
180 people

50 posts


If you had an extra hour a day that had to be allocated to one specific purpose, how would you use it?

If I had an extra hour, I would likely spend it to work on a new Pixel Art.
There are many awesome things out there, and I do not have enough time to make a sizable amount of them. I either make a small amount (but very big ones) or a larger amount (but far too small and unimportant).
An extra hour, in my humble opinion, can change a lot of things. Especially those related to activities that you love to do.

How do you define Men?

A man is someone who:
- purposely does things that annoy you because he likes seeing you getting all agitated but will never approve someone else of doing it to you
- makes sure to use each and everything that is exclusively meant to be used by you only but won't like it when it happens vice versa
- volunteers to teach you how to drive a car but keeps scolding you throughout the lesson
- makes fun of you and tells you that you can't do anything, but makes sure it gets done kaisay bhi karke (along with ehsaan jatana x 100)
- keeps doubting your survival skills but will make sure you're never left out there in the storm alone.
There. I said it. 😌

Sometimes all you need is a cup of coffee and a nice conversation👌🏻

usmanaay1’s Profile PhotoUsman
Sometimes, you just want to sit under a green, woody tree with no sound except for the birds chirping around, lost in deep thought and imagining things happening in a certain way. It brings a smile to your face with your eyes fixed on a specific angle. You put your head on your shoulder, your vision clear as though it were the sky in your eyes. Moving clouds and a cool breeze make it difficult to keep it going for long. Blinking and thinking is all there is, but let's keep it this way, it's peaceful.

What's one thing you would change about yourself?

xXMaryKiller’s Profile PhotoArlee Queen
On an internal level, I would like to have more confidence and less anxiety when it comes to socializing and interpersonal relationships. This is one of the things I'm currently working on in therapy, though.
Externally? I'd like to lose a bit more weight. At this point in time though, I'm not fretting about it. I've been on a weight loss journey since late 2022 and I'm very pleased with the progress I have made so far. I'm also happy and confident in what my body currently looks like, despite not being at the "goal" weight I set for myself.
I will continue working towards my goal at some point, but it won't be until after my wedding and my honeymoon (both of which are in September). 💕

Do you prefer to ask questions or answer them? 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
When it comes to AskFM I have an easier time answering questions than I do thinking up interesting questions to ask, which is kind of ironic given that the opposite is true in my offline life. I am always questioning things. I might not ask those questions out loud but I'm always looking at the world around me and pondering the "hows" and "whys".
I'm a naturally curious person.
... Lord knows what happens to that "natural curiosity" when it comes to AskFM though, because whenever I go to send out a question, my brain just screeches to a halt and starts making dial-up internet sounds. 🤣
Every once in a while inspiration will strike and I'll feel compelled to ask the good folks of Ask for their thoughts and opinions on a topic. But otherwise, I normally just stick to answering stuff.
(I would like to change that though! I really wanna start asking more questions...)

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thoughts on people doin sucide?

It is a very complex and deeply sensitive issue that affects so many people in different ways. While it is important to acknowledge the pain and suffering that can lead someone to contemplate ending their life, it is equally crucial to provide resources and support for those who are struggling with mental health issues or other challenges. It breaks my heart to think of anyone feeling so hopeless or alone that they would consider taking such drastic action, It makes me upset why— do people never talk about the part of depression when you just don’t want anything anymore¿ Everybody talks about when it hurts like hell; when you cry, when you cut; when you take drugs when you break down. But no one ever talks about when you just lay down in your room with a hole inside of you that you don’t know how to fill and you don’t want to do anything even the things you usually like. So you just spend your day kinda waiting for it to end. And it's horrible cause you feel empty and guilty for that at the same time. Anyways, I hope you are kay and safe, incase needed an ear to listen - Iam here for you. 🌻

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If your life had a soundtrack, what would be the 5 songs that define it?

Lucifersays_hi’s Profile Photoزینب
Okay... 5 songs for my life's soundtrack...
1. THE CURE-all cats are grey*- for the ever present feeling of gloom...
2. DEAD CAN DANCE-in power we trust the love advocated- for the feeling of uncertainty...
3. The moss*-for a love of strange and beautiful things found in nature...
4. The mollusk*-because I am very stupid sometimes...
5. Sine tempore III-for the desire of a harmonious existence...
(Thoughtful questions. Pardon me it took me a couple of days to answer this.)

Send some motivation......🤍

annieech0019993’s Profile PhotoQURAT UL AIN
If you're crying over a man, it will hinder your path to reaching your true potential. The steam of emotions will keep things blurry, and you won't be able to see the bigger picture. You might start underestimating yourself and your capabilities. I completely understand how it feels and the level of vulnerability one experiences due to this. It will take time, but you can heal and become the best you!
This world is full of loss. Nobody is meant to stay with us forever. Every person we meet has a duration. Don't cry over the duration, but understand "the why" behind it. Allah will stay with you forever.

> (sage) hey rachel what have you done to lex - Well? What have you done to me, Rachel? 🤣 Were you being mean? Did you force me to wear jeans and a red belt? At Olive Garden? Should I call my mother and the police? Am I going through a lot? I'm so angited, I am crying right now... 🤣🤣🤣 💗

talionislexx’s Profile PhotoLex Talionis
I didn’t do any of those things to u, Lexy. You’re a good friend to me. What do u like about me? 🤣🤣🤣💗

When you want to go somewhere, do you usually drive yourself there or does someone else drive for you instead?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
Depends on where I’m going, everyday things like college I usually drive myself, parties concerts or events or somewhere where parking is limited my dad will drive me or we all go together in a friends car ✨
Do you drive Merve? ✨

A man with manners and respect is the real definition of "handsome "

You can give as many as these pretty, sophesticated book definations to men, women fell for.
But trust me, in reallity You'll always choose

a broken one over fixed one,
a bad one over good one,
a poor one over rich one,
a demanding one over not demanding one,
a short tempered one over humble one,
a messy one over the sorted one,
a hard to handle over smoothly manageable,
a dirty one over a clean one.
Women like to pick broken things, they pick the wild one, then they do their magic, creativity to fix or tame them. and proudly wear it like and amulet or keep it like a trophy.
This habit has brokens so many feminine hearts and also bones, at times it takes their lives.
the procedure and expreiment isnt easy but surely worth it. if its goes sucessful.

Who is the most creative person you know? 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
Ooh, I had to think about this one for a bit. A lot of my friends are creatives but the most creative person I've ever known is a woman I went to university with (she's graduated now).
Not only is she a phenomenal writer, but she's also a baker, she makes all manner of crafts from jewelry to handbags to plush toys, and she has quite the knack for interior design too.
I honestly find her quite inspiring! She's definitely encouraged me to try new things and to step out of my comfort zone when it comes to my own artistic journey.

Do you think most children with overprotective parents end up doing the wildest sh*t once they grow up and they’re set free from the cage?

It depends… I grew up with such parents and I didn’t do stuff like this. On the contrary tbh, I am still very introverted and I don’t see the fun in parties or other things that my age used to love and like.

Whenever a new business opens in your area, like a store, salon, or restaurant, are you usually among the ppl who attend the grand opening? I'm always excited about new things! This Middle Eastern restaurant had its opening last evening. Food was great. The full-bearded waiters✨served✨ too ngl 🤭

I never attend grand openings. But it’s good that you attended the grand opening of a Middle Eastern restaurant. I would’ve most likely attended that one since I do love Middle Eastern food.

anyone who know me a bit, tell me what can I improve in me, don't say everything, be specific 😔

Shahmeerzd’s Profile Photozaidi.
No cap, this is kinda something my soul has always sought. Like you tell me things or habits, and I will contemplate them and decide whether to adopt them or not. But the worst thing is no one knows me. They don't want to know me. And I don't want them to know about me. 😔

When your inner child and your mature self wrestle, who usually emerges victorious in this epic showdown?

MMaryamKhan’s Profile PhotoMaryam Khan
My inner child usually emerges victorious in this epic showdown. It is the part of me that is carefree, imaginative, and full of wonder. It reminds me to enjoy the simple things in life and to never lose my sense of adventure. While my mature self can be more logical and practical, but my inner child's spirit and joy of life are what truly make me who I am. 🌻

What kind of things do you tend to overthink the most? Does it affect you emotionally?

Lucifersays_hi’s Profile Photoزینب
اب تری یاد سے وحشت نہیں ہوتی مجھ کو
زخم کھلتے ہیں اذیت نہیں ہوتی مجھ کو
اب کوئی آئے چلا جائے میں خوش رہتا ہوں
اب کسی شخص کی عادت نہیں ہوتی مجھ کو
ایسا بدلا ہوں ترے شہر کا پانی پی کر
جھوٹ بولوں تو ندامت نہیں ہوتی مجھ کو
ہے امانت میں خیانت سو کسی کی خاطر
کوئی مرتا ہے تو حیرت نہیں ہوتی مجھ کو
تو جو بدلے تری تصویر بدل جاتی ہے
رنگ بھرنے میں سہولت نہیں ہوتی مجھ کو
اکثر اوقات میں تعبیر بتا دیتا ہوں
بعض اوقات اجازت نہیں ہوتی مجھ کو

اتنا مصروف ہوں جینے کی ہوس میں شاہدؔ
سانس لینے کی بھی فرصت نہیں ہوتی مجھ کو
~ شاہد ذکی~
What kind of things do you tend to overthink the most Does it affect you

Do you think most children with overprotective parents end up doing the wildest sh*t once they grow up and they’re set free from the cage?

Not all the time but there was an upperclassmen at the high school that I went to and she was forced to wear a hijab and she told me that she was trying to get herself out of the situation. She would wear open legged skirts and lots of mascara and had a rebellious streak to her even tho she came from a family that forced her to cover her hair. I don’t think everyone who comes from a controlling or overprotective family ends up being rebellious. But, it’s understandable for someone to do the things they could never do when they were living with their overprotective family.

What do you do to try and keep a healthy diet? Like, to not cave into your cravings etc. 🍌🍏🥗

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Eating healthy is hard for me all the way around, as I already have so many restrictions. 😅 But, what I’ve been trying to do lately, is not cave into late night snacking too much. And just trying to squeeze in healthy/semi healthy foods whenever I can. I also try to not allow myself to get too hungry, cause that doesn’t help with cravings, or with deciding what to eat. That’s when it gets hard to say “I’m gonna make healthy choices” and turns into “What’s the quickest thing I can find to satisfy this feeling?”
What I do most of the time to help with cravings is sugar free chewing gum. It takes that feeling away for me, and tricks my brain into feeling satisfied (temporarily). But it does seem to curb my cravings more often than not. If that doesn’t work though, I try drinking a tall glass of water. Might sound weird, but sometimes your body can mistake thirst/dehydration for being hungry, so I’ll drink the whole glass of water, then wait 10-20 minutes. It doesn’t always work, but sometimes, I find my cravings (especially for something salty like chips) either disappears completely, or is not nearly as intense anymore. 🤔
And finally, I always try to find alternatives for my cravings. Like, if I’m craving sugar, things like fruit, sweet potatoes, oats, smoothies, yogurt, etc are good alternatives. And depending on where I’m at health wise, usually dictates which of those is safest for me to eat. 😄 When it comes to savory stuff, that’s a bit harder, as I can’t eat nuts, seeds, hummus, or even plain popcorn as is recommended (which is where the gum or drinking water can help for me personally). But I do find, that salads/fresh produce in general really helps too! And if I have some protein/cheese in a salad for example, that helps with the salt cravings as well! Or if I’m not able to do that, than even just protein alone, like rotisserie chicken, eggs, etc. Those are both satisfying and filling. I at least know I’m still getting some good nutrients, and I can feel content with my choices. 😋

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What do you do to try and keep a healthy diet Like to not cave into your

What is about this society that disappoints you so much?

usmanaay1’s Profile PhotoUsman
Sighs. — There are many things about society that I found disappointing from time to time from the injustices and inequalities that persist despite our best efforts, what disappoints me most is the way in which we often judge and devalue one another based on superficial characteristics like appearance, background, or social status. It breaks my heart to see how much pain and suffering this kind of narrow-mindedness can cause - not just for those who are marginalized or discriminated against, but for all of us as members of a shared community. I believe that there is so much more to each person than meets the eye; if only we took the time to truly get to know one another with open hearts and minds, I think we would find so much beauty and richness in our differences. 🌻

What things can tell a lot about a person?

Egoistic_101’s Profile Photoᴬⁱⁿ'ᵗ ʸᵒ ʰᵒᵐⁱᵉ
Behaviour in a little bit of worry or success says a lot. If a person achieves success, a bit of authority, some financial increment and their behaviour becomes rude and arrogant then it is a red flag for you, you must begin to put distance between yourself and them for your own sake. The same goes for their behaviour in a little bit of worry and distress. If a person chooses to be violent and disrespectful at such times, then you should learn to keep a distance from them too, I'm not suggesting to not help them, off course you should help a person in trouble, but help doesn't necessarily mean sacrificing your self respect for some mannerless scum.

What kind of things do you tend to overthink the most? Does it affect you emotionally?

Lucifersays_hi’s Profile Photoزینب
There are two things that can shake my emotional background, and this happens often... the situation of children in this world, those who are now in very bad conditions. And my family... or rather my brothers, since they have quite dangerous jobs, which makes me worry about them.

What kind of things do you tend to overthink the most? Does it affect you emotionally?

Lucifersays_hi’s Profile Photoزینب
I always think about what will happen in the future...and I think about the things that happened in the past and I see that God always chooses what is best for me.

When dealing with life, are you the careful "Let's start with detailed diagnosis and see how it goes plus keeping the track of side effects" type, or the "Bring on the injections, let's get this over with" kind of person?

MMaryamKhan’s Profile PhotoMaryam Khan
I like this question. — Iam definitely the first one cause I always tend to be a careful person - someone who likes to weigh all of my options and consider potential consequences before making a decision. However, I also believe in being adaptable and flexible when unexpected challenges arise; sometimes we just have to trust our instincts and take things one step at a time and leave the rest in Allah's hands. 🌻

Один куплет из песни 🎧🖤

JennuFox’s Profile PhotoPanda
Не один (Matchbox Twenty — Our Song) ✨👌
I don't know if someone else could handle me
I don't know what I'm supposed to be
You're the only one who really sees
You get me
I feel something growing deep inside of me
What I say and what I mean
Always seems to disagree
So help me through this hard time
Change this fault line
Oh no
I'm gonna be there always
After the pain has gone away
The feeling is so strong
This can be our song
This can be our song
Oh no
I'll never make you cry again
I'm gonna set things right again
And I won't let 'em go wrong
This can be our song
This can be our song

Have you ever been painfully stung / bitten? Like by a wasp, fire ants etc. 🐝🐜

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I am massively reactive to stingy things, and it leaves me feeling a lil bit freaked out by bees. So I took up beekeeping to try and overcome this, and it sort of worked! Bees are cute and fuzzy!
But oh my god, I am getting more and more allergic 😂 I get stung three or four times a year, and I can’t get my jeans on when it happens. It blisters and oozes and is just grim 😂
Have you ever been painfully stung  bitten Like by a wasp fire ants etc

Do you think we feel so much and express so less?

nousernameavailable31645’s Profile Photo♠phlegmatic♣
Sometimes, the things we feel most deeply are often the hardest for us to express. There is a power in the unspoken, a vulnerability that can be both terrifying and profound. I believe that feelings are like delicate flowers, they bloom and grow with time, but they must be nurtured and cared for with tenderness and sincerity. Sometimes, it is the smallest gestures that can express the most profound emotions. 🌻

Do you think people prefer mean, rude or sarcastic individuals over nice? I notice that people who are mean tend to have more people who look up to them bc they’re “cooler” while the nice & quiet ones are ok to talk to but tend to be more easily forgotten & ignored which makes me wonder why 🤔

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
I mean… some do. I know I don’t prefer that though, and the people I’m friends with don’t either. I’m not friends with people to appear “cool,” nor would I ever intentionally be mean to be considered cool by a handful of people. Those aren’t true friends, in my opinion. To me, they are in it for how popular they’ll be, and how they’re percieved, instead of wanting authentic friendship. 😐 I don’t mind sarcasm, as I’m sarcastic myself at times. But, I feel sarcasm can also be a bit condescending/passive aggressive depending on what you’re saying, how you say it, and your relationship to the person you say it to. There’s a place for sarcasm, and doing it to be more subtly rude isn’t okay.
Personally, I wanna be friends with people who genuinely want to know me and hang out with me, and who are fun, kind, thoughtful, both to me and others, etc. I think feeling safe with people is really important, and I don’t feel safe with people who have tendencies to be rude for “cool points.” If they’re willing to be rude to others for a reason like that, more than likely, they’ll be willing to be rude to you too. 😅
I think the reason people tend to remember mean or “cool” individuals is because they purposely stir up drama and get people talking. 😒 And to me, it always feels like they want an audience. They want people to talk about them, to look at them, think about them, etc, it heightens the experience, AND because they are deemed as “cool”, it draws others in and makes them aspire to be just like them. Even if it’s rather unfortunate that it is that way.
Whereas quieter people get ignored/forgotten, likely because they have tendencies to stay out of things, and don’t give people reason to talk much. Though, I will say, even though they are seemingly ignored, you never know who was secretly touched by their kindness, or are attracted to their nature. People remember kindness and how good it makes them feel much more than you may think. You don’t have be mean in order to be remembered… Just saying. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Can you be assertive? Yes absolutely, in fact, I think assertiveness is a good thing. But mean or unnecessarily rude? No thank you.

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Do you think people prefer mean rude or sarcastic individuals over nice I

If your close friend or friends in general we're going through depression, how would support them? Or what advice would you give?

I try to be a listening ear as much as possible, and just show I love and care about them by actually saying it, and of course showing it. Like, just really to make them feel they are valued. I also try to do nice things for them that I know may take pressure off them. I like to refrain from giving advice unless they specifically ask for it, in these situations though… Cause I know, if I’m feeling like that, I don’t want my friends to attempt to fix the problem, or carry it for me, I just like to know they are there and will support me/listen as much as they are able to.
I think the goal in friendship isn’t always to absolve our friends of their problems, or their hard feelings. It’s more so to talk through it with them, be a friendly sounding board, a place they can talk and be free to express what they need without judgement. And also, for encouragement, and to remind them that someone is there for them, even when everything feels really heavy, dark, and lonely. I know some of what’s helped me during my lowest points is the friends I know I can turn to no matter how I’m feeling and I know for a fact, they are gonna be there. 🥺🥹

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If your close friend or friends in general were going through depression how

How do you know if someone truly cares about you?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
If it is true you'll see it in everything they do. You'll see it in their eyes when they look at you. Hear it in their tone when they speak. You'll feel it in their care and attention. In how they handle you when one of you is upset. When someone truly cares for you the care will be there no matter what's going on around it. There will be a certain respect and consideration. Even if they'd rather bite your head off haha. It doesn't mean things will always be pleasant. Bad days will come. Fights and misunderstandings will happen. The care will remain

Have you considered?

I colored this! And made a little money that's what I've been doing for two days laying in this bed using the Frisbee app playing games and I cashed out a $10 gift card Walmart that's available in my email 2 to 3 days and I know this app actually pays and this was one of the games a coloring one I'm trying to make money f****** hungry and I want to go home and I'm tired of this s*** man have a considered what going home I don't really have a home now I actually have nowhere now I've considered a lot of things maybe you could be more specific .
Have you considered

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