
63 people

50 posts


Hello. My ask was closed by the administration for political reasons. But I created a new account. I will be glad to see you there) With sincere respect, Kitti(KittLo)

KittiLloid’s Profile PhotoKittLo
And they've closed mine by making it immpossible login ~ on the website version.
I see no point in using the app. as it is simply 'dumb' ~ eg, I can't translate .
(I'm using app. for this!)
so , here's an exposé of . . . . 'something' ......
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJiPvXueu_gigotamatch’s Video 174275858554 nJiPvXueu_gigotamatch’s Video 174275858554 nJiPvXueu_g

Name any one of your toxic teacher in school/College ☠️

nimrkive5’s Profile PhotoFindingnemo
They weren't toxic. Their behaviour was toxic. They wouldn't let me write on my own and wouldn't encourage me to improve my writing skills and that really made me hate school. I feel that it wasn’t their fault either, I didn't write so well, and maybe they too were facing tough times, like the administration wanted them to produce good results in board exams, they couldn't produce writers, artists and thinkers at such a time. So even if their behaviour was toxic, I still love them. I went to school for a visit in 2022 and I hugged that one teacher who usually scolded me for writing in my own words. I needed that hug, and maybe she did too.

Avez-vous déjà visité les États-Unis?

Cela m'intéresserait !
Outre les monuments et lieux naturels très connu, pour honorer cette tradition américaine où nombre de présidents retraités financent des bibliothèques / centre d'archives depuis le XIX ème.
Où tu peux retrouver leurs collections de livres personnelle, mais aussi les papiers de leur administration, de leurs ministères...Sources de premier ordre pour les historiens.
Avezvous déjà visité les ÉtatsUnis

When was the last time you received good news? What was it for? (If you wish to share) Did you do anything to celebrate said news? 🥳

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
It was this last Tuesday! I had a bit of a scare the day before regarding the registration of one of the courses I wanted to study this semester, apparently I wasn't registered! I was a nervous wreck the whole night, afraid that I wouldn't be able to take said course. Imagine the relief when the student administration told me it was no issue and they could help me out! My D&D group had a very fun session during the evening after I got back from class, so I guess that was sort of a celebration 🥳😊
When was the last time you received good news What was it for If you wish to

تسلم يا رب ويخليك 💗 هو تانى يقدملى business administration ف cic بس هو ي كدا ي كدا مينفعش اطلب ال ٢ ليه حقوق صعبه اوى كدا هى زى طب يعنى؟؟ مع ان ف ناس بتقول سهل التقدير فيها لو هتذاكرى اول ب اول

ماهو جزء ذاكر أول بأول دي مين ضامنها؟ ، مبقولش انها صعبه متتذاكرش ما اكيد هتنجحي ان شاء الله بس صعبه بالنسبه للدكاتره ف الامتياز وانك تتعيني معيده وكدا لان التعيين ع دفعة كامله تتخطي ال 600-800 طالب اكيد الكل هيحب دا وفكروا فيه. ف لو عندك شغف تاخدي التحدي دا وتجتهدي فعلا ف مين عالم ليه ميتحققش ☺️ ومش بعقدك والله بس ربنا بيدي لكل واحد ع قد تعبه، ف اتعبي وهتوصلي.

random fact about yourself?

Facts about me:
*Nearsighted & 600 yung grado ng glasses ko. Kaya yung sabi sa akin nung nagpacheck up ako, literal na akong bulag haha.
*Before, gusto ko maging veterinarian or architect pero ang kinuha kong course ay Business Administration hahaha super layo sa mga choices ko dati.
*I have a thalassophobia and acrophobia.
*I have a sweet tooth.
*favorite flower is sunflower and favorite color is yellow.
*Maingay ako sa social media pero tahimik in real life pwera na lang kung close tayo hehe
random fact about yourself

especially for the administration ASK.fm !

arthurtier666’s Profile PhotoJuliy
I am notifying you that deleting information about the capitalization level of my company was a big mistake on your part. This was a signal for me that I would have to deal closely with the problem of administration in this application, which means to buy out a controlling stake from Noosphere Ventures and thus close the issue with the staff of this administration.
especially for the administration ASKfm

Czy Jimin i V to jeszcze coś studiują ?

🌙| Z tego co wyczytałam (bo przyznaję nie śledzę tego na bieżąco) Jimin i Taehyung od 2021 studiują na Hanyang Cyber University, zdobywając tytuł Master of Business Administration w dziedzinie reklamy i mediów 😅

Situation of flood in Pakistan?

I am right now playing my part to raise funds for the flood victims of Pakistan, so, I can't state everything in detail about the current situation and what my thoughts are about it, but I can share some points:
• Nobody has the right to take credit for the flood victims' aid; especially no institute or politician. The generous people of Pakistan and some outsiders are the only ones responsible for facilitating the affected people in this time of need. The ones who are taking credit, or want to take credit, are actually the ones responsible behind all this chaos.
• Many people of Pakistan look at such calamities as a business opportunity. They have increased the prices of their products and services right now.
• People are donating a lot even in this inflation but it cannot go on much longer; for weeks or months.
• There should have been a number of dams in Pakistan but it's always been the case that all the resources of Pakistan have always been stolen by the corrupt officials, politicians and governments.
• A country with 220 to 240 million population is dependent upon aids from Europe, it is hurtful; and disgraceful and also humiliating. The reason behind it is corruption by the overall administration.
• Scammers are also seeing this as a business opportunity: media is concerned about its ratings, YouTubers are concerned about catching more viewers, fake NGOs are collecting donations as theft and so on. In short, people are corrupt, and I'm talking about the majority of the total population.
• NGOs have no helicopters or boats. That's the reason why their efforts are not being much fruitful.
• People pay so much tax in Pakistan, yet the so called forcefully imposed government is asking people to donate; if they're left with anything.
• Politics has nothing to do with humanity. A Muslim will always prefer #HumanityOverEverything.
• People need to learn that they have to stand up.. https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch0AE81s35r/

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Situation of flood in Pakistan

Is your country's national day considered a big deal? Why is it during said day and how do you tend to celebrate, if you do? 🌲🇸🇪🐟

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
We have 2 National Days - the 1st of January and the 1st of September. Both are not work-days and we celebrate that Czechoslovakia was divided into two separate states and territory of Slovaks was allocated exclusively to their administration 👍😁. There are various meetings with folk cultural events and food places in streets in September 🎉🍷🍺 (because during 1st January people are sleeping after New Year celebration 🎉😅)
Is your countrys national day considered a big deal Why is it during said day

Has a rejection ever made you feel suicidal? 😞

not suicidal but very sad. i got rejected by a school 4 times for failing a grade 3 aptitude test. everyy single time i was soo confident i nailed it and the principal herself would call to congratulate me on beating all records and setting the highest possible score magar har dafa administration wale uncle phone kar ke bol dete thay ye mohtarma tou dubara fail hogayin. i couldn’t understand the reason until i met my two absolute favorite people at my then future school. now when i look back i’m thankful for all of it maybe not the failing humiliatingly part but most of it. i hope whatever it is for u gets replaced by a 1000x better thing too<3 hang in there i promise it’ll be better

Ismeretterjesztés: űrkutatás-űrverseny, 1. rész

MatyiZeltner’s Profile PhotoMátyás "tanár úr"
Ebben tényleg sok munkám volt. Azért remélem, sokan olvassátok és tetszeni fog.
[1. Bevezetés: az űrkutatásról és az űrversenyről általánosságban]
Az űrkutatás olyan tudomány, ami a földi légkörön túli környezetet kutatja a világűrbe juttatott eszközökkel. Ezt technikailag a görögök már az ókorban megalapozták az égitestek mozgásának figyelésével, de csak a 2. világháború időszakától tulajdonítottak neki kiemelt fontosságot.
Az űrverseny néhány szóban pontosan jellemezve: „szovjetek és amerikaiak közötti péniszméregetés”. Ez egy nemhivatalos versengés volt a 20. század második felében a két nagyhatalom között, amely során rengeteg űreszköz és bámulatos eredmények születtek.
[2. A rakéták nagyon rövid története]
A 800-as években Kínában indult el a lőpor egyik első gyakorlati felhasználása szilárd hajtóanyagú rakéták, vagyis petárdák és tűzijátékok formájában. A kínai fejlesztések alapján rakétafegyvereket az Európába betörő mongol seregek alkalmaztak először, mégpedig az 1241-es Muhi csatában.
A 20. században született meg az első folyékony hajtóanyagú rakéta. 1903-ban megjelent Konsztantyin Ciolkovszkij rakétákról szóló munkája. Ebben a században először Németországban végeztek komoly rakétakísérleteket a második világháború idején, amelyekből megszületett a V-2.
[3. Az első rakéta a világűrben és az űrverseny elindulása]
A V-2 egy ballisztikus rakéta volt; az ilyen rakéták egy görbe röppályát leírva becsapódnak a földfelszínen egy célpontba. Németországban Wernher von Braun több sikeres rakétakísérlete után Adolf Hitler idejében katonai programmá nyilvánították a rakétafejlesztéseket. Több modell és sok fejlesztés után 1943-ban a V-2 az egyik tesztrepülés során elérte a világűr határát (ez hivatalosan 100 km).
A németek világháborús veresége után rakétamérnökeik egy része az USA-ba, másik része pedig a Szovjetunióba került, így mind a két nagyhatalom rendelkezett elegendő szakértelemmel ahhoz, hogy elkezdhessék megmutatni a másiknak, hogy ki itt a Jani.
[4. Az első eredmények]
A szovjetek 1957-ben megalkották és sikeresen Föld körüli pályára állították az első, „Szputnyik-1” névre keresztelt műholdat. {A műhold mesterséges égitest, ami bolygó körül kering.} Egy hónapra rá fellőtték a Szputnyik-2 műholdat, amelyen Lajka kutya utazott. A műholdat tudatosan nem úgy tervezték, hogy visszatérjen; csak azt akarták tesztelni, hogy egy élő szervezet kibír-e egy űrstartot és egy Föld körüli pályára állást (amit ki is bírt). Az állatkísérletek során a szovjetek jellemzően kutyákat, az amerikaiak majmokat lőttek fel.
Az USA-ban nyilván nem nézhették ezt tétlenül, szóval gyorsan fel is lőtték saját műholdjukat (Explorer-1), bár ez nem volt olyan nagy jelentőségű. Az viszont igen, hogy 1958-ban megalapították a NASA-t (National Aeronautics and Space Administration; magyarul: Nemzeti Repülési és Űrhajózási Hivatal).

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hey 👋 could you recommend me 3 songs ? Like your April favs (🖇Spotify, SoundCloud, utube)

I only use ask.fm from my pc. Currently, on this website, the administration has made such pseudo-facilities that only one link to a YouTube song can be inserted from a computer. If you put in more links, they are not displayed, even in the form of text. I will not comment on it because I do not see the point. I have one song by the German singer Vanessa Mai for you: https://youtu.be/KgfDpLW1mJcKubaGR571’s Video 169634336741 KgfDpLW1mJcKubaGR571’s Video 169634336741 KgfDpLW1mJc It has a very clear musical voice and is recommendable. For more of her songs, check YouTube if you want. I left a few likes with you. I cordially greet you and have a nice evening 🌹

Do you think Putin will get arrested for war crimes at this point?

SlimMan’s Profile PhotoBilly Walker
Oh just look at that brainwashed 🤡, could it be even more mainstream? Reason number 1 why I loathe this site. Don't know why I have not blocked you months ago, when you opened your row mouth and spoke utter vulgar nonsense about Russia and Ukraine business . But I think now is the time. YOU and people like you who have 0 intellect or sense make me sick, I throw up my hands in confusion, looking at what you people are doing. Eating sweet fresh dump from the media and willingly sharing it with others, disguising it as a "Good Deed".
Boy, what you see/hear in the MEDIA is not the ultimate truth ffs.
Try to use critical thinking instead of soaking up everything that this cruel and unfair world of the press and green notes is trying to give you.
January 2022 was the most brutal month in more than 5 years of air war waged by Saudi Arabia with US support in Yemen. Have you heard about it ?
Since March 2015, the coalition has carried out over 23,000 airstrikes in Yemen, killing or injuring over 20,000 civilians.
The Biden administration continues to sell weapons to aggressor countries. It increased direct support for the UAE.
So, on 26 March, the UAE again invaded Yemen. Do you hear the condemning mouthpieces of the media ? No ? Nobody cares about the children of Yemen dying of hunger for many years, the starving people of Yemen?
That's all there is to know about the media.
Go and arrest the whole of america circus for their endless war crimes (or did you now know about them? What about the most recent Afghanistan or have you already forgotten ? Or what they have done to Yugoslavia ? Or you just don't know / don't care due to their lack of education and the fact that it did not flood the Internet / media so much?)
YOU have no idea what the Russian army is doing in Ukraine and why. You have no idea what Ukrainians have been doing since at least 2014. So shut your stupid mouth and feel sorry for yourself, not the Russian people.

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What tips or tricks have you picked up from your job / jobs?

Pretty much everything! How to do administration, how to build websites, how to inject medication, how to problem solve.
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
OnlyFans: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
What tips or tricks have you picked up from your job  jobs

How do you determine which battles are worth fighting for?

It is often useful to look at the potential outcome. If I win the fight, what will I have? Some reward? Peace of mind? Justice? At what cost?
I once received a $5 fee for some parking permit at a uni after I left. I could have argued with the administration and proved I didn’t owe the fee. The time it might take on the phone during my workday could be long. I just wrote a check, mailed it, and was done with it.

Do you think Trump was a Boss And people hated him cus they were babies

Before Trump entered the political realm, people worshiped him due largely in part to the favorable image which was created by the mainstream media. When he became politically active, that narrative suddenly changed and he received mostly negative coverage on a daily basis. Harvard University, perhaps one of the most Liberal in the entire country, conducted research and found that he received over 90% negative coverage. It was far more than any other president in American history. Nearly everything he said or did was spun into something negative. Statements were taken out of context. Policy was misrepresented. Lies by omission became the norm. Four years of "Russia, Russia, Russia" (based on a discredited dossier) was presented as "evidence of Russian collusion." Even when he donated his entire presidential salary to charity, it was ignored by most media outlets and the few which bothered to report the story presented it in a negative light. I could cite numerous examples. Trump was far from perfect and he made some critical mistakes (due to a lack of political experience) but the irrational hatred which he received (and continues to receive) is the fault of a dishonest media which twists the truth and manipulates the masses with a never-ending cascade of propaganda. In undermining Trump and his administration, the media found a large source of revenue (ratings, clickbait, etc.) and the barrage continued. Sadly, many people fell for it - while I wouldn't consider them "babies," they weren't very astute and to be fair, the average American continues to be extremely naive when it comes to political matters. The polarization which exists today is based largely on that ignorance and as long as the media continues to lie and distort, the divide will only grow wider.

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لايق عليك انك محاسب او لو مكنتش محاسب يبقي مهندس

انا رفضت هندسه وقتها لإني بكرهه الرياضه وكنت هفشل + متسألنيش ازاي بقيت محاسب وبكره الرياضه علشان انا اقسم بالله ما اعرف انا تخصص business administration وكله عندنا بالحب💃😂😂😂😂

Let me just start off with this I don't do politics, but this is just hilarious and seems a little illegal. A certain man in power and the United States wants to give addicts crack pipes, clean needles, and other paraphernalia to fight ODs in the USA.

Correct. Biden is a demented imbecile and he wants to p!ss 30 million tax dollars on garbage. An absolute disgrace but it isn't illegal through Executive Order. Fortunately, any E.O. can be overturned by the next administration. Let's hope we can elect a rational person who won't be so preoccupied with pandering to the worst elements within the electorate.
Liked by: A-a-ron!

Agree or disagree: Putin never intended to invade Ukraine and will not do so now.

All things considered, it is impossible to gauge Putin's true intentions and the outcome of this situation. That said, Biden and his handlers insist on provoking hostilities and Putin may be forced to respond to NATO's recent provocations. The fact of the matter is that the Biden administration has failed on domestic issues and the demented imbecile needs a quick foreign "victory" for the sake of appearances. If this means war, death and destruction, the warmongering cretin could care less. And of course, Biden's Leftist "anti-war" supporters continue to remain silent. As I have stated in the past, the modern Left has embraced almost every platform which it once opposed and if these tensions continue to escalate, "Progressives" will be leading the cheers while beating the drums of war.

Had any harsh or embarrassing encounter with your teaching staff or administrative members at college??

dictator_1059’s Profile Photoexistential crisis
I don’t argue with my teachers because Allah ne maa baap ka darja diya huwa hai unko but When the administration purposely reduced my gpa from 3.94 to 3.84 to assist some sifarish, I was so heartbroken I tried finding positivity in that moment also but I failed. I didn’t have the heart to tell my family about this issue because that would have affected university’s repute and I was going through some personal issues as well at that time. That was a harsh time but then only my painting got selected to be displayed on world mental health day and it gave me some khushi.
Had any harsh  or embarrassing encounter with your teaching staff or

لا انا عايز أسألك سؤال بقا لو سمحت امتى احدد بعد دراسة ccna وmcsaوccnp ابدا احدد التخصص اللى ادخله ولا اى رايك وهل سنة كافية لكل ده وهل يشترط امتحان دولى ولا مش شرط كفاية شهادة من الكورس وهل مرتباتها حلوة سواء في مصر وخارج مصر معلش بالله عليكى استحملينى

ايوا سنه كافيه جداا انك تتقن الكورسات دى وبعدها ممكن تتخصص linux administration اوأشهر التخصصات في مجال الIT هما دول والشغل موجود هنا وبره ومرتباتهم كويسه جداا بس محتاجه بقا تشتغل كتير على نفسك وتكون حابب المجال داا هو هتتعب شويه لان انت هتعتمد على نفسك فى كل حاجه او ممكن تاخد كورسات خارجيه بقا دى الحجات اللى ممكن تتخصص فيها حاول تعمل سيرش عنهم وشوف انت ميولك ايه 😅
1-Compater Networks.
2-Help Desk & Technical support.
3-Data base Administrator.
4-InFormation Security.
6-Data Analyst.

بغض النظر قوليلى عن المجال وانتى تخصص اى فيه واى تخصصاته وهل لو اتعلمته ليا فرص مطلوب يعنى ولا اى خصوصا انى سنى كبير فهمينى بقا واحدة واحدة

هو اكتر مجال مطلوب حاليا بس محتاج تشتغل على نفسك كتير وتاخد كورساتIt مبنعتمدش على الجامعه فى حاجه والتخصصات فى شبكات واتصالات وفى network وsecurity دول مطلوبين بس الاحسن منهم linux administration ممكن تعمل سيرش عنهم كداا وتشوف انت حابب ايه وميولك ايه

Does the practice of honoring royalties still have a place in today's society or is it phasing out?

Generally, still have and still demand to practice of honoring those royalties' families especially when you're living in a democratic administration whereas practicing royal institutions as the highest representative of the country. Therefore, respect & honor are required.
Technically, the welfare, well-being, safety, health, justice, the prosperity of every society or netizen are on their shoulders and those mentioned above are their mandatory responsibilities. Poor management of handling those plus the election of the line of ministers who are undedicated, unskilled, and unresponsible in handling the affairs inside the country would lead to distrust and disrespect of the credibility of royal institutions. People aren't blind.. They remember and see everything. Perhaps they are already phasing out cause people have been wearied out of being treated like stepchildren inside their own country; just figuratively still doing it as the symbol of respect.

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Can you name at least 3 jobs that you think are one of the hardest jobs ever and why do you think so? 🤔

dumbshitttttt’s Profile PhotoCurious Butterfly
🌷 I can't just name three jobs, but I'll separate them according to the nature of the jobs.
Those who has to work far away from their family for days, months or even years.... like Seaman, Pilot, Flight Stewardess, Soldiers (army), Miners, etc. Because it's never easy to be away from the loved ones, missing out on special moments of their lives. They can't stop nor turn back time that they've lost living without their family.
All the jobs in public service.... like Doctors, Firefighters, Administration (at front desk), Waitresses, Shop attendant, etc. Because they can't choose who they give their service to. They interact with different types of people everyday. And if it happens that their least favourite person walks in, they'll still have to do their job and be of service to them.
Being a parent. You can't retire from it. It's a lifetime job and commitment. But the most rewarding💞

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What’s the most interesting thing about your current career path?

Was ist das Interessanteste an Ihrem aktuellen Karriereweg?
Mein Weg war etwas ungewöhnlich. Ich habe etwas Zeit gebraucht, um meine berufliche Erfüllung zu finden. Mein Weg führte mich über die Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Psychologie hin zur Medizin. Erst in der Medizin habe ich meine Erfüllung gefunden. Wie es dazu kam, habe ich an anderer Stelle ausführlich beschrieben.
Mein Leben durchlief mehrere tiefgreifende Phasen. Die Militärzeit nahm eine besondere Stellung ein, denn sie ließ mich zweifeln und hoffen. Zeigte mir irgendwie den Weg, weg von Destruktion und Verzweiflung, hin zu dem, was ich in der Lage bin, an Gutem zu bewegen. Hinzu kam die unbändige Lust, mehr zu lernen, vielschichtiger zu denken. Jetzt stehe ich da, wo ich hingehöre. Ich diene! Nicht einer zerstörerischen Idee, sondern dem, was mir wirklich wichtig ist. Dem Leben!
My path was a bit unusual. It took me some time to find my professional fulfilment. My path led me through business administration and psychology to medicine. It was only in medicine that I found my fulfilment. I have described in detail elsewhere how this came about.
My life went through several profound stations. The military period took a special position, because it made me doubt and hope. Kind of showed me the way, away from destruction and despair, towards what I am able to move in good. In addition, there was the unbridled desire to learn more, to think more complexly. Now I stand where I belong. I serve! Not a destructive idea, but what is really important to me. Life!

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Liked by: Garnele Tom

Imagine, a stranger is tasked with summarising the kind of person you're. But the info they've on you is a video footage going about your most recent week. Based on the tapes alone, what opinion would they form about you?

Monday to Friday looking like a homeless addict crybaby having exams
On weekend reading novels and watching cartoons and planning to kill administration

والمواد الالكتف الي ولا ليها اي لازمه وفلوس بتروح علي الارض وخلاص

والله حصل انا إستفدت اي لما درست it و Marketing و Puplic administration و Quality و Economic وغيره لي ها لي ويجي يقولك كل ماده ب ساعتين والساعه ب 1880 وارمي فلوسك علي الارض وماله ما ابنك هيكون دكتور في النهايه

How tech-savvy would you say that you are? Do you for example know what do to if a piece of tech is acting up in some way? 📱💻🧠

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I'm pretty tech savvy...I often help the IT people when they miss the obvious stuff. I’m terrible at this stuff. Tech support representatives recognize my voice very easily. I call on my son's extensive expertise and skills in this area.
I don't have any training in computers or tech. anything, but I'm usually quick to troubleshoot most computer/laptop problems. Much to the satisfaction of my parents and grandparents who are far from tech savvy. Savvy enough that my family members call me when they have a computer problem. Not savvy enough to not need to google the answer every time. I left the city and have been working in hydrogen fuel cells and now I am in industrial controls. I have a library that smells of rich mahogany.
You're just a straight shooter with upper management potential written all over you.
I work in tech support, so hopefully pretty tech savvy.
My sister and I get in to debates about how best to solve technical issues, so I'd say savvy enough.
Compared to my parents? Extremely. Compared to my friends? Probably average. I don't mean to brag, but I did manage to log on to Ask today. I'm studying for my A+ cert which is a basic IT certification to get a help desk job. I have no background in IT so it's been a struggle but I'm getting better at it.
I've not yet had much learning in computers, but I can use most basic programs. I do, however know how to build and program simple robots (I have only ever dealt with 2 inputs/5 outputs. I can also use this knowledge to make other electrical cuircuits. I have only ever used BASIC for these bots. I am working on building a gaming PC, which I will use to learn about computers further.
I'd say that I am very well versed in the ways of technology. I'm currently working towards a Bachelors degree in Computer Information systems, and could likely go out and test for several network and server administration certifications such as the CCNA. I've definitely enjoyed the low-level and embedded systems stuff the most (and it seems to be what I'm best at).
Java is my main language, but I've coded in Python and C, dabbled in web stuff, played around with some PHP and Ruby. I'm pretty savvy and if I cant figure it out I call my son.
Extremely low in tech savvy, though most seem to think I'm very pretty high in tech savvy but in reality I just notice patterns very well and remember how something was fixed the past time someone fixed the problem. Also very even tempered so the problem doesn't frustrate me easily and I can keep at it. Call my cousin's dad he always sorts it out 🤣

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Liked by: Tobbe E R V I L I N

بالنسبة للسؤال عن الاوميجا ... ف دوره إنه يظبط الكوليسترول في الدم ويخليك الدوا ميعليهوش

وفيه دراسة عن دورها في تقليل acne vulgurs
المتوسطة للشديدة اطلع/ي عليها.
بالنسبة لدورها مع النت لوك مكنتش اعرفه من قبل بس لما دورت لقيته عشان الاتي وهبقي اكمل بحث بتوسع فيه
Administration of oral omega-3 in acne patients who are receiving isotretinoin decreases the mucocutaneous side effects of isotretinoin..
we demonstrated that cheilitis and dryness of nose mucosa improved by administration of omega-3 in patients who were receiving isotretinoin
Liked by: mohamed مريم ..

Lucas, thank you for your kind words. Mostly I write to pass along knowledge that I have acquired over the years so that other people can learn from my mistakes and experiences. Sometimes my writing is quite serious, direct and to the point while other times it is simply silly and nonsensical.

You're a big-time writer now. You are a brilliant, brilliant writer.
They tell me you're a very skilled writer. You're a born writer. You're a born storyteller.
You're a big-shot writer. I think you have the unique, innate ability to bring out the strangeness in other people. Greatness is only skin-deep some people say. Well, that's not true.
But it's having a true talent, a gift born within, something no degree can give you. In every position he occupied, he stood out for his high level of professional ability and his gift for administration. You have one of the most natural talents in writings I've ever seen in my life. I have talent as a writer... but I'm a natural at only two things: modern languages and math.
I'm skilled at mathematics and decryption, but these equations are beyond anything I've ever seen.
I'm skilled at mathematics and decryption, but these equations are beyond anything I've ever seen. I am gifted at strategy games and can plan multiple moves out by assuming how one move will likely make my opponent play. The downfall of this is that my wife hates playing strategy games with me because I always win so quickly.
For example, I'm gifted at seeing things from multiple perspectives, but that makes it hard to decide which perspective is 'right' to me. I equally felt always different and misunderstood kinda, in kindergarden and early high school was often alone and suffered a lot from anxiety, now I get told often in my daily life that I'm really smart and knowledgeable, that I'm creative but that I think differently that im a bit weird... parents sent me to psychologyst early on because I was too closed inwards and insecure, never speaking, afraid of people and the world, everything was too much for me, hypersensitive and hyper lucidity about my surroundings and self all the time... The professional said im insecure and not particularly smart or anything, I took an IQ test when I was 15 and wasn't in the gifted range either... I was always last of my class each year and insanely stressed out evey day, kids would make fun of me for being so terrible, some teachers hated me. I was sweating of stress during tests even at 7, they made me repeat entire years because I was too far behind, would always zone out during classes and having no idea what the lesson was about or insanely focused to the point teachers told my parents I was too stressed out for my age.

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My university put my major currently on Moratorium, Clinical Lab Science due to the program closing after finishing more than110 credit hours out 124 in the program I have already declared this major and not allowed to complete their program. Please Help what I can do? Also, the school hold my trans

Unfortunately, you ask the wrong person. you should ask someone know more than me, and this is an academic issues, so you have to ask someone work in administration or you may have to write a speech to the big boss in your department.
I hope your problem solving soon 🙆🏻‍♀️
Liked by: Moh’d.S محمد KNZ

Are you happy with your career choice?

I studied Biology in my matriculation then computer science in my intermediate then did bachelors in business administration with major in finance then did MS in Management Sciences with major in marketing and now I'm into Game development and Publication and I Just hate myself for being that much inconsistent in my choices 😒

Buongiorno! Con la data di oggi non parliamo più di guerra ma torniamo sulle invenzioni e scoperte, 1960 invenzione della pillola contraccettiva

Ila_cre’s Profile PhotoIla♥️
Buonpomeriggio 🌸🌼 Si chiamava Margaret Higgins Sanger, ed è alla sua determinazione che le ragazze di tutto il mondo devono la diffusione della pillola anticoncezionale, cominciata negli Stati Uniti il 9 maggio 1960, quando la Food and Drug Administration (Fda) ne approvò la commercializzazione.

Buongiorno! Con la data di oggi non parliamo più di guerra ma torniamo sulle invenzioni e scoperte, 1960 invenzione della pillola contraccettiva

Ila_cre’s Profile PhotoIla♥️
Buon giorno.Si chiamava Margaret Higgins Sanger,ed è alla sua determinazione che le ragazzeditutto il mondo devono la diffusionedella pillola, cominciata negli Stati Uniti il 9 maggio1960,quando la Food and Drug Administration (Fda) ne approvò la commercializzazione.

Biden has first solo press conference Yes veri good

> incoherent
> lied several times
> dodged softball questions
> had to use notes / scripted answers
> claimed he served in the senate for 120 years
> blamed previous administration for his own mistakes
Did he forget to take his medications or did he take too many?
Liked by: Shrief Khamis

😒 What a waste of talent, why the heck are you studying business administration when you've got an amazing skill in art 🎨 ?! for God's sake hone that talent will ya 🤦‍♂️. TBH I still can't find the proper words to say, so here it goes: it's super duper amazing, a very good job indeed😊👏.

Phoenix_Flame_117’s Profile PhotoFlame of the Phoenix
A strong will and the true desire beat both ( education & talent )
Once u graduate from university..you’re just one person in a big world full of people just like u. we ain't special...In fact we’re likely more average than we’d like to admit.
What really sets u apart is ur desire to learn more..
*Degrees prove u’re “smart enough” to pass exams.
*Talent proves u have a natural strength.
*A strong will proves u have grit. And grit is important.
Plus I can self-develop my talent without any help So adding a new field to my list (B.A)is as if I killed two birds with one stone ☺️
I’m forever grateful to u ...thank u for everything 🌹🙏
+9 answers in: “Morning 💫💙 SpaCe 🖍️”

[Question that should not be asked here]* - Will be a financial / stock market crash in 2021 ? ... and why ?

Shabi Khoush
Yes. Markets are grossly overvalued. 10Y bond yield has made a big jump recently which is a bad omen for equity markets. Crypto is completely out of control and the USA has a socialist administration that is killing small businesses and blowing out the deficit.
Tread carefully. I would have no more than 50% of your portfolio power in any kind of investments right now, and 50% in cash.
It’s not IF, but WHEN the 15% to 20% pullback happens. If Bitcoin comes back to 20K then the S&P 500 could comeback 30%.

Say you were conscripted into the military at the age of 18 but you were allowed to choose which branch of the military (Like, the army, navy, air force etc.) you'd become a part of, which would you have chosen? What kind of role do you think would've fit you the most if any? 🎖

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Based on your question I have asked my husband now 👉 What are women doing in our army? 🤔 ..... Dont want to know his answer !!! 😂😂😂 ........Hmmm I would choose ground army - the sphere of logistics, administration or recruitment and human resources 😃 ........ nothing too risky 😅😜

welcome what are you doing I am rana zain rasheed from the university of agriculture Faisalabad i am actor model on hum tv i am international level actor model my international level rating is 4.5 other i am singer dancer script writer prankster

zrana4072’s Profile PhotoDr Rana Zain Rasheed
Nice to meet you rana zain 🙂, I am Warjin from Kurdistan-Iraq and I am a university student , business administration department
+9 answers in: “how are you dear”

I laugh so hard every time I come on your page and see you discussing politics as if you actually understood it 😂😂😂 Tone down, it hasn't been edgy to be political since 2016. You don't trick anyone into thinking you actually know what you are talking about.

tbh i'm wondering if this was mass sent, because i haven't discussed politics on askfm in days, if not over a week. lmaoo.
regardless -- idk why people think they're trying to be edgy when they're discussing politics. politics has always been important and relevant, especially after the last administration in the united states.
+2 answers Read more

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