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50 posts


How many tattoos do you have

kurlyfriez’s Profile PhotoKurlyFriez
Only two. I never imagined I’d ever get one. I never desired one. When I lost my first pregnancy, I was devastated. It had taken me 5 years to conceive. I felt it in my soul before there was physical evidence that the baby had died. I went to the ER and they confirmed my fears. I couldn’t live with the idea that no one would know my child. I picked a place on my arm where everyone could see, to commemorate our loss and tell the story of my baby. My second one is hardly visible, but it was just as sentimental. That one is hidden and private.
How many tattoos do you have

Los actores se besan 4 temporadas seguidas y no se enamoran, a mí m sonríes en el Carrefour y no te olvido más 😅😂..ahora en serio en una cafetería a la que suelo ir todas las tardes la que me pone el café me da conversación y está chica ya no sale de mi cabeza..es normal? o soy un blandengue?

Del_76’s Profile PhotoHolaKeTal
Yo haria un pensamiento y desistimiento de *pensar y querer* estar con alguien o tener algo con alguien, e intentaria "querer y pensar NO TENER esas ganas, para saber si es una necesidad, es decir tu quieres tener una relacion, por eso piensas en eso, o no sale de tu cabeza la chica, porque estas buscando tus gustos en ella, si no quisieras y no buscaras tus gustos en una persona, te daria igual, aunque tengas bajones de vez en cuando cuando pienses en que te gustaria tener a alguien, pero esto lo hace mas real, porque cuando llegue alguien a tu vida que puede compartir ciertas cosas contigo y veis que sois compatibles, saldra, o no. Pero la idea sino es intentarlo, almenos la general, yo prefiero no querer estar con nadie es bastante mas control sobre tu vida, y te permite ser mas real.
Los actores se besan 4 temporadas seguidas y no se enamoran a mí m sonríes en el

Hay personas que solo salen y respetan a los populares y ellos-as tambien son populares si no eres popular pasan de ti y hasta pueden hacer bully me refiero a esas personas que piensas de ellas?

Sé a qué te refieres; es la tendencia; la gente suele alabar, idolątrar a las personas populares, adineradas y/o así e ignora a la gente "humilde" creo que una de las causas es sólo para sentirse ellos importantes o qué sé yo, puro pendejįsmo; a las personąs no se les dą buen trato por la posición social/económica, rąza, çolor de piel, peso corporal, apariencia física pues o, popularidad; sino por la gran personalidad que posean. Saludos, seguro eres la misma persona anónima que me envía "a lo personal" este tipo de excelentes cuestiones. Salud y vida, para ti y toda tu gente.

Que piensas de las personas hombres y mujeres que hacen bully a otros y otras??

Aunque creo que son unos PENDĘJOS NĄRCISISTAS, MĄLVADOS; con una pésimą vida y así; también las "víctimas" de estos deberían mejorar la autoestima y no estar sintiéndose mąl por lo que digan esos rependęjos descerebrądos ignorąntes.
Saludos, anónimo que me envía excelentes cuestiones "personales". 👍🏼

I don't want to sound rude but your shirt looks dirty. Please stop wearing cheap clothes, they start to look very dirty, even if they're clean. Cotton or linen would never look that messy even after years.

Pretty sure that shirt is cotton. It’s also clean.
Really no need to make comments really just says more about you than it does anything else.
A little dog hair is not gonna make me cry because I’m not a superficial brat .

Whats your red flag?

Abbasi82’s Profile PhotoAA
My red flag or what I see as a red flag? If I were to look at myself and see a red flag, then I would say that I have a really egoistic and dominating personality, I don't easily get along with many people, I may even seem rude to people at first interaction.
As for what I see as a red flag. I find it a red flag when people aren't being honest with me. I feel that lack of honesty is like a lack of trust, and when you don't trust me, then what are you calling me a friend for?

When was the last time you got chased by dog(s)? How did it go in the end?

SundayMondayOfficial’s Profile PhotoUNKNOWN PERSON
I actually have a funny story about this. My friends and I were having our morning tea after a very hectic duty when out of nowhere, these three wild, rabid dogs came running out of nowhere, straight towards where we were seated.
In a panicked state, we did all we could manage to do without attracting any unnecessary attention because the place was d3ad serious in itself, no pun intended.
This included climbing on the chair, keeping our legs on the table (I know, bad manners), but thankfully, those dogs ran away because a security guard saw our helplessness and shooed them away. Scary situation it was indeed. But now it makes me laugh at all our futile attempts. 😵‍💫🥴

Naturyzm - co uważasz, praktykujesz, myślisz o tym czy raczej pozostaje w sferze teoretycznej?

RudaRozpruwaczka’s Profile PhotoKarina
Naturism - what do you think about it, practice it, or does it rather remain in the theoretical sphere?
Naturism reminds me of naturist beaches by the sea in Poland, and perhaps of the lifestyle of people who consider themselves naturists. Naturists sunbathe naked on beaches – that's their business. I'm not interested in that kind of lifestyle.
Naturyzm kojarzy mi się z plażami naturystów nad morzem w Polsce, być może jeszcze ze stylem życia ludzi uważających się za naturystów. Mnie nie interesuje taki sposób bycia

Coletiva: Tem se sentido solitária(o) ultimamente? Ou tem alguém que nunca te deixa sozinha(o)?

Não nunca me sinto sozinha porque eu sei sempre com quem posso sempre contar e quem está sempre lá para mim ,os verdadeiros se contam pelos dedos .....
E às vezes também faz bem sair e exparecer sozinho todos nós temos momentos assim e não é por isso que nos sentimos solitários ...

Zažíváš občas FOMO (strach ze zmeškání nebo strach, že o něco přijdeme, je druh úzkosti způsobený pocitem, že člověku něco utíká) např. že jsi ještě single, bezdětný, bez svatby, nemá dostatečně dobrou práci, nemá ještě tolik našetřeno apod.nebo není na určité akci, události)?

To vůbec 😁 co má přijít mě nemine:). Kdybych přistupovala k životu: co by kdyby.. nic bych si neužila, nic bych si z ničeho nevzala. Co přichází, to beru, co se neděje, to se dít nemá:).
Liked by: #Bunney Smile Denisa

Když jste se učili na zkoušku ať už na střední či vysoké, jak dlouho jste se vydrželi učit za den hodin a kolik dní celkově?

Si asi nevzpomenu, na učňáku jsem do závěrečných zkoušek šla s tím, že neprojdu přes Němčinu a taky že bych neprošla, kdyby mě učitelka nepodržela a nevytáhla, mohla mě potopit, celý roky jsem ji jasně dávala najevo že Němčinu nesnáším a nemíním ji věnovat ani píď času a ona to neudělala..
Jak dlouho...
Asi 14 dnů průběžně, 2-3 hodiny ale to už je let :))
Liked by: Smile Denisa #Bunney

What's something you've done/achieved this year that you're proud of? ✨️

hellojonesymo’s Profile PhotoJo
I got rid of my laziness, I explored so many new dishes, I got rid of people that weren't good for me, I navigated calmly through a bruised friendship, I worked on myself, I did a play and I rocked it with very shaky hands, and I got emotionally more mature.

Being an honest media person in this country is like playing with fire trust me. That too when you're practicing in Capital. Har wakt uthanay ka dar.

I can only imagine how difficult it must be to navigate the media landscape in such a high-pressure environment and it takes real courage and integrity to stand up for what you believe in and report the truth, especially when there are so many obstacles and dangers involved. So, if no one has told you this today yet, please know that your work is incredibly valuable and appreciated - even if it comes with its fair share of challenges along the way. 🌻

Do you hate talkative people ?

I love them with all of my heart. I love listening to people just yap to me about everything and anything. Like, yes, cutest earthling, get excited and tell me how you got distracted by the fragrance of a fresh croissant on your way to work. I am always the one talking, so, my heart beams whenever I don't have to talk and still be allowed in their presence, like I am actually wanted.

Di algo que me puedas hacer en la cama con la inicial de tu nombre

Del_76’s Profile PhotoHolaKeTal
Cantar canciones de cuna, contar cuentos, contemplar y comparar cicatrices, conversar sobre caimanes y capibaras, carcajearnos de caídas, celebrar cosas y contar chistes.
Liked by: Kela Ash HolaKeTal

Syd doesn’t want drama . Thats why she messaged the exposing page. Unlike you. She doesn’t want it all over her page.

Imagine claiming u don't want drama then messaging an exposing page behind closed doors and stirring drama 🤡 yall are CLOWNS FOREVER excusing sydneys shit ass behaviour. She so honest and truthful yet she has everyone else doing her dirty work and trying to gossip behind everyone's backs lmfao let's not forget she hid behind two exposing pages for years and mad talked and harassed kasey. Sydney is a coward. Plain and simple and she's still using e as her scapegoat with this "I pulled away and steg kept talking about kasey" bla bla yet here we are over a year later and she's still yapping her gob off about who? Oh kasey. But it was me that always brought her up 🤡🤡🤡🤡 CLOWN.

What risks are worth taking in your opinion? 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
To put yourself out there in order to meet new people! Spent my first day at a convention yesterday! I'll be volunteering for the rest of the week, sleeping on an air mattress. Most people would go there for one day but I'll spend much more time than the average person, despite me never going there before Haha But I hope this will be a good opportunity to get to know more people with similar, nerdy interests as myself 🤓
What risks are worth taking in your opinion

Jaká je tvá nejoblíbenější vzpomínka na oslavu narozenin?

zuzkastefkova17’s Profile PhotoZuzka
Jeee já tohle vůbec neslavim a naopak se právě ještě divím, že někdo to tak prožívá:). Jako můj bratr třeba, nebo kdokoli jinej 😂😂.. nechápu to😂. To jako proč bych měla slavit, že jsem zase o krok blíž k smrti? :)) Nikdo nemládne, a pro mě jsou narozeniny den jako každej jinej, vůbec je neprožívám. :)))

If you could have a mythical creature as your bodyguard, what would you pick? Why? 🧛🦹🧝

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
Hmmm, first instinct is to choose a dragon! But I don't know how useful it'd be as a body guard, considering it's size 😬 Like, I'd be without protection when entering buildings! And honestly, a dragon might be a little overkill, don't need the power to burn down whole city blocks! Or do I? 😈 Hehehe
I think I'd more realistically choose someone taller and more intimidating than me. But one who'd probably be fun to hang out with! So I'd probably choose a goliath like Grog from Legend of Vox Machima! A 240 cm / 8 foot tall, blue skinned being with heaps of muscles is sure to make someone think twice about attacking me 😌
If you could have a mythical creature as your bodyguard what would you pick Why

Favourite thing you like to cook?

chocochipcookie984’s Profile Photo◦•●◉✿Becky✿◉●•◦
I really like Japanese food and ever since my parents got me a rice cooker for Christmas, I have been making a lot more of it. I typically make sushi rolls but lately I've been going through something of an onigiri obsession. They've all but replaced sandwiches as my go-to quick and easy lunch option. 🤤
(image source: grapeejapan.com)
Favourite thing you like to cook

Do you prefer to ask questions or answer them? 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
When it comes to AskFM I have an easier time answering questions than I do thinking up interesting questions to ask, which is kind of ironic given that the opposite is true in my offline life. I am always questioning things. I might not ask those questions out loud but I'm always looking at the world around me and pondering the "hows" and "whys".
I'm a naturally curious person.
... Lord knows what happens to that "natural curiosity" when it comes to AskFM though, because whenever I go to send out a question, my brain just screeches to a halt and starts making dial-up internet sounds. 🤣
Every once in a while inspiration will strike and I'll feel compelled to ask the good folks of Ask for their thoughts and opinions on a topic. But otherwise, I normally just stick to answering stuff.
(I would like to change that though! I really wanna start asking more questions...)

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thoughts on people doin sucide?

It is a very complex and deeply sensitive issue that affects so many people in different ways. While it is important to acknowledge the pain and suffering that can lead someone to contemplate ending their life, it is equally crucial to provide resources and support for those who are struggling with mental health issues or other challenges. It breaks my heart to think of anyone feeling so hopeless or alone that they would consider taking such drastic action, It makes me upset why— do people never talk about the part of depression when you just don’t want anything anymore¿ Everybody talks about when it hurts like hell; when you cry, when you cut; when you take drugs when you break down. But no one ever talks about when you just lay down in your room with a hole inside of you that you don’t know how to fill and you don’t want to do anything even the things you usually like. So you just spend your day kinda waiting for it to end. And it's horrible cause you feel empty and guilty for that at the same time. Anyways, I hope you are kay and safe, incase needed an ear to listen - Iam here for you. 🌻

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MICHELA60358’s Profile PhotoMICHELA
Mamma mia ma davvero, a volte penso di essere fuori dal mondo però giuro che io da metà maggio a metà settembre ogni giorno soffro, vado in depressione, non riesco a fare NULLA perché il solo pensiero di alzarmi dal letto mi dà immensamente fastidio. Puntualmente non posso permettermelo però, per lavoro e impegni. Comunque dai 20 gradi in su per me è un’agonia, pensare che manca ancora un mese pieno mi fa esaurire ancora di più

Ojalá luego puedas contar cómo te va con tu bebé 🥹 aunque sea en privado, para que nadie más se entere

Holi, lamento no haberme conectado hace mucho.
Los últimos meses fueron algo difíciles para mí y mi bebé.
Se nos complicaron las cosas en el parto y estuve un poco grave hospitalizada dos días y mi bebé nació también muy grave, estuvo en cuidados intensivos cerca de 20 días y el resto es cuidados intermedios, yo me quedé en el hospital con él hasta entonces porque tenía que darle de comer por sonda cada 3 horas, hasta apenas ayer me lo dieron de alta y por fin estamos en casita con nuestra familia 💞.
Mi bebé sigue siendo un bebé delicado, pero gracias a Dios ya se encuentra estable 🤱🏻💛.
Ojalá luego puedas contar cómo te va con tu bebé  aunque sea en privado para que

¿Cuál es vuestra frase más repetitiva? Os leo 💖

almarota25’s Profile PhotoAlma Rota
Cuando llegan esta recta final del mes suelo decirle a mis compañeros durante los turnos VENGA QUE EN NA COBRAMOS.
Una chica de las que cubre vacaciones me ha dicho que por mi culpa está deseando aún más cobrar, llevo como una semana diciéndolo jajajajjajjjjjjakjksjja

It’s not always easy to talk about what you need in a relationship. So, what’s really important to you in a relationship? Talking about it may make you feel vulnerable, embarrassed, or even ashamed, but providing comfort and understanding to someone you love is a pleasure, not a burden. ❤️😘😍

AppetizingAsh333’s Profile PhotoSerena —Thick'ems
I want a guy to understand that I am not normal, and I would need him to be very understanding, and most importantly be patient with me. I'm a whole lot of work, tbh.

Guardas algo de tu ex ?

Mis enamoradas de 2021-2023 ✨ ahora puras 🇺🇦 tengo✨ ellas no me desearon mal, hasta querían tener bebés 🍃 años solas por mi 👌 tengo otras que quedaron en videos gore y sufriendo, lo que les pasará en unos meses a las que le desearon mal mi mamá ,que ellas se mueran sera poco ❤️‍🔥quiero lograr que se suiciden y los jaliscos eliminen a toda su familia ,ellas pagaron mal por bien y fueron mujeres envidiosas m
Guardas algo de tu ex
Liked by: halllb Germán

Language: English