
30 people

50 posts


Can we board the plane by binary and non-binary? Thoughts 💭 🤔 #woke

Im needing a little clarification here are you talking ones and zeros here or persona identification. Because either one of those can have their own discussion. And where's this plane heading? Cause that's going to dictate the direction of such discussion. How woke you trying to get? Like at a protest woke or arthouse great awakening woke?? Cause I'm down for either or

Elegem van most már ebből a mai, cancel culture világból. Nem tudom, hogy mi okból törölték a profilom, de az a "gyanúm", hogy a woke moderátorok már megint kipécéztek (szó szerint "PC-ztek", mármint a "politically correct" kifejezésre gondolok) maguknak.

argusstrong’s Profile Photoaaaaaaa
Sajnos mindannyian tudjuk, hogy kik állnak emögött!!! Háttérhatalmi globalista csoportok, és a dollárbaloldal liberális genderistái!!!

Roughly when do you eat your various meals throughout the day? 🕔🍔

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
When I feel hungry. 😆
I don't have regime because sometimes I sleep because I'm too tired. Yesterday I woke up at 1pm and had lunch, today I woke up way too early, around 9pm and had breakfast. Sometimes I don't eat breakfast and end up taking a nap.
My schedule is all sorts of messed up because of how tired I am. 😮‍💨

When you're stressed or anxious, do you struggle w/ sleeping or staying asleep? It's 5, and I woke up an hour ago and haven't been able to fall back asleep, despite only sleeping for 2h. My eyes are burning, and I feel terrible, but stress keeps me awake. I might as well get up and start the day.

It depends, I am not sure on what but sometimes I get really bad insomnia due to stress or I sleep way too much because of stress!
When youre stressed or anxious do you struggle w sleeping or staying asleep Its

> and same with me - Yup, that always puzzled me. Perhaps it was the Metal thing? 🤔 People still assume that I'm a "Satanist," deranged or a junkie. None of the above. The exact opposite... 🤣🤣🤣 💗

talionislexx’s Profile PhotoLex Talionis
They think I’m a Satanist witch too. Witch, sure but not Satanist. Especially not the new woke Satanic church. It’s good to keep them scared though. It’s how I survive when I’m alone in NYC. 🤣🤣🤣💗

I remember Alexander. I remember him saying that he had a dog, and he had a daughter whom he adopted from another country. I also remember him saying that he didn't want his daughter to learn 'woke' things in school.It's weird that I even remember such facts about a stranger given my terrible memory

Even I didn’t know his daughter was adopted. I think she’s around my age though. He’s been married 50 years. 😁

When you're stressed or anxious, do you struggle w/ sleeping or staying asleep? It's 5, and I woke up an hour ago and haven't been able to fall back asleep, despite only sleeping for 2h. My eyes are burning, and I feel terrible, but stress keeps me awake. I might as well get up and start the day.

I’m stressed/anxious all of the time maybe that’s why I sleep so much but I mean sometimes I do have trouble falling back asleep

When you're stressed or anxious, do you struggle w/ sleeping or staying asleep? It's 5, and I woke up an hour ago and haven't been able to fall back asleep, despite only sleeping for 2h. My eyes are burning, and I feel terrible, but stress keeps me awake. I might as well get up and start the day.

I’m sorry. That sounds awful. I struggle with insomnia so I definitely understand the torture of not being able to sleep. Sometimes it is caused by stress and anxiety. If you drink tea, I recommend chamomile, lavender, or ashwagandha. They all have calming and relaxing properties. I hope your day is okay. Try to get a nap if you’re able. Sleep is so important for your mind and body.
When youre stressed or anxious do you struggle w sleeping or staying asleep Its

Your strangest thoughts?

ibnadam5’s Profile PhotoAHAD
I was dreaming that I was in Shaukat Khanum and it was getting dark. I left the hospital building and mistakenly entered a ground that was poorly lit. A few steps ahead, I heard a demonic growl and saw a silhouette of what seemed like a huge lizard. I flashed my mobile torch at it, and indeed, it was a big ass alligator. I scared it off, but then at each step of the way, I encountered more and more alligators. Finally, a duck, which was somehow as tall as me, came to my aid and guided me through an endless field of alligators. I finally made it to the outside world. I thanked the duck, and then I woke up.

Яке взуття ви носите літом?

lenaaa0_0’s Profile PhotoLENA
В літньому взутті. То не цікаво. Краще я розповім про сон. Сниться мені рання весна, дерева ще голі, ледь бруньки з'являються. Але доволі тепло. Тепло настільки, що я як стародавній кельт ходжу топлес і босий, але в штанях. Штани шкіряні, рокінрольні, чорні. А я по всьому тілу маю блакитні візерунки. Чи було довге волосся, непамятаю. Але ходив і всіх лякав поведінкою рок- співака. А потім, я відчув що можу дуже високо пригати. А потім і літати. Тільки почав думати над тим, як це мені вдається літати, сон закінчився, і я прокинувся. О, я то ніби босий був, ніби у сандалях римського легіонера. Дивні дивності візуальні.
In summer shoes. That's not interesting. I'd rather talk about a dream. I dream of early spring, the trees are still bare, buds are barely appearing. But quite warm. It is so warm that I, like an ancient Celt, go topless and barefoot, but in pants. Leather pants, rock'n'roll, black. And I have blue patterns all over my body. I don't remember if I had long hair. But he went around and scared everyone with the behavior of a rock singer. And then, I felt that I could hypnotize very high. And then fly. I just started thinking about how I manage to fly, the dream ended and I woke up. Oh, it was as if I was barefoot, as if in the sandals of a roman legionnaire. Weird oddities are visual.

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I woke up with a big smile on my face today, feeling very loved by all of you. Wouldn’t change a thing about my journey so far, I know it will be so special the day my name is written among the stars. Thank you @ArrowMcLaren excited for the rest of the season 🧡
I woke up with a big smile on my face today feeling very loved by all of you

What is the best memory you have of a vacation trip? What made it special?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie Curiosity
Ooh, now that's a tough one! I'm fortunate to have traveled a fair amount during the thirty years I've been alive so far, and I have made some pretty fantastic memories during my trips...
The first that comes to mind though, was from my recent-ish trip to Japan. On the second-to-last night of our trip, my two friends and I decided to go and do karaoke. Bear in mind, by this point in the trip we were exhausted, having spent the past few days traveling from Tokyo to Kyoto and back again.
We planned to stay out until about 2 AM, maybe 3 AM at a push. We'd made plans to visit TeamLab Planets the next day so we wanted to get at least some sleep... Yeah, that didn't end up happening. The wine started flowing, the tunes started playing, and we just got so caught up in the fun of it all that we ended up staying out 'til just before six!
Did we regret it the next morning when our alarm woke us up at nine and we had to face the day ahead running on less than three hours of sleep? Mmm, yeah, maybe a little bit! 🤣 Despite the lack of sleep, it was still a fantastic night, full of so much laughter. But the moment that sticks out most in my memory is of the walk back to my friend's apartment...
It was so quiet, the sun was just starting to come up, and as I strolled down the streets of Tokyo with two of my oldest and closest friends by my side, I remember this feeling of immense gratitude washing over me. How lucky I was, to be spending time in such an exciting city, making memories with such amazing people. 💕

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Have you ever seen a chiropractor before

Yes ; when I was like 12 years old (somewhere around that age) I woke up screaming because my neck was so twisted and I couldn’t move it. Luckily during the exact time my dad was seeing one for his back and he called him up and rushed me in there so he realigned it for me. I HATED the sound.. sounds like your bones are popcorn. Ever since I hate cracking my body lol

I just woke up from a nap and everything feels so good again. a good nap can totally fix some of your issues. People need to nap more maybe if they did they will be happier 🌷

That is if they have the time to do so. But yes, napping always makes me feel better, even if it doesn’t completely make my anxiety go away and my intrusive thoughts are usually still present after waking up.

What was your experience like when you went to a night club for the first time?

Friends got me drunk enough to get on the dance floor... more drinks came around... more dancing with whomever would dance.... woke up three days later... everything else was a blur

Good morning ☀️ how are you?

Good morning. I slept a little early yesterday, woke up at midnight, and decided to drink some black tea so I’ve been awake for quite some time and am doing alright. How are you?

Apart from an allergic reaction, what's the worst reaction/side effect you've ever experienced from a medication?

Emmagine_This’s Profile PhotoEmmagine_This
Got put in the pill when I was in school to regulate my hormones and it was like something out of the exorcist, woke up at 3am spewing my guts and had a rash over my face and hands for a few days after. This happened every few weeks until I gave up and stopped taking it, the weird hormones were preferable to the side effects of the pill 😂

you know you're depressed when you wake up and wonder why did you even wake up for... and you go back to sleep for another few hours because you don't want to be awake.

No, I am simply extremely exhausted, to the extent that I need to catch up on missed hours of rest. I don't wonder why I woke up it's usually because I have to go pee or go do something important like work if it's not my day off.
Reducing depression often involves a combination of lifestyle changes, professional support, and self-care strategies. Here are some approaches that can help:
Regular Exercise: Engaging in regular physical activity, such as walking, jogging, yoga, or swimming, can help improve mood, reduce symptoms of depression, and increase energy levels. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week.
Healthy Lifestyle: Adopting a healthy lifestyle can have a positive impact on mood and overall well-being. This includes eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins, getting an adequate amount of sleep each night, and avoiding excessive alcohol and drug use.
Social Support: Maintaining strong social connections and seeking support from friends, family members, or support groups can provide emotional support, reduce feelings of isolation, and improve coping skills.
Stress Management: Learning and practicing stress management techniques, such as mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, or progressive muscle relaxation.

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You woke up and it was morning, and realised what?

ادركت ان لا حاجة لي بالحب و ان كل ما اريد هو الطمأنينة و لو وجدت الطمأنينة هيوجد الحب لكن مستحيل يوجد الحب بدون طمأنينة و امان

Asalam-o-Alikum.Hi How are you.Hope you are doing well.

Walaikum Assalam, I am good! I just woke up after 13 hours of sleep, I took some meds last night and could NOT wake up. I saw someone I wasn't expecting in my dream today, which is awkward. I am doing good, my head's a bit fuzzy because of all that sleep though.

If you woke up famous tomorrow, what would it be for?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie Curiosity
I wouldn't like to be too popular, because it's too responsible and I don't like people's attention. But since I have been singing almost since childhood, I would like to possibly sing in restaurants or small pubs.
If you woke up famous tomorrow what would it be for

Is spring kicking into high gear where you live? How's that making you feel? 🌻🌿

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Haha, paradoxly spring here was in March 🌷, it was 🌞 sunny, flowers in the forest and I loved it! 😍👌April was all cold and now just green trees shows, that the nature woke up. 🌳🌿 I hope that May will be warmer finally! 😅
Is spring kicking into high gear where you live Hows that making you feel

I saw this question on the internet. 😁 If you woke up in the last video game you played, would you be able to survive there for a week?

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
The last game I played was Sea of Thieves! 🏴‍☠️ Well, if the sailing was identical to what it is in game, I might do fine! Though if it was anything like real sailing I'd have no idea on what to do 😂 And I mean, battling cursed skeletons, rival pirate crews etc. is a recipe to not last a whole week, especially since I don't exactly have much experience with swords and flintlock weaponry lol
I saw this question on the internet  If you woke up in the last video game you

Tell me the most stupidest dream you've ever seen.

Most of my dreams are so vivid but also so weird and unnecessary. There was this one time I dreamed that there was this cuddly doggo beside me, I put my arms around it, and then I woke up realizing I was putting my arms into thin air lmao and then I dreamed again of a pup with me on some crazy hunted trip lmao. 😂🤧
Liked by: Cupid HUSNAIN

هل الي🔯ود هينقلبوا على شمامي أمريكا وأوروبا خاصة في الجامعات بعد دعمهم الكظية؟

هم انقلبوا عليهم من البداية بعدما خرجت مظاهرات في هارفرد وغيرها ضد الدمار الجسيم في غزة، لدرجة أنهم أطلقوا حملة للتشهير بهم على سيارات تحمل صورهم وعناوينهم.
أما اليوم فقد تكاتفت جهودهم ضد اليمين القومي الأميركي، وألفوا ضده شتيمة woke right، وكأن woke كان مصطلحا يتناول اليه9د بأي شكل من قبل!

How is your day going? 💖

princessxbunnii_’s Profile PhotoBb Bunni
not bad — i woke up early to take my roommate to work, went back to sleep, picked her up from work, and grabbed food with her. then i did some freelance work for a few hours for extra money, took a nap, played video games, and now i'm watching television.

If you have a pet, what's the funniest thing you've seen them do? If you don't have a pet, have you seen any other animals do something funny?😹

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Since no one cared about my dream, I'm going to tell it here.
So I had this dream where I was on a huge cruise ship and I made me some tea. And I couldn't touch the big glass because it hurt (yup, I drink tea from a 0.5l glass). Once, twice, the third time- I woke up to my rabbit biting my finger. 😁 Apparently, she kept bit me for some pets.
Liked by: Me - Larry Tobbe

مقطع كتابة من غنية بتحبوها ✨✨

yasmen__ali__’s Profile PhotoY░A░S░M░E░N░
Escaping nights without you with shadows on the wall
My mind is running wild trying hard not to fall
You tell me that you love me but say I'm just a friend
My heart is broken up into pieces
'Cause I know I'll never free my soul
It's trapped in between true love and being alone
When my eyes are closed the greatest story told
I woke and my dreams are shattered here on the floor

How has your Saturday been? Mine has been really pleasant. It's been really warm, the temp stayed in the 70s so I had dinner outside on the patio for the first time this spring, then enjoyed the golden hour with a glass of wine. Life is so truly beautiful when it's warm outside 🌞🌷💐✨

Very beautiful 💚🏻🤩
My Saturday was quiet, we spend some time in the garden enjoying the sunshine and then we had a nap to recover some lost nights around lunchtime. We woke up around 4pm and it was so warm and nice, we went grocery shopping and then cooked dinner and enjoyed The Gentleman series on Netflix 🤍
My toddler had an early night 😊

What are your plans tonight?

Stax89221’s Profile PhotoSin.low
relaxing. i went to a doctor appointment this morning and then ran some errands, and after i got home, i took a small nap. when i woke up, I cleaned and vacuumed and washed the dishes.
now i'm in bed again while listening to music, basically waiting until 5:45pm so i can feed the cats. it's been a quiet, but productive day.

At what age did you discover dolls kill and what about it makes it makes you want to continue shopping from there?

The company is only about a decade old. I used to shop very cheap cr@p online like Forever 21 but somehow switched to DK and Killstar. Killstar used to be my main but I didn’t like how they withdrew their clothing from DK because of “woke” stuff and then all the cr@p started to look the same. Always loved DK and their founder was always very interesting to me. I started to love them more since last summer when they started their daily auctions on Whatnot. The founder does shows and other interesting women. The shoppers formed a Discord. Everyone in the community are just a bunch of cool girls and a few guys. I have several different sides to my style and always have. Unlike Killstar being mostly goth, DK covers every aspect. Metal, goth, girly, rave, boho, fairy, etc.

Language: English