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Do you guys write email/letter to your future self?

gawnferal’s Profile Photohudیٰ
No, I'd rather not want to carry my current traumas and toxicity in the future.
Writing a letter will (somehow) ensure that I don't let go of what I used to be during these days - and unfortunately, it's something that I'm not exactly proud of.
Liked by: Micro. Sarmad hudیٰ

Hey Jo! I was just wondering if you had any song recs for Ghost? I’ve never really listened to them before but just heard ‘Mary On A Cross’ which is fab, so I’d love to check them out! 🎶👻

asgardarts’s Profile PhotoLivi;
First and foremost, thank you for giving me an opportunity to talk about the Special Interest (tm), I'll do my very very best to not waffle on too long (very unlike me, I know 🤣) and just get straight into my recommendations.
If you enjoy MOAC then I would say that their other top five tracks on spotify: Square Hammer, Dance Macabre, Call Me Little Sunshine, and The Future Is A Foreign land may also be up your street! Sound-wise they're in the same vein as Mary on a Cross. Not too heavy, more along the lines of arena rock than heavy metal.
Some of my other personal recommendations would be Cirice, Darkness at The Heart of My Love, Zenith, Ritual, and Watcher in The Sky.
They've also done a bunch of covers too, the majority of which are all pretty solid. They tend to put their own spin on whatever songs they cover which is quite refreshing. I particularly enjoy most of the covers from the 'Popestar' EP. Their rendition of 'I Believe' is particularly pretty...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVM0dqhyaqQhellojonesymo’s Video 174147876380 VVM0dqhyaqQhellojonesymo’s Video 174147876380 VVM0dqhyaqQ

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hellojonesymo’s Video 174147876380 VVM0dqhyaqQhellojonesymo’s Video 174147876380 VVM0dqhyaqQ

Do you have a clear picture of what tomorrow holds, or are you still wrestling with today's doubts?

MMaryamKhan’s Profile PhotoMaryam Khan
I'm amazed at this question of yours. How can someone have a clear picture of what future holds, that's ghaib and only ALLAH knows that.
We on the other hand can work on ourselves with a hope to make it what we desire by ALLAH's will.

If you could instantly master any skill, what would it be and why?

FiaSaif’s Profile PhotoM.
Well, as someone who has an IT educational background and knowing where the market is moving, python is one skill that needs to be mastered. The reason that is, Python is the future of AI since Python is heavily used to develop AI programs in general.
Not only that, Python is one of the most strongest programming languages available.

Looking at how people treat each other nowadays in relationships, would you say it's still worth trying to date or look for someone? (Immature comments getting blocked. Or hell, just block me).

I think it’s always worth it because I believe there’s someone out there for everyone. I’ve been let down and heartbroken without even being in a relationship but this taught me lessons I needed to learn. If I didn’t try to talk to anyone in hopes that we might date in the future, I wouldn’t have personal experiences to talk about with others or understand the meaning of red flags. I’ve been single my whole life and sometimes think that this single life just isn’t for me, despite being rejected and let down in the past.

I have found myself obsessing over AI Art on Instagram. Do you think that AI Art sets an unrealistic expectation of beauty standards online?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Yeah, now ordinary beauty irl seems like.. average.
I'd like to sneak peak to a future for several minutes to learn how AI was integrated in our live.
I'm really interested how people can be look like with AI's "fantasy".
Maybe we'll do surgery based on a picture from AI or will substitute our hands to type faster or even part of brain to think more qualitatively and to store more information.
But.. will we be able to be called "people" after all these or there will be like a half-cyber person?
It's a huge theme tho, haha. 😅

If you discovered that someone you follow was using AI software such as chatgpt to answer their questions, would that impact how you view that person?

lostineden’s Profile PhotoLost in Eden •°•☆
I'd definitely feel disappointed. Perhaps even a little betrayed, especially if this was someone I had interacted with regularly and built a rapport with. However, I don't think I would make a scene or draw attention to the fact that they were using AI to write their replies... Because at the end of the day, that's their prerogative.
It would, however, deter me from interacting with that person in the future. To me, there's just something very disingenuous about getting a bot to write out responses for you, especially if you then try to pass off those words as your own.

Do you think you've met your soulmate but you blew it? Game over 🙄

FreshICYGirl’s Profile PhotoBe Yourself Always
I don’t think so since I hardly ever talk to people in person anyways and it’s been this way for the past four years. If the person that I went to school with happened to be my soulmate, I probably would’ve felt more comfortable around them rather than doubting whether or not they’re the one and feeling insecure around them instead. I don’t think I’ve met my soulmate and if I did but didn’t realize, it’s ok. If we are/were meant to be for each other, we’ll cross paths another time in the future.

Which philosophy changed your perspective of life?

nousernameavailable31645’s Profile Photo♠phlegmatic♣
"amor fati" — Embracing fate with all its chaos made life a thrilling ride. Plus I am more of a live in the present kind of person. The idea of living in the present moment. It taught me to appreciate what I have in the here and now and to stop dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. I learned to be grateful for each day - to be able to start my day with a grateful heart and to savour the small joys that life brings. 🌻

I didn’t know emo music was still popular? I mean, I understand it could be in like the Midwest because those people are decades behind in everything. But people in New York are usually in the future. I just assume everyone in New York listens to futuristic genres. 😂

that's probably the most inaccurate stereotype i've ever heard, lmfao.
i'm also a millennial and, like ... what some people would refer to as an "elder emo." so i still listen to emo music from the early-to-mid 2000s.

Girls only sorry if this gets sent to any guys haha) do you have your future wedding dress picked out? Show a photo of it if you can :)

Itslaurencim’s Profile Photo♕ ʆɑuʀɛɳ
Not exactly, but I do have a Pinterest board dedicated to wedding dresses that I like, simple but elegant 🌸✨
Girls only sorry if this gets sent to any guys haha do you have your future

Як ви уявляєте домашніх тварин у майбутньому? Будуть вони мати якісь нові навички або здібності? Можливо, вони зможуть набирати текстові повідомлення на смартфонах, лапою?

Курка може рахувати до п'яти, це межа здібностей, щоб могла вижити, так і у всіх інших тварин. Що було тисячі років з ними, то і зараз є. Хіба що можуть меншати, чи більшати пристосовуючись до умов природи. І це не покращить технології майбутнього. Хіба погіршить.. Хіба може на текстуру вплинуть, шерсть, колір очиськ. Дрібниці, понти, комфортне життя, і то завдяки ресурсам і працівникам внизу дає можливість людям, а потім і їхнім домашнім тваринкам відчувати себе фантастично. Але це всього лише обкладинка. Пилюка у очі.
A chicken can count to five, this is the limit of its abilities, so that it can survive, as well as all other animals. What was with them for thousands of years is now. Unless they can adapt less or more to the conditions of nature. And this is not to improve the technology of the future. Is it worse.. The maximum can affect the texture, wool, eye color. The little things, the ponts, the comfortable life, and that thanks to the resources and workers below, makes it possible for people and then their pets to feel fantastic. But this is just a cover. Dust in the eyes.

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اغنيه قديمة لكن لازلت تسمعها للآن ؟

ooOBrokenAngelOoo’s Profile Photo_gigi_
Let love lead the way.🎀
What makes this world go round
Will the answer let her down
She is so sweet and young
And her life has just begun
What does her future hold
That's a story left unknown
Will she make it through her days
Let our love lead the way
Part of me laughs
Part of me cries
Part of me wants to question why (question why)
Why is there joy
Why is there pain
Why is there sunshine then the rain
One day you're here
Next you are gone
No matter what we must go on
Just keep the faith and
Let love lead the way.🎀

mental health check in. how are you doing mentally? ❤️

x3_bebesota’s Profile PhotoJazMarie ✨
Just psyching myself up to shower took so long that I was late to work this morning, and I might be bailing on two out of three social events that I had planned for the next 24 hours. I can tell a breakdown is in the near future, but I’m still chugging caffeine in an attempt to push it away. I had SUCH good intentions for others this weekend and now I most likely have to drop them in order to take care of my damn self.
mental health check in how are you doing mentally

karma is finding out the person you left can’t maintain a relationship without you

AirLovesZombies’s Profile Photo~•Ary•~
principle that our actions have consequences, influencing our future experiences. In relationships, karma can manifest as the outcomes of our choices and behaviors towards our partners.
Relationships are a two-way street, requiring mutual effort and understanding. While one person may decide to end a relationship, it doesn't necessarily imply regret or a lack of worth in the other partner.
Decisions in relationships should be made thoughtfully, considering the potential consequences and impact on both individuals.

After certain things happen, you don't feel the same way about people anymore, no matter who they are.

waleedelsayed20’s Profile PhotoWaleed Elsayed
Yes, it happens time to time 🤷‍♀️, especially when they upset me or offend me somehow, they are put into the farthest room of my memory 😅, but they never disappeare from it, it is important to remember that dumbs are living in this world too and we have to be careful in future 😂
After certain things happen you dont feel the same way about people anymore no

How to tell if a guy likes you? I have a family friend who acts like he kinda likes me in person; like he looks at me a lot, has a sly smirk while talking to me, flirts/teases me etc. but on text he seems a bit dry? He said he's a bad texter, but i'm still confused idk maybe he just playin bruh

If he isn't saying anything directly or he isn't talking about future or something then maybe he isn't interested in you in a way you're thinking 🤷‍♀️

Your current bf doesn't even help you make your life less exhausting.You are still uncomfortable with some calling names with him.He is definitely not your future anyway.

1. I never said he doesn't help? He works too, he takes care of the kids too, he puts them to bed most nights, he makes dinner too, he does just as much as I do. I get that you don't comprehend being a parent or having a job are both exhausting, but they are. Even with help.
2. Having boundaries and establishing them about things I'm not comfortable with or don't like is perfectly okay and normal for literally every human being lmao. Him respecting my boundaries and being an all around amazing human being is exactly why we work so well and will continue to.
3. I don't have to get married to anyone to be with them longterm but you have no knowledge of how I feel about marriage so why you're running your mouth is beyond me.

ماهو أكثر شيء فعلته حول حياتك للأحسن؟ بالاخص العادات اليومية

RAZM_’s Profile Photoأسد♔
It is funny, but two most important things which influenced my life to be so good as it is were coincidences 🤷‍♀️😅. 1. In my 17 I decided to go for summer voluntary work to other town and I met my future husband there 😁
2. After 5 years of matternity leave my friend called me and suggested good work in the firm in which I am still working! 👍
ماهو أكثر شيء فعلته حول حياتك للأحسن بالاخص العادات اليومية

It's time to let go of the past and move forward.

waleedelsayed20’s Profile PhotoWaleed Elsayed
What a gr8 idea !
But , move forward to where ?
Don't you know, there is no future , no future at all !
The people, you . . . and I . . . . and everyone . . . have been voting for ~ all this time ~ have taken it , and broken it in a million pieces . . . . and now , they are gone . For ever , leaving total war !
So , I think I'll just sit here, in the past , safe in all the disasters I already know . . . .
What ? ~ Oh! No! Don't tell me that's gone as well ?
Its time to let go of the past and move forward

Girls only sorry if this gets sent to any guys haha) do you have your future wedding dress picked out? Show a photo of it if you can :)

Itslaurencim’s Profile Photo♕ ʆɑuʀɛɳ
I am married 🙂 I wore something comfortable for me. I wore my favorite blue jeans and a beautiful all white throw over that hung low passed my thighs. I wore a white shir under it. You could see through the throw over. It was beautiful. Loved it. Was comfortable. I wore my favorite sliver cowgirl boots. I did my own hair and makeup and nails. Someone did my flowers. They were beautiful. I wore a necklace and bracelets and of course rings and my new ring. We have been together for 11 years now. I love my husband. My best friend. The wedding was small and simple. Not too big. We had a small honeymoon. We this year or next are actually planning on going on our actual honeymoon and are thinking of renewing our vows. Loved my outfit. Just easy going yah know. But hey. What we want is what we should get. 🥰 It's our big day. Good luck to any newly weds!

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Girls only sorry if this gets sent to any guys haha do you have your future

Girls only sorry if this gets sent to any guys haha) do you have your future wedding dress picked out? Show a photo of it if you can :)

Itslaurencim’s Profile Photo♕ ʆɑuʀɛɳ
No, I’m more worried about finding the right partner and am more of a person who doesn’t really care about wedding dresses since I’ve never been one to think ahead. It would be nice to have an ideal wedding dress in mind tho 😄

What was the last thing you wondered about?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Hi Marie.
As I navigate an uncertain existence, suspended on the edge of a razor's blade, a recurring existential question pierces my mind: "What will my future hold, and what the hell will become of me?" 🤔🤨🤣

Language: English