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How do you define Men?

A man is someone who:
- purposely does things that annoy you because he likes seeing you getting all agitated but will never approve someone else of doing it to you
- makes sure to use each and everything that is exclusively meant to be used by you only but won't like it when it happens vice versa
- volunteers to teach you how to drive a car but keeps scolding you throughout the lesson
- makes fun of you and tells you that you can't do anything, but makes sure it gets done kaisay bhi karke (along with ehsaan jatana x 100)
- keeps doubting your survival skills but will make sure you're never left out there in the storm alone.
There. I said it. 😌

thoughts on people doin sucide?

It is a very complex and deeply sensitive issue that affects so many people in different ways. While it is important to acknowledge the pain and suffering that can lead someone to contemplate ending their life, it is equally crucial to provide resources and support for those who are struggling with mental health issues or other challenges. It breaks my heart to think of anyone feeling so hopeless or alone that they would consider taking such drastic action, It makes me upset why— do people never talk about the part of depression when you just don’t want anything anymore¿ Everybody talks about when it hurts like hell; when you cry, when you cut; when you take drugs when you break down. But no one ever talks about when you just lay down in your room with a hole inside of you that you don’t know how to fill and you don’t want to do anything even the things you usually like. So you just spend your day kinda waiting for it to end. And it's horrible cause you feel empty and guilty for that at the same time. Anyways, I hope you are kay and safe, incase needed an ear to listen - Iam here for you. 🌻

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Do you ever struggle with feelings of sensory overwhelm? How do you cope?

lostineden’s Profile PhotoLost in Eden •°•☆
Sometimes I can get a little overwhelmed, yes! Especially in an environment with a lot of noise which makes it very hard to make out what one individual person is saying. I don't panic or anything but I do often feel a little better if I just shortly withdraw myself and am alone in a quiet space for a while. Then I'm ready to head back in! 😁
Do you ever struggle with feelings of sensory overwhelm How do you cope

"كنت احتفظ بحذاء تزلج،كنت اخاف ارتدائه حتى لا أتلفه لذا احتفظت به في صندوق،لكن كبرت قدماي ولم اتمكن من ارتدائه..مادمت لم تستخدم قلبك فما الفرق اذا تحطم،اما اذا احتفظت به لنفسك سيصبح مثل احذية التزلج عندما تحاول استخدامه لن يصلح"فيلم Home alone 🎬 شنو الأفلام الي تتابعوها.؟إنطونا أقتباس من فيلم تحبوه🥀

Aaslkefah’s Profile Photoعَہُسَہلہ ❥
لا اتابع أفلاما ً أبدا ًو لكن قرأت هالمقولة على احد الجدران..
Keep Smiling And One Day Life Will Get Tired Of Upsetting You..

What do you do to try and keep a healthy diet? Like, to not cave into your cravings etc. 🍌🍏🥗

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Eating healthy is hard for me all the way around, as I already have so many restrictions. 😅 But, what I’ve been trying to do lately, is not cave into late night snacking too much. And just trying to squeeze in healthy/semi healthy foods whenever I can. I also try to not allow myself to get too hungry, cause that doesn’t help with cravings, or with deciding what to eat. That’s when it gets hard to say “I’m gonna make healthy choices” and turns into “What’s the quickest thing I can find to satisfy this feeling?”
What I do most of the time to help with cravings is sugar free chewing gum. It takes that feeling away for me, and tricks my brain into feeling satisfied (temporarily). But it does seem to curb my cravings more often than not. If that doesn’t work though, I try drinking a tall glass of water. Might sound weird, but sometimes your body can mistake thirst/dehydration for being hungry, so I’ll drink the whole glass of water, then wait 10-20 minutes. It doesn’t always work, but sometimes, I find my cravings (especially for something salty like chips) either disappears completely, or is not nearly as intense anymore. 🤔
And finally, I always try to find alternatives for my cravings. Like, if I’m craving sugar, things like fruit, sweet potatoes, oats, smoothies, yogurt, etc are good alternatives. And depending on where I’m at health wise, usually dictates which of those is safest for me to eat. 😄 When it comes to savory stuff, that’s a bit harder, as I can’t eat nuts, seeds, hummus, or even plain popcorn as is recommended (which is where the gum or drinking water can help for me personally). But I do find, that salads/fresh produce in general really helps too! And if I have some protein/cheese in a salad for example, that helps with the salt cravings as well! Or if I’m not able to do that, than even just protein alone, like rotisserie chicken, eggs, etc. Those are both satisfying and filling. I at least know I’m still getting some good nutrients, and I can feel content with my choices. 😋

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What do you do to try and keep a healthy diet Like to not cave into your

What’s the best part about being on this app for you (chatting with people, answering questions alone, a good distraction, being a cure to your boredom, etc.)?

Answering questions. I genuinely enjoy doing it & it gives me a way to socialize without having to have a huge long conversation which is just emotionally draining to me.
Liked by: Merve mrsbattle Jo

If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be and why?

FiaSaif’s Profile PhotoM.
Don’t be so hard on yourself, it’s okay to feel bad, stupid, and dumb sometimes, no one was giving a manual on how to live life, so it’s only fair to give yourself the same courtesy that you give others.
And please learn how to ask for help, you cannot do everything alone!

If your close friend or friends in general we're going through depression, how would support them? Or what advice would you give?

I would support them by trying to do things that make them happy and would keep in touch with them frequently to let them know that they don’t have to go through depression alone. I myself have depression so I’d advise them to go out more and reward themselves after getting themselves to do a chore or a task that they might’ve been putting off for a while.

Describe an experience that shook you to your core?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
I had an experience in childhood that still haunts me. It may seem insignificant and childish to some, and we were all just kids back then, so no hard feelings. But there was a time after the vacations when I found myself sitting alone in class because everyone had formed groups. Despite swallowing my pride, I asked a few classmates, but they all had partners. This happened because my so-called friends had started teasing me. That isolation remains the most painful and unsettling experience I’ve endured.

'if he wanted to leave he's free to leave' Good.You are ready to fuck a new man anytime.

I don't need to bang anyone to know my worth. I can easily handle myself and my life without a man, I don't need a man to feel fulfilled in life, same goes for sex.
Please go hump a cactus and leave me alone with your idiotic views.

How do you handle an ugly fall-out with a good friend? What do you do to 'get over it'?

fried_brainiac420’s Profile PhotoSarr Dard
I have never really had any trouble with moving on. I am lucky that it comes naturally to me. But, you can talk to your friends and family, get busy, cook for yourself, go to restaurants and eat alone, watch/read something, listen to music.
To make sure that you don't go back to them, block them. Delete all the chats, pictures, and screenshots.

When it comes to household chores, how does the workload get divided on your home? Do specific people have specific chores, or do you take turns?

lostineden’s Profile PhotoLost in Eden •°•☆
I live in a dorm and a pretty large one at that! I make sure that my own room, balcony and bathroom are cleaned, do my own laundry and dishes etc.
Then for our shared living room and kitchen we have a cleaning schedule! For one or two weeks per semester, each one of us is responsible for taking out the trash and making sure that the dishwashers don't stay full. (Though the rest are incentivised to help taking out the dishes since we have a point system that is visible for everyone. So we can see who has helped out the least etc.).
They also keep those spaces clean generally speaking, within reason! If you've made an absolute mess or have thrown a party, you alone are responsible to clean that up. I usually try to leave the kitchen as I found it after I've been cooking! Sometimes cleaning after me has taken so long so the food got cold 😅😂

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When it comes to household chores how does the workload get divided on your home

Why does it get louder when it is quiet?!

deeda_dahi’s Profile PhotoXalaam
I can only speak for myself, but I agree with the statement. I hate the silence. My head gets so loud then. Thoughts become so chaotic. It's deafening in a way. Silence can be the loudest thing in the world when you don't like yourself. When you're haunted by all that's been done and said. It makes me sick. So I always have music or something playing or a fan on. Anything to not be alone with myself

I’m 34 and he’s 37. We met online, and despite him expressing wanting to get intimate and thinking of me when he’s “alone” and missing me, whenever we are together, he doesn’t initiate anything and even if I do he ignores it. We’ve been seeing each other 6 months 5 weekends 0 intimacy. ??? Help

Maybe he’s anxious about making a move in person but feels more confident expressing himself and what he wants online. Couples therapy might work later on if this continues to be an issue but for now, I’d say give him some more time or try to get to know him more to determine if this could have something to do with his past.

Can a sorry fixx everything...? 🌸

Ayesha0a’s Profile PhotoAyesha0a
The effectiveness of an apology is deeply rooted in the complexities of human psychology and social dynamics. An apology can be powerful, but its success and impact depends on several factors (and no, it's not a guarantee of 'fixing everything').
Most people are generally adept at sensing insincerity, so a heartfelt apology that genuinely conveys remorse and an understanding of the impact of one's actions is more likely to be effective. The way an apology is delivered, including body language, tone of voice, and eye contact, plays a significant role in how it is received.
The nature and severity of the offense also matter. For minor offenses or misunderstandings, a simple apology might suffice. However, for more severe breaches of trust or harm, an apology alone may not be enough. Repetitive behavior that has previously been apologized for might make a single apology seem inadequate without accompanying changes.
Relationship dynamics are another critical factor. In close relationships, apologies can be more impactful due to the existing emotional bond, but expectations for reparative actions are also higher. The history of interactions between the parties is important; if there is a pattern of unresolved conflicts, a single apology might not repair the relationship.
The perception and willingness to forgive by the offended party also influence the outcome. Empathy and the ability to understand the apologizer's perspective can facilitate forgiveness. However, forgiveness is a complex emotional process, influenced by the offended party’s emotional state, personality, and past experiences.
Cultural and social norms also play a role. Different cultures have varied norms regarding apologies and forgiveness. In some cultures, a verbal apology is highly valued, while in others, actions to make amends might be more important. Social expectations can dictate the appropriateness and sufficiency of an apology, and public versus private apologies can have different impacts.
Reparative actions and long-term changes are often necessary to complement an apology. Actions demonstrating a commitment to change and making amends can significantly enhance the apology’s effectiveness. Consistency in showing remorse and taking corrective actions over time is critical for rebuilding trust.
However, a simple "sorry" often falls short in fixing relationships broken by deep-seated trauma. Trauma fundamentally alters trust, emotional security and perceptions, creating wounds that an apology alone cannot heal. The psychological impact of trauma can lead to long-term emotional distress, making it difficult for the injured party to feel safe or valued again. Genuine remorse and consistent reparative actions are essential, but even these might not be enough if the trauma is profound. Healing requires time, patience, and often professional help, as rebuilding trust and emotional bonds is a gradual process.

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My whole mindset has changed. I don’t even have the energy to do certain things or to be around certain people anymore. I’m at that point in my life now where if something feels like it’s draining my energy or fighting with my peace of mind. I can’t get over from these things.

Aliya76089’s Profile PhotoLuna
Take some time off from your normal routine and be alone for a while. Work out your thoughts and feelings. You will eventually get back to your old self

Senengan punya temen baru atau menikmati kesendirian dalam hidup?

I luv being alone, but I'm a social creature, so yeah I still need to connect with others. Having new acquaintances is quite fun anyway.
Liked by: SamerNat Ja هاجر

You definitely wouldn't.You now have his baby and don't want a single life at all.

A baby wouldn't make a difference, I could easily handle her on my own, I'm with her 24/7 while he works, lmfao a woman can very much have a child and be a single parent, 90% of men are bare minimum fathers anyways while the women do 95% of the heavy load a childcare duties. So you're logic is flawed.
My husband is an amazing father, and I'm lucky he's so involved and goes above and beyond, but I also could easily take care of my child alone if some shit ever went down, which it won't.
You also forget i have an amazing support system with my parents, friends and sisters who would be there in a instant.

How can i control Pleasures and Lust. Damn! Shitty feelings are ruining my life😫

Stop staying alone, move to a crowded place. A room full of people. Try to make mile stones. Try to stick to them.
Recite/listen quran even if its one line. Increase gradually.
This has proven medical illness and emotional drainage in humans..
Either later you'll never be satisfied, or you'll be left with no energy to reproduce.
So in both cases you'll be lost.
Its better to control yourself now.

What's the most important lesson you've learned in life?

Lucifersays_hi’s Profile Photoزینب
One of the most profound lessons I've learned in life is the importance of Tawakkul. We are never alone..... Allah's support is always with those who trust in Him.
“And whoever puts their trust in Allah, then He will suffice him.” Quran 65:3

How do you cheer someone up when the other person is extremely sad and not capable of sharing anything.

I'll probably just talk nonsense, share any kind of gossip until that person is ready to talk. One thing that's going to happen for sure is I will not leave that person alone chahay chup he baithay hn wo 🤷‍♀️

Will you be able to take care of your husband's sick parent? Despite the fact that this is not the duty of a Muslim woman🤔

If I love a person, then even if it is not my responsibility, I will take care of those whom my husband loves. It’s strange for me to leave him alone with his problem and make him worry about his parents, especially if they have health problems🤷🏻‍♀️

If you had a chance to be described by a color, what color that would be? And why?

aleena_kamran1’s Profile Photoalee_naaah
Blue. It represents calmness and serenity, as well as communication and trust. And I love how often it is associated with the ocean or the sky - two vast, beautiful things that remind me of how small we are in this world. And it is a soothing colour. It reminds me of moments of quiet reflection or spending time alone in nature. ✨️
If you had a chance to be described by a color what color that would be And why

Do you write down your heavy thoughts somewhere to keep them safe or let them pass?

For me personally, I try not to hold onto negative thoughts for too long. Instead, I try to focus on the good things in my life and practice gratitude whenever possible. But if something is weighing heavily on my mind, I might take some time alone to reflect or meditate until I feel more centred. 🌻

Do I sound like a bad person if the only reason I miss my roommate, who's on vacation, is because she's the one that cleans and cooks and does all the household chores? The house has been a mess this past week.

You sound lazy but not bad. To be a better roommate and prepare yourself to possibly living alone one day, it’s best to get the household chores done before she comes back.

Do you possess the heroic personality of someone who strives to fix everything with the support of the entire world, or the villainous nature of a lone wolf who seeks to give others a taste of their own medicine? Ps. You can the side character as well🌚

MMaryamKhan’s Profile PhotoMaryam Khan
I suppose I possess a bit of both heroic and villainous qualities - just like most people do. There are times when I feel inspired by big-hearted heroes who go above and beyond to make positive change in the world, whether through activism or simply being kind to those around them. But there are also times when I resonate with characters who might be considered "villainous" cause they are willing to stand up for themselves or challenge harmful social norms. — Ultimately though, I don't think heroism or villainy is about one specific personality type or set of actions. It is more about how we show up in our everyday lives - with empathy, courage, and integrity even when things get tough. Sometimes that might mean seeking support from others; other times it might mean standing alone against injustice. But as long as we stay true to our values while also staying open-minded and compassionate towards others, we can all be both heroes and villains in our own unique ways. 🌻

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