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50 posts


If you could instantly master any skill, what would it be and why?

FiaSaif’s Profile PhotoM.
Well, as someone who has an IT educational background and knowing where the market is moving, python is one skill that needs to be mastered. The reason that is, Python is the future of AI since Python is heavily used to develop AI programs in general.
Not only that, Python is one of the most strongest programming languages available.

Saray fasaad ki jarh kia hai ???

rafayarslan12’s Profile Photoرافع قریشی
I think human consciousness, is a tragic misstep in evolution. We became too self-aware, nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself, we are creatures that should not exist by natural law. We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self; an accretion of sensory, experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody, when in fact everybody is nobody. Maybe the honorable thing for our species to do is deny our programming, stop reproducing, walk hand in hand into extinction, one last midnight - brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal — True Detective

Do you think you can be a great computer programmer and have you ever been interested in programming?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
I have strong computer skills, but I don't have a passion for programming. I believe my strengths and interests lie elsewhere, and I'm focused on pursuing a different career path.

What's your daily routine?

binte_alamdar’s Profile PhotoBinte.Alamdar
Wakeup at 5 AM , pray namaz, check emails and meetings, have breakfast, watch some YT and sleep for 3 hours. Wake again at 11 AM, attend meetings , do programming, till 7-8 PM. Watch youtube again / listen to music. Check social media frequently and after dinner do some more stuff / programming and sleep at 2-3 AM

Hey Baaji - Can you sub to my YT channel? Search for "Lazy Programming with Saad" on YT. It'll have a sloth infront of the laptop as its pfp. If you can sub, it'll be great, otherwise no worries. 🙂

saadniazi61’s Profile PhotoSAAD NIAZI.
Bilkul, bilkul. Abhi kar deti hun.
Jo jo yeh question dekhay foran subscribe karay Saad ka channel. 🤨🤨
Liked by: Sheikh_اقدس

{{ https://ask.fm/TruthAndJustice_/answers/176090269095 }} PIPIIIII--

TruthAndJustice_’s Profile Photo「ᴛʜᴇ ꜰᴇᴀʀʟᴇꜱꜱ ᴅᴇᴛᴇᴄᴛɪᴠᴇ」

⠀❝What about these so-called nightmares?❞
To the discomfiture of both, insistence would continue to prevail until he found a sufficient motive to dispel the existential angst. He would force the meaning of the word to his advantage - a selfish pandering only prioritizing his own problem, minimally caring what influence it would evoke in her.
The omnic felt very little compassion for humans, and this woman was to be no different.
⠀❝These dreams, what specifically do they make you feel? anger? fear? despair?❞
Ramattra continued to inquire, hungry to acquire some explanation. Be that as it may. And not that it was urgent, however, he wasn't in his best attitude to recompose himself.
He might be being impolite and insensitive.
That despair accumulated over so many years was beginning to overflow, influencing his programming. Years without answers. Years of chaos and destruction where he became a pitiful witness to an unjust massacre. Years of his prayers NOT. BE. HEARD.
The past began to blend into the present, a huge worry existed for the future; those projections of his memories simulating a real dream were frustrating.
He wanted to understand why — no, he NEEDED to understand why it created such a frightening sensation. Would there be a meaning behind it at all? Those tremors had to mean something.
⠀❝Make me understand — how terrible is the sensation you feel when you wake up? Do they possess a purpose? Are these dreams unconsciously trying to communicate something to you?❞
Mechanical hands gripped Kaitlyn's shoulders. A painful squeeze upon them demanded words.
⠀❝How do you make them stop?❞

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أختك داخلة حاسبات ! دا يا أهلا بيها فى المجال الاعظم والأمتع والله ❤️😂 خليها بس فى الاسبوع دا تاخد خلفية عن ال structured programming من عادل نسيم او الدسوقى وتهتم بعدين باللوجيك جدا عشان الاركتيكتشر ودى مادة تقيلة الحقيقة وربنا يقويها ع self study اللى مبيخلصش 😂 بس اختيار موفق والكلية لذيذة بجد

طب ما تبعتي اخليها تتابع معاكي اسهل ...
عشان هيا تايهة ف الاول كده ومش فاهمة الدنيا ..
وانا سكتي غير سكتكم بقا يو نو 😂

Have you ever been forced to work with faulty tools? (E.g. perform with a broken instrument or work with malfunctioning equipment etc.) What was the result?

CactusDoug’s Profile PhotoDoug
I did an open mic with a dodgy cable once, that was off-putting, and I was working/studying with a broken laptop for ages 😂 it's hard to learn to programming on a laptop that freezes every three lines of code you type 😂

SALAM EVERYONE from Peshwar,I have done my fsc pre medicl ,waiting for result kpk Someone helo me ..Im preparing for mdct ...huge competition nowdays im getting into anxiety .I dont wanna waste my year ..not even doctor concious suggest some othr fields ? Mdct ky bad BS admission mil gai na 🤕😭

Official_sanakhan’s Profile Photoثناء خان
If you have any interest in programming then go for Information Technology as it is the best future market for earning.

Steps to study cs for beginners (rep t)

1. Có tư duy logic ổn, tốt
2. Tìm hiểu về programming concepts: data types, variables, if-else statements, loop, function, file handling, etc
3. Có máy tính (duh) + chọn 1 Text Editor để viết code: Sublime, Atom, Visual Studio Code, etc
4. Học sử dụng 1 programming language + syntax của nó
• Nếu muốn đơn giản, phổ biến: Python, Ruby
• Khó hơn chút nhma có thể thuần thục hơn các programming concepts: C, C#
Sau khi tiếp xúc cả 2 thì rcm C hoặc C# vì nó chặt chẽ trong các syntax của nó hơn, Python nhiều khi quá tối giản nên sẽ ko có thói quen coding tốt. Either way nó tùy thuộc vào preference
5. Học toán logic, toán rời rạc Tìm hiểu về phép toán AND, OR, NOT khác nhau ntn

ذاتياً: كيف نتعلم تحمل المسؤولية؟

لست متأكدا.
ولكن لعلي أقول الانضباط. قرأت مرة مقولة أترجمها إلى: الانضباط يأتي بما لا تأتي به الرغبة.
نسمع كثيرا عند الغرب عن الشغف والحب ومثلا Programming enthusiast او متحمس لأي مجال آخر. كأن الدافع للعمل والإنتاجهي المتعة والرغبة. لو اعتمدنا هذا فعدم المتعة أو الرغية يعني عدم الإنتاج أو العمل. وأراه غبيا وسطحيا في الحقيقة.
إذا اعمل على ما يجعلك منضبطا. ومن ضمنه أن تعمل فيما يناسبك..فمثلا ما تحب أو اعتدت عليه ونشأت راغبا في معرفته أكثر.
قرأت اليوم: "إن حبك الشيء علما أو عملا; شرط لتفوقك فيه، قال ابن حجر العسقلاني رحمه الله (كل من حُبِّبَ إليه شيء فإنه يفوق فيه غيره).
شخصيا أرى مسألة الحب مسألة تدبير إلهية. حيث ينشأ كل طفل في ظروف مختلفة وبذلك يكون فضوله مختلفا وعلى أساسه يعاني اكثر من مسألة معينة فيهتم بها أكثر فيتقنها. حيث يعتمد على من قبله فيما ينقصه ويُكمِل الذي قبله أو غيره بما عنده.
على كل فالانضباط أولا. والوعي له إسهام في الانضباط حسب رأيي.

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Is there a hobby or interest that you've always wanted to get into but haven't? Or one that you used to do but don't now?

DovahMonah’s Profile PhotoDovahMonah
I used to be really into electronics and into programming computers for fun. Like properly obsessed. But then I got a job doing both of those things and I stopped doing them as a hobby. I no longer do the electronics stuff for work, just the programming, so I thought maybe I'd give the electronics another go. Things have moved on a bit in recent years so I thought I'd learn a bit more about microcontrollers (tiny computers that you can program to control physical devices through an input/output interface and connect to sensors, switches, lights, motors etc). I just bought myself a Raspberry Pi Pico W (WiFi version) which should arrive tomorrow. My first project is to get one of my houseplants to detect when it's soil is dry and to email me when it needs watering.

نعمل ايه بعد اخر امتحان 3 ثانوي

كورس ف اي حاجه من التلاته دول هينفعك جدا
Graphic design
وممكن كورس ف التداول وتاخد فكره عن المجال دا عشان هينفعك لو حابب تشتغل وممكن كورس ف لغة زي الانجليزي لو ضعيف فيه او لغة تانيه لو حابب تكتسبها وربنا يوفقك 🙂💙

محتاجة شغل اونلاين ضرورى بس يكون بعيد عن التسويق لو حد عنده فكرة 🥺

ممكن تشتغلي في ال Customer Service أو Technical writing و غيرها
أو أشياء أكثر تخصصا كالـ Design أو ال Programming أو و غيرها

ليه بنتخرج مبنعرفش نكتب برامج ونعمل مشاريع رغم إننا بندرس ونتدرب ونحاول؟

عشان لو حصل واتدربتوا بيكون علي التكويد
مش البرمجة
ايه الفرق؟ دوري بنفسك
أما فشل مشاريع التخرج فبيكون عشان معودتوش نفسكم علي مشاريع برمجة صغيرة فلما بيكون مطلوب مشروع كبير (نسبيا) هتعملوه مرة واحدة ازاي؟

What makes you, you?

klonetron’s Profile PhotoAurora Inquire
Uhh brown hair, green eyes somewhat tanned skin. Crazy random conspiracy theories and a love for books. Devistatingly good looks and a decent taste in music. I don’t let people in easily but when I do I’ll care for you no matter what. Kinda on the sarcastic side which honestly In the case of a hostage situation would be my downfall.
There are countless ingredients that make up the human body and mind, like all the components that make up me as an individual with my own personality. Sure, I have a face and voice to distinguish myself from others, but my thoughts and memories are unique only to me, and I carry a sense of my own destiny. Each of those things are just a small part of it. I collect information to use in my own way. All of that blends to create a mixture that forms me and gives rise to my conscience.
At least not in the way people think. Genetics have a significant influence over your development, but the other portion is vastly generated by the experiences others impart on you throughout your life. All of your values -or even the aversion to certain values- are strictly defined by what the adults in your childhood exemplified, meaning you are the combination of all the character traits you were exposed to growing up and there is not a single original thought in your mind, just a milkshake of all of the information you were given. "You" are a compound entity that works within the limits of its programming, that can, of course, grow and expand through your interactions to thought models that are new to you but still imparted by others. Changing a single event in your upbringing would have changed who "you" are entirely. So you and I and everyone in the world are just happy random accidents that carry on with us snippets of the people that came before us.
The greatest mistake is to be continually fearful of making one. A stumble may prevent a fall. To say that we have made mistakes is to say that we are alive. When we cease to make mistakes that is the moment when we cease to be. The Buddha has once asked if he'd ever made a mistakes, he answered "I am making a mistake even now, nothing more."
My abusive step dad, well used to be step dad. Me and my mom got away from him last year but everything he tried to make me do I did the opposite and I got a boyfriend even though I wasn't supposed to and he saved my life.( I was suicidal). He's been harrasing us since we left, and I've found out he wasn't just mentally and emotionally abusive, he also physically abused my mom, I want to put his name on here just for people to see this man for what he is if y'all ever see I'm and not get tricked by him.anyway yeah I'm me because of him

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Liked by: Margot Natalie ♡

هوا اي المواد التسعه اللي حضرتك بتقول لازم نطلع من اولي وتانيه كويسين فيهم (مواد البيزكس)، والمفروض ابقا كويس فيهم لحد فين واعرف اني كدا بقيت تمام

المواد التسعة هما
1- Programming and OOP
دول عمودك الفقري لازم تدريبات ومشاريع كونسل كتير
2- Data structures and Algorithms
دول طريقة للتمكن من الكودينج والتيستينج والديبجينج والتفكير الخوارزمي وبيلعبوا دور في الانترفيوز في شركات كتير
3- design patterns and software engineering
دول بياخدوك خطوة للامام في التصميم وبناء مشروعات كبيرة
4- database
هتعرف الداتا بتتخزن ازاي
مهمة جدا للباك اند
5- operating systems and networking
مفيدين لخلفيتك
ممكن تاخد كورس معقول فيهم مش شرط تكون تنين دلقوتي وتتحسن بعدين حسب احتياجاك
تجد الرؤية الكاملة في فيديوهين سنة اولى وتانية وتالتة ورابعة والفيديو ده
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xs8pDrX4B5k&list=PLPt2dINI2MIYY3yqu4YDu2se2GCpcKBfB&index=8mostafasaad87’s Video 169965437666 xs8pDrX4B5kmostafasaad87’s Video 169965437666 xs8pDrX4B5k
هل ينفع نمشي بالتوازي تكنولوجي واساسيات؟ لا انصح تماما الا لو شخص مضطر ماديا يشتغل بدري
انصحك تتمكن على الاقل من اول 4 مواد فوق قبل التكنولوجي

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mostafasaad87’s Video 169965437666 xs8pDrX4B5kmostafasaad87’s Video 169965437666 xs8pDrX4B5k

ابدأ بايثون ولا c++؟

ده يعتمد على كام حاجة
أولاً هل أنت مش عارف programming ولا لا؟
مثلاً نفترض لا، فأنت المفروض تتعلم أساسيات البرمجة من cs50 وبعدين تحدد أنت عايز تدخل مجال إيه وتشوف اللغة التوب فى المجال ده.
تانى حاجة لو عندك معرفة بال programming وعايز تبدأ تتعلم لغة لازم بردو تحدد مجالك وتتعلم اللغة التوب فى المجال.
تالت حاجة لو أنت مش عارف تحدد مجالك و عايز تبدأ باللغة، فأنا أنصحك بال JavaScript.

ابدأ بايثون ولا c++؟

اولا خد كورس cs50 بعدين حدد اللي حابب تتخصص فيه اللغه اخر حاجه تحددها لأن ف كل تراك هتمشي فيه ف لغة بتعرف توظفها ب شكل احسن مثلا c++ احسن ف desktop programming و ال python احسن ف ال database و معالجة البيانات

What are your hobbies and interests?

klonetron’s Profile PhotoAurora Inquire
I like cats and I collect everything related to them (cups, Pusheen merch, jewelry, notebooks), I play videogames, I write poems/stories, I read books, sometimes I try to draw (comic characters, flowers), I am interested in anime, Japanese, Marvel, DC, Japanese culture, martial arts, geography, the environment, nature, astronomy, programming aaaaaand I get obsessed with random things like mushrooms, wooden ornaments, statues and ... moss. ✧/ᐠ-ꞈ-ᐟ\ ᵐᵉᵒʷˎˊ ˗

شغال علي كورس الoop من يوتيوب حاليا بحل في الدرس بتاع const,static friendبس حاسس ان الكورس غالب عليه طابع الcompetitive programming شويتين، انا ضروري أكمله،بس انا واخد فكرة ان الoop عبارة عن فلسفة مش سينتاكس وكدة،هل ده هيتغير مع الموضوعات الكبيرة زي الinheritance وكدة؟لان لحد دلوقتي كله سينتاكس وبس

مش طابع مسابقات ولا حاجة
انا بجمع ما بين الفلسفة والتطبيق
كمل بس مش هتلاقي التركيبة اللي عميلها الا قليل
Liked by: Esraa Foda You Ssef

مساء الخير انا بدرس ال programming جمب دراستي الاساسيه انا بكون حاطه خطه انه انا هدرس مثلا جزء معين ف البرمجه ف فتره الدراسه وكدا عشان بردو اقوفق بين الاتنين وكدا بس اوقات كتير بحس بتشتيت وحماسي بيقل جامد ؟عمل اي عشان اقلل التشتيت واجدد حماسي بما انه انت Software engineer وكدا

بصي لازم تحطي بلان و علي حسب دراستك الاساسيه لو انتي كليتك صعبه و تقيله ف ده صعب تعرفي توفقي بين الاتنين غير مثلا في اجازه اخر السنه تحاولي تتعبي نفسك شويه تاخدي الحاجات التقيله علي حسب بقي انتي في مجال ايه علشان ال programming دي فروعها كتير جداا و اثناء الدراسه تحاولي تطبقي علي اللي انتي اخدتيه في الاجازه بحيث م تنسيش هي النصيحه مش هينفع اقولهالك في مجرد بوست في كلمتين لان الموضوع بيعتمد علي حاجات كتير جداا بس انا حاولت اختصر في الحاجات المهمه و معلش نصيحه مني كمان لازم يكون المصدر اللي بتذاكري منه موثوق

Is there inherent order in nature or is it all chaos and chance?

I find it completely absurd to assume that nature was always in its place since the beginning or a random huge explosion made planets come into their perfect orbits and suddenly earth became an ideal planet for survival with appropriate day and night schedule, perfect oxygen levels, abundance of food and minerals and perfect ground for population expansion. Even diving further into human body, every organ, artery, vein, gland, tissue etc are in their appropriate places and if one of them starts malfunctioning, the whole body feels it. We take credit for tiniest bit of innovation, invention or discovery and we should believe that the randomness of the nature was so perfect that everything was inherently in order? These things created are beyond the scope of human imagination and so much is yet to be discovered but we are very sure that we know how everything begin?
Someone or something beyond our scope of imagination is definitely pulling those strings.
Humans didn’t randomly come up with “Oh lets create a programming language which could allow us to communicate with the machines”
We understood the existence of electricity in nature, understood their native language, came up with an idea of communicating with them, translated them into a language which is easily understood by humans and finally guided them into working for our benefit. I don’t see that happening randomly without the existence of a roadmap otherwise a lot of people shouldn’t have taken credit for something so perfect and random that it was bound to happen.
Even a disorder is an order and an order cannot take place without any intervention.

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Hello, what programming language you are using to see if I can help?

Is this about my ask for help?
I just need help to collect more responds to our survey about the idea of the project to include it in our documentation
And if u can help 💙 answer this :

أنا في أولى حاسبات والكلية مفهاش ICPC Community وكنت بفكر ابدأ اعرض على الزملاء تدريب ال problem solving بس مش عارف لو التدريب هيبقى مناسب لحد درس programming 1 فقط ولا لأ؟ وهل هايحسن من مستواهم في البرمجة لو هما شايفين صعوبة فيها؟

هتلاقي قناتي فيديو لتأسيسي كومينتي
ده وقت تدور فيه على 2 تشيدوا حيلكم جامد سنة
وكل ما تلاقوا حد شاطر كلموه يشترك
الهدف في المرحلة ده جيل مميز قدوة عادة صغير في الحجم
تبنوا بعدها الجيل الاول
ثم الكومينتي تكبر
Liked by: Mostafa Ahmed Salah

لاحظت انك متخرجة هندسة حاسوب ممكن تنصحيني بشي بعد تخرجي لاني نفس التخصص ورح اتخرج عن قريب ؟

هلا حبيبتي...
اول شي الله يتمملك ع خير وتتخرجي بتفوق 🌸🌸
ومش إحباط بس انا الي ٣ سنين متخرجه وقاعده فهالشي عادي لا تيأسي ولا تزعلي...
ثاني شغله .. بدك تتعبي ع حالك بدورات programming وnetwork وطوري من حالك ووسعي مدارك البرمجه والشبكات عندك انا هالشي كان نقطة ضعف عندي انه ما معي لغات برمجه وهالشي اله علاقه بتأسيس الدكاتره الك وحسب الجامعه طبعاً..
واذا انتي من عمان بتقدري تقدمي ع شركات كثير بس كمان بركزو ع حكيك بالأنجليزي كثيير..
صدقاً كثير شركات بركزوا ع برمجة java وPaythone اكثر من معدلك الجامعي .. الخبره والدورات بتدعم الcv تاعك وحاولي يكون الك حساب ع linkend بنشروا وظائف وفرص تدريب ..
واذا تيسر الك تشتغلي تطوع مش غلط هالشي بدعم الcv تاعتك بشكل كبير...

What were some of the general highlights of 2021 for you? Was there anyone or anything that made last year better despite the circumstances? ⭐

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
- I achieved a Bachelor's degree in Geography, mainly focussing on geomorphology, environmental management and soil and water sciences.
- I got into photography more, which is a fun and pleasant activity.
- I improved my mental health a LOT.
- I started my Master's degree in Physical Geography and even though the first semester is awful and mainly focussing on programming (which I don't hate but three modules with the same stuff are too much to handle), I am looking forward to the second in summer. I am also planning on moving out this year and experience new things, explore other surroundings and learn to get by by myself.
- A friend of mine started playing video games and I just love to see her turning into a total nerd, haha. She even surpassed my level in Final Fantasy 14. >:(
- My internship from June to July was really nice. I learned a lot of new things about mining maps and digitalizing them with ArcGIS.
- After a long absence due to COVID-19 the Christmas markets were finally opened again (more or less), so that I was able to visit one nearby and it was such a nice experience. I didn't mind the rain, the cold or the many people.
- I joined Christy Anne Jones' monthly book club and even though, I have no time or motivation to read a lot at the moment, I am still happy to participate in the discussions.
- I started working out again one week ago and I love how I am feeling afterwards (tired and dead but proud and lean).

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كمان عاوز اسالك، لو عاوز أبدا أفهم العلوم العصبيه وعلاقاتها بالوعي و الموقف العلمي الحالي والتوجهات.. ممكن بعض الترشيحات؟ انا عامة عندي خلفيه كويسة فى الفيزياء وخلفيه لا بأس بها فى علوم الحاسب (بس معرفش كتير - أكتر من الافكار العامه - عن امور زي التعلم العميق و الذكاء الصناعي)

صراحة، انا كل اللي شوفتهم حققوا اي تقدم يستحق الإحتفاء في المجال دا كانوا دايما جايين من Multi-disciplinary backgrounds
بمعنى ان اطلاعك في كل مجال بيساعدك تفهم شيء وتوسع مداركك وتخلي دماغك عنده من الأدوات والـModels التفسيرية اللي تخليه يقدر يفهم ويتخيل ويتعامل مع التعقيد والنظم المركبة
خلفيتك في الـComputer Science, both programming and theoretical, Discrete Math, Recursion theory and recursive structures, graph theory كل دا مهم
خلفية في الفلسفة التحليلية والـCognitive science مهمة جدا
خلفيتك في الفيزيا والرياضيات مهمة وضرورية فعلا
هتحتاج تتعرف على الفسيولوجي والبيوكيمستري المتعلق بالمخ
كبداية واطلاع ممكن تشوف كورس Robert Sapolsky: Human Behavioral Biology انا بحسه بداية كويسة جدا ونقطة انطلاق هتساعدك في التفرع والإطلاع بعدها.
بالمناسبة يمكن دا برا الموضوع شوية انا بخطط قريبا اني في لحظة ما اني اعمل Pause في كاريري كـSoftware Engineer وهقدم على Neuroscience masters
@hagermansour2 داعماني في الخطوة دي جدا هتخلص دراستها وهنبدل الأدوار بقى 💕💕
انا بحكي معاك بشكل شخصي عشان حقيقي مهتم اعرفك واعرف مين اللي سأل الأسئلة اللطيفة دي

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ما مدى أهمية إني أكون قوي في الproblem solving وال competitive programming عموما ؟ عشان انا مديها دلوقتي أولوية نوعا ما عن اني ابدأ في مجال معين

مهارات الحل نفسها هتفيدك وتنفعك في الانترفيوز
لو انت طالب في اولى وتانية فيها اولوية
لكن بجوارها او او بي ومشاريع كونسل
من تالتة بتقل الاهمية وتركز على التكنولوجي
Liked by: ريم

كيف ممكن أطور من مهارة الـ problem solving، أنا fresh graduate من معسكر تدريبي للبرمجة، وبحس اني ضعيفة كتير بالألغوريثم والداتا الستركتشر. عندي مصادر كتيرة لكن حاسة حالي ضايعة وما عندي خطة أمشي عليها أطور من نفسي. حاسة انها من العقبات اللي مصعبة عليي موضوع إني أتوظف. شكراً مسبقاً يا إسلام 🤍

البروبلم سولفينج/ ألجوريزمز محتاجة خطة وحل كتير وصبر:
دي رود ماب لعلوم الحاسب متصممة كويس ومتراجعة
ممكن تبدئي من سيكشن ال core CS وتشوفي الكورسات فيها وتتعلميها، كان فيه حد هنا عالاسك مختص عامل رود ماب للأجوريزمز وال competitive programming وعنده بلايليستس بيشرح فيها دا ب C++ بصي على قناته هنا:
ولما تيجي تحلى شوفي المسائل على Codewars و Leetcode( بيحضروا منه مسائل الانترفيوز اللي بيقدموا في FAANG ) وابدئي من ابسطها وخليك صبورة، ومتتعقديش لو لقيتي الحاجات دي صعبة شوية في البداية وبتاخد وقت، اتعلمي براحتك.
حلى تمارين كتير واشتغلي واقري كلين كود كتير وحطي وقت تفهميه وتكرريه.

“I’m never bored” could you tell us about your secret ingredients?

Reading, writing, studying, occasional painting, some gaming (mostly modding), tinkering with electronics, very light programming (more of a hobby), building and maintaining PCs, mediating, hiking, working out, skiing, playing guitar, jamming with friends, collaborating with other artists (when my schedule allows), camping and outdoor activities, sh!tposting / memeing, esoteric pursuits and study, some woodworking, watching movies, charting market movements and analyzing business / investment opportunities, etc. How anyone has the bloody time to be "bored" is beyond me... ;-)

Do you think humans will survive long enough to evolve into something different or will we make ourselves extinct before we have the chance to?

We are already dead. We are barely human no? We are more of robots with same mindsets & programming. Not leaving our comfort zone. And if we do evolve i hope we evolve into something good.

Se o seu livre arbítrio está baseado numa programação a qual você não teve controle, veio de infância, então é o livre arbítrio de quem que estamos falando? (livre Interpretação)

dz9ronin’s Profile PhotoL
""" "Journal 9
If your free will is based on programming that you had no control over, it came from childhood, then is that free will we're talking about? (free interpretation)
Personal VIP + 8 days ago" """
You can break free .
But if you get caught up on . . . . don't allow bitterness to engulf you . . . . . . . or you'll be a prisoner of birth
Se o seu livre arbítrio está baseado numa programação a qual você não teve

I wanted to major in programming and make some vid games but someone caught my controller and started playing w me, made me get on the rollercoaster a few times in an year and it was a cliffhanger situation in my life yk like thats where I had to decide where I should take my step khair 🥀

Akh i hate people, hota hai koi ni look at u now 💃🏻 and didn’t u mention this someone a few answers ago
aur dusri baat soon to be 25 ke bachay😂 Feb is far away !

Language: English