
14 people

50 posts


Sayoko gibt ja einen richtigen big Sis/Mom-Vibe :') Welche Rollen würden die einzelnen Crewmitglieder übernehmen, wenn sie eine (hopefully functional) family wären?

valchen64998’s Profile Photovalchen
omg i love this sm.
- sayoko: obviously the mum of this pack, they would not survive without her.
- scourge: "old man" definitely the dad, smokes to cope with the bullsh**t the kids make him go through. has seen enough.
- celia: the cool, rich aunt that comes to visit once in a while and gives everyone the most expensive gifts. the kids call her to pick them up from a party they were not allowed to go to.
- anemon: the uncle everyone loves. everyone tells him their secrets and asks him for advice. makes everyone feel safe and keeps the familiy together.
- chiara: first daugther, was born 10 year prior to everyone and moved out too soon bc she wanted to save the world. sends christmas cards. living her best life.
- philomela: eldest daughter. independent, tough, lonely. hates her twin but secretly wishes he will be a better human than she is. y'all know the memes.
- gabriel: eldest son, also philos twin but is two minutes younger than her. hates it. overresponsible but pretends he is not. tries to be good enough for aki and loki.
- aki: middle child. never feels good enough. stuck. breaks the rules to get attention.
- loki: youngest child. feral. admires everyone. loves everyone. annoying af. does illegal stuff for the fun of it and gets away with it.

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Liked by: Aleviana iixtwo valchen

What do you think hurts more? Losing someone to death or losing them in this world?

gawnferal’s Profile Photohudیٰ
Is this a joke? Nothing compares to losing a loved one to death.
You’re not going to see them again even accidentally. They’re literally 6 feet under the ground, not somewhere in the world doing better (or worse.)
I lost my aunt to covid 4 years back. The last messages she sent me, a random voice note that i still have, means everything to me.

If you could visit the US, would you? What places would you like to visit?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie Serendipity
Wisconsin - I have a lot of family there - the aunt of my granny moved there in 1910 and she had 12 children and 10 of them had their kids and they have their kids ... etc haha. 😁 10 years ago one girl from that family was visiting us here in Slovakia because she was studying here for 3 months biology 😃. In beginning of 20th century many people from Slovakia moved there because of work. These known people 👇 have parents or grandparents from Slovakia too :
If you could visit the US would you What places would you like to visit

i just turned 21 whats your favorite alcohol

Yeah, It's occasionally that I've tasted and drank back in 2020 and 2022. I've only ever had these wine and liqueur. My favorite flavorful wines, cocktails, and liqueur, and I have tasted these before are listed down:
One of my favorite Californian-based is [Carlo Rossi Sangria]
[Cocoa Di Vine]
Texas Wine-Based Cocktail - [Chocolatini]
Chambord is a black raspberry liqueur made in France. It's known for its rich, sweet flavor with hints of raspberry and blackberry, and it's often used in cocktails and desserts. I tasted it with our aunt from Los Angeles - [Chambord Liqueur] https://www.chambordliqueur.com/

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Liked by: Jacky C.M. car lover

If you make art of any kind: Who/what do you draw inspiration from for the things you create? Was there something/someone specific that inspired you to get into the kinds of art you do now? ✍🏻🎨🖼️

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
My cross stitches are usually designed with a specific recipient in mind, or because they're funny. Sometimes I make Pokémon ones just because. I got into it coz an aunt gave me some kits as a kid, and that was it.
My writing is inspired by everything I experience. I got into it coz I love reading, always have, and love how much a story can touch someone, and I want to be able to do that.

How do you think your kids would describe you? 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧💭

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Haven would definitely describe me as almost thirty & she loves saying I'm a good mom until I've pissed her off so depending on her mood I'm old & either the best or the worst mom😂
Maddie would describe me as the fun, cool mom & auntie (I'm her aunt I just have temporary custody)
Jacob would probably just describe me as mom lol.
Shyla likes to call me f.a.t so she'd probably describe me as f.a.t lol🥴🤷🏻‍♀️😂 Hopefully as a good mommy too.
Ethan is a mommy's boy so hopefully something along the lines of me being a good mom.
And the baby's only about to be 2 so he's not really there yet lol

Who taught you how to drive? I’m currently teaching my daughter . That’s right . My daughter’s driving while I’m posting on here.

I took driving classes but the guy didn’t even let me actually drive so I learned nothing but then my aunt taught me and that’s how I passed my behind the wheel test back in 2019!

Hello Aunt Anon Larry ! If you could be the Mafia leader for one year what's the first thing you're gonna do?

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1plan
All our government is one big M.! 😬 I did not voted for them and I dont want to have anything common with them! 🤮 This Thursday we are going to protest against them on the streets....The legal things are on the first place in my value ranking 🤷‍♀️.

What were some of your best moments of 2023? 🎆

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
My best moment of 2023 was birth of my nephew in September. 🥰 It was love at first sight or I should say: 'It was love at first hold in my arms'. 😍💚
I held him in my arms in the hospital and I cried. I was so happy, touched and delighted. I can't describe my feelings in words. 🥺❤
P.S. I was aunt much earlier because my first niece was born in 2008 and my second niece in 2009. My first nephew was born in 2014 and my second nephew (this one is also my godson) in 2016. 💚
What were some of your best moments of 2023

How has Christmas changed for you as you have got older? 🎄 🎅 🎁 🌰 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ Շєภคςเ๏ยร Շ๏๓๓คץ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
PL: Z wiekiem jakoś całe święta przestały mieć tę całą magię.
Teraz po prostu jest to tak mechaniczne, że aż żal patrzeć.
Gotowanie, jedzenie, prezenty i każdy w telefon.
Jakoś za dzieciaka wyglądało to lepiej, kiedy był dziadek, babcia, mama, ciocia i ja...
ENG: As I got older, the Christmas somehow stopped having all that magic.
Now it's just so mechanical that it's just embarrassing to watch.
Cooking, eating, gifts and everybody's on the phone.
Somehow it looked better as a kid, when there was grandpa, grandma, mom, aunt and me...

https://ask.fm/anonamouse89887/answers/174316802964 - No, my grandparents come to my aunt and uncle's house for Christmas dinner also, we see them on both days 😌 But my other aunt and uncle go to Nottingham on Christmas Day, so we see them at my grandparents' house on Boxing Day and exchange...

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ Շєภคςเ๏ยร Շ๏๓๓คץ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
Ah I see… That’s great! You get quite a lot of family time for the holidays then, which sounds lovely. I hope you have a great Christmas and Boxing Day this year! 😌
httpsaskfmanonamouse89887answers174316802964  No my grandparents come to my aunt

https://ask.fm/anonamouse89887/answers/174316768660 - We go to my aunt and uncle's for Christmas Day now 😇 Well, FaceTime is better than messaging or talking over the phone ✌️ Not the same as seeing them face-to-face, sure, but it's the next best thing? 😸

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ Շєภคςเ๏ยร Շ๏๓๓คץ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
Oh that’s nice! Sounds like it’d be just as enjoyable! Do you celebrate Christmas Eve and Christmas Day equally then, since it’s with different family members? 😁 Yes, that’s very true! I do always look forward to chatting with them, cause we open our gifts from each other on Facetime as well, so it kinda feels like we’re together.
httpsaskfmanonamouse89887answers174316768660  We go to my aunt and uncles for

What you are going to do this Christmas special???😀

anshita1mishra’s Profile PhotoAnshii!!....❤️
The same as last year probably 👀
All my paternal family coming together and eating Christmas dinner at my aunt and uncle's house, and spending Boxing Day with each other at my grandparents' house 😌
If anything different is going to happen this year, I don't yet know about it 😅
What you are going to do this Christmas special

Have you ever met your great grandparents or great aunt/great uncle?

Yes, I see my great grandma a few times a year. She’s such an independent badass that takes no shit. I aspire to be like her. I met my great grandma on the other side as a kid before she passed away but neither of my great Grandad’s. My great aunt lives abroad but I visited her out there once and stay in touch :)

When was the last time, if ever, you went to another country? 🇸🇪➡️🇩🇰

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Uh, I went to Wales to visit my great grandma and a few other relatives in September. Before that, must have been Scotland. If we’re talking abroad, I can’t recall exactly as it’s been years but was Tenerife, partly for a holiday, but partly to visit my great aunt and relatives there :)

Porque escolheu viver em Portugal, qual o motivo, explique?

I'll explain a little joke. When I came to Ekaterina’s house in 2008 (3 sisters and I were traveling through customs), especially when we went back to Crimea with my mother. The story turned out to be that from 2008 to 2012 I studied and lived with my aunt and uncle, and my mother and stepfather went to Portugal. My mother and stepfather (father) went because they were offered a good job with a decent salary.
Depois os meus pais foram para Portugal, estudaram lá, e trabalham assim há 9, quase 10 anos.

Have you ever made jam at home? It is strawberry season and since they're my fav I want to make the most of it by preparing different things with them. I'd love some homemade strawberry jam🍓

I think I made some when I was little!
I feel like I made some when visiting my great aunt and great uncle's home! We made plum jam, just they had plums growing in their orchard :)
But I don't remember making any since then. So it has been quite a long time! I rarely eat jam, so I haven't really had the inkling to want to make any jam since haha
Have you ever made jam at home It is strawberry season and since theyre my fav I

Have you ever mapped out your family tree?

🌳 An aunt has, on my mum’s side, going back to the 1700s.
🌳 An uncle has done it partially on my dad’s side, when they were putting together my grandad’s book. He went back to about the 1850s for some strands of the family.
📸 Pic: my Great Great Great Grandma, c.1910
Have you ever mapped out your family tree

What’s your favourite family tradition? 👍 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ Շєภคςเ๏ยร Շ๏๓๓คץ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
Hmm. I guess it's like when my aunt and uncle come over on Christmas Eve and we have Christmas Eve dinner together, and then we all watch Kevin.
Or how on All Saints' Day on November 1, together with my parents, grandma and grandpa, we go to cemeteries and visit loved ones who are no longer there. 🤗

hope u had a great birthday btw 😁

kharmadegraffenried0732’s Profile PhotoSATANS DEVIL CHILD 18
Me and Zeppelin had a great birthday. We celebrated our birthday at school and then at home. Our Uncle Gino (Mommy’s younger brother) and Uncle Joshua (Daddy’s older brother) FaceTimed us and wished us a happy birthday. Our Aunt Mackenzie (Daddy’s little sister) also FaceTimed us. It was really fun.

How much does family matter to you? Are you close to cousins, uncles, aunts, etc?

Hm, I am not one of these people who will keep family close solely because they are family. If they're toxic, then they will be at arms length or cut off. I was very close with my cousins - two in particular that I don't speak to as often now but when I see them it's like no time has passed at all. I'm close with one aunt and uncle and keep in touch with another on facebook. I keep a safe distance from my sperm donors parents as although I'm on good terms with them now, they have broken boundaries in the past so I won't let them that close to me again.

do you think someone who's easily annoyed by kids can ever be parent material?

I get easily annoyed around other kids but I'm perfectly fine with my nephew and nieces. My aunt is the same way, if it isn't her son or me she doesn't like having kids in her house etc.

To the women out there, have you ever been to a wedding where the bridesmaids have tried to upstage or steal the spotlight from the bride? If so, tell us how.

I've only ever been to 2. One of which I wore this (picture below), but no one tried to out do the bride :) everyone just genuinely looked really nice!
The other, I was the bridesmaid! But I was 6 xD
So unless my former cute self did any upstaging of my aunt (the bride) then no lol
Random fact, I still have my bridesmaid dress xD
To the women out there have you ever been to a wedding where the bridesmaids

Difference between love and arrange marriage? 💑💘🚻

Wanderer444’s Profile Photoشیراز احمد
This guy sent his proposal for my cousin and got rejected. A few years went by, he didn’t resent her, didn’t bother her, did nothing but then he went on Umrah, prayed to marry her, fast forward year 2021 they happened to meet again accidentally, in a different city, alongside families and God changed her heart by showing her how humble this guy is.
This time his parents refused to take his proposal (again) to which he said; it’s either her or I have no reason to stay back in this country and Boom! second proposal. My uncle and aunt already liked the guy, it was just my cousin who had declined him but this time she said yes.
And the guy is actually really nice (BarakAllahu Feekum.)
I had a word with him after their nikkah (last year) that bro 🙂 you NEED to take care of her or you’ll be answerable to me as well. Poor soul didn’t even argue in the *doud pilai* thing, let his shoes got stolen 😂 and pretty sure I gave him a subtle sugarcoated warning, in his own damn house post their reception 🥲😂 He listens to everyone. God knows how many people gave him a heads up, on treating our girl well including my father. Either there are no daughters or just one daughter each, in the family so everyone stays very concerned and he got it! He isn’t the kind of guy with a toxic male ego. He’s a shield for her and is literally all about her, without suffocating her. That guy truly loves her and it shows!
BarakAllahu Feek 🤍
They’re the second real life couple that I like. I’m not against arrange marriages but love marriages are a whole different vibe. Everything is still the same but so very different. There’s no stress, no communication barriers, no lack of understanding, no need for adjustments and sacrifices. It’s close to real magic. 🥹

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What really makes you angry?

My aunt bought up my SA in front of my kids to try to make a point during her pro-life tirade & then proceeded to claim my sister and I are shxtty mothers & are unimportant lmao. Because my sister is pro-choice & I just happened to be there so I got dragged into it. I'm angry that she'd bring that up in front of my kids & i'm really disappointed that she's 50 & acting this way. My sister cut her off & she spent like 2+ hours trying to continue arguing & i've since cut her off. Smh.

Do you make jam? What’s your fav?

I haven't made jam since I was a child! I think that was with my great aunt and uncle :)
They had an orchard, as well as a fruit and vegetable patch! So we made strawberry jam, and plum jam! The smell in their kitchen was amazing xD
My favourite jams are either strawberry or raspberry :3
Do you make jam Whats your fav
Liked by: Matilda. Trin.

باتیں اچھی بناتے ہو یا چا ئے 🍵 🤨

Pls forward; This is serious message from USMAN AKRAM, he is under surveillance by MOSSAD RAW working covertly inside our ISI. USMAN AKRAM WAS JAILED IN ISI PRISON CELLS FOR 9MONTHS.ALL investigators WERE TOO MUCH sensitive and concerned about Mossad as if they feared about themselves because they were mossad agents,they keep asking israel related questions .They curse ISLAM IN JAIL,BAD MOUTH ABOUT QURAN AND PROPHET MUHAMMAD PBUH,THEY RAPE MEN AND WOMEN IN JAILS ,taunting THAT "LOOK YOURE VERY PIOUS RIGHT ?! "I WAS SEXUALLY ABUSED TOO,THEY KILLED MUSLIMS INSIDE JAIL WITH LASER weapons THAT ARE HIDDEN AND invisible.USMAN'S sister (2elder ones) are used as doomed spies .they get monthly wages for intelligence info about me.USMAN is most wanted individual *GLOBALLY* due to the fact that hes aware of confidential information that was kept hidden from public, among other things which hes aware of, he whistle-blows about recent hoax viruses, and sudden surprising spike in all diseases, these are caused by hidden weapons covertly installed inside homes globally, and all electrical devices are hacked for complete control over citizens throughout the world, satellite weapons are used to influence natural disaster and scourges on humanity under veil of global warming , spread this messtage, and beware of your homes, cars and other vehicles used for travel. They are bugged, energy crisis is hoax, we have so much electricity to light many earths like ours, the reason for this crisis is simple, they want to stir waters to see any movement to catch fish, tampered electric wirings and power outages are the reason for this hoax crisis. Brother and aunt of usman were also killed with these hidden laser weapons, and apparently it was dengue and bodily function failure, there's so much information to be disclosed but our main purpose here is to wake people and let them know reality. Stand up, humanity is under threat, and wars are waged covertly. Take stand, or you will be next target of such terrorism. Peace

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Which thing is missing from life?

Abzquad’s Profile PhotoAbdul Ahad
I had a dream, prolly a memory from the past. Where I was taken by surprise to find my aunt at home and I say, “I thought you left” and she said “you know I couldn’t leave without meeting you.”
I wasn’t there when she passed away, due to Covid in 2020. My grief is here to stay.
Which thing is missing from life

Share a religious reminder. 🙂

Ahmednorthowed’s Profile PhotoAhmed Mahmood
It isn’t something religious. But very religious people scare me the most. If u call urself so much religious, you must abide by every rule and apply them on urself too. Islam doesn’t teach you to be harsh on non-practicing or non-religious people. Islam teaches you love. With love, and with your behaviours, you can inspire people, and you got no right to force others. And the only example of that very loving lady was my aunt, who died in 2020. But she still resides in my heart :’) ♥️ she was very religious, but was never forceful on us to do anything Islamic. Infact she was very kind in such matters, so i started taking Quran classes from her just because of her pure and kind nature. Since the day she is gone, i have never met any other pure and kind soul as she was. May she rest in peace :’) ♥️ i miss her.

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