
67 people

50 posts


how brutally it hits when writer said: we were so excited to become an adult but look at us now.tired,lost,confused and anxious at the same time

fhdrajpoot’s Profile PhotoF A H A D
Sighs heavily. Many of us can relate to that feeling, how we once dreamt of growing up¿ we thought adulthood would be this grand adventure—freedom wrapped in endless possibilities but it seems like we spend so much time longing for the future, only to arrive there and find ourselves struggling with all these heavy emotions. But maybe growing up isn't about arriving at some final destination—maybe it is more about embracing the journey itself and discovering ourselves. We don't have to have everything figured out in order to be kay. Sometimes just taking things one step at a time is enough. And even in those moments when we feel lost or anxious, there is beauty too. In our vulnerability and our struggles, we find strength and resilience we never knew existed even if it feels scary or uncertain but for sure every step towards adulthood is also a step towards growth. 🌻

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Why life is getting so much difficult rn?

Sometimes you have to make peace with the fact that life wont be always be exciting and stays the same — there are periods of rest and even boredom, and tiredness while other periods of emotion and new characters come into our story. And what we can do is that we must respect and work with it, create fulfillment with what we have going on right now. And it's okay. 🌻

Your Skin Care Routine Please Share

It's kinda simple tbh. I mostly use Saeed Ghani's products and they work well for me.
After waking up, I use the following products:
1: Rice soap by Saeed Ghani (I wash my face thoroughly with it. It contains rice extracts, glycerin, aloe vera, all of which are very good for skin)
2: Then I spray some rose water on my face and let it absorb into my skin.
3: I have total 3 serums to use during the day. Tea tree and neem serum, and Vitamin C serum (I use these two interchangeably, just depends on my mood), and Hyaluronic acid.
4: If my skin feels extra dry, I use a Vitamin C moisturizer. Otherwise, I just skip moisturizer during the day because I don't like the sticky feeling of it.
At night:
1: The same Vitamin C moisturizer with 2 drops of tea tree oil.
2: Sometimes I go ahead and use retinol serum. It is infused with Niacinamide, good for reducing pores and fine lines.
3: If I use retinol, I make sure to put another thin layer of moisturizer as retinol works best when sandwiched between layers of moisturizer.
4: Last but not the least, I put castor oil on my eyelashes.

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How do you find comfort and relief on bad days?

hussainaliraqe23’s Profile Photo3ra2y
Today was a bad day, or at least an overwhelming one. I am currently telling myself this feeling will pass. I will feel more capable after I rest, but to rest, I have to set aside the “need” to solve everything immediately. Right now I am perceiving that my problems are massive, but if I wait until I have a clearer head, I may not even perceive them to be problems at all. All humans need to recover sometimes. It does not mean I am weak, or that I have failed. Treating myself with kindness is the only way I’ll find relief on days like these.

I hate myself beacuse no one likes me , im helping everyone im trying to be good and i still dont know what am i doing wrong 😭

Hey, if you're helping everyone and trying to be good, it sounds like you're already doing a lot right! Maybe it's not that no one likes you—maybe they just haven't caught up to how awesome you are yet. After all, even Wi-Fi sometimes has a hard time connecting, but that doesn't mean it's not working perfectly!

Shout-out : what are your thoughts on gentle parenting? Some argue that it’s not an effective approach for children.

J_A1996’s Profile PhotoJ
Largely, I think it’s misconstrued and falsely labelled as “permissive” parenting (aka, no limits, no boundaries, unable to say no to your kids, lenient to a fault, letting your kids walk all over you, etc). 😅 The word “gentle” seems to throw people off, and leads to the assumption that you’re essentially planning on raising entitled, out of control kids who aren’t shown any authority. But I do not view it like this at all.
Gentle parenting approaches SHOULD be authoritative, it’s designed to be that way, making it so kids have strong, yet healthy boundaries. But, they are also treated with respect, and have space to express their full range of emotions without being shamed or punished for it. I think recognizing that children are just as complex as adults are, and have all sorts of feelings, needs, and wants is SO important. Also, understand that children do not automatically know or understand what the “right” or appropriate way to handle/respond to a situation is, and we should not be instilling in them that they should “just know” how to act. That is taught to them by YOU as a parent.
A good example, in my opinion, of gentle parenting is if your child gets angry and goes to bite or h*t you, you can say to them: “I understand you’re angry, I feel angry too sometimes, and that’s okay… BUT, I cannot allow you to h*t/bite me. Can you tell me what you need instead so I can help you?” Like, validate their emotions, but also, put firm boundaries in place so that they know their current behavior is not acceptable or allowed. And this can be adapted to different ages too, it’s not just exclusive to very young children.
I think it is 100% unnecessary to yell at or raise a hand to your children. And I don’t think you need to either. 🤷🏼‍♀️ You don’t need to punish your children for being in a bad mood, or feeling angry, sad, etc. Instead, treat them as nuanced human beings who need guidance, and love, and to feel understood. That is what parents should be doing. It’s not about being passive or permissive, it’s about showing kids it’s okay to feel what they feel, but they need to be taught how to deal with said emotions appropriately. You are your children’s greatest role model, so demonstrate how they should act by being that for them.

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Shoutout  what are your thoughts on gentle parenting Some argue that its not an

When you first wake up, what does your mind think about?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoΣΩ
Usually it’s whatever I need to do that day, or something I’m anxious about. I wake up with a pit of anxiety in my stomach more often than I care to admit… But sometimes, if I have a day to chill, I just think about what I want to do that day, and maybe even consider going back to sleep. 😂
I also think about checking/scrolling on my phone first thing after I wake up. Which honestly, is a habit I’m not too fond of. I’d like to break that, and only look at my phone to make sure nothing has happened while I’m sleeping. I feel like I scroll too much, and I should just have some time in the morning where I’m not looking at my phone. 🤔
When you first wake up what does your mind think about

Exactly, they just want to profit off of his d*ath for clout and capital. It's disgusting, I hope people see through the BS.

i hope so too. i saw a few people sharing the article about chester's mother online, as well as everything jaime said, which irritates me a bit because they don't know chester's history. sometimes family doesn't know best.

You obviously don't know this, but midwives can also be nurses sometimes, but sometimes not. It's a valid question, you don't need to be condescending. Do you know if your midwife is also a nurse?

I can be whatever the fxck I want, don’t like it then fxck off. 🤷🏻‍♀️
I wouldn’t have a clue if my midwife is also a nurse, her medical school background doesn’t affect how she checks my blood pressure.

How do you overcome your negativity thoughts?

usmanaay1’s Profile PhotoUsman
For me, it starts with self-compassion rather than getting caught up in negative thoughts or feelings, I try to approach myself with kindness and understanding - recognizing that everyone struggles sometimes even sometimes it is hard and it sucks where at one point I can't stop overthinking. But, I like to focus on gratitude. Even when things feel difficult or overwhelming, there is always something to be thankful for - whether it is the support of loved ones, the beauty of nature around us, or simply the fact that we are alive and breathing. And I find that movement helps me shake off any lingering negativity. Whether it is taking a walk outside in nature or a physical activity can help release tension from our bodies and minds. 🌻

I'm really puzzled by the love messages I receive. I can't tell if they're meant for me or someone else. How can you love someone anonymously? To me, love is an action word. When you love someone, you show it through your actions. It feels like many of you.

Not everyone who confesses love actually loves and who can know the heart or the constancy except by those brave enough to reveal themselves and show devotion? Ask is a very unique and special format of social media which sometimes allows affection for a soul and a personality, but you cannot have a reality of love in actuality without complete vulnerability… in my opinion. Love is both a feeling and an action. I’ve even heard it argued that it is not true love unless it is in fact reciprocated. I am not the authority on the subject, just a fan of the emotion. Who can say for sure?
Im really puzzled by the love messages I receive I cant tell if theyre meant for

I think love can be a bit intimidating sometimes, but I believe it’s worth exploring! What about you?

Love sure has the power to inspire us, transform us, and make life feel truly magical. But like anything worthwhile in life, it can also be a bit daunting at times and ofcourse opening your heart to someone new requires vulnerability and courage – but that leap of faith can often lead to some of life's most meaningful connections. And I strongly believe in this that even if things don't work out as planned, the lessons learned from those experiences can shape us into stronger and wiser individuals. — so while it may feel intimidating at times, it is also one of the most rewarding experiences life has to offer. 🌻✨️.

Is your Ask giving you new questions notifications, but then when you open the app you can't see them? Been going on for about a week or so now for me.

Emmagine_This’s Profile PhotoEmmagine_This
I have question notifications turned off but for answer notifications I sometimes get dual notifications in quick succession! 🤔 It happens too often to be one specific person who's indecisive with their answers Haha It can certainly be annoying, especially when you're waiting for a certain other notification. But in those situations I often turn off notifications from ask completely.
Is your Ask giving you new questions notifications but then when you open the

Are you one of those people who has their life revolve around the kind of work they do or the work they’re planning on doing? I know someone who’s trying to become a veterinarian and she has tattoos of various animals on her. That tells me she’s committed to her future career unlike me.

Yeah, I’m the kind of person who gives everything to what I’m doing. When I get obsessed with something, whether it’s work or a hobby, it takes over my whole life—my thoughts, my space, everything. But once I reach the goal, that obsession just disappears, like it was never there. When I focus on an idea, I go all in. It can get out of control sometimes, especially when I have other things to do. Everything gets messy, and I can’t concentrate. And honestly, I’m really bad at multitasking. I can only handle one thing at a time.

What is your personal mantra?

Fatimess72219’s Profile PhotoFatimess
Something that doesn’t click to other people abt me
and what doesn’t click to me the same way is that… unfortunately, I literally don’t give two fucks about who is elder to me, if you’re wrong, you are wrong 🤷🏻‍♀️
Idc how old u are,
If you’re treating me like I’m beneath you, if you’re bullying me, I do not give a damn if the whole world goes against me I will cut you up with no 👏hesitation 👏at 👏 all👏
And I say this bcz sometimes people use the mashar vs kashar debate with me and it just sets me off like crazzehh 🥴
Liked by: Faraz Araiba Micro. Qasim

Are you good at impressions or accents

shahbazk23267’s Profile Photoshahbaz
I used to be, especially if I worked in close quarters with someone. I could pick up their voice, accent and replicate it almost exactly.
When I worked in the head office for a national retailer I could walk into the office and conceal myself behind filing cabinets and use the boss’s voice to call to a staff member and they’d all jump to attention, it was very silly.
I once worked for a charity and could answer the Director’s ‘phone in his voice when he wasn’t there and convince people who knew him well that they were talking to him, at least, until I said something daft that gave it away!
The downside of that unlearned skill set was that when working closely with people from other regions I’d often take on their accent by accident, just naturally, and find myself speaking Geordie or Brummie or whatever, and sometimes found it hard to shake off.
Hasn’t happened for years though, and I haven’t tried to imitate anyone for many years either.

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https://ask.fm/reeniiemo/answers/174880599335?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=android They say a regretful shredded tear in the house of Almighty can wipe out oceans of sins 👀✨💫

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
This makes me smile cause you are referring to a beautiful concept yuvi. Plus there is a hadith too by our prophet (saw) that states:
《 A tear shed due to fear of Allah - taala can wipe out sins, even if they are as abundant as the foam of the ocean 》.
《 The tears shed due to regret and remorse are dearer to Allah - taala than the tears shed due to worldly sorrows 》.
And it reminds me of the idea that even the smallest actions can have a ripple effect - like throwing a pebble into a pond and watching the water dance. I think it is important to remember that forgiveness is always possible, no matter how big or small our mistakes may be. And sometimes, it takes just one moment of sincere regret or reflection to start making things right. — In Islam and many other religions I am sure yours one too, there is this emphasis on taking responsibility for our actions and seeking forgiveness from both god and those we may have wronged. It requires humility and vulnerability, but I believe it also opens up space for growth and healing and it is comforting to know that there are ways to move forward with grace and compassion. 🌻✨️

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How do the changing colors of leaves affect your mood?

bellmona212’s Profile PhotoMona Bell
I sometimes believe I'm the son of the fall 🍁. I was born in fall. I am a virgo. I am very aesthetic in a weird way and also very delicate about my feelings so yeah the leaves turning yellow makes me feel like that the sadness is eternal. Like i haven't finished mourning over the leaves of the last fall yet it comes over again... And I can't stop myself being struck with the beauty of the dying pale yellow leaves ... So it's very surreal that I might never explain in words...

What's on your mind right now ???

rafayarslan12’s Profile Photoرافع قریشی
My mind is too warm to respond to that.
Dimagh garam, Ac chalou.
On a serious note, sometimes the mind is racing with energy, overwhelming thoughts but u can't feel it. . sometimes u can feel an emotion in your unconscious, but it doesn't reach your conscious . . That's why your mind gets warm.
Its just my Theory .

How do you deal with the state of severe self doubt?

biya_furqan’s Profile PhotoWindRider
I think self doubt is important to help a person not gain overconfidence and keep improving / growing! But it is necessary not to overthink it and become depressed or lose too much self-esteem over some random thoughts in your head (well I know that it's obvious but try and practice not to)...
-First checking what is it that is bringing that doubt in you and trying to rectify it
-Talking about it to your close ones helps
-Trying something you're good at helps to boost your self esteem (could be singing, dancing, art etc)
-Meditation helps in such cases to calm your mind
-Staying hopeful ... A twig of hope can help you float to shore
-Praying and having faith helps NGL! Even if you have your ups and downs with whoever you worship! But just like we're incomplete without his blessings similarly a God is thirsty for his worshippers ...
Or anything that brings a slight of hope in you ... Because sometimes we know the exact solution to our problems but we are looking for miracles to happen...
"Ke warna yeh tez dhoop ...
Toh chubhti hume bhi hai ...
Hum chup khade huye hain ...
Ki vo ake sayeban lga dega ! ..."

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How do you deal with the state of severe self doubt

where to run when home doesn't feel like home??

ishnaal’s Profile Photoruined mascara
Ive got a whole apartment just for that. I crash there on weekends, me, myself, and silence. Plus, Ive got a ukulele there lol so i play some fanny country tunes on it, make myself some good tea, hang with my cat, and spend time alone. Sometimes, the only way to find peace is to create your own space.

How do the changing colors of leaves affect your mood?

bellmona212’s Profile PhotoMona Bell
I love autumn somuch and changing colours of leaves have always had a special place in my heart. There is something so magical about watching nature transform before our very eyes - from lush greens to fiery oranges and deep reds. Personally — I find that these seasonal changes can often mirror our inner transformations as well. Just like the trees shedding their leaves to make way for new growth, we too must sometimes let go of old habits or beliefs in order to move forward. And while the fall season can also bring feelings of melancholy or nostalgia at times especially with shorter days and cooler temperatures there is also a sense of comfort and warmth that comes with cozy sweaters, warm drinks and such. The changing colours of leaves affect my mood by reminding me to embrace change while finding joy in simple pleasures. ✨️🌻♡.

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How do the changing colors of leaves affect your mood

Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis?

Lucifersays_hi’s Profile PhotoZz
Yes, I have! Many times ... During one of my nightmares... I remember a female figure ghost was about k!ll me and I was about to punch the ghost back in the face but I woke up all of sudden! And I realised that I couldn't move my limbs for about 5-10 seconds!
It happens sometimes unless I'm lucid dreaming because then I'm in control of my consciousness in my dreams and can turn things my way 👊🏻✊🏻🤛🏻
How about you?
Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis

What do you use ask for: as a pass time, as a dating site, as a diary, as a way to befriend people?

novenaculebra’s Profile PhotoSigrid
Yeah, all of those except for dating. I like learning about the way that other people think, and connecting with people who have different life experiences to me. All my real life friends are very similar to me. Same gender, same age, same education, same interests, and Ask gives an opportunity to see different perspectives. But I'll be honest, finding interesting people on here can be really hard sometimes, there are a lot of trivial accounts, one word answers and general shallowness.

What are your hobbies?

novenaculebra’s Profile PhotoSigrid
I play Bridge, the card game, twice a week, table tennis once a week, and I go to the cinema a couple of times a month. I also like cycling around my local area, where there are a lot of green spaces, and looking after my garden. I frequently travel into central London to go to museums, galleries, concerts (classical and rock), the theatre, and free science lectures when I can find them.
I do computer programming as a job, from home, but sometimes I do that for fun too, and a bit of electronics too. I also play a bit of music (piano, drums, guitar, synthesizers), but I'm not very good.
Liked by: becky Jo Sigrid

What's your go-to fast food order, if any? 🍔🍕

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I always take certain things, my husband and I love French fries from McDonald's or KFC, a twister or a cheeseburger, Pepsi, sometimes we take something new, but usually there is something from this list
Whats your goto fast food order if any

Do u learn from your mistakes or keep repeating them?

ibnadam5’s Profile PhotoAHAD
I do have my fair share of mistakes —probably more than I would like to admit. And while I try to learn from them, sometimes it is hard not to fall back into old patterns. It is like this vicious cycle where I know what I am doing wrong but can't seem to break free from it completely. I guess that's just part of being human though—we are all flawed and imperfect in our own ways. The important thing is that we keep trying to do better each day, even if we stumble along the way. 🌻

I’m soooo bored. You ever just wanna sit down and talk cause your so fricken bored ? Lol

PrincessTami29’s Profile PhotoSpooky Queen
Haha, I totally get that! Sometimes boredom can really hit hard. I’ve definitely had those moments where I just want to sit down and chat about anything to pass the time. What about you, Spooky Queen? What’s been on your mind lately?
Krakow – September 18, UTC +2
Im soooo bored You ever just wanna sit down and talk  cause your so fricken

Do you think too much freedom can be dangerous?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoΣΩ
Yes, I believe that too much freedom can sometimes lead to dangerous consequences. While freedom is essential for personal growth and expression, an excess of it without any boundaries or responsibilities can result in chaos and harm.
For instance, in a society where there are no laws or rules to regulate behavior, individuals might act solely based on their desires, which could lead to conflict and a breakdown of social order. Additionally, too much freedom in personal choices can sometimes result in negative outcomes for oneself or others if those choices are not made with consideration for their impact.
That said, it's important to find a balance between freedom and responsibility. Having guidelines and values can help ensure that freedom is exercised in a way that promotes well-being and safety for everyone.
Krakow – September 18, UTC +2

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Do you think too much freedom can be dangerous

When do you feel most alone

laxmikanth_cool’s Profile PhotoLax
When my friends are talking to each other and I’m just observing them from afar rather than being a part of the conversation. Sometimes, even when I join a conversation with friends and we’re three or more people talking to each other, I worry that my words don’t/won’t matter as much. I have to remind myself that it’s mostly my head trying to convince me that I don’t matter and not because of anyone else’s actions/words. I hurt my own feelings and feel lonely because of my mindset in most cases. How about you?

What do people cheat

IDK. Mine cheated because I was too loving. Sometimes I wish I was like him. Just breaking hearts without any regards to anyone's feelings. The truth is I felt so much pain, and I loved that man so much that I forgave him so many times in the hopes he would change at least for me. In the end my heart got smashed in trillion pieces, and created an ocean with my tears.

Talk us through your daily life challenges and how you tackle them.

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
Being yr own therapist is hard bt let’s be real....the advice is brutally honest sometimes... I use it to handle the daily grind of reality based + imaginative dilemmas... like a one person talk show where the audience is also confused...!🌚
Talk us through your daily life challenges and how you tackle them

If you’re in / have been in a long distance relationship, how do you go about sustaining it? 💘🌍

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I never was in a LONG distance relationship and I can't imagine how hard this must be. My boyfriend and I are living around a 100km away from each other and this is already way too much for me. I don't own a car so I take the train from time to time and because he's living in a quiet small town it takes me up to 4 hours to get there (under good conditions around 2 hours, maybe 2,5, but we live in germany, so...) - which sucks, because I have a dog and either I finde dog sitter or simply can't get to there.
BUT as I'm a little 🎀passenger princess🎀 he likes to come a day before out actual date (to see me earlier) stays the night and takes me with him the next day.
Sometime there are up to 10 days where we can't see each other and this is actually more than enough for me. Last year we had to "survive" three weeks and it felt as if my body was aching. But so was his which I think is beautiful.
We're on the phone on the daily basis and sometimes we don't even talk; we do our tasks or practice our hobbies while the other one is somehow just "there".
I can't imagine the pain of those who live in two different counties (and certainly not in different countries).
And I count the days until we move in together next year. The thought of it alone gives me butterflies and inner zoomies.
What about you? Do you have any experiences? If so, how did you handle it?

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