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For all the individuals who have a tattoo how much it cost, how long did it take how painful was getting one and did you suffer from an infection

shahbazk23267’s Profile Photoshahbaz
I have nine, all cost varying amounts. I think my cheapest was the first, was around £50 and took about half an hour. I have not done a big sit yet, my longest was nearly three hours and cost a couple hundred? I have plans to get bigger pieces in the future that might need a few sessions or a day sit to get done. My first didn't hurt at all, my ankles didn't hurt but they were twitchy, the others on my arms hurt mildly. I think the white highlights afterwards are the most painful parts to be honest but it's like being scratched by a cat repeatedly? Only time it's hurt more than that was near bone but still not too bad. It just depends on what you're getting done, placement, how deep your artist goes/if they're heavy handed, level of detail/shading, how long the sit is. No infections over here. Just follow the aftercare directions from your artist and you'll be fine!

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For all the individuals who have a tattoo how much it cost, how long did it take how painful was getting one and did you suffer from an infection

shahbazk23267’s Profile Photoshahbaz
I have two tattoos and I got them so long ago I don’t remember much about the cost/duration etc details tbh!
They were a little uncomfortable as they were being done, as obviously it’s a needle creating a wound, but it wasn’t anything that painful.
I didn’t get any infections or anything thankfully.
Mine were done on my back and it was really helpful to have a friend who’d put the cream on and check the wound etc as it was difficult for me to see/reach.

For all the individuals who have a tattoo how much it cost, how long did it take how painful was getting one and did you suffer from an infection

shahbazk23267’s Profile Photoshahbaz
Never got an infection coz I took care of all of my tattoos. Follow the guidance they give and you'll be fine.
The pain depends on the placement, and your own pain tolerance. My most painful were my calf, my heel, and the sides of my hands (but that was more coz it was white ink and she had to go deep).
How long it takes depends on how big a piece you want, and how intricate the design is. Some artists are slower than others as well, so it's all down to what you want and how capable your artist is.
The cost also varies wildly coz it's dependant on the size of the piece, if you're having colour, how many sessions it takes, and the cost the studio charges. There's no standard price for tattoos, it's all individual. My most expensive so far was my calf because that was 4 sessions; first started the black outline, second finished the outline and did the shading, third did the colour, and 4th added the quote.

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Liked by: DovahMonah Doug shahbaz

I really don't know what the meaning of that tattoo on one of your breasts is. Anyway. Whatever.

I’ve posted my tattoos multiple times , explained them etc.
You clearly saw them before . Hence why you asked about the one above my breast ✨. Which people know since I’ve posted it and about it.
Liked by: Gilbert Thomas Kasey

Do you have tattoos and piercings?

Yes, I have 9 tattoos and a nose piercing. I want so many more tattoos! My artist’s getting booked up so fast now cause she is so good but I wouldn’t go anywhere else. Next time I see her I’m just gonna try and get a few in one go 😂 I may get a small one from someone else when I go with my aunt to get a tattoo though, I’ve got the itch!!

*Space for a picture you want to showcase* 📸

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I haven't really taken many recently apart from my nails cause I like the blue as well as the black this time and I haven't taken a lot of other photos cause i haven't done photography for a while or been anywhere apart from the nail and tattoo shop
Space for a picture you want to showcase

Describe a time you have celebrated someone else's birthday. What did you do to celebrate it?

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
PL: Cóż, to wszystko zależy od tego, kim jest dla mnie ta osoba.
Są ludzie, którym po prostu składam życzenia na Messengerze czy na Facebooku i takich ludzi jest większość, są ludzie, których urodziny kompletnie olewam, a są ludzie, dla których uchyliłabym nieba, bo mają urodziny.
Na ostatnie urodziny bliskiej mi Osoby kupiłam mu koszulkę związaną z jego tatuażem i czekoladki z alkoholem.
Dzisiaj gdybym miała pracę, a On urodziny, dosłownie byłabym w stanie ogarnąć najlepszy tort z najlepszej cukierni i dodatkowo zafundowałabym Mu jakiś niezapomniany prezent, tylko jeszcze nie wiem, jaki, ale coś na bank bym wymyśliła.
Dla Tej Osoby warto. ❤️
ENG: Well, it all depends on who that person is to me.
There are people to whom I just wish on Messenger or on Facebook, and most of people are like that, there are people whose birthdays I completely ignore, and there are people for whom I would do everything because it's their birthday.
For the last birthday of Someone close to me, I bought Him a T-shirt related to His tattoo and chocolates with alcohol.
Today, if I had a job and it was His birthday, I would literally be able to get the best cake from the best bakery and also give Him an unforgettable gift, I don't know what, but I would definitely come up with something.
It's worth it for This Person. ❤️

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Hast du ein Tattoo oder Piercing & sag wo und sei ehrlich 💕

MarcBusse’s Profile PhotoMarc Busse
Lieber Marc, ich will hier mal was klar stellen. All die Fragen, die Du von mir bekommst sind Shoutouts. Das heißt, dass es an allen Menschen rausgeht, aus ganz Deutschland. Ich habe weder an dir oder an Jemand anders irgendein Interesse, da ich in einer sehr glücklichen und gesunden Beziehung lebe. Und deine Betonung immer bei den gestellten Fragen 'und sei ehrlich' - Ich bin immer ehrlich. Wahrscheinlich der ehrlichste Mensch, der Dir im je Internet begegnet ist.
Zu deiner Frage: Ja, ich habe ein Tattoo (Hinter meinem Ohr) und ein Piercing (Bauchnabel).

Podobają Ci się wydziarane/wydziarani kobiety/mężczyźni? *Mrówka :)*

brzooskwinkaaa’s Profile PhotoMróweczka :)
PL: Mój chłopak ma tatuaż na ręce, tak samo jak ja na kręgosłupie, i oboje planujemy zrobić ich więcej.
Inni faceci mnie nie interesują.
ENG: My boyfriend has a tattoo on his arm, as I have on my spine, and we both plan on getting more of them.
I'm not interested in other guys.

How do you maintain work -life balance 😊

laxmikanth_cool’s Profile PhotoLax
I only work 2 maybe 3 times a week but I'm hopefully soon going to be looking after my cousins (paid work) I look after my nephew but I get paid in drinks instead of money haha. I don't care about money all that much I know how to save if/when I need to so work is simple, life I hate. There's not much I enjoy anymore when I'm not working I'm just at home gaming or reading but I'm gonna get into wood burning soon and then hopefully eventually I'm going to work out how to tattoo, doubtful but I hope I can work it out on my own I just need the stuff/money

What are your thoughts on the band LINKIN PARK? Me personally, a very good band. It helps me get through tough times, among other types of genres or artists.

linkin park was the first major band i got into when i was a teenager. i listened to their music almost obsessively — i endured a lot of sh*t when i was younger, and linkin park helped me significantly during those times. not only did their music help me, but i found a community of like-minded people online who helped me just as much.
i still listen to their music now in 2024, they'll always be my top favorite band. i got a tattoo signifying my love for the band after chester bennington passed in 2017.
Liked by: Rokeia Merve Jo

Who do you like watching on Youtube? ▶️

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
She doesn't post often these days, but my favourite YouTuber has always been Kiera-Rose. I started watching her back in 2015 or so and I have just always liked her vibe and energy. Her videos are very relaxing and she seems a very genuine, down-to-earth sort of person.
Sometimes I will watch her old cooking videos or tattoo vlogs just for a hit of nostalgia. Other than that, I don't spend a lot of time watching Youtube these days. Mostly I have it on for background noise/music.
Liked by: anonamouse Tobbe Sophie

Denkst du Tattoos sollten immer eine Bedeutung für den haben,der sie trägt? Also nicht nur weil die Person es schön findet oder so.

scripturienteternitarian7’s Profile PhotoScripturientEternitarian
Ist schön finden nicht eine Bedeutung für sich?
Ich finde es eher komisch, wie sehr wir das Urteil über Körper anderer für selbstverständlich und wichtig nehmen.
Ja, dann rennen da 500 Leute mit einem Unendlichkeitszeichen aufm Handgelenk rum, und? 500 andere lassen sich blonde Strähnchen machen und die nächsten 500 rasieren sich Bart und/oder Hinterkopf im selben Stil, während alle zusammen heißhungrig auf den diesjährigen Herbsttrend warten, um ja in denselben Klamotten rumzulaufen wie alle anderen. Da stört das absolut niemanden, im Gegenteil, es ist Identität. Oder warum bingewatchen wir heimlich die Channels über Millennial-Ästhetik der 2000er und können relaten?
Was jemand (nicht) mit dem eigenen Körper anstellt, solange es niemanden belästigt (weshalb ich sehr grafische Tattoos an unbedeckten Stellen im öffentlichen Raum übrigens ablehne), ist einfach...die Sache dieses Menschen.
Natürlich hat das fließende Übergänge, wo es dann eben doch anderen Unwohlsein oder Probleme bereiten kann, aber dazu gehört gewiss nicht, ob Hannelore nun ein Tattoo hat, dass sie glücklich macht, weil es sie an den 48. Jahrestag der Marienkäferbrückeneröffnung erinnert, oder dass sie glücklich macht, weil sie es hübsch an sich findet.

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Where would you have a tattoo and what would it be?

CrypticRaven’s Profile PhotoCrypticRaven
I already have quite a lot of tattoos, around seventeen at my last count. It's a collection I have built up gradually over the past eight years and I plan on getting plenty more... If/when I can afford it, haha.
Most of my tattoos are nature-related. Flowers, plants, small animals, etc. I also have a tattoo of the Birth of Venus, as well as the three graces from the painting "Primavera". I have a couple of song lyrics on me, as well as a quote I got in memory of my grandmother.

Ahh super exited for facts about your Corrupted Magic OC. Tell me some Facts about your babe and share a mood board please

Lostgirl_inidenty’s Profile PhotoDonata
💛 Obwohl Scorpius und Isadora so unterschiedlich wie Tag und Nacht sind, sind die beiden Zwillingsgeschwister ein Herz und eine Seele (und teilen sich die meiste Zeit nur eine einzige Gehirnzelle).
🍭 Isadora wollte uuuunbedingt ein Tattoo haben wie ihr Bruder und natürlich kommen Teenager gerne mal auf die bescheuerte Idee, sich diese mit einer Nähnadel und etwas Farbe selbst zu stechen. Schade nur, dass die sonst so mutige Gryffindor bereits nach dem ersten Nadelstich die Mission abgebrochen hat und heute nur noch mit einem einzelnen schwarzen Punkt auf dem Oberarm herumläuft (wieso sind Nadeln auch so verdammt spitz und gruselig?).
🌈 Es ist eine absolute Seltenheit Isadora mal mit zusammenpassenden Socken zu sehen. Das Mädchen ist eine wilde Chaotin und sie könnte sich nichts langweiligeres vorstellen als Socken zusammenzulegen, also wird täglich auf gut Glück in die Schublade gegriffen und gut ist.
🌼 Sie ist eine richtige Gryffindor, genau so wie es im Buche steht (und damit auch der Albtraum eines jeden introverts).

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Ahh super exited for facts about your Corrupted Magic OC Tell me some Facts

Ihr Lieben die Hype is getting reel tell me more about your Corrupted Magic babes!!! OTell me some facts and show a mood board of the Oc !!please

Lostgirl_inidenty’s Profile PhotoDonata
》 Maxi hat seinen eigene Artikel bei der Schülerzeitung, wo er sich über die Pflicht zur Schuluniform Luft verschafft, sich gegen die Gendernormen beklagt und sich über das Verbot von Nifflern auskotzt. Was ihm nicht nur einige Strafarbeiten eingebracht hat, sondern auch, dass er seinen Abschluss wiederholen muss. Aber der Artikel wird auch dieses Jahr fortgeführt.
》 Maxi's rote Haare sind seit zwei Jahren sein Markenzeichen - entstanden durch ein "Pflicht-&-Pflicht"-Spiel mit Lily und Lysander. Entweder Rose's Kröte ablecken oder sich die Haare färben und seither ist Maxi ein stolzer Pumukel. Und ganz ehrlich - kaum einer kann sich noch an den Typen mit den schwarzen Haaren erinnern.
》Maxi, der der Neffe von Abby ist, hat sich sein erstes Tattoo heimlich mit 16 mit Hilfe von Lysander gestochen. Hat er dass probiert zu verheimlichen und hat sich die Sch**** entzündet- 100% und Abby hat ihn dafür aufgelacht. Ende vom Lied, er hat jetzt ein Krüppel-Motiv, das mehr als schlecht gestochen ist, auf seinem Unterarm, wo ganz klein "Lysander war hier" sichtbar ist.

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Ihr Lieben die Hype is getting reel tell me more about your Corrupted Magic

If you got an invisible tattoo, what design would you choose and why?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoΣΩ
I wouldn’t want an invisible tattoo. I do want a unique depiction of Dante’s Inferno’s Nine Circles of H3LL, on my back, with an Angel that looks like it’s crawling out of a hole at the top. I want her to look like she crawled her way out of H3LL, too. 😅

If you got an invisible tattoo, what design would you choose and why?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoΣΩ
I probably wouldn’t do that even though Ik white or “invisible” tattoos do exist but if I were to get one, I would choose an intricate looking flower because of how aesthetically pleasing it is imo or the initials of someone that meant a lot to me at one point in time.
Liked by: Smile Georgina ΣΩ

Any tattoo suggestions?

If you haven’t got any ideas I’d wait until something comes to mind. Pick something that you like or think looks cool, or go for something meaningful. Could always look for some artists you like and see if they have any flash that interests you?

Language: English