
242 people

50 posts


Why do people seek to ruin a good relationship? Is it jealousy, contempt, sexual frustration, or all three?

Chantz51897’s Profile PhotoChantz
I think all of those are valid reasons people lose control of their emotions, but I don’t imagine people legitimately seek to ruin good relationships unless they are a creature of self-sabotage. This is usually someone who needs therapy to accept good in their lives.
Why do people seek to ruin a good relationship Is it jealousy contempt sexual

How do you handle a partner who refuses to apologize to you?

I think this a hard one because the context is very important for every situation. There are people who have a difficult time saying ,,sorry" or admitting they are wrong and you are right. But giving the fact that you are different, you will also have different opinions and perspectives and you also have to learn to accept this and not to wait for a ,,sorry" for every single thing because I know some fights happen only cuz you think different and sometimes it's hard to accept someone's else's perspective. This is not the case when he treats you poorly sometimes or other things. I think it also depends on the context here and therapy is a solution for someone who really has a difficult time apologizing.

Do you ever want to talk to someone but don’t know what exactly it is that you want to say to them and feel incapable of having a nice conversation some days?

I never know what I'll say in therapy but do feel lighter mentally afterwards. Some crying might ensure.
Hm, I don't like small talk but can resort to that when I don't feel comfortable or don't know what to say. I don't talk for the sake of talking or writing online.

Tea, we know you have lots of talent in sport, academically etc but do you play an instrument?

Hahaha, I’m not sure if it’s talent or just belligerence 😂 I’ve played guitar since Taylor Swift released Love Story in about 2008 (I was 12, I think 👀) and got myself to a level where I could play aaaaalll the songs I wanted to by my favourites and no further - I am not good, but I can and will use it as a therapy session 😂

اي الحاجة للي بتحس انها Free therapy بالنسبالك 💖

shahdbadr71’s Profile Photo"شَهُود"
في ٣ صحابي لو خرجت معاهم ومشينا بلا هدف وعملنا حاجات عشوائية ورغينا ف اي حاجه بس ان هموم الدنيا اتشالت عني بجد 💗...
وهو دا الـ free therapy التمام والله 🌟.

اي الحاجة للي بتحس انها Free therapy بالنسبالك 💖

shahdbadr71’s Profile Photo"شَهُود"
الفسيخ و القعدة مع روان صاحبتي🥹💗💗💗
لسه واكلة فسيخ حالاً وحاسه إني ماسكه السما بإيديّا..😶‍🌫️
بُكرَه إن شاء الله هيبقي أحلي free therapy، أنا روان وعائشه وفسيخ تاني؛ والإنسان مبسوط أوي ومتحمِّس من دلوقتي 🥹💗💗💗

Adha kilo therapy millay gi??

Samad12345’s Profile Photoعزازيل
روح ایک سنہری کڑی ہے گُل بدن!
جو سلسلئہ الوہیت سے ٹوٹ کر گر پڑی ہے
اس کڑی کو آگ کے شعلے لپک لیتے ہیں
اور اس کی شکل مسخ کر دیتے ہیں
اس کے دائرے کا سارا حسن زائل کر دیتے ہیں
لیکن اس کڑی کے سونے کو
کسی دوسری دھات میں نہیں بدل سکتے
آگ میں دھل کر اس کڑی کا حسن دوبالا ہوجاتا ہے
لیکن حیف ہے اس خشک لکڑی پر
جسے آگ جلا کر راکھ کر دیتی ہے
اور ہوا اس کی راکھ کو بیابانوں میں بکھیر دیتی ہے
خلیل جبران۔

What has been living rent-free in your head lately? Can be anything at all! 🧠🤔

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
This might be too disturbing... I'll try to censor everything so it's not taken down...
Lately, I've been intensely following the whole Gypsy Rose thing. Mainly, because it's entertaining to me. She's acting like a f00ool, and she's a trainwreck. And most of all, she k1ll.3d her mother 100%. What's been living in my head is that one photo from the crime scene. The eyes of her d3..ad mother. The whole thing has two-sided, and Gypsy is a manipulative b1t... there are a lot of things that came out. Apparently, she did have some of the illnesses due to the medical records, and her surgeries weren't so out of nowhere. All her mother did was play it up to get the goodies and symphaty IMO (also based on some facts, too)
Now, I don't understand how malicious one should be to do that to someone. I was emotionally and physically abu5sed, and I thought of k1ll1.ng myself instead of my abuser. NOT ONCE DID IT CROSS MY MIND.
I heard this from a video... her mother was profiting from her health issues, she ran a scam. Gypsy said she k1.ll.ed her in self-defense, BUT, how would her mother profit in that if she off.ed her own daughter who clearly was unwell in some aspects.
She also played along in the scam, and that's also been proven by her own words that she keeps misplacing and twisting because she's not as bright as she thinks she is. I feel no empathy towards her, and I think that she deserves a lifetime in jail.
Also, I believe she 100% took part in finishing her mother. It wasn't all her boyfriends work. I didn't have the gut to look at the photos, I only saw one... let me tell you... anyone who can do something like that... it's so disgus.ti.ng. The photo trau.ma.tised me for days, can you imagine doing that and going to live your life and have babies, etc? F483uck no, that calls for SERIOUS THERAPY. IT'S HORRIBLE. It would HAUNT ME FOR ALL MY LIFEA because I'm not like HER. I'M NORMAL. It's also one of the reasons this psychopath should stay in jail...

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Liked by: ΣΩ ☮ Romeu

I guess you do have to be numb to mentally survive

You don’t have to be numb to survive mentally. It’s more about developing healthy coping mechanisms to deal with stress and emotions. Being in touch with your feelings and finding constructive ways to manage them can actually enhance your mental resilience. Techniques like mindfulness, therapy, and building a support network can help you navigate challenges without becoming emotionally detached. Being emotionally numb can sometimes feel like a coping mechanism in difficult situations, but it's not a sustainable or healthy way to mentally survive.
While it might offer temporary relief from pain or stress, it can also prevent you from fully experiencing and processing your emotions, which are crucial for mental health and overall well-being.
Instead, finding healthy coping strategies, such as seeking support from friends, family, or professionals, practicing mindfulness, or engaging in self-care activities, can help you manage difficult emotions and situations more effectively without having to resort to numbness.

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If music is therapy, who's your therapist?

Egoistic_101’s Profile Photoᴶᵃ ˢⁱᵐʳᵃⁿ ˢᵉᵗ ᵈᵃ ʷᵒʳˡᵈ ᵒⁿ ᶠⁱʳᵉ
Louis Tomlinson Louis Tomlinson Louis Tomlinson Louis Tomlinson Louis Tomlinson Louis Tomlinson Louis Tomlinson Louis Tomlinson Louis Tomlinson Louis Tomlinson Louis Tomlinson Louis Tomlinson Louis Tomlinson Louis Tomlinson Louis Tomlinson Louis Tomlinson Louis Tomlinson Louis Tomlinson Louis Tomlinson Louis Tomlinson Louis Tomlinson Louis Tomlinson Louis Tomlinson Louis Tomlinson.
And One Direction.

ايه Free therapy بالنسبالك ؟👈🏻👉🏻

نعوذُ بالله من ضياع السَّعي بسبب نيَّة فاسدة، نعوذُ بالله من الرِّياء الخفيّ، ومن العمل لأجل الظُّهور لا لأجل الله، نعوذُ بالله من قلِّة الإخلاص
اللهم اصلح قلوبنا واذهب قسوتها وطهرها من النفاق والرياء، وارزقنا قلبًا مطمئنًا لينًا مخبتًا منيبًا ولا تنزع منه الرحمة يارب.

What if your bf slaps you in public and says I did it by mistake.. He is of 20 and m of 19..

Yo, what did I just read? Alright, here’s what you need to do, shawty:
1- Dump him.
2- Kidnap him. You will need your friends' help for this.
3- Beat the shit outta him and demand a hefty ransom.
4- Seek therapy because what that jerk did is seriously messed up. Use the ransom to cover the cost.

What to do if eveyone around me is derpessed like my environment is sad and depressing, i cant leave those people either cuz i care for em

You go for group therapy. Because when someone is going through depression, and you are the one taking care of them, you should learn the ways you can help them. Educate yourself about their depression, and it's for your own well-being as well.

When's the last time you felt shame? Shame kept coming up in therapy tonight.

lnr87’s Profile PhotoLYNDSEY
I feel guilt and shame on a semi-regular basis, I have some complicated stuff in ma head that's hard to unravel. It makes sense that it's come up for you, it's a sadly common theme. I hope that your therapy helps you to work through it all though 🌸

When's the last time you felt shame? Shame kept coming up in therapy tonight.

lnr87’s Profile PhotoLYNDSEY
I always feel shame when I tell someone how much I care about them since I’m not really close to anyone and don’t want them to find it weird. I also happen to feel shame when I open up too much to others and when I’m told not to mention certain things but still end up mentioning those things. When I end up oversharing, I tend to feel guilty right afterwards but know that I can’t take back what I said, which is what I do on a regular basis on here and/or when I’m comfortable around someone.

If ghosts are stuck on earth because of unresolved issues could therapy work?

Considering you would have to able to communicate with them I'd say no. I know supposedly a medium could work but I don't believe in it. I don't think anyone has the power to do it 😕

Why after I went thru a traumatic event I’ve closed myself off? I hate it, but my nerves just be everywhere when I’m around people

Your body is reacting normally, give yourself grace. Trauma is an extremely hard thing to work through at times, your body knows when to protect itself. People also react differently to it whether it be a flight, fight, or freeze response. There is no time limit to processing it either.
Do you have anybody you could talk to? Preferably a therapist (I mean no offense by this, I go to therapy myself🥰), maybe a friend you trust to no end? A family member?
I would also recommend starting off really slow and easing into social life again, if possible. Maybe if you have a pet you could take them for a walk in a less common park (state rec passes give you free entry too!) Even if you don't have any interactions with anyone being in the world again, observing small joys and grounding yourself can really help.
Another one of my favorite things is called 5-sense grounding. There's no particular order or right way to do it but I usually like to think of (you can even say them if hearing it is better!)
"5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste." It may seem silly at first, as a lot of coping skills quite frankly do but it really does help!
I also LOVE tangible and visual things. If you're interested I can explain how to make glitter jars! They're really effective for reducing anxiety and panic attacks😊
Last, if you don't have someone you want to talk to you can always journal. I hate writing unless if I have to so I typically like to journal in my phone and archive it after so it's not visible from my regular notes section.
If you made it this far, I appreciate you and the mass amount of info I dumped on you, lol. I deal with a lot of mental stuff (BPD, depression, anxiety, PTSD, ADHD) and I've also been to my fair share of inpatient/outpatient programs so I know a bit😉😊
I do hope you feel better, give it time and don't be too hard on yourself. I'm here if you need someone to talk to!😊

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إيه الـ Free therapy بالنسبالك؟

لمه العيله ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
والخروج مع صحابي والقاعده اللى كلها ضحك وحكايات وذكريات بنفتكرها سوا❤️لمه اطفال العيله حواليا اول ما يشوفونى واللعب معاهم والتسليه 😂❤️
الايس كريم والمشى والجيم والبحر والسما والنجوم ❤️والقاعده لوحدى مع مسلسلى أو كتابى المفضل❤️❤️حاجات كتير لا تقدر بثمن والله ، ربنا يديم علينا كل النعم الجميله دى دايما يارب❤️

My father abuses/insults my mom and grandfather a lot. He insults his own father (grandfather) every day and abuses him a lot. Now i feel no respect for my father and i have started to abuse him in my heart too. We have been bearing his behavior from childhood. My mom cries every day.

I totally understand what you're going through. If you’re also abusing your father, you’re only imitating his behavior. Please refrain from abusing him because it will harm your character and you’ll eventually end up like him. Pray to Allah to give him hidayat and try to find a practical solution. Confront him directly and involve your siblings if you have any or you can convince him to go for therapy for anger management. I’m sorry you have to go through this. I hope you find a way to deal with your situation.


Nigdy byśmy ba to nie wpadli Damian! My dwaj, zawdzięczamy jej życie, p.Alicja do spółki z red. Stańczyk, udzieliły nam tak tajemnej wiedzy w związku z igrzyskami, że w tajności dokumentów wymięka nawet ,,Pentagon"! Zastanawia mnie w co z tak szerokim uśmiechem wpatruje się p. Alicja? Zapewne ma okazję obserwować stosunek analny ,,Anal Therapy", dwóch gejów na balkonie! Ala, do Francji to bym nawet nie poleciał gdyby mi oferowano nakręcenie pornosa Emanuela i Bridget, gdyż pewnie bym się dowiedział że Bridget to mężczyzna!

What's one thing you would change about yourself?

xXMaryKiller’s Profile PhotoArlee Queen
On an internal level, I would like to have more confidence and less anxiety when it comes to socializing and interpersonal relationships. This is one of the things I'm currently working on in therapy, though.
Externally? I'd like to lose a bit more weight. At this point in time though, I'm not fretting about it. I've been on a weight loss journey since late 2022 and I'm very pleased with the progress I have made so far. I'm also happy and confident in what my body currently looks like, despite not being at the "goal" weight I set for myself.
I will continue working towards my goal at some point, but it won't be until after my wedding and my honeymoon (both of which are in September). 💕

What was the last thing you wondered about?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoΣΩ
What kind of sandwich I should make today. I have this goofy little tradition where, after a therapy appointment, I will make myself a really nice sandwich. Because you know, therapy can be draining, and it's nice to have a treat.
I wound up settling on roasted red pepper, hummus, feta, and rocket salad. I believe rocket is called arugula in the US? Which, I won't lie, is a much prettier sounding name! A lot more fun to say, too. Aruuugggulllaaaaa! 🤣
Anyway, the therapy session was productive.
And the sandwich was super yummy.

ايه Free therapy بالنسبالك ؟👈🏻👉🏻

esraaelsayed735’s Profile Photoموجود علشان أسمعك (':
بحب الخروجة الحلوة مع ناس كويسة
اجيب حاجات جديدة بحبها
اعمل أكلة حلوة وتعجب كل ال يدوقها
لم ابقى مضطرة اختار حاجة احس انى اختارت صح
اشوف نظرة حب وامان فى عيون ال بحبهم
لم ربنا يقدرنى واعمل حاجة لحد واخليه مبسوط
بنقع في مشاكل وحوارات بس في الاخر فيه حضن مستنينا وفيه كلام حلو بيطبطب ع قلوبنا
إلخ إلخ ..
ممتنين لكل لحظات حلوة حسينا فيها بحاجات حلوة متتوصفش 🦋

What is something you achieved in your life/career?

A lot
Always wanted to be a teacher. Doing it
In college when I took psychology, it made me want to be a therapist. Doing it. In recent years, I wanted to do s*x therapist.. people get more s*x therapy with me it seems.

Do you feel you have any unpopular opinions?

DionysusArius’s Profile PhotoMetanoia
✦ ───────────── ✦
. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
✦ ───────────── ✦
I do. But I will only share those that I am comfortable with.
└ humankind is responsible for the climate crisis and because we don't act fast enough we will be accountable for our downfall and those of nature and the de.aths of other living beings here on earth
└ capitalism is the cause of our greediness and egoism but it's the only system that works since people overall aren't able to be selfless
└ people in the right-wing corner need lots of therapy for the harm they are causing to people, who want the same rights as everyone. Some of them are doing a lot of harmful and disrespectful things that they couldn't bear if someone would do it to them. And I doubt that they do it because of "fear".
└ People should do something similar to a driver's license as soon as they think they can take care of other people (children) and provide for them. The same applies if they want to adopt an animal. That would save so much suffering.

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Do you feel you have any unpopular opinions?

DionysusArius’s Profile PhotoMetanoia
I do. I think that therapy doesn’t work on everyone, that it’s better to be in a relationship and be surrounded by people even if you consider yourself an introvert as well as an independent person, and that it’s ok to continue reaching out to someone even they don’t make much of an effort to talk to you not because you need them but because you enjoy their company.

I’m 34 and he’s 37. We met online, and despite him expressing wanting to get intimate and thinking of me when he’s “alone” and missing me, whenever we are together, he doesn’t initiate anything and even if I do he ignores it. We’ve been seeing each other 6 months 5 weekends 0 intimacy. ??? Help

Maybe he’s anxious about making a move in person but feels more confident expressing himself and what he wants online. Couples therapy might work later on if this continues to be an issue but for now, I’d say give him some more time or try to get to know him more to determine if this could have something to do with his past.

Say anything to your favourite person ,,

amirazakaria286’s Profile PhotoMira
بحب اوي فكرة إني انزل اتمشي مع حد بحبه باليل في شوارع لطيفه وهادية ومنعملش اي حاجه غير إننا نتمشي ونتكلم، بحب النقاشات والحكاوي اللي بتتقال فالوقت دا، بحس انه زي free therapy كده بتبقي نازل وانت شايل هموم الدنيا علي قلبك وترجع البيت ف اخر اليوم حاسس إنك بخفة الفراشه،أنا بحب اوي اتمشي مع الناس اللي بحبهم ❤️

Any best lines, quote or poetry? 📄✨

honeystar456’s Profile PhotoAesthetic ✨
Not a quote or poetry because they're useless.
I have written something for myself and I put a reminder every hour, 🕊️
"If you want to avoid the conflicts Sleep.
If you don't to face the toxic people around you Sleep.
If you're angry Sleep.
If you feel completely unmotivated Sleep.
If you get easily irritated Sleep.
If you are overwhelmed Sleep.
If you're tired Sleep.
If you're stressed Sleep.
If you've lost something or someone Sleep.
If you wants to get rid of something Sleep.
Stop punishing yourself just get some Sleep.
If you're tired Sleep.
If you're lonely Sleep.
If nobody is understanding your words.Sleep.
If you're depressed Sleep.
If you're bipolar Sleep more.
If you're emotional Sleep.
If you want peace of mind Sleep.
If you feel disrespected,Sleep.
If you don't want to disturb anyone Sleep.
If you wants to speak about your heavy heart & you have no listeners only advices, Sleep.
If you're feeling empty Sleep.
List goes on.
If you're somewhere & you don't feel disrespected comeback home and Sleep.
Sleep is better it's like a therapy instead of begging people to listen :)
If you don't have patience to listen advises which don't works.Sleep.
Everybody's thinking is far different. Respect

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Whats the difference between a psychologist and a clinical psychologist

salmangee’s Profile PhotoSalman Shuja Kashmiri.
Psychologists can provide general counselling (help you solve daily life problems) or assistance in cases of trauma in terms of psychological first aid while a Clinical Psychologist can not only assess and diagnose you but can provide structured therapy to deal with the disorder. They teach different types of skills that helps you in managing your emotions and stress.

#mvrderヽinヽreykjavik⠀⠀⋆⠀⠀Dopasuj piosenkę/cytat/zdjęcie do wszystkich prowadzonych wątków.

⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ #1. ⠀under presser :⠀voilà - THERAPY⠀ _______
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ #2. ⠀wastelands⠀⠀:⠀d. melrose - RUNRUNRUN
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ #3. ⠀brvkensoul⠀⠀ :⠀sconnor kauffman - BLEED
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ❪⠀ ⠀i can't explain but i'll find a song that can. ⠀ ❫
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀
mvrderヽinヽreykjavikDopasuj piosenkęcytatzdjęcie do wszystkich prowadzonych

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