
2 people

27 posts


Nice to see that you're still using Ask in 2024 🌝

saadniazi61’s Profile PhotoSAAD NIAZI.
My profile can only relate to your profile here..
We downloaded this app in our late teens and still use it in our mid 20s..
We are being consistent, evolving with new updates... but maintaining the old vibes...
Still sending staifs...
We are not bots... we do exist in real...
High five 🙋‍♀️ old buddy! Let's see how far we will keep entertaining the lucky people of ask...
Nice to see that youre still using Ask in 2024

Or Sunaoo hal chal mood mijaaz khyalat kesy hai ?

aminajamil149’s Profile PhotoAmina Jamil
Despite being an adult, homesickness is making me weep like a child.
I am slowly evolving into a panda who isn't allowed to hibernate, so it wanders around the university campus and survives on Chai.
There's a road outline my room, like there's no sense of peace and quiet in this place, that's pretty much frustrating grouped with my homesickness.
I miss the sound of Azaan from my hometown, just listened to Azaan, and its uncompleteness left like a vague emptiness in the air. But it's better than being deprived of the sound of Azaan, so Alhamdulillah, at least the name of God is audible here.
That's all.

Shout-out: Have you ever felt like reinventing yourself?

J_A1996’s Profile PhotoJordan
Part of why I switched to private school for 9th grade. Besides for anxiety, I didn’t feel comfortable evolving with people that knew of me for so long. My last two days of public school I finally showed my personal style. Got the boy’s attention that I’m sure never noticed me before. Then these people never saw me again. 💁🏻‍♀️
Liked by: Merve

What's your opinion on marriage?

Its beautiful. But I think many of us are out there making promises that we cannot keep. A whole different conversation is to what extent mahogany works, it’s fair to say it works for some and not for others. That’s a whole other can of worms 😅😂
I think many people get divorced not because there’s a lack of love, I mean sometimes that’s true. Sometimes it’s true that people don’t give each other enough love and don’t act as a team and there are problems with that. I think for a lot of people it’s a lack of desire that leads and creates those weird moments in relationships where sometimes people cheat or maybe it’s not going as far as cheating but they realise they’re having all of these thoughts that they’re not proud of. Maybe they just have to leave because they think that there’s something wrong with them ‘cause they’re bored.
Someone at work was basically saying all his kids have left for uni and it’s just him and his wife so how do they keep it fresh. There’s a great quote by Proust when he says I think it’s the journey of discovery lies not in seeking new landscapes but in seeing with new eyes. Interesting when it’s applied to relationships because you better get good at seeing with new eyes. The landscape can change ‘cause that person their job is to make themselves less predicable - you don’t do that by playing hard to get but what you do is you grow, you develop new skills, learn new things, you develop yourself in ways that keep your partner guessing about you ‘cause they’re like wow I have to keep up ‘cause they keep evolving. That in itself you can start to desire your partner more ‘cause you feel like you know them a little less. Not ‘cause
they’re hiding things from you but ‘cause they’re developing. When someone develops and grows you’re like wow I don’t know this side of you and it sparks attraction again. There’s that whole thing but I said to this guy, everyone’s gonna tell you that now your kids have gone you have all this time to spend together but I said the problem is you’re gonna have nothing to talk about. You’ve said it all, you’ve been together this whole time, I said I think you should use this time to spend some time apart like she go on holiday and you go on holiday and then come back and tell each other about it. Like have some space so that when you come back together there’s a little mystery to it. It will be scary, this is why people get very emotional about this and they get very upset ‘cause they’re like what do you mean get to know my partner less, what do you mean spend time apart we’re supposed to be like THIS 😂 but what they don’t realise is you never know your partner as well as you think you do so the idea that you’re like this and you know everything about them is a complete illusion and secondly, you doing that is death to the relationship so if you really care and if you really are a team, you’ll be able to trust each other but you’ll be able to give each other space to create that desire again.

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After rishta rejection can we be friends?just want to know your opinion. (if he is your relative too)

Yeah, you can. Marriage is a big deal and everybody has the right to choose; people shouldn't make a mountain out of a molehill. This is how one gets married; you meet and converse with your suitors and decide against marrying them until you find the right one. I mean this is how things work in desi households. How else could you get it done? I believe people are evolving and don't let the process faze them now. I've been rejected and it didn't make me mad; shouldn't affect you either. Long story short, any sane person wouldn't let such a petty thing mar their relationships.

Is it right for your own family member to not want to meet your partner and not want to be involved with your life too?

Rebekahmillard1’s Profile PhotoRebekah-millard
Is this hypothetical ?
Or are you in such a situation ?
My answer is:
'NO, it is not right.
It is very wrong, it is as wrong as anything can be. It is utterly vile.
If it's just one family member, you can value the others , and let the offender go.
But it robs you of so much - not least the freedom to have clear vision of how your relationship is evolving . . .
BE STRONG in your resolve . . . '
Is it right for your own family member to not want to meet your partner and not

It is usually the person who makes the assertion that provides the evidence to support the same. Let me help with some focused questions: 1) Who is Máire Ní Einstein, and what makes her "famous"? 2) Infamous yes, but what were Rand's philosopher creds, other than as proponent of a strange humanism?

fyi " none of these is a famous philosopher" is an assertion,
let me in turn help you with some focused answers while not in anyway attempting to highlight your basic errors,
1) Máire is Ask's resident philosopher, much loved by her world wide fan base, hers is a fledgling career and while not currently on a par with Arendt or Rand is certainly evolving in that direction as regards Rand her objectivism is contrary to your " strange humanism" assertion widely regarded as a philosophical system, famous or infamous doesn't diminish her status as a philosopher, personally I'm not a proponent of that particular philosophy.

Is it important for us to be aware of current world affairs? Why or why not?

I think it is important. As we all are progressing into this ever evolving world, and this digital age everyone is trying to influence everyone. Sometimes our opinions are not ours, they're just passed on from one person to another. So, to form your own opinion, at least try to, one should keep information regarding what is happening in the world. It may not affect our immediate lives but understand this, we , the people, make up this world. If we are informed, we are less likely to be tricked into our own demise. If we are less informed or ignorant for that fact, we would not know until it's late.
Also, information brings confidence with itself. So enjoy the free confidence as you sip through your tea/coffee and read newspaper in the morning! 🍀

Siapa orang yang berhasil membuat kamu bangkit dari keterpurukan?

No one else but myself. It was thanks to my evolving mindset that i was able to control the silly feelings i had. Tentunya gua makasih juga sama Tuhan yang masih ngeberi kesempatan untuk memperbaiki semuanya 🥹

https://ask.fm/Heydar90/answers/170311760741 سيف إذا أمكن لك تعطيني بديل لكل كتاب في هذه السلسلة اقدر أجده على النت؟ شكرا على وقتك.

مختصر تاريخ الأديان ـــ ربما الأفضل تفهم بداية ظهور فكرة الله والأديان من ناحية تطوّرية قبل أن تتفرع بتاريخ الأديان (هذا وحده قد يكلّفك سنين من العمر)، جرّب تقرأ كتاب Evolving Brains, Emerging God
مختصر تاريخ الفلسفة ـــ كتاب متعة الفلسفة لهكتور هوتون (يناقش مفاهيم فلسفية رئيسية في الفلسفة ويتتبع السياق الزمني لتطوّر الأفكار من الكلاسيكية إلى الحديثة)
مختصر تاريخ اللغة ــ هذا مجال معقد وغير واضح بعد. فيه كتاب لـ M. Ruhlen يتناول دراسات حديثة عن تاريخ اللغة، وكتاب ستيڤن پنكر Language Instinct، بالأخص الفصول الثلاثة الأخيرة من كتابه الكبير هذا.
مختصر تاريخ الأدب ــ لست مولعًا بتاريخ الأدب ولا أعرف كتابًا يجمع كل الأعمال الأدبية العالمية.
مختصر تاريخ العلم: Science: A Four Thousand Year History وهنالك كتب كثيرة تختصر أهم الطفرات العلمية التقنية.. اختر ما تراه يناسبك في النت. شخصيًا لم أطالع كتب من هذا النوع سوى في مجال الطب والجراحة.
مختصر تاريخ العالم ــ تاريخ العالم البشري منذ التدوين أم تاريخ الكون والحياة؟
مختصر تاريخ الأركيولوجيا ــ لا أعرف كتابًا يختصر تاريخ ودراسات هذا المجال..

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Mf klo blh tau,tgl lhirnya kpn? Atau zodiaknya apa(karakter bkn ramalan mbak)? Kok bisa wise bgt. Mksh nm sy ganjar 🙏

Saya percaya karakter dibentuk oleh keadaan dan bagaimana kita sebagai individu yang dianugerahi pikiran dan hati oleh Tuhan bisa menggunakannya dengan semaksimal mungkin dalam menyikapi tiap-tiap keadaan itu, dari sanalah karakter kita tumbuh...
bukan dari tanggal lahir atau pun zodiak Mas ganjar...
your persona is how your mind and heart is, so you gotta train it. Keep evolving yaa! terimakasih by the way 😊

How have emoticons/emojis changed human communication, for better or worse?

I think the message that we want to deliver is the most matter, emotions or emojis just adding the message to be more meaningful to be read and understood, to avoid any negative or wrong interpretation plus it helps to enhance the attractiveness of the message itself. Sweet emojis and emoticons are kinda being our easy medium to show our tone and to express our certain circumstances' excitements or any emotions. 💫
Personally, I felt this evolving online communication enables us to be better communicators. In my case, honestly, I used a lot of emojis when I texted someone. Easy to let me express how excited, grateful, happy, or anything that I feel at the moment. Found that it helps me to express and deliver my message well. Hehehe🤓.
Everything got its pros and cons. The worse I can say or state ( from my observation of course) might be the improper emotions or emojis that we used in our conversation. That could make receivers misinterpret the message or context we try to deliver. So yeah, choose the correct one 😂.

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Какая музыка гармонирует с твоим внутренним миром?

Dendenus’s Profile Photodenial4ik
What kind of music is in harmony with your inner world?
(Personal VIP + about 10 hours ago)
Ever changing , revolving , evolving , returning . . . .
Right now , I'm turned to:
(superb, divine . . .)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7d7oilIxdIigotamatch’s Video 168772589434 W7d7oilIxdIigotamatch’s Video 168772589434 W7d7oilIxdI

What’s ur favorite thought 💭

sathik_05’s Profile PhotoSathik
Primarily about myself and sometimes about the global concern. For instance, the evolving technologies and systems which kinda making me feel tiny cause I need to catch up with the updates and yes, humanity. I don't know, just somehow I felt like we are slowly lacking the sense of having humanity. The world is slowly losing its control.

What do you think are the 5 most beautiful things in the world?Why?

RayVen94’s Profile PhotoRay
🌄 sunrises: because they signify a new day and new beginnings/chances to do better, to *be* better.
💛 sincerity: sincerity makes all the difference in our intentions and the actions that follow after.
🌼 children: children are beautiful. their perspectives, their curiosity, the way they make sense of the world, their imaginations, the way they show their love and genuine affection for those they care about (I can just go on and on about how beautiful and magical children are, so I shall stop before I run out of space in this answer).
🎀 friendship: oh, friendship. it's a beautiful bond that can happen at the most unexpected of times with the most unexpected of people — but out of all the human connections that can exist on this plane of existence, I find friendships to be the most beautiful of them all.
read also: https://ask.fm/nurbzee/answers/165568291271
🌊 the sea: there is so much beauty and magnificence that the ocean has. it holds so much undiscovered mysteries within its depth. the power, the calmness, the warmth, the cold. the ever evolving life forms. there is just so much to be said about the beauty of the sea, one answer alone wouldn't be enough.

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What do you think are the 5 most beautiful things in the worldWhy

My Programming and OOP projects

mostafasaad87’s Profile PhotoMostafa Saad Ibrahim
Mini-Project - Hospital
- Explained in https://youtu.be/Lu3z4rfU-2s?list=PLPt2dINI2MIbwnEoeHZnUHeUHjTd8x4F3&t=330mostafasaad87’s Video 162888730850 Lu3z4rfU-2smostafasaad87’s Video 162888730850 Lu3z4rfU-2s
- Code: Search here for word hospital https://github.com/mostafa-saad/ArabicCompetitiveProgramming/tree/master/18-Programming-4kids
- There are 3 versions (evolving). Checkout last one: 16_16_hospital_v3_miniproject.cpp
Mini-Project - library
- Explained in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzuhhAuW5FYmostafasaad87’s Video 162888730850 zzuhhAuW5FYmostafasaad87’s Video 162888730850 zzuhhAuW5FY
- Code: Search here for word library https://github.com/mostafa-saad/ArabicCompetitiveProgramming/tree/master/18-Programming-4kids
- There are 2 versions: Checkout last one: 16_17_library_v2_miniproject.cpp
Programming 1 Project: AskMe
- 2 videos explantation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNu6L_pidUo&list=PLPt2dINI2MIbwnEoeHZnUHeUHjTd8x4F3&index=39mostafasaad87’s Video 162888730850 xNu6L_pidUomostafasaad87’s Video 162888730850 xNu6L_pidUo
- Code: Search here for word hospital https://github.com/mostafa-saad/ArabicCompetitiveProgramming/tree/master/18-Programming-4kids
- File: 18_project_1_askme.cpp
- Video solutions here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPt2dINI2MIZYL0BoHZ4PhZaDLPA5vWLb
Programming 2 Project: Educational Management System
- Project 3 videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsEGVVu7_lE&list=PLPt2dINI2MIZPFq6HyUB1Uhxdh1UDnZMS&index=38mostafasaad87’s Video 162888730850 hsEGVVu7_lEmostafasaad87’s Video 162888730850 hsEGVVu7_lE
- Code: https://github.com/mostafa-saad/ArabicCompetitiveProgramming/blob/master/15%20C%2B%2B%20Programming%204%20Competitions/37%20EduMgmtProjBasic.zip
OOP Project 1: OOping AskMe Project
- Code: Search here for AskMe https://github.com/mostafa-saad/ArabicCompetitiveProgramming/tree/master/19-object-oriented-programming
- Concepts to apply: All OOP except inheritance and Polymorphism
OOP Project 2: Online Book Reader
- Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rk8vrmSpFII&list=PLPt2dINI2MIbMba7tpx3qvmgOsDlpITwG&index=15mostafasaad87’s Video 162888730850 Rk8vrmSpFIImostafasaad87’s Video 162888730850 Rk8vrmSpFII
- Code: Search here for BookReader https://github.com/mostafa-saad/ArabicCompetitiveProgramming/tree/master/19-object-oriented-programming
- Concepts to apply: All OOP except inheritance and Polymorphism
OOP Project 3: Expedia.com
- https://ask.fm/mostafasaad87/answers/162797646562
- No video explantation. Soon in 3 weeks
- Concepts to apply: All OOP

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mostafasaad87’s Video 162888730850 Lu3z4rfU-2smostafasaad87’s Video 162888730850 Lu3z4rfU-2s +17 answers in: “Links for some common questions”

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