
79 people

50 posts


Did you go to school with anyone who is famous now

Yeah (not name dropping though so don’t ask) ; theres two girls who are models and one married a famous billionaire and the other one married a Cubs player.
A guy who went into the NFL and is now a coach and is working into owning an NFL team.
A guy who is now a professional skater and travels the world.
A guy who is now a famous fitness model/body builder.
A guy who’s rising up in the political world and plans on running for senate.
(There’s probably more but thats all I can think of at the top of my head.)

Teaser tuesday Es ist mal wieder so weit das ich lust habe zu erfahren, welche MMFF Ideen oder Kapitelideen Charakterconcepte euch derzeit durch den Kopf spuken. Wie sieht es da bei euch aus?

Lostgirl_inidenty’s Profile PhotoDonata
Ich nutze diese naja zugegeben mal schon etwas ältere Frage, um das Character Builder Moodboard zu Alani zu droppen, die seit gestern nun auch auf der at Choice Seite von Kissed by the devil von @almostalife ist 🥰
Vielleicht schaffe ich die Woche auch noch das richtige Moodboard, ich bin nur grade schon etwas im Pre-Umzugsstress rip
Teaser tuesday Es ist mal wieder so weit das ich lust habe zu erfahren welche

Why do they always go n become gym guys after breakup ?

Kiara139010’s Profile PhotoDr. Kiara
Give this credit to Tere Naam movie of Salman Khan. Us main woh Builder hota hai aur Larki nahi milti usse. God father of all such boys is Salman Khan 😄
PI remember when I joined the gym. A guy who was doing gym from last 9 years had the picture of salman Khan ohh jannae janna as his phone’s lockscreen 😂

Даша, перед стажировкой в Андерсон ты делала свой проект? Если да,то что это было?

Фреймворк для автоматизации тестов на Web UI. С использованием Java 8 (включая Stream API), TestNG, Selenium, Docker, Jenkins - стандартный набор инструментов для написания, контейнеризации и запуска тестов в CI, буквально в любой вакансии автоматизатора-джависта можно вычитать этот набор скиллов. В программировании старалась внедрить побольше паттернов проектирования: Builder, Strategy, Фабрику, ну и чисто автоматизаторские: Page Object, Chain of Invocations, ещё что-то.

In the student musical I'm a part of there are several sections: Stage, dance, band, prop builders, PR (💙), cooks, makeup, sewing, sound / lights and party-fixers. Imagine you were gonna apply to join, which of those sections speak to you the most? Why? 🎭👨‍🍳📸🎺💃

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I love the sound of being a prop builder! I can see myself painting a backdrop or making something. I wouldn't want to be on stage unless it was a non speaking part or I was just singing - I'd stress out too much! What part(s) do you do?

Ma waxay ahayd riyadaadii inaad noqoto sida Bob the Builder? Hadday sidaas tahay, ma waxaad dhisatay guri adiga kuu gaar ah? Guri, geed, beeske?

Waligay kuma riyoon inaan noqdo Bob dhisaha.
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Ma waxay ahayd riyadaadii inaad noqoto sida Bob the Builder Hadday sidaas tahay

Your favorite childhood cartoons?

If you're a 90's kid then you must grown up by watching these.
Dragon tales, baby looney tunes, Tom and jerry, teen titans, ben 10, Swat kats ,Thunder cats, Duck tales,Road runner, Popeye, Bob the builder, the jungle book, Winnie the pooh, Barbie cartoons, Disney princess, Dragon ball Z, Ninja turtles, johny bravo, Scooby doo,Kids next door, Ed, Edd and Eddy, Dexters laboratory, We bare bears, Courage..

What’s your “and then it got worse” story?

I thought they needed fixing but i was wrong and thats where things got worse boi. 🌚
So, don’t bother playing bob the builder for these fucked up humans. You’ll end up breaking yourself boi. Just let them be, fucking leave when you can. 🙂

Weil ich mir gedacht habe, warum nicht die Ästhetik von Sinnbildern mit dem „I just think it’s neat“ Vibe von Templates vereinen: wie sähe der Aesthetic Builder für eure blap ladies aus? https://pin.it/5Mp3mrM

sol_koroleva’s Profile PhotoUyen
danke für die tolle Frage :) <3 (habe die ganze Zeit die Bilder hin und her geschoben/getauscht nur damit am Ende fast genau das heraus kam, was ich am Anfang hatte :D)
Hab bisschen geschummelt, weil ich kein Kleid genommen habe oder so, sondern eines der Tücher, die sie an einem #badhairday trägt :)
Weil ich mir gedacht habe warum nicht die Ästhetik von Sinnbildern mit dem I

Weil ich mir gedacht habe, warum nicht die Ästhetik von Sinnbildern mit dem „I just think it’s neat“ Vibe von Templates vereinen: wie sähe der Aesthetic Builder für eure blap ladies aus? https://pin.it/5Mp3mrM

sol_koroleva’s Profile PhotoUyen
so ich komm dann auch mal endlich dazu die frage zu beantworten. es ist nicht ganz so super geworden, aber ich hab leider gar kein talent für solche sachen, lol. aber ich find es so cool, dass ihr immer fragen zu den blap oc's stellt und man so die mädels schon mal kennen lernen kann. das versüßt echt die wartezeit. also danke ♥
Weil ich mir gedacht habe warum nicht die Ästhetik von Sinnbildern mit dem I

Weil ich mir gedacht habe, warum nicht die Ästhetik von Sinnbildern mit dem „I just think it’s neat“ Vibe von Templates vereinen: wie sähe der Aesthetic Builder für eure blap ladies aus? https://pin.it/5Mp3mrM

sol_koroleva’s Profile PhotoUyen
Ich bin mit den Haaren noch nicht zu 100% happy, da das etwas zu lang ist, aber die Farbe passte sehr gut und ich mag den Aesthetic.
Danke btw für die Frage, hat echt Spaß gemacht ❤️
Und danke an @BonnieEldritch die mir alles zusammen gebastelt hat, weil ich arbeiten bin ✨👑
Weil ich mir gedacht habe warum nicht die Ästhetik von Sinnbildern mit dem I
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Oh, du bist nicht die einzige, die viel zu lang gebraucht & viel zu viele Versionen hat 😅 vor allem mochte ich manche Bilder zu sehr, um sie wegen unpassender Farbe nicht zu nehmen, weshalb sie noch passend gemacht werden mussten

sol_koroleva’s Profile PhotoUyen
Gut zu wissen, dass ich da nicht die einzige bin 💛 & das mit den Bilder passend machen fühl ich sehr 😅 aaaber es hat sich auch gelohnt weil find Neelams aesthetic builder wirklich wunderschön ✨
+5 answers in: “Weil ich mir gedacht habe, warum nicht die Ästhetik von Sinnbildern mit dem „I just think it’s neat“ Vibe von Templates vereinen: wie sähe der Aesthetic Builder für eure blap ladies aus? https://pin.it/5Mp3mrM”

Weil ich mir gedacht habe, warum nicht die Ästhetik von Sinnbildern mit dem „I just think it’s neat“ Vibe von Templates vereinen: wie sähe der Aesthetic Builder für eure blap ladies aus? https://pin.it/5Mp3mrM

sol_koroleva’s Profile PhotoUyen
Hab ich gerade ne Stunde nach den perfekten Bildern gesucht nur um jetzt mehrere Versionen der eigentlich selben Ästhetik zu haben? - Niemals 🙈 Aber ich lieb die Frage ungemein 🥰
+5 answers Read more

Weil ich mir gedacht habe, warum nicht die Ästhetik von Sinnbildern mit dem „I just think it’s neat“ Vibe von Templates vereinen: wie sähe der Aesthetic Builder für eure blap ladies aus? https://pin.it/5Mp3mrM

sol_koroleva’s Profile PhotoUyen
Uff, ich fand die Frage wirklich toll, danke dafür! - aber schwieriger zu beantworten als gedacht...
Weil ich mir gedacht habe warum nicht die Ästhetik von Sinnbildern mit dem I
+1 answer Read more

Weil ich mir gedacht habe, warum nicht die Ästhetik von Sinnbildern mit dem „I just think it’s neat“ Vibe von Templates vereinen: wie sähe der Aesthetic Builder für eure blap ladies aus? https://pin.it/5Mp3mrM

sol_koroleva’s Profile PhotoUyen
Ich hab mir ganz viel Mühe gegeben. Allerdings ist das auch mein erstes temp 🌝 Liebe meine Liv sehr 🌸💕

do u remember 😍 popeye shinchan doremon kitertsooo haagimaroo chota bheem thundercats heman make way for Noddy Thomas train Bob the builder if yes ur childhood was awesome do let me know

Yes i do remember 😍but not all of them coz kch ka tu name he mein nein abhi suna🤷‍♂️,,, but no doubt my childhood was actually awesome Alhamdulilla 😔

U messed with a college guy I may be thin 5.4 ft 55 kg but strong enough to beat u girl.aint scared of u .if u dare tell me.

Abbe chutiye k patthe ladne ka bht shaukh h na toh ja k body builder se lad unko bol I may be thin but strong enough to beat you yaha kya chakko ki trh bol rha
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Day 5 - Bob l'aggiustatutto (1999) Bob the Builder è una serie animata britannica creata tramite stop motion (1^ stagione) e CGI (le restanti). Ne è stato creato anche un film. https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=t48RwQnRxQ4

hemmo96_is_a_penguin’s Profile PhotoMiuvia-san ♤
Di questo cartone adoravo la sigla, io e mia sorella ogni tanto ci mettiamo ancora a cantarla a caso, come due pazze e con il mio ex gruppo di amici la cantavamo in giro.
Il cartone in se era carino, anche se non ricordo neanche una singola puntata.
https://youtu.be/1TvjqnkS2asGiuliaDio’s Video 159971789232 1TvjqnkS2asGiuliaDio’s Video 159971789232 1TvjqnkS2as

Day 5 - Bob l'aggiustatutto (1999) Bob the Builder è una serie animata britannica creata tramite stop motion (1^ stagione) e CGI (le restanti). Ne è stato creato anche un film. https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=t48RwQnRxQ4 DAYS: https://ask.fm/hemmo96_is_a_penguin/answers/160085831099/lik

hemmo96_is_a_penguin’s Profile PhotoMiuvia-san ♤
Adoravo tanto anche questa serie da piccola ❤
Day 5  Bob laggiustatutto 1999
Bob the Builder è una serie animata britannica

Day 5 - Bob l'aggiustatutto (1999) Bob the Builder è una serie animata britannica creata tramite stop motion (1^ stagione) e CGI (le restanti). Ne è stato creato anche un film. https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=t48RwQnRxQ4

hemmo96_is_a_penguin’s Profile PhotoMiuvia-san ♤
Non sapevo nulla del film in realtà haha. Lo guardavo, ma non mi faceva impazzire. Cartoni realizzati così in questo stile non mi piacciono molto ahha?

Does hardship make a person stronger? If so, under what conditions and at what point is it too much hardship? If not, what makes a person stronger?

NicoleBuckleyyx’s Profile Photonikki ☻
It gives you the means to cope easier than the average person should life become tough once again. It can if it doesn’t damage them too much. Whatever you survive in youth and adulthood leaves some lessons for you to learn and also makes the smaller stuff seem easier to overcome, and it builds confidence. Hardship doesn’t build character, but it reveals what character is there. That’s why some people become really strong through hardship, and others become terrible people that abuse others. It all has to do with their pre-existing character. I believe it can make you stronger. About a year ago, I went through a bad situation, and I still think about it, but I learned from that situation. It definitely makes you smarter, and I think it only becomes too much if you CAN'T learn from it. At that point, you're just getting hurt and nothing good comes from it. Hardship is one of the factors needed to become stronger, but you also need time to recover from that stress. It works in cycles. You push through a difficult situation, whether by your own choice or because you have no other option. Then you seek out a safer environment where you can lick your wounds and try to learn from what happened. Too much hardship is when you start taking damage that you won't be able to recover from. I think most people have a pretty good sense of when that's starting to happen to them, but the problem is you don't always get a chance to stop it. Everyone is different. Some people crumble. Some people thrive. The people who thrive in hardship have to obviously be tough, show a lot of grit, too much hardship is like someone close to you dying. With support it does. If you get close to the breaking point, then get the counseling you need, you'll come out stronger.
A body builder doesn't just max out every time without proper rest and nutrition so they don't hurt themselves. You shouldn't go through constant stress without having the time and resources to heal. I think in general for the average person yes hardship makes one more resilient. It becomes too much imo when something called learned helplessness develops. It's a psychological phenomenon that occurs when a person's situation seems so bleak and there seems to be no possible way out they essentially give up an example would be ppl in internment camps during the holocaust. Temporary hardship does but not systemic hardship. Systemic hardship sours an outlook long term leading to unnecessary negativity and further limits the environment of those people around the person. Hardship will test the mettle of a person. Which way your mettle sways will determine if it made you stronger or weaker. Some people can handle things and others can't.

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A! You're a ship builder or an astronaut when you indicated that you're going to "launch" some thing......lol. Just kidding. The best to you in your success. Hi luv. How are you? Stay pretty.

Alicia861’s Profile PhotoAlicia + Jenni
Lol. I'd actually love to be sending off a space ship or go off to the stars... Oh how one can dream! Thank you so much, I am confident my store will have success. I am doing well thank you 😊 💚 Well, I should head off to bed as it's nearing 23:00 and I've got a busy day ahead of me tomorrow.

si tu te retrouve bloquée dans un coin face à un bodybuilder professionel tu réagis comment pour t'échapper ?

Je lui dit de me laisser partir sinon il se prend mon pied dans les couilles et body builder ou non il aura mal assez longtemps pour que je m’échappe.

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