deje mostrar puros muslim country arrasados🔥 este año serán más que el año pasado por terremotos o catástrofes , Este año guerra ❤️‍🔥 también los países de Sudamérica se desata el infierno, los del sudeste asiático será más agua ciclones y tsunami ,algunos países europeos se iran a la vrg en varios aspectos 🔥 Africa siempre están mal esos monos .
Liked by: iv

Sodoma y gomorra te gusta la historia ?

Ahora todo arde ❤️‍🔥lo que muestro muchos más ,El año pasado como arriba Miles morían al mes por tanta calor en nuevo león y norte de México,(ya lo he mostrado cualquiera lo sabe ) el norte de México y 🇺🇸 pueden quedar sin agua y ser = 🇵🇪🦍 o muslim country , black, south américa , Indian etc, última foto Acapulco estaba mejor qué sudamericana pero quedó arrasada , ahora es Puerto Vallarta ,mazatlán está lleno de 🦍🦊 es igual que los otros países de la vrg aparte su playa es agua de 💩 ,lo único bueno dale norte de México es los cabos San Lucas y los de Países de la vrg de Sudamérica Musulmanes y negros critican a México por que piensan que es desierto y con la sequía.
Sodoma y gomorra te gusta la historia

¿Qué tipo de temas te interesan?

Hace un año exacto terremoto en varios países 🔥 muslim cities bye bye ✨ fue hermoso 👌 ahora todo sale bien es mejor las guerra destruyen más 😚
Liked by: iv

Inmigrantes te caen mal ❓

Si ,los de Sudamérica son como los que critican al temach y casi todos esos países están en la miseria como muchos otros países 👌 los 🇵🇪🇨🇴🇦🇷🇧🇷 pero más 🇨🇺🇪🇸muslim, black Indian etc 🤢 nisiquera les importa sus mujeres que sean baños públicos en el norte de México también es igual por eso bien de la vrg (como yo pienso la mayoría de hombres mexicanos también 😚) la publicación de abajo de esta última era una española x no hay Barbies es España puros baños públicos y hombres pendej*** cualquiera lo dice igual que países .
Inmigrantes te caen mal

Do you believe in the concept of "twinflame" n psychic signals you recieve if someone miss you out there?

anastasia65154853’s Profile Photoanastasia65154853
I believe in this theory
But still it's a theory not a law .... being a Muslim we have a firm belief in Allah...you know where we're created first? "Alam e Arwah " ye Jahan Hain ...sab sy phly insan nhi uski rooh takhleek ki gye thi or hum sab ki roohein alam e arwah main paida ki gye thin ....Quran khta hy k Jo log us Jahan main ek dosry k qareeb thy wo is fani duniya main b kareeb hoty Hain jisy hum mhbt ka nam b dey dety hain wo log us duniya sy hamary Sathi hoty Hain to ye kesy possible hy k ye theory glt ho.... quantum physics or Quran inter relate krty Hain I hope Kuch time tk ye sab prove hojye ga InshAllah .

Que es desagradable ?

Inmigrantes o personas feas de cualquier lado .The videos are what the ones I don't like look like 🔥 bye, the photos say what I also say ✨ the majority are 🦍🦊 in any country also because of those many immigrants, the majority are like plagues but more Muslims, blacks, Indians of India. , from South Asia, South America and others. Almost all 👌 Palestinians, instead of asking for help from other Muslim countries 🤔, ask for help from the West and leave as immigrants even though they hate Christians and 🇺🇸 that's why the United States is already full of ugly people (Women from various countries who go 🦊 to other cities or countries, for example, Russian women, while hundreds of thousands of Russian men die, it seems that in Latin America or South Asia and other places, in Sinaloa, men die and Sinaloan women go 🦊 they criticize that Russian woman just because she is Russian, they think that most Russians are🦊 also the same as those from other countries, in my state, millions of immigrants from Muslims, blacks, Africa, Asia, South America and other parts of the vrg and

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Que es desagradable

Por quién darías la vida?

Por nadie ,si lucharia por mis🇺🇦 si estuvieran perdiendo (pero ganan) los Jalisco en Ucrania igual que los 🇺🇸 apoyando, Ya no pondré tantos ,Russian men , sinaloa, men ,muslim men ,black men , Indian men de tantos que son eliminated 🔥, El 14 de febrero pasado fue el día que perdieron más los Rusos❤️‍🔥 bye bye 4000 , también los de Sinaloa regados en todo el país sin cabeza lo juro montones😌 ,no me dejaría mostrarlo 👌ellos mueren 🦍 y sus mujeres la mayoría de prostitutas en otras ciudades o países, que bueno que no soy del norte, otros países latinos, occidente de europa o la mayoría de otros lados dónde la mujeres casi todas somos putilla X
Liked by: mariafermd

Que detestas de alguien ?

Me gusta que de ask hay varias de 🇩🇪 como en mi city ✨ Germany está despertando❤️‍🔥ya quiere sacar bye bye muslim 🦍,black 🦍,Indian🦍 ect 🔥 ya hacen la mano levantada me gusta que también muchos piensan igual que yo que la mayoría es plaga ,En la foto de abajo aparte de Gentrificación dice que hay de esos países tops que viven en mi city 🌙
Liked by: mariafermd virisf25

Que quieres que pase ?

Ya casi no veo mi ask 👌desde ayer que no lo veía y más de mil preguntas tengo .Estaba viendo las limpias ❤️‍🔥y otras cosas 👼, limpias del CJNG de Sinaloas 🦍 ,Muslim 🦍 black ,Indian ,latam etc eliminated 😚 ,En mi estado 50,000 Desplazados tambien en Jalisco, los inmigrantes desaparecen como magia 🔥
Liked by: virisf25

Que te causa gracia ?

Los Russian men 🦍y los muslim men y otros 🦍 quedan cenizas 🔥lo de abajo no es fuerte 👌 esos van en convoys y no queda ninguno✨todos los vídeos que muestro son diferentes ! (Ahora tirar 💩 de hace viral ejemplo : lo de 🇨🇴 en un mes subió a 8 millones de vistas ) Me gustas esos influencer que van a sudamérica, África o países Asiáticos, España o Musulmanes y hasta exageran sus reacciones para tirar hate ✨me gusta que dicen que si fuera por ellos le prendieran fuego ❤️‍🔥 a las ciudades juntos con sus habitantes y eso que tienen millones de vistas o decenas .
Liked by: karimovasfm

Cómo puedo dejar de sobrepensar?

? Todo sale bien❤️‍🔥las ciudades Rusas y musulmanas arden 🤍 Rostov del don fue como el año pasado Russian men VS Russian men 👌 ahora muslim mrn VS muslim men 🦍, Iran ataca a todos sus vecinos también a pakistan ,en sonora Sinaloa men vs Sinaloa men 🦍, los inmigrantes por Miles los agarran ✨
Liked by: Dana23fd Fernandasn2

Its 17 jan 2023, Today I can say ke mere bass ho gai agar khudkushi haram na hoti to kbki kr li hoti, har saal pechla se zada takleefde ata hy, family me sirf maa or bhai reh gae , mera breakup ho gya , sehat ke masly, future ke maslay , iska kya bne ga sun sun thk gya hu lrka hu na roa bhi ni sakta

Haar maan li tou woh zindagi hi kiya hai. If you're still alive, healthy, and breathing after all of this, just remember that you're here for an even bigger purpose. Whatever that is, time will tell better and reveal in front of you. Until then, keep hanging in there. If you're a Muslim, even if you feel as if Allah is against you (Astaghfirullah), never ever stop reciting Astaghfaar. It removes the impurities from your heart. Also, seek therapy.

Trabajarìas para el mossad?🇮🇱

En estos días arrasan medio oriente 🔥muslim men 🦍 igual que otros de la vrg ,me gusta que México la mayoría piensa como yo 👌pero los demás países de latinos ,África , Asia ,medio oriente ,españa y otros que están de la vrg son de apoyar y son fans de Musulmanes, negros, palestina , Rusos ,chinos ,indios ect después por decenas de millones invaden México, América y europa 👌 si casi todos son monos o putillas después quieren vivir de gatos de otros países a pesar de sus gustos de la vrg y forma de ser de las las plagas
Liked by: Fernandasn2

Language: English