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Czy zarabiasz więcej niż nauczyciel? 😉 ♀️❤️

womanwithgoodheart’s Profile PhotoDziewczyna z Dobrym sercem ♀❥
Do you earn more than a teacher?
It depends on what kind of teacher, whether school or academic, and in what country the teacher is? Generally, teachers do not earn much, so I think I earn more than the average teacher in Poland
Zarabiam więcej niż przeciętny nauczyciel w Polsce

Being an honest media person in this country is like playing with fire trust me. That too when you're practicing in Capital. Har wakt uthanay ka dar.

I can only imagine how difficult it must be to navigate the media landscape in such a high-pressure environment and it takes real courage and integrity to stand up for what you believe in and report the truth, especially when there are so many obstacles and dangers involved. So, if no one has told you this today yet, please know that your work is incredibly valuable and appreciated - even if it comes with its fair share of challenges along the way. 🌻

What are you reading these days

sleeperzsd’s Profile Photoswkduwksh
The Mountains Echoed by Khalid Husseini
( A quick review: The writer is a bit of an idiot as he misrepresents his own country in many ways, but on the bright side he doesn't misrepresent human beings, his characters are as human as we all are, they have hearts, brains, plans, trauma, love, fate and faith, everything is just woven so perfectly you'll start reading page after page in a daze.)

What music do you enjoy listening to? ✨️

hellojonesymo’s Profile PhotoJo
✦ ───────────── ✦
. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
✦ ───────────── ✦
My taste in music is very broad - I listen to every language as long as I like the voice and rhythm of the song. If it's interesting/intriguing for me I google the lyrics and translate them into English, this is how I learn other languages too. As far as I know, I listen to pop genre songs the most, but I do like indie and country songs too.

Is patriotism overrated?

nousernameavailable31645’s Profile Photo♠phlegmatic♣
I believe that patriotism can be both positive and negative depending on how it is expressed yk. While feeling pride in one's country and working towards its betterment can be a force for good, blind patriotism that ignores systemic injustices or oppressive policies is harmful and divisive. So while I wouldn't say that patriotism itself is overrated, we do need to critically examine what it means to us as individuals and ensure that our actions align with our values of justice, equality, and compassion for all people. 🌻

> you’ve played quite a big role in helping me to see things differently - You deserve the credit for keeping an open mind. Do not confuse pride in one's country with a misplaced sense of nationalism. Two entirely different things but often conflated by subversives.

talionislexx’s Profile PhotoLex Talionis
Thank you. I always keep an open mind with all things. But you teach me so much in so many ways about so many things. 💗

> it used to annoy me to no end - Patriotism? It is one of the most misunderstood concepts but there is nothing wrong with having an appreciation for one's country, culture and ideals or the desire to preserve and improve them. A prerequisite if we wish to restore some semblance of sanity.

talionislexx’s Profile PhotoLex Talionis
Oh yeah, I used to be very anti patriotic. When I took a picture of the flag on the boat the other day, I even surprised myself. Plus as you know, I’m becoming more interested in politics. When it comes down to it, I don’t really agree with government having so much say in things or with having so much “pride” in what country you’re from but I can’t change the world and I have come to the point where as long as I can see that there is much more to existence than these things that there is no harm in participating, perhaps even there’s benefits. You’ve played quite a big role in helping me to see things differently. 💗

What is your city/country famous for?

Lucifersays_hi’s Profile Photoزینب
📍🇵🇰 A country which is 6th most dangerous country for Women.
. 50% Women Literacy ; half of the girls are out of schools
. Domestic Violence ; Most of the Married women suffer from Domestic Violence.
. Women Education is considered equal to Prostitution or Nach Gana.
. Religious extremism is the new justice for everyone , mob is the judge to solve every issue.
What is your citycountry famous for

What is your city/country famous for?

Lucifersays_hi’s Profile Photoزینب
I am from Russia and everyone knows about my beautiful country, some know it from bad side, some from good side, the attitude may be different, but fact is that this is an amazing country. And there is such an interesting fact: Russia is only country in the world washed by 12 seas.
My city Moscow 💜 it would take a long time to describe all the advantages... just a beautiful city, a city of opportunities, multifaceted and with crazy sunsets

Yikes that you got brainwashed. People like you are the reason our country is such a mess. Yeah Nikki, you know more than his literal family. Yeah, no.

Yikes there’s no coming back for you, you’re far beyond brainwashed. I feel bad for you but soon enough you’ll see the truth when it comes out eventually!

Say something..............

This year has been crazy as hell. I was struggling with my job tbh, so I was looking for a new one, while I was doing that I got offered a job that didn’t fit what I was looking for, so I had to refuse, a month later I got offered a part time position by the same guy, I said why not. Fast forward four months and things got really bad with my first job to a point where I had to quit, it affected me so much on my mental health side, the whole experience was kinda traumatic actually, so they left me no choice. I started doing my part time job in full. Until a month later a very good company offered me a senior position with a good package, I had to say yes, and when I told my new boss the news he was nasty about it too :)
I guess that’s how work is in this country. Not sure why there isn’t any honorable men who respected good work and time spent with their colleagues and employees. So here I am now. One job with many responsibilities and challenges, but seems to be in a cool environment. Let’s stay hopeful and wish for the best. I have a good feeling about this one.

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What's your opinion on all these anti tourism protests?

Shannon678900’s Profile PhotoShannon
Unfortunately, I'm not informed enough about the situation to have a strong opinion on it... But from what little I have heard, the issue seems to stem from the way certain tourists tend to behave when visiting their country-- ie. getting belligerently drunk and behaving in a manner that is inconsiderate and disrespectful.
In which case, I absolutely empathize with the locals. I don't blame them for being sick and tired of having tourists come to their home and treat it like a playground, showing little to no respect for their culture or the people who live there. I reckon I'd be fed up, too.

Do you receive tourism in your country? Which places do tourists usually come to visit? 🤔

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
Around 65 million overnight stays are registered in Sweden each year, which equates to quite a lot of tourists, considering Sweden's population is around 10.5 million people! Considering Sweden is a quite tall country, there's a big difference in climate between the north and south 🇸🇪
But generally, many tourists visit the historical city centres, places like Stockholm's old town has many buildings, some even date back to the 1400s. Many castles and mansions also dot Sweden's landscape 🏰
Sweden has the most islands of any country in the world and ferries take people out to many of the picturesque towns out in the archipelago ⛵
Compared to many countries in Europe, Sweden has a lot of untouched wilderness with forests as far as the eye can see, so many tourists go on various hiking trails! 🌲
Up north above the Arctic circle you can hike in the vast tundras, watch the northern lights and live at the famous ice hotel ❄️🏔️
(Not my pictures)

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Do you receive tourism in your country Which places do tourists usually come to

what is one thing life has taught you?

x3_bebesota’s Profile PhotoJazMarie ✨
- You don't have to do anything anyone tells you.
- You have choice.
- You can be tall.. thin.. big.. gaystraightbi idc a man or a women.. off.. here.. there.. an animal.. my brother.. my buddies friend or whatver. Idc.. if your nice to me. Ima be the same back. It don't matter.
- Stand up for yourself.
- Be open minded. You can make a friend from anywhere in this world and outside of your country. #Onelove @illin_ahmed @redoasis2017 and more maaany more.
- Being alone is ok. You do not have to be with someone just to make you happy.
- Don't put yourself down for someone else.
- Don't be selfless.
- Nor be selfish.
- You can go out and have fun. Nothing or no one is too busy! Stop. Plan. Do. Enjoy. Relax. You deserve it. All humans do. No excuses.
- Don't have excuses. Just do!
- You can forgive and forget. Fact.
- Give 2nd chances. Depending. Try.
- Children are innocent. Teach them right always. Teach them early to be kind and to love and to love correctly.
- Respect doesn't HAVE to be given to give or the other way around.. just learn to be the bigger person.
- Respect your elders.
- Do your best ALWAYS. REGARDLESS.
- It is never too late for anything.
- Nothing is impossible.
- Practice can make perfect.
- Stop telling people everything about you. They don't have to know sh-
- Don't fight people. It isn't worth it unless you are defending yourself of course.
- Overlook childnessessessss.. infact.. walk away.. you win automatically.
- Ignore ignorance.
- If being bullied.. bully the bully 4x back harder and then tell them.. Don't feel nice do it? Wins everytime.
- Get out there and earn it.. then nobody can tell you they gave u sh-
- Be you. Its the best thing. Even if you think it isnt. Well guess what. It is. Be you. Not anyone else.
- Confidence is the biggest thing hated these days. Rock it proudly.
- Nothing wrong with expressing yourself and it be ok
& so so much more life has taught me. These are just some. What has life taught you? Stay tuned -Bella

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what is one thing life has taught you

🇮🇱 Vs Muslim Country

🇮🇱 tiene💲+ que 🇦🇪🦍 por petróleo y Prosti-- y nisiquera le gana a Israel !! Si no fuera por sus recursos naturales nisiquera existirían, los 🇮🇱 sus aliades 👼 y los muslim 🇸🇦🇦🇪🦍 nisiquera le ganaron a Yemen país en hambruna y nisiquera los países Musulmanes le dan Refugio a los palestinos.
Vs Muslim Country
Liked by: jesssnl Germán

Muslim Country + Russian

Esos 🦍 Top miseria, tos inmigrantes, tops países feos etc y 🇷🇺🦍🦊 Russian men top eliminate ,top prostitucion en todo el 🌎 cualquiera lo sabe 👌 Dubái nisiquera es potencia o ayuda a los Musulmanes ,en medio oriente nisiquera tienen misiles como los Rusos y nisiquera pueden ayudar a los palestinos 🦍
Muslim Country  Russian
Liked by: jesssnl Germán

Do you receive tourism in your country? Which places do tourists usually come to visit in your state? 🤔

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
Althought it's harsh & rough weather in Kuwait specially in Summer time but still so many places u can enjoy ur time there. Like Al.Khiran Resorts,Malls: the Avenues,the Capital,360°,Marina, al-Kout,Al-Hamra & so many others. Most famous place in my country is Kuwait Towers✌🏼🇰🇼
Do you receive tourism in your country Which places do tourists usually come to

Super weird question, but do you want someone to ask you the same questions that you send as shoutouts? xD xD

Actually, Yes. I'd be happy to discuss the Pakistani drama industry, my workout playlist, the government's 100-day performance, the T20 World Cup, the country and its various issues and non-issues, the army, YouTube and some YouTubers, summer, friends, some Instagram reels, and some movies. 😅

What'd be a typical outfit for you during this time of year? 👗☀️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
On the days when it’s particularly warm, my go-to outfit is either a lightweight maxi dress, a long skirt, or jeans and a band shirt. Generally speaking though, my style doesn’t change too much during the summer. I wear fewer layers, and some of my heavier knitwear goes into hibernation ‘til Autumn rolls around. Other than that though? I dress almost exactly the same as I would any other time of year.
Perhaps if I lived in a country that got “proper” summers, it would be different… But alas, I am from Britain. Aka, the land of perpetual rain and gloom! We may have the odd week or two where things heat up but otherwise, our summers tend to be quite mild! So a drastic wardrobe change often isn’t necessary. 😊🌦️
(Pictured: Me, August ‘23)
Whatd be a typical outfit for you during this time of year

I know that on 4th of July you celebrate to stop being England colony, but does people today really celebrate this historical fact or are they just happy to have one day free of work? 😁

LarryStylestomlinson436’s Profile PhotoMe - Larry
I think it’s definitely less about the history today and more about appreciation for what we have to celebrate today. The USA is far from a perfect country, but we are blessed nonetheless! The day is to be spent with loved ones and to celebrate freedom. For everyone that’s a different internal meaning. Freedom is a beautiful, yet complex concept, but one we are grateful for as a nation-especially when you’re off work and around the ones you love. 😊😄
I know that on 4th of July you celebrate to stop being England colony but does

mental health check in. how are you doing mentally? ❤️

x3_bebesota’s Profile PhotoJazMarie ✨
I think I'm going to do a social media break for my mental health.
As of right now I've gone from anxiety over what's happening in the country to just downright full blown depressive episode and the more I see of the new things being passed the worse my anxiety gets which makes my episode worse and it's becoming a cycle. I haven't slept for nearly 24 hours lmao.

you love Croatia? 🇭🇷 why? what do you love about it? why is Slovakia 🇸🇰 your 2nd favourite country?

Max Taylor
Noooo! You wrongly understood me! Croatia is my second favourite country ! Because we spent almost all our sea vacations there (Pula, Medulin, Krk, Pag, Pasman, Crikvenica, Šibenik, Zadar, Biograd na Moru, Vir, Selce) - beautiful clear sea without sand just rocks and connection of sea and mountains is amazing! ❤️ (I hate sandy beaches) :))

Why or why not you're planning to stay in Pakistan? 🍂

SN_Khan’s Profile PhotoAhsan Khan
My uncle offered to take me to Norway with him. It would sound extremely fancy for anyone who is living in a third world country to get settle there.
But i refused him many times because i am the only son of my parents and as age passes they are getting old. They need me more than my money.
I believe in pre-destiny. So whatever is written in terms of wealth in my decree. I’ll attain it. But i won’t get parents again.
So i ditched this opportunity for which i have no regret.

Isn't it strange how nowadays a lot of people want to leave the city and relocate to the countryside? Many years ago, during industrialization, everyone moved to the city from the country. Now, we want to live somewhere quiet, with clean air, and lots of green spaces and nature.

People mostly moved to cities for jobs and access to things you couldn't have in the sticks, with the development of better tech and remote working that's less necessary so people are leaving for greener pastures, just like I did 😂

Hi guys, I'm from Serbia but I recently moved to Slovakia. I was wondering if there are many taylor swift fans and haters here. In my town, I was known as a massive swiftie and I'd like to know if I'll be judged for listening to her here (I've met quite a few haters already). Thanks for answers 😄

U being swiftie will be least problematic.
There r two options:
Option A is they will judge u cuz u r not from here and we haaate foreigners.
Option B: they will love u cuz they r retarded enough to think Serbia is same as Russia and we looove Russia here.
We as this shit hole of a country not me.

what do you think about permanent residency in Canada? is it worth it?

There is no such thing as a residency that is worthy or not. There 's a comparison between ur situation in ur country and another country.
If in ur country you receive human treatment and get all your rights without fear or harm, then it isn't worth running after.
But if you find the opposite, then it is the logical path to salvation and pursuing it is a must..

If you should eat only food starting with the same letter as your name, what would you eat? 😁

my name is Ines
hence the letter I❤️
I ✨one from the most beautiful letter
every country
have delicious
dishes from my letter
Involtini ( italian dish)- 🍽️🌹
Insalata Caprese 🥙✨
Ice - cream 🍨
Iga Penyet ( Indonesian dish)🍽️🌹
Irish stew ( Irish dish)
Indianola apple 🍏
and … and … and
bon appetite !
anonymous ✨
If you should eat only food starting with the same letter as your name what

Do you believe in an honest, unqualified person or inhonestly qualified people in general?

HappyBoss_’s Profile PhotoAnon+
If you mean whether unqualified people i.e. people without higher education can be honest, so yes, I believe that they can 🤷‍♀️.... And inhonestly qualified people unfortunately exist too.😬 One our professor marked exam of one student from other country as FX and ambassador of this country came to him with a threat, so I am persuaded that this student will be even inhonestly graduated! 🤷‍♀️

Language: English