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Tarotkarten 🌓 So wie die Welt von Zwillingsflamme an das Schicksal gebunden ist, sollten wir vielleicht mal einen Blick in die Tarotkarten werfen. Welche Karte passt zu deinem Charakter?

ingxxoxo’s Profile Photo✧ s o l a s t a ✧
Ich hab das dumpfe Gefühl dass ASK eher unbeabsichtigt die Frage von selbst aus geschickt hat … aber ich fand die Idee einfach zu cool um es einfach so zu löschen … soooooo here are Tarotkarten für die Lazarus Crew + meine derzeitigen WIPs 🥰
Curse of Lazarus:
# Cora: the tower
# Dawn: the fool
# Cal: the moon
# Yūhei: the hanged man
# Aly: the high priestess
# Sage: the empress
# Val: king of swords
# Aries: justice
# Gilbert: Knight of wands
Tarotkarten  So wie die Welt von Zwillingsflamme an das Schicksal gebunden ist

FunFacts Windflüchter🍃

Jouluku’s Profile PhotoCaleb
Ich war mal so frei 😂 wo Aries auf der At Choice Seite zu finden ist 😉✌️
🌙 Aries ist sich nur zu 70% sicher, dass das Amulett, welches sie vor einiger Zeit einem Marine Soldaten verkauft hatte, total harmlos ist. Die anderen 30% sind sich ziemlich sicher dass die Tatsache, dass sie permanent vom Pech verfolgt wurde als dieses noch in ihrem Besitz war, kein Zufall sein kann. Ehhh nicht mehr ihr Problem. Es steht nicht umsonst im Kleingedruckten ihres “Ladens”, dass sie für nichts garantieren kann und Rückgabe ausgeschlossen ist.
🌙 Aries verträgt überhaupt keinen Alkohol. Sie muss nur daran riechen und ist schon leicht angeschwippst, wenn sie dann mehr als ein halbes Glas runter bekommt ist es komplett aus. Vor allem, da sie betrunken ziemlich anhänglich wird und meist anfängt, über all ihre Ex-Partner zu reden (oder eher beschwert) und darüber, wie einfach unnötig und schwierig Beziehungen sind, dass es sich ja meistens ohnehin nicht lohnt. Aries hat eine lange Liste verflossener Liebschaften, welche nicht alle auf guter Basis geendet haben. Meist ist es ihre Schuld gewesen, manchmal ist es einfach nur dumm gelaufen und bei einigen war das ganze schon am Anfang zum scheitern verurteilt gewesen.
🌙 einige ihrer selbstgemachte Rauchbomben beinhalten hallucinogene Pilzsporen sodass ihre Opfer in erster Linie nicht nur damit zu kämpfen haben, dass sie nichts sehen können, sondern auch den LSD Trip des Jahrtausends haben. Und ja, es gab schon einige Unfälle während der Herstellung, weshalb sie ganz genau weiß, wie welcher Pilz wirkt.
🌙 Aries war vor einigen Jahren schon mehr oder weniger als Gast mit einer Piratenbande unterwegs. Diese hat sie aber nach knapp 1 Jahr gemeinsamer Reise geghostet.

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🌪️ Windflüchter! 🌪️ wenn der Name deines OCs ein Akronym wäre, aber jedes der Worte auf irgendeine Weise zu ihm passen müsste, wie würde das aussehen? (z.B. Mia = Maiglöckchen, intelligent, Arielle) Du darfst Eigenschaften nehmen, Gegenstände, die du mit OC verbindest... alles, was du willst :)

ahellwig2507’s Profile Photocubescube
das ist eine wirklich witzige Frage ✌️aber ich bin echt froh dass Aries nicht mehr ihren Geburtsnamen nutzt bc das war schon eine schwierige Geburt 😂
🌙Insufferable (bitch)

Tell me your zodiac sign. Will tell you your super charming skill.

I can tell you the signs I stay away from; Virgos, Capricorns, Pisces, Scorpios, idk any Cancer or Taurus. Sagittarius, Leos, Aquarius, Aries, Geminis like/respect me. Libras are just too predictable and I make fun of them for that reason. Now if you can guess my sign without going through my profile I'll be really surprised.

Do you know your sun, moon, and rising sign?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
I know I’m an Aries and it fits me quite well… I don’t know much else but I enjoy reading what they say about personality and compatibility. That also doesn’t mean I believe them to be 100% true. I just can’t help but notice undeniable comparisons that fit people and behaviours. It’s inexplicable.
Do you know your sun moon and rising sign

Com o ☀️em virgem ♍ e, o ascendente em áries ♈

Com o ☀️ em leão ♌ e o ascendente em capricórnio ♑.
Lua em gêmeos. ♊
Mercúrio em virgem. ♍
Vênus em virgem. ♍
Marte em virgem. ♍
Júpiter em câncer. ♋
Saturno em virgem. ♍
Urano em escorpião. ♏
Noturno retrógrado em sagitário. ♐
Plutão em libra. ♎
Quíron em áries. ♈
Nodo retrógrado em virgem. ♍
Lillith em câncer. ♋
Roda da fortuna em escorpião. ♏
Vertex em touro. ♉
Meio do céu em libra. ♎

Ur thoughts on zodian signs?

muhammbay’s Profile PhotoP A C I F I C
Okay, here goes... (based on my experience/unbiased)
• Cancer: sensitive, has to be the victim in every situation, aggressive, caring, turns to personal attacks when triggered and sees the other person isn't affected, organized (will get things done on time), always wants to come off clean, and often forgets where they kept something
• Gemini: gets along with people but has a specific type, has a big heart if they got money, ruthless during arguments, and mostly good at everything except cooking
• Aries: funny, big heart, sometimes boring, sticks to one thing and doesn't try out other options (e.g, new restaurants, new style, etc), won't accept mistakes, keeps secrets, and wants things done their way
• Libra: flirtatious, and fun
• Pisces: always in their la la land when in love, likely to be jealous, dreamy eyes, will most likely talk behind people's backs, protective of family, and smart with money
• Sagittarius: selfish, adventurous, giving, egoistic, easily influenced, has anger issues, likely to be a good friend, and can easily make money
• Capricorn: double-faced, everyone's friend, can't say no, helpful, easily bored in relationships, likes going out, and polite
• Leo: very good at academics, funny, mostly respectful, irritating at times, happy with what they got, and likes to make people laugh
• Scorpio: secretive, funny, patient, loves to eat, needs their alone time, and hides emotions
• Virgo: neat & clean, expressive eyes, bossy, sensitive but won't show, good at everything, intuitive, thinks they know everything, can keep secrets, holds on to past events, and doesn't forgive easily
I don't really have much of an idea about the zodiac signs that I've not mentioned. Also, I'm sorry if I got the question wrong. This was fun! 😃

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« question » your character's zodiac sign :

⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ( ⠀♰ ⠀)
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀Baran (łac. Aries) ⠀ ،، ♡
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
question  your characters zodiac sign

Hast du beim Schreiben deines GS Steckbriefes schon einen Lieblingsnebencharakter? (Geschwister, Freunde etc.) Wenn ja, bitte einmal vorstellen!

pleene’s Profile PhotoPaula | sandwitch
Ich habe einige Charaktere, die sowohl für Soraya vorgegeben, als auch von mir entworfen wurden, wirklich lieben gelernt. Daher ist es gar nicht so einfach, hier eine Auswahl zu treffen.
Anstatt mich also auf einen Charakter zu beschränken, präsentiere ich meine Top 3:
🔥 Brooke Addams | Ich liebe Brooke. Vielleicht, weil sie Soraya so ähnlich ist, vielleicht aber auch, weil sie es gerade nicht ist.
Durch den Altersunterschied und meine Herangehensweise daran, warum sie auf Hogwarts so schnell zueinander gefunden haben, ist in meinen Augen eine wunderschöne Dynamik entstanden, die Soraya zu niemand anderem hätte aufbauen können.
Brooke ist ihre allerbeste Freundin und auch ein halbes Jahrzehnt des verlorenen Kontaktes kann daran nichts ändern.
🔥 Corvi & Aries Thordsen | Vermutlich ist dem ein oder anderen schon aufgefallen, dass ich mich, bezüglich Sorayas Kind(ern) bisher bedeckt gehalten habe. Bei dieser Frage kann ich ihre Söhne aber nicht unerwähnt lassen.
Corvi und Aries sind ihre - und Orions - vierjährige Zwillinge, fie aktuell nichts als Flausen in Kopf haben. Corvi ist ein zukünftiger Rumtreiber. Er ist offen, läuft auf andere zu, spielt gerne Streiche und wenn Soraya nur eine Sekunde nicht hinsieht, hat er bereits - mal wieder - die Wände bemalt.
Aries ist ruhiger und bedacht, wer die Zwillinge gut kennt weiß jedoch, dass er es ist, der eigentlich die Fäden in der Hand hat und seinen Bruder auf dumme Gedanken bringt. Dass er gerade in einer Phase ist, in der es für ihn selbst ein Drama ist, Sorayas Hand in der Öffentlichkeit zu halten, macht sie wirklich fertig.
🔥 Christopher Hunting | Chris ist Sorayas gleichaltriger Cousin, seines Zeichens ehemaliger Slytherin und guter Freund von Dean Zabini und Emmett Nott. Nicht, dass Soraya das gutheißen würde.
Nach endlosen Streits, vielen Worten, die nie hätten fallen dürfen und einer längst überfälligen Aussprache, verstehen sich die beiden endlich wieder gut miteinander und Soraya ist unfassbar dankbar und glücklich darüber. Auch, wenn es vielleicht Chris und seine Kontakte sind, die ihr Meer aus Flunkereien ins Wanken bringen…

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Do anybody here knows about sade sati period?

Shani or Saturn is the slowest moving planet of all the twelve planets in horoscope. Sade Sati is a period of 7 years and 6 months and has 3 phases. It passes through three signs, each for two and a half years. It spends about two and a half years in a sign and completes its journey through all the twelve signs in 29 years and 10 months. When it passes through the Moon that is considered as the lord of mind and emotions, suppresses the thought process, and clogs the mind from thinking rationally and taking right decisions. The irrational decisions taken during this phase brings troubles and adversities in the life of the person. This period can change the fate of the person completely. A king can become a beggar, if favourable; a beggar can become a king.
The Sade Sati has 3 phases- Rising, Peak, and Setting. The results depend upon the sign through which Saturn is passing.
1. The First Phase: Sade Sati begins when Saturn enters the twelfth house from the Moon on a horoscope of a person. Let's say when Moon is in the Aries, Sade Sati will start when Saturn enters Pisces, the twelfth sign from Aries. The first phase marks the financial losses.
2. The Second Phase: the second phase begins with Saturn entering the Aries sign in the horoscope after staying in Pisces for two and a half years. The second phase brings disturbance in personal life and business matters. Frequently troubles start arising in a person's life and work. Health issues too arise frequently and the person may get separated from the family. This phase is considered to be the worst phase of Sade Sati.
3. The Third Phase: During the third period, Saturn enters Taurus for another two and a half years. Physical fights or injuries may be inflicted upon the native. Thus after completing seven and a half years period Sade Sati comes to an end.

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Kupikir ngeliat kepribadian lewat zodiak aja udah aneh. Eh ternyata ada sekte yg lebih aneh lagi yg ngeliat kepribadian manusia lewat inisial nama. 😐

Manusia butuh label-label demikian. Kita merasa nyaman mengetahui bahwa orang yang baru kita kenal ini adalah Scorpio dan kita merasa tahu sederet kepribadian yang menyertai seorang Scorpio, walaupun kita sebenarnya nggak tahu apa-apa tentang dia.
Saya nggak percaya zodiak-zodiak seperti itu, soalnya saya Aries.

¿Que signo del zodiaco sois?¿Que signo os gusta más y que signo menos?

Soy aries. No te podría decir qué signo me gusta más o qué signo me gusta menos, aunque sí he tenido experiencia en que con algunos me llevo mejor y con otros me llevo a las patadas.
De lo que está en la imagen, tal vez no debería confirmar o desmentir nada jajaja, pero solo diré respecto al signo que más personas tengo a mi alrededor y que a uno llegué a conocer profundamente, eso confirmo, hay un proceso, hay muchas cosas buenas, intensas, pero siempre termina en eso, choque de egos! A un leo, le tenés que rendir culto, lo tenés que poner en un pedestal, si te atrevés a no hacerlo, comienza la guerra!
Que signo del zodiaco soisQue signo os gusta más y que signo menos
Liked by: No Sé esmerov

Расскажи свой самый главный секрет так, чтобы никто ничего не понял

Anatolii Novikov
1. I want to tell my first secret, I really want my ex named @Wanyok01 to get off me. He already got me so much that it's just terrible.
2. I really want the city to stop humiliating me, laughing at me, and much more.
3. I specifically say that I am for Ukraine, so that the SBU does not look for me, and does not disturb, and so my wounded soul.
4. I generally live in the Crimea, and I really want to have a diploma in design.
5. I want to stop being interested in Vladimir Putin, because the reason is that he is nobody to me, and let him do his job.
6. According to my passport, I am Ukrainian. But my character is like that of a Georgian. Despite the fact that my mother is a Crimean, I don’t look like my father at all.
7. I am one of those people who can put on makeup and dress beautifully only for the holidays. Color, and much more depends on the mood. On a typical day, I wear casual clothes.
8. My father is a native Libra in the zodiac, but I don’t even look like him. Nothing matches with Capricorn, I'm more like an Aries, and a Sagittarius.
9. I love peace, this is the only thing I like, because my soul is already torn to pieces. I am mentally ill.
10. I want a young man. It is desirable that he be beautiful in soul, and not just in the outer shell. The soul is the most important thing.

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Con que signo crees que es compatible tu horóscopo?

jijijaja1996’s Profile PhotoBelén Fernández
Hola Belén, soy 🦂 mis afines son cancer, Virgo, piscis, capricornio. Con aries, leo y escorpio es negociable. Tauro y Acuario va a ser que no aunque por mucho tiempo creí lo contrario. Los demás no sé.
Y tu???
Liked by: Lo Belén Fernández

As you think astrology is interesting rank the other zodiac signs from your favourite to least favourite and include a reason?

Interesting, I like this question!
Scorpio - I think they’re the most misunderstood cause people assume they’re toxic cause they can be ruthless when crossed but they will go to the end of the earth to protect the people they love. Most of the ones I’ve met (inc my best friend of over a decade) are smart, driven, brave and have a wicked sense of humour 🖤
Taurus - A very close second! I love their passion and intelligence so much. In my experience they are reliable and honest, ambitious as fuck and aren’t afraid to speak their mind. I admire their strength and although they can be stubborn little shits, I really enjoy spending time with them and would deffo want them on my team if shit went sideways 🥰
Capricorn - I’ve known them to be loyal and determined. A little bit more chill than the top two but amazing listeners and good at giving advice 🥺
Virgo - Kind, patient and understanding. Logical thinkers who are always prepared cause they’ve thought of all the outcomes so I find them just soothing to be around as an anxious pisces 😋
Cancer - Ride or die type friends, they’re protective and loyal over those who are important to them. Good listeners and sensitive souls so we tend to understand each other well. Can be a bit moody and petty if you cross them though 😅
Aries - I have a love/hate relationship with Aries haha. I get on well with them but have a tendency to clash over certain things. I find them quite irritating in disagreements cause they’re a bit hot headed and competitive but when we get on, we get on well 😆
Libra - I can have a good laugh with them, their sense of humour and wittiness is unmatched. They can be a bit too extroverted and draining for me in large doses 🙂
Leo - Another love/hate relationship. I like their confidence and passion but sometimes it comes across as arrogant or attention seeking. I’ve met a few toxic Leos (I tend to find the males more likeable) but I’ve met some that I’ve really liked too ✌️
Aquarius - I haven’t met many so hard to form an opinion based on my experience which is why I’ve put them in the only gap haha. I would say very intelligent but being an air sign, a lot of their traits are probably not compatible with my own. So a mutual respect rather than a dislike 👍🏻
Sagittarius - I’ve met a few and they tend to be either people pleasing and disorganised but hilarious and optimistic or they can come across as blunt, rude and impatient. I can fuck with the first but not the second. Think we’re just very different people so don’t understand each other well or get the others approaches to situations 🤔
Gemini - Don’t think I’ve ever met one that I liked. They say one thing to you and another about you in my experience. Don’t trust them as far as I can throw them, their superiority complex irritates me and they can be flaky, shady and judgemental. Just not a compatible sign with pisces at all. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Which is the lamest, lousiest, as well as the cheapest and most horrible, most awful, despicable and dumbest zodiac sign that shouldn't even be alive?

I’m very cautious when it comes to Libras and Scorpios. They can easily stab you in the back. I find them a bit arrogant too. I know a lot of Scorpios and they hold a very special place in my heart but they can be the ruthless people you know when you cross them. I’m a Capricorn Sun, Aquarius Moon, and Pisces Rising. I always accepted people as they are. I’m the type of person that befriends outcasts. A lot of my friends hated me for that. I don’t care if they’re weird according to others or if they have a dark past. I can get along with someone who has a different view and morals as I do, but I'm not as open to myself as much as I want to be. I can be highly critical of myself. I crave adventure but I would feel conflicted doing it.
For example, a friend lets me try smoking weed. I'm a curious person and I don't want to eliminate something without trying it out first except for hardcore drugs or extreme sports (lol). So I did try it, but the feeling of contempt starts to sink in. My mind would tell me that I shouldn't be doing it and that, this is not real me. My family consists of Libras. I don’t like it when they act that they act but really they don’t. You would think that they’re an open book but those people don’t even know they’re being talk to behind their backs. Also, I never met a libra person who acknowledged their wrong doings. It’s always the other person’s fault. I get along with Aries and Cancers more. There’s good and bad for each.
I’m Virgo sun, Scorpio moon and rising. I’m very reserved and watch. Once I’m comfortable with people I’m very open, very dominant and blunt.
One of my bffs is Gemini. They’re great. Greatest heartbreak Gemini. Hottest romance Scorpio and Sagittarius. Greatest challenge tie between Aquarius and Pisces. Hard no on both. No zodiac sign is horrible or despicable. All zodiac signs are good. I am Capricorn. Do you like Capricorn?

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Dime 5 cosas random sobre ti 🖖

1. Aunque no crea en el horóscopo, casual y teóricamente comparto rasgos muy marcados del típico Aries. Como el ser cabezón, estricto y perseverante para unas cosas y vago para otras, tendencia a las migrañas/cefaleas, o tener mal carácter.
2. Sufro crisis existenciales que me llevan a un estado total de nihilismo, como un adolescente que acaba de leer mal a Nietszche.
3. Practico el reduccionismo en todo y me parece una forma sana de mantener orden. Si tengo dos cosas de algo doy una, o dono la mitad de mis libros al saber que ya no los voy a leer, y así.
4. Aunque no me guste reconocerlo, soy animal de rutinas fijas, tengo ciertos automatismos y no me gusta un pelo que nada escape a mi control.
5. Llevo desde principios de año duchándome solamente con agua fría, y junto a ello se me metió en la cabeza la idea de hacer ejercicio todas las mañanas, así como cuidar mi alimentación.

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De que signo sos? Te gusta tu signo? Te gustaría ser de otro? Cual crees que es el mejor/peor signo? (Signos del zodiaco pa aclarar)

UnikQuinn’s Profile PhotoAbby
Soy de Aries. Amo ser de aries, sin importar las cosas malas que tengo en mi personalidad por serlo!
No creo que haya un mejor signo, ni uno peor, todos tienen sus cosas buenas y malas.
De que signo sos Te gusta tu signo Te gustaría ser de otro Cual crees que es el

Which colour lentil we should give to birds

If you are Aries or Scorpio : put red colour lentil on terrace and put liver for eagle
2) if you are aquarius put bajra brown lentil on terrace
3) if you are Sagittarius or pisces put yellow lentil on terrace
4) if you are Gemini/Virgo put green lentil on terrace

What is wrong with our narrative and how do we rewrite it?

I would like to know how my story would have developed if we had lived alone in our own house from beginning of our marriage - but it is not possible to rewrite it 😅.... I just can say that all conflicts with my mother in law ( btw Aries 🤦) has changed me into stronger and more durable person. 🙂👍 As we are saying here 👉 Everything bad comes with something good! 😁

🐸 what are 7 star signs?

Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Liked by: Amy Celestial

"Come on Aries no need to wage war against a different multiverse that isn't really even doing anything to you."

onryotatarigami’s Profile PhotoNova
*Undyne looks shocked at what Nova had just said, speaking the "Goddesses true name-"* You..how do you know my name!? All you should know is Undyne! And technically, their ignorance IS doing something to me, it's p-ssing me off! We exist and I'll be damned if I'll let some mortals say we don't! But the fact you know my name when I haven't spoken it to a single Soul in this world..what are you exactly?

As a Capricorn, what ‘Capricorn traits’ do you not have?

I’m driven by success and status, but its not necessarily about money. I like classy, elegant things, and abhor people with poor taste and uncultured behaviour. I am also rational and cold. I like beauty and perfection.
I can fit every characteristic most of the time and split from the traits with some aspects. I'm career oriented, but not ambition obsessed. I'm money driven, but not at the cost of quality or people. I'm a lover of art, but not a fan of knick-knacks. I'm an organized, efficient, & thorough worker, but not exactly a "hard worker bee."
I'm emotional & sentimental, but can certainly be stern & terse. Sometimes I'm "cold" when sorting through my emotions, I like to be able to speak about them clearly so that they are taken seriously and respected. But I cry at Disney movies, too. I like things tidy, but overlook little messes as long as they are taken care of before getting out of hand. Resourceful, creative, family-oriented, compassionate, patient, intelligent, balanced - these are traits most "readings" neglect of Capricorns. I used to fit most (ambition, hard work, wise with money, emotionless) when I was younger, and haven’t explored much about life and myself. Now, I can’t believe I’m even a Cap to begin with. Work is a chore, ambition is smth I feel I’m forced to have to better my circumstances, I don’t save. I’ve cried and felt more emotions in the past three years than I’ve ever had my whole life. It’s confusing and pretty alienating.
I can be ruthlessly blunt. Very straightforward and often times can be mean, or so people feel that’s how I’m being. Emotionally I’m unstable, but very rarely show it. I’d rather be working than with friends and most people even bosses would call me a workaholic. I push people away often.
I don’t have a lot of Capricorn traits. My only other earth placements are my Virgo NN & Capricorn Neptune. Rest of chart is mostly Aquarius & then Sagittarius & Aries sprinkled in there. What I DO have is the overthinking & worrying... I take myself pretty seriously and my absolute least favorite thing in the world is being made to look bad. I care a lot about my status (to my dismay) and I crave power and success, mostly cause I like the respect and attention that comes with it. Not big on money. However, people always say I do not come off as an earth sign. When I’m not depressed, I’m very outgoing and playful, I’m scatterbrained, irresponsible, impulsive, I’ve been told I’m “airy” but that doesn’t sound like a good thing ha. I always felt like I was having an identity crisis because I never have presented as a traditional Capricorn and I actually even have a stellium so I relate heavily in other ways like work ethic, responsibility, and ambition.

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Qué signos sois y qué signos os atraen

Soy Acuario y podría decir que me atrae: Acuario, Aries, Géminis, Leo (creo JAJAJA), Libra y Sagitario. De ahí a que siga ese patrón por así decirlo hay un trecho😅.
Liked by: Pingui

Проассоциируй свой знак зодиака с песней!

Отменная идея, на самом деле! Вот только я решила выйти за рамки вопроса и проассоциировать весь зодиакальный круг😁
Все музыкальные композиции, ссылочки на которые я оставила ниже - всего лишь отражения моих субъективных впечатлений от общения и взаимодействия с представителями разных знаков зодиака.
Aries♈ https://youtu.be/VoF9HUvYPKsolhatkachuk’s Video 169674797339 VoF9HUvYPKsolhatkachuk’s Video 169674797339 VoF9HUvYPKs
Taurus♉ https://youtu.be/_pGaz_qN0cwolhatkachuk’s Video 169674797339 _pGaz_qN0cwolhatkachuk’s Video 169674797339 _pGaz_qN0cw
Gemini♊ https://youtu.be/WyNLKWgQwkUolhatkachuk’s Video 169674797339 WyNLKWgQwkUolhatkachuk’s Video 169674797339 WyNLKWgQwkU
Cancer♋ https://youtu.be/5yRgiXh2fP4olhatkachuk’s Video 169674797339 5yRgiXh2fP4olhatkachuk’s Video 169674797339 5yRgiXh2fP4
Leo♌ https://youtu.be/5RFMfktLWssolhatkachuk’s Video 169674797339 5RFMfktLWssolhatkachuk’s Video 169674797339 5RFMfktLWss
Virgo♍ https://youtu.be/eU0aaq5pjnQolhatkachuk’s Video 169674797339 eU0aaq5pjnQolhatkachuk’s Video 169674797339 eU0aaq5pjnQ
Libra♎ https://youtu.be/4jSG357MQS4olhatkachuk’s Video 169674797339 4jSG357MQS4olhatkachuk’s Video 169674797339 4jSG357MQS4
Scorpio♏ https://youtu.be/ipal8_S0RlIolhatkachuk’s Video 169674797339 ipal8_S0RlIolhatkachuk’s Video 169674797339 ipal8_S0RlI
Sagittarius♐ https://youtu.be/_NrqftLip64olhatkachuk’s Video 169674797339 _NrqftLip64olhatkachuk’s Video 169674797339 _NrqftLip64
Capricorn♑ https://youtu.be/n3Ahkx2QDj4olhatkachuk’s Video 169674797339 n3Ahkx2QDj4olhatkachuk’s Video 169674797339 n3Ahkx2QDj4
Aquarius♒ https://youtu.be/bE-29Zdl4s8olhatkachuk’s Video 169674797339 bE-29Zdl4s8olhatkachuk’s Video 169674797339 bE-29Zdl4s8
Pisces♓ https://youtu.be/_mCyRhtyq1Qolhatkachuk’s Video 169674797339 _mCyRhtyq1Qolhatkachuk’s Video 169674797339 _mCyRhtyq1Q
Проассоциируй свой знак зодиака с песней

Personagens e Papéis ✨

Papéis do reino:
Nova (soldado escolhido pelos reis para representar o reino e proteger a superiora);
Reinos Principais ✨
Áries ♈
Rei: -
Rainha: -
Princesa: @AriesPr
Nova: -
Touro ♉
Rei: -
Rainha: -
Princesa/Príncipe: -
Nova: -
Outros: -
Gêmeos ♊
Rei: -
Rainha: -
Princesa/Príncipe: -
Nova: -
Outros: -
Câncer ♋
Rei: -
Rainha: -
Princesa/Príncipe: -
Nova: -
Outros: -
Leão ♌
Rei: -
Rainha: -
Princesa/Príncipe: -
Nova: -
Outros: -
Virgem ♍
Rei: -
Rainha: -
Princesa/Príncipe: -
Nova: -
Outros: -
Libra ♎
Rei: -
Rainha: -
Princesa/Príncipe: -
Nova: -
Outros: -
Escorpião ♏
Rei: -
Rainha: -
Princesa/Príncipe: -
Nova: -
Outros: -
Sagitário ♐
Rei: -
Rainha: -
Princesa/Príncipe: -
Nova: -
Outros: -
Capricórnio ♑
Rei: -
Rainha: -
Princesa/Príncipe: -
Nova: -
Outros: -
Aquário ♒
Rei: -
Rainha: -
Princesa/Príncipe: -
Nova: -
Outros: -
Peixes ♓
Rei: @PiecesRoyals
Rainha: @PiecesRoyals
Princesa/Príncipe: -
Nova: -
Outros: -
Personagens de outros lugares ✨

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¿Qué es lo más extraño que te haya pasado?

EduardoVR’s Profile Photo✔️ EDUARDO
En el metro 🚊, un señor estaba sentado frente a mi, con su hija hablando, cuando de repente me miró y me dijo “Eres Aries” y yo asentí y luego empezó a decir cosas de mi vida que eran verdad y yo así: 😳 y la hija era como “ayy otra vez lo volvió a hacer” muy random

Language: English